package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.DataType; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database; import static com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database.*; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.DatabaseBuilder; import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.PropertyMap; import junit.framework.TestCase; import static com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.TestUtil.*; /** * @author Dan Rollo * Date: Mar 5, 2010 * Time: 12:44:21 PM */ public class JetFormatTest extends TestCase { public static final File DIR_TEST_DATA = new File("src/test/data"); /** * Defines known valid db test file base names. */ public static enum Basename { BIG_INDEX("bigIndexTest"), COMP_INDEX("compIndexTest"), DEL_COL("delColTest"), DEL("delTest"), FIXED_NUMERIC("fixedNumericTest"), FIXED_TEXT("fixedTextTest"), INDEX_CURSOR("indexCursorTest"), INDEX("indexTest"), OVERFLOW("overflowTest"), QUERY("queryTest"), TEST("test"), TEST2("test2"), INDEX_CODES("testIndexCodes"), INDEX_PROPERTIES("testIndexProperties"), PROMOTION("testPromotion"), COMPLEX("complexDataTest"), UNSUPPORTED("unsupportedFieldsTest"), LINKED("linkerTest"), BLOB("testOle"), CALC_FIELD("calcFieldTest"), BINARY_INDEX("binIdxTest"), OLD_DATES("oldDates"); private final String _basename; Basename(String fileBasename) { _basename = fileBasename; } @Override public String toString() { return _basename; } } /** charset for access 97 dbs */ public static final Charset A97_CHARSET = Charset.forName("windows-1252"); /** Defines currently supported db file formats. (can be modified at runtime via the system property "com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.testFormats") */ public final static FileFormat[] SUPPORTED_FILEFORMATS; public final static FileFormat[] SUPPORTED_FILEFORMATS_FOR_READ; static { String testFormatStr = System.getProperty("com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.testFormats"); Set testFormats = EnumSet.allOf(FileFormat.class); if((testFormatStr != null) && (testFormatStr.length() > 0)) { testFormats.clear(); for(String tmp : testFormatStr.split(",")) { testFormats.add(FileFormat.valueOf(tmp.toUpperCase())); } } List supported = new ArrayList(); List supportedForRead = new ArrayList(); for(FileFormat ff : FileFormat.values()) { if(!testFormats.contains(ff)) { continue; } supportedForRead.add(ff); if(DatabaseImpl.getFileFormatDetails(ff).getFormat().READ_ONLY || (ff == FileFormat.MSISAM)) { continue; } supported.add(ff); } SUPPORTED_FILEFORMATS = supported.toArray(new FileFormat[0]); SUPPORTED_FILEFORMATS_FOR_READ = supportedForRead.toArray(new FileFormat[0]); } /** * Defines known valid test database files, and their jet format version. */ public static final class TestDB { private final File dbFile; private final FileFormat expectedFileFormat; private final Charset _charset; private TestDB(File databaseFile, FileFormat expectedDBFileFormat, Charset charset) { dbFile = databaseFile; expectedFileFormat = expectedDBFileFormat; _charset = charset; } public final File getFile() { return dbFile; } public final FileFormat getExpectedFileFormat() { return expectedFileFormat; } public final JetFormat getExpectedFormat() { return DatabaseImpl.getFileFormatDetails(expectedFileFormat).getFormat(); } public final Charset getExpectedCharset() { return _charset; } @Override public final String toString() { return "dbFile: " + dbFile.getAbsolutePath() + "; expectedFileFormat: " + expectedFileFormat; } public static List getSupportedForBasename(Basename basename) { return getSupportedForBasename(basename, false); } public static List getSupportedForBasename(Basename basename, boolean readOnly) { List supportedTestDBs = new ArrayList(); for (FileFormat fileFormat : (readOnly ? SUPPORTED_FILEFORMATS_FOR_READ : SUPPORTED_FILEFORMATS)) { File testFile = getFileForBasename(basename, fileFormat); if(!testFile.exists()) { continue; } // verify that the db is the file format expected try { Database db = new DatabaseBuilder(testFile).setReadOnly(true).open(); FileFormat dbFileFormat = db.getFileFormat(); db.close(); if(dbFileFormat != fileFormat) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected " + fileFormat + " was " + dbFileFormat); } } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Charset charset = null; if(fileFormat == FileFormat.V1997) { charset = A97_CHARSET; } supportedTestDBs.add(new TestDB(testFile, fileFormat, charset)); } return supportedTestDBs; } private static File getFileForBasename( Basename basename, FileFormat fileFormat) { return new File(DIR_TEST_DATA, + File.separator + basename + + fileFormat.getFileExtension()); } } public static final List SUPPORTED_DBS_TEST = TestDB.getSupportedForBasename(Basename.TEST); public static final List SUPPORTED_DBS_TEST_FOR_READ = TestDB.getSupportedForBasename(Basename.TEST, true); public void testGetFormat() throws Exception { try { JetFormat.getFormat(null); fail("npe"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // success } for (final TestDB testDB : SUPPORTED_DBS_TEST_FOR_READ) { final FileChannel channel = DatabaseImpl.openChannel( testDB.dbFile.toPath(), false, false); try { JetFormat fmtActual = JetFormat.getFormat(channel); assertEquals("Unexpected JetFormat for dbFile: " + testDB.dbFile.getAbsolutePath(), testDB.getExpectedFormat(), fmtActual); } finally { channel.close(); } } } public void testReadOnlyFormat() throws Exception { for (final TestDB testDB : SUPPORTED_DBS_TEST_FOR_READ) { Database db = null; Exception failure = null; try { db = openCopy(testDB); if(testDB.getExpectedFormat().READ_ONLY) { PropertyMap props = db.getUserDefinedProperties(); props.put("foo", "bar");; } } catch(Exception e) { failure = e; } finally { if(db != null) { db.close(); } } if(!testDB.getExpectedFormat().READ_ONLY) { assertNull(failure); } else { assertTrue(failure instanceof NonWritableChannelException); } } } public void testFileFormat() throws Exception { for (final TestDB testDB : SUPPORTED_DBS_TEST_FOR_READ) { Database db = null; try { db = open(testDB); assertEquals(testDB.getExpectedFileFormat(), db.getFileFormat()); } finally { if(db != null) { db.close(); } } } Database db = null; try { db = open(Database.FileFormat.GENERIC_JET4, new File(DIR_TEST_DATA, "adox_jet4.mdb")); assertEquals(Database.FileFormat.GENERIC_JET4, db.getFileFormat()); } finally { if(db != null) { db.close(); } } } public void testSqlTypes() throws Exception { JetFormat v2000 = JetFormat.VERSION_4; for(DataType dt : DataType.values()) { if(v2000.isSupportedDataType(dt)) { Integer sqlType = null; try { sqlType = dt.getSQLType(); } catch(SQLException ignored) {} if(sqlType != null) { assertEquals(dt, DataType.fromSQLType(sqlType)); } } } assertEquals(DataType.LONG, DataType.fromSQLType(java.sql.Types.BIGINT)); assertEquals(DataType.BIG_INT, DataType.fromSQLType( java.sql.Types.BIGINT, 0, Database.FileFormat.V2016)); assertEquals(java.sql.Types.BIGINT, DataType.BIG_INT.getSQLType()); assertEquals(DataType.MEMO, DataType.fromSQLType( java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 1000)); } public static void transferDbFrom(FileChannel channel, InputStream in) throws IOException { DatabaseImpl.transferDbFrom(channel, in); } }