/* Copyright (c) 2011 James Ahlborn This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.complex; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.zip.Deflater; import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream; import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.ByteUtil; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Column; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.JetFormat; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.PageChannel; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Table; /** * Complex column info for a column holding 0 or more attachments per row. * * @author James Ahlborn */ public class AttachmentColumnInfo extends ComplexColumnInfo { /** some file formats which may not be worth re-compressing */ private static final Set COMPRESSED_FORMATS = new HashSet( Arrays.asList("jpg", "zip", "gz", "bz2", "z", "7z", "cab", "rar", "mp3", "mpg")); private static final String FILE_NAME_COL_NAME = "FileName"; private static final String FILE_TYPE_COL_NAME = "FileType"; private static final int DATA_TYPE_RAW = 0; private static final int DATA_TYPE_COMPRESSED = 1; private static final int UNKNOWN_HEADER_VAL = 1; private static final int WRAPPER_HEADER_SIZE = 8; private static final int CONTENT_HEADER_SIZE = 12; private final Column _fileUrlCol; private final Column _fileNameCol; private final Column _fileTypeCol; private final Column _fileDataCol; private final Column _fileTimeStampCol; private final Column _fileFlagsCol; public AttachmentColumnInfo(Column column, int complexId, Table typeObjTable, Table flatTable) throws IOException { super(column, complexId, typeObjTable, flatTable); Column fileUrlCol = null; Column fileNameCol = null; Column fileTypeCol = null; Column fileDataCol = null; Column fileTimeStampCol = null; Column fileFlagsCol = null; for(Column col : getTypeColumns()) { switch(col.getType()) { case TEXT: if(FILE_NAME_COL_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(col.getName())) { fileNameCol = col; } else if(FILE_TYPE_COL_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(col.getName())) { fileTypeCol = col; } else { // if names don't match, assign in order: name, type if(fileNameCol == null) { fileNameCol = col; } else if(fileTypeCol == null) { fileTypeCol = col; } } break; case LONG: fileFlagsCol = col; break; case SHORT_DATE_TIME: fileTimeStampCol = col; break; case OLE: fileDataCol = col; break; case MEMO: fileUrlCol = col; break; default: // ignore } } _fileUrlCol = fileUrlCol; _fileNameCol = fileNameCol; _fileTypeCol = fileTypeCol; _fileDataCol = fileDataCol; _fileTimeStampCol = fileTimeStampCol; _fileFlagsCol = fileFlagsCol; } public Column getFileUrlColumn() { return _fileUrlCol; } public Column getFileNameColumn() { return _fileNameCol; } public Column getFileTypeColumn() { return _fileTypeCol; } public Column getFileDataColumn() { return _fileDataCol; } public Column getFileTimeStampColumn() { return _fileTimeStampCol; } public Column getFileFlagsColumn() { return _fileFlagsCol; } @Override public ComplexDataType getType() { return ComplexDataType.ATTACHMENT; } @Override protected AttachmentImpl toValue(ComplexValueForeignKey complexValueFk, Map rawValue) { int id = (Integer)getPrimaryKeyColumn().getRowValue(rawValue); String url = (String)getFileUrlColumn().getRowValue(rawValue); String name = (String)getFileNameColumn().getRowValue(rawValue); String type = (String)getFileTypeColumn().getRowValue(rawValue); Integer flags = (Integer)getFileFlagsColumn().getRowValue(rawValue); Date ts = (Date)getFileTimeStampColumn().getRowValue(rawValue); byte[] data = (byte[])getFileDataColumn().getRowValue(rawValue); return new AttachmentImpl(id, complexValueFk, url, name, type, data, ts, flags, null); } @Override protected Object[] asRow(Object[] row, Attachment attachment) throws IOException { super.asRow(row, attachment); getFileUrlColumn().setRowValue(row, attachment.getFileUrl()); getFileNameColumn().setRowValue(row, attachment.getFileName()); getFileTypeColumn().setRowValue(row, attachment.getFileType()); getFileFlagsColumn().setRowValue(row, attachment.getFileFlags()); getFileTimeStampColumn().setRowValue(row, attachment.getFileTimeStamp()); getFileDataColumn().setRowValue(row, attachment.getFileData()); return row; } public static Attachment newAttachment(byte[] data) { return newAttachment(INVALID_COMPLEX_VALUE_ID, data); } public static Attachment newAttachment(ComplexValueForeignKey complexValueFk, byte[] data) { return newAttachment(complexValueFk, null, null, null, data, null, null); } public static Attachment newAttachment( String url, String name, String type, byte[] data, Date timeStamp, Integer flags) { return newAttachment(INVALID_COMPLEX_VALUE_ID, url, name, type, data, timeStamp, flags); } public static Attachment newAttachment( ComplexValueForeignKey complexValueFk, String url, String name, String type, byte[] data, Date timeStamp, Integer flags) { return new AttachmentImpl(INVALID_ID, complexValueFk, url, name, type, data, timeStamp, flags, null); } public static Attachment newDecodedAttachment(byte[] decodedData) { return newDecodedAttachment(INVALID_COMPLEX_VALUE_ID, decodedData); } public static Attachment newDecodedAttachment( ComplexValueForeignKey complexValueFk, byte[] decodedData) { return newDecodedAttachment(complexValueFk, null, null, null, decodedData, null, null); } public static Attachment newDecodedAttachment( String url, String name, String type, byte[] decodedData, Date timeStamp, Integer flags) { return newDecodedAttachment(INVALID_COMPLEX_VALUE_ID, url, name, type, decodedData, timeStamp, flags); } public static Attachment newDecodedAttachment( ComplexValueForeignKey complexValueFk, String url, String name, String type, byte[] decodedData, Date timeStamp, Integer flags) { return new AttachmentImpl(INVALID_ID, complexValueFk, url, name, type, null, timeStamp, flags, decodedData); } public static boolean isAttachmentColumn(Table typeObjTable) { // attachment data has these columns FileURL(MEMO), FileName(TEXT), // FileType(TEXT), FileData(OLE), FileTimeStamp(SHORT_DATE_TIME), // FileFlags(LONG) List typeCols = typeObjTable.getColumns(); if(typeCols.size() < 6) { return false; } int numMemo = 0; int numText = 0; int numDate = 0; int numOle= 0; int numLong = 0; for(Column col : typeCols) { switch(col.getType()) { case TEXT: ++numText; break; case LONG: ++numLong; break; case SHORT_DATE_TIME: ++numDate; break; case OLE: ++numOle; break; case MEMO: ++numMemo; break; default: // ignore } } // be flexible, allow for extra columns... return((numMemo >= 1) && (numText >= 2) && (numOle >= 1) && (numDate >= 1) && (numLong >= 1)); } private static class AttachmentImpl extends ComplexValueImpl implements Attachment { private String _url; private String _name; private String _type; private byte[] _data; private Date _timeStamp; private Integer _flags; private byte[] _decodedData; private AttachmentImpl(int id, ComplexValueForeignKey complexValueFk, String url, String name, String type, byte[] data, Date timeStamp, Integer flags, byte[] decodedData) { super(id, complexValueFk); _url = url; _name = name; _type = type; _data = data; _timeStamp = timeStamp; _flags = flags; _decodedData = decodedData; } public byte[] getFileData() throws IOException { if((_data == null) && (_decodedData != null)) { _data = encodeData(); } return _data; } public void setFileData(byte[] data) { _data = data; _decodedData = null; } public byte[] getDecodedFileData() throws IOException { if((_decodedData == null) && (_data != null)) { _decodedData = decodeData(); } return _decodedData; } public void setDecodedFileData(byte[] data) { _decodedData = data; _data = null; } public String getFileName() { return _name; } public void setFileName(String fileName) { _name = fileName; } public String getFileUrl() { return _url; } public void setFileUrl(String fileUrl) { _url = fileUrl; } public String getFileType() { return _type; } public void setFileType(String