## Database & Table Versioning Iciql supports an optional, simple versioning mechanism. There are two parts to the mechanism. 1. You must supply an implementation of `com.iciql.DbUpgrader` to your `com.iciql.Db` instance. 2. One or more of your table model classes must specify the `IQVersion(version)` annotation
Your `com.iciql.DbUpgrader` implementation must specify the `IQVersion(version)` annotation ### How does it work? If you choose to use versioning, iciql will maintain a table within your database named *iq_versions* which is defined as: CREATE TABLE IQ_VERSIONS(SCHEMANAME VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, TABLENAME VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, VERSION INT NOT NULL) This database table is automatically created if and only if at least one of your model classes specifies a *version* > 0. When you generate a statement, iciql will compare the annotated version field of your model class to its last known value in the *iq_versions* table. If *iq_versions* lags behind the model annotation, iciql will immediately call the registered `com.iciql.DbUpgrader` implementation before generating and executing the current statement. When an upgrade scenario is identified, the current version and the annotated version information is passed to either: - `DbUpgrader.upgradeDatabase(db, fromVersion, toVersion)` - `DbUpgrader.upgradeTable(db, schema, table, fromVersion, toVersion)` both of which allow for non-linear upgrades. If the upgrade method call is successful and returns *true*, iciql will update the *iq_versions* table with the annotated version number. The actual upgrade procedure is beyond the scope of iciql and is your responsibility to implement. This is simply a mechanism to automatically identify when an upgrade is necessary. **NOTE:**
The database entry of the *iq_versions* table is specified as SCHEMANAME='' and TABLENAME=''.