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wxiaoguang 89e39872ff
Fix links in PyPI Simple Repository API page (#30594)
1 час назад
.devcontainer Switch to the maintained vitest extension (#29914) 1 месяц назад
.gitea Use docs.gitea.com instead of docs.gitea.io (#26739) 7 месяцев назад
.github Enable npm cache on `setup-node` action (#30577) 23 часов назад
assets Replace MSSQL driver with a better maintained version (#30390) 1 неделю назад
build Add `interface{}` to `any` replacement to `make fmt`, exclude `*.pb.go` (#30461) 6 дней назад
cmd Improve "must-change-password" logic and document (#30472) 5 дней назад
contrib gitea.service: Remove syslog.target (#29550) 1 месяц назад
custom/conf Fixup app.example.ini for task section, which is now queue.task (#30555) 1 день назад
docker Dockerfile small refactor (#27757) 5 месяцев назад
docs Fixup app.example.ini for task section, which is now queue.task (#30555) 1 день назад
models Allow everyone to read or write a wiki by a repo unit setting (#30495) 2 дней назад
modules Fix commit file status parser (#30602) 12 часов назад
options [skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin 1 день назад
public Update various logos and unify their filenames (#29637) 1 месяц назад
routers Fix HEAD method for robots.txt (#30603) 13 часов назад
services Use action user as the trigger user of schedules (#30581) 2 часов назад
snap bump to use go 1.22 (#29119) 2 месяцев назад
templates Fix links in PyPI Simple Repository API page (#30594) 1 час назад
tests Fix links in PyPI Simple Repository API page (#30594) 1 час назад
tools Add svg linter and fix incorrect svgs (#30086) 3 недель назад
web_src Improve "Reference in new issue" modal (#30547) 1 день назад
.air.toml Kill all gitea processes before air build (#30477) 4 дней назад
.changelog.yml Adapt `.changelog.yml` to new labeling system (#27701) 6 месяцев назад
.dockerignore Add `/public/assets/img/webpack` to ignore files again (#30451) 1 неделю назад
.editorconfig Add markdownlint (#20512) 1 год назад
.eslintrc.yaml Rewrite and restyle reaction selector and enable no-sizzle eslint rule (#30453) 5 дней назад
.gitattributes Add `interface{}` to `any` replacement to `make fmt`, exclude `*.pb.go` (#30461) 6 дней назад
.gitignore Add `/public/assets/img/webpack` to ignore files again (#30451) 1 неделю назад
.gitpod.yml Switch to the maintained vitest extension (#29914) 1 месяц назад
.golangci.yml Refactor cache and disable go-chi cache (#30417) 6 дней назад
.ignore Add `/options/license` and `/options/gitignore` to `.ignore` (#30219) 2 недель назад
.markdownlint.yaml Enable markdownlint `no-trailing-punctuation` and `no-blanks-blockquote` (#29214) 2 месяцев назад
.npmrc Upgrade to npm lockfile v3 and explicitely set it (#23561) 1 год назад
.spectral.yaml Add spectral linter for Swagger (#20321) 1 год назад
.yamllint.yaml fully replace drone with actions (#27556) 6 месяцев назад
BSDmakefile Fix build errors on BSD (in BSDMakefile) (#27594) 6 месяцев назад
CHANGELOG-archived.md Fix changelog (main) (#30582) 21 часов назад
CHANGELOG.md Fix changelog (main) (#30582) 21 часов назад
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Add Gitea Community Code of Conduct (#23188) 1 год назад
CONTRIBUTING.md Document that all unmerged feature PRs will be moved to next milestone when the feature freeze time comes (#29578) 1 месяц назад
DCO Remove address from DCO (#22595) 1 год назад
Dockerfile bump to use go 1.22 (#29119) 2 месяцев назад
Dockerfile.rootless bump to use go 1.22 (#29119) 2 месяцев назад
LICENSE Fix typo 7 лет назад
MAINTAINERS Apply to become a maintainer (#30151) 3 недель назад
Makefile Add a few root files to lint-spell (#30530) 1 день назад
README.md Remove codecov badge (#29950) 1 месяц назад
README_ZH.md Remove codecov badge (#29950) 1 месяц назад
SECURITY.md fix wording in SECURITY.md (#27463) 6 месяцев назад
build.go User/Org Feed render description as per web (#23887) 1 год назад
crowdin.yml Use Crowdin action for translation sync (#30054) 2 недель назад
go.mod Replace MSSQL driver with a better maintained version (#30390) 1 неделю назад
go.sum Replace MSSQL driver with a better maintained version (#30390) 1 неделю назад
main.go Fix incorrect CLI exit code and duplicate error message (#26346) 8 месяцев назад
package-lock.json Update JS and PY deps, lock eslint and related plugins (#30452) 6 дней назад
package.json Update JS and PY deps, lock eslint and related plugins (#30452) 6 дней назад
playwright.config.js Enforce trailing comma in JS on multiline (#30002) 4 недель назад
poetry.lock Update JS and PY deps, lock eslint and related plugins (#30452) 6 дней назад
poetry.toml Clean up pyproject.toml and package.json, fix poetry options (#25327) 10 месяцев назад
pyproject.toml Update js and py dependencies, bump python (#29561) 1 месяц назад
stylelint.config.js Ignore fomantic folder in linters (#30200) 2 недель назад
tailwind.config.js Migrate font-family to tailwind (#30118) 3 недель назад
updates.config.js Update JS and PY deps, lock eslint and related plugins (#30452) 6 дней назад
vitest.config.js Switch to happy-dom for testing (#29948) 4 недель назад
webpack.config.js replace jquery-minicolors with coloris (#30055) 3 недель назад



Contribute with Gitpod

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The goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service.

As Gitea is written in Go, it works across all the platforms and architectures that are supported by Go, including Linux, macOS, and Windows on x86, amd64, ARM and PowerPC architectures. This project has been forked from Gogs since November of 2016, but a lot has changed.

For online demonstrations, you can visit try.gitea.io.

For accessing free Gitea service (with a limited number of repositories), you can visit gitea.com.

To quickly deploy your own dedicated Gitea instance on Gitea Cloud, you can start a free trial at cloud.gitea.com.


From the root of the source tree, run:

TAGS="bindata" make build

or if SQLite support is required:

TAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" make build

The build target is split into two sub-targets:

  • make backend which requires Go Stable, the required version is defined in go.mod.
  • make frontend which requires Node.js LTS or greater.

Internet connectivity is required to download the go and npm modules. When building from the official source tarballs which include pre-built frontend files, the frontend target will not be triggered, making it possible to build without Node.js.

More info: https://docs.gitea.com/installation/install-from-source


./gitea web

[!NOTE] If you’re interested in using our APIs, we have experimental support with documentation.


Expected workflow is: Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request


  2. If you have found a vulnerability in the project, please write privately to security@gitea.io. Thanks!


Translations are done through Crowdin. If you want to translate to a new language ask one of the managers in the Crowdin project to add a new language there.

You can also just create an issue for adding a language or ask on discord on the #translation channel. If you need context or find some translation issues, you can leave a comment on the string or ask on Discord. For general translation questions there is a section in the docs. Currently a bit empty but we hope to fill it as questions pop up.



Further information

For more information and instructions about how to install Gitea, please look at our documentation. If you have questions that are not covered by the documentation, you can get in contact with us on our Discord server or create a post in the discourse forum.

We maintain a list of Gitea-related projects at gitea/awesome-gitea.

The official Gitea CLI is developed at gitea/tea.



Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]


Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]


How do you pronounce Gitea?

Gitea is pronounced /ɡɪ’ti:/ as in “gi-tea” with a hard g.

Why is this not hosted on a Gitea instance?

We’re working on it.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.


Looking for an overview of the interface? Check it out!

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