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does refactoring for javassist.util.proxy.

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javassist.jar 파일 보기

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src/main/javassist/util/proxy/DefineClassHelper.java 파일 보기

@@ -31,194 +31,191 @@ import javassist.bytecode.ClassFile;
* @since 3.22
public class DefineClassHelper
public class DefineClassHelper {

private static enum SecuredPrivileged
JAVA_9 {
final class ReferencedUnsafe
private final SecurityActions.TheUnsafe sunMiscUnsafeTheUnsafe;
private final MethodHandle defineClass;
private static abstract class Helper {
abstract Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
throws ClassFormatError;

ReferencedUnsafe(SecurityActions.TheUnsafe usf, MethodHandle meth)
this.sunMiscUnsafeTheUnsafe = usf;
this.defineClass = meth;
private static class Java9 extends Helper {
final class ReferencedUnsafe {
private final SecurityActions.TheUnsafe sunMiscUnsafeTheUnsafe;
private final MethodHandle defineClass;

Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
throws ClassFormatError {
try {
if (getCallerClass.invoke(stack) != SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_9.getClