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Remove submodule reference

James Moger 8 years ago
3 changed files with 0 additions and 118 deletions
  1. 0
  2. 0
  3. 0

+ 0
- 3
.gitmodules View File

[submodule "maven"]
path = maven
url =

+ 0
- 1

Subproject commit 380592621609d617d3a9267a708664db465a9b69

+ 0
- 114
release.template View File

# ${project.version} release script

# go back one commit to RELEASE commit
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Checking out ${project.version} RELEASE commit ${project.commitId}"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git checkout ${project.commitId}

# submodules operate on a detached HEAD so we first checkout and pull master
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Preparing Maven submodule"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
cd maven
git checkout master
git pull
cd ..

# build RELEASE artifacts, this will deploy artifacts into maven folder
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Building ${project.version} RELEASE artifacts"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""

# commit all generated artifacts and metadata in submodule
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Committing Maven submodule ${project.version} RELEASE artifacts"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
cd maven
git add .
git commit -m "${project.version} artifacts"
cd ..

# Update master branch Maven submodule repository reference
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Updating master for Maven submodule ${project.version} RELEASE artifacts"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git checkout master
git add maven
git commit -m "updated Maven submodule repository to ${project.version}"

# Update gh-pages branch Maven submodule repository reference
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Updating gh-pages for Maven submodule ${project.version} RELEASE artifacts"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git checkout gh-pages
git add maven
git commit -m "updated Maven submodule repository to ${project.version}"

# return to release commit
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Checking out ${project.version} RELEASE commit ${project.commitId}"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git checkout ${project.commitId}

# build site, update gh-pages, and ftp upload site to hosting provider
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Building ${project.version} website"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
ant testsuite publishSite

# return to project master
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Checking out master"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git checkout master

# push Maven submodule to origin
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Pushing Maven submodule"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
cd maven
git push origin master
cd ..

# push project branches
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Pushing gh-pages"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git push -f origin gh-pages

echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Pushing master and tag ${project.tag}"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git push origin master tag ${project.tag}

# update the Maven submodule reference
git submodule update