fileType) { _type = fileType; } public Date getFileTimeStamp() { return _timeStamp; } public void setFileTimeStamp(Date fileTimeStamp) { _timeStamp = fileTimeStamp; } public Integer getFileFlags() { return _flags; } public void setFileFlags(Integer fileFlags) { _flags = fileFlags; } public void update() throws IOException { getComplexValueForeignKey().updateAttachment(this); } public void delete() throws IOException { getComplexValueForeignKey().deleteAttachment(this); } @Override public String toString() { String dataStr = null; try { dataStr = ByteUtil.toHexString(getFileData()); } catch(IOException e) { dataStr = e.toString(); } return "Attachment(" + getComplexValueForeignKey() + "," + getId() + ") " + getFileUrl() + ", " + getFileName() + ", " + getFileType() + ", " + getFileTimeStamp() + ", " + getFileFlags() + ", " + dataStr; } /** * Decodes the raw attachment file data to get the _actual_ content. */ private byte[] decodeData() throws IOException { if(_data.length < WRAPPER_HEADER_SIZE) { // nothing we can do throw new IOException("Unknown encoded attachment data format"); } // read initial header info ByteBuffer bb = PageChannel.wrap(_data); int typeFlag = bb.getInt(); int dataLen = bb.getInt(); DataInputStream contentStream = null; try { InputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream( _data, WRAPPER_HEADER_SIZE, _data.length - WRAPPER_HEADER_SIZE); if(typeFlag == DATA_TYPE_RAW) { // nothing else to do } else if(typeFlag == DATA_TYPE_COMPRESSED) { // actual content is deflate compressed bin = new InflaterInputStream(bin); } else { throw new IOException( "Unknown encoded attachment data type " + typeFlag); } contentStream = new DataInputStream(bin); // header is an unknown flag followed by the "file extension" of the // data (no clue why we need that again since it's already a separate // field in the attachment table). just skip all of it byte[] tmpBytes = new byte[4]; contentStream.readFully(tmpBytes); int headerLen = PageChannel.wrap(tmpBytes).getInt(); contentStream.skipBytes(headerLen - 4); // calculate actual data length and read it (note, header length // includes the bytes for the length) tmpBytes = new byte[dataLen - headerLen]; contentStream.readFully(tmpBytes); return tmpBytes; } finally { if(contentStream != null) { try { contentStream.close(); } catch(IOException e) { // ignored } } } } /** * Encodes the actual attachment file data to get the raw, stored format. */ private byte[] encodeData() throws IOException { // possibly compress data based on file type String type = ((_type != null) ? _type.toLowerCase() : ""); boolean shouldCompress = !COMPRESSED_FORMATS.contains(type); // encode extension, which ends w/ a null byte type += '\0'; ByteBuffer typeBytes = Column.encodeUncompressedText( type, JetFormat.VERSION_12.CHARSET); int headerLen = typeBytes.remaining() + CONTENT_HEADER_SIZE; int dataLen = _decodedData.length; ByteUtil.ByteStream dataStream = new ByteUtil.ByteStream( WRAPPER_HEADER_SIZE + headerLen + dataLen); // write the wrapper header info ByteBuffer bb = PageChannel.wrap(dataStream.getBytes()); bb.putInt(shouldCompress ? DATA_TYPE_COMPRESSED : DATA_TYPE_RAW); bb.putInt(dataLen + headerLen); dataStream.skip(WRAPPER_HEADER_SIZE); OutputStream contentStream = dataStream; Deflater deflater = null; try { if(shouldCompress) { contentStream = new DeflaterOutputStream( contentStream, deflater = new Deflater(3)); } // write the header w/ the file extension byte[] tmpBytes = new byte[CONTENT_HEADER_SIZE]; PageChannel.wrap(tmpBytes) .putInt(headerLen) .putInt(UNKNOWN_HEADER_VAL) .putInt(type.length()); contentStream.write(tmpBytes); contentStream.write(typeBytes.array(), 0, typeBytes.remaining()); // write the _actual_ contents contentStream.write(_decodedData); contentStream.close(); contentStream = null; return dataStream.toByteArray(); } finally { if(contentStream != null) { try { contentStream.close(); } catch(IOException e) { // ignored } } if(deflater != null) { deflater.end(); } } } } }