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footer_content.tmpl 1.4KB

  1. <footer class="page-footer" role="group" aria-label="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "aria.footer"}}">
  2. <div class="left-links" role="contentinfo" aria-label="{{ctx.Locale.Tr ""}}">
  3. <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">{{ctx.Locale.Tr "powered_by" "Gitea"}}</a>
  4. {{if (or .ShowFooterVersion .PageIsAdmin)}}
  5. {{ctx.Locale.Tr "version"}}:
  6. {{if .IsAdmin}}
  7. <a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/config">{{AppVer}}</a>
  8. {{else}}
  9. {{AppVer}}
  10. {{end}}
  11. {{end}}
  12. {{if and .TemplateLoadTimes ShowFooterTemplateLoadTime}}
  13. {{ctx.Locale.Tr "page"}}: <strong>{{LoadTimes .PageStartTime}}</strong>
  14. {{ctx.Locale.Tr "template"}}{{if .TemplateName}} {{.TemplateName}}{{end}}: <strong>{{call .TemplateLoadTimes}}</strong>
  15. {{end}}
  16. </div>
  17. <div class="right-links" role="group" aria-label="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "aria.footer.links"}}">
  18. <div class="ui dropdown upward language">
  19. <span class="flex-text-inline">{{svg "octicon-globe" 14}} {{ctx.Locale.LangName}}</span>
  20. <div class="menu language-menu">
  21. {{range .AllLangs}}
  22. <a lang="{{.Lang}}" data-url="{{AppSubUrl}}/?lang={{.Lang}}" class="item {{if eq ctx.Locale.Lang .Lang}}active selected{{end}}">{{.Name}}</a>
  23. {{end}}
  24. </div>
  25. </div>
  26. <a href="{{AssetUrlPrefix}}/licenses.txt">{{ctx.Locale.Tr "licenses"}}</a>
  27. {{if .EnableSwagger}}<a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/api/swagger">API</a>{{end}}
  28. {{template "custom/extra_links_footer" .}}
  29. </div>
  30. </footer>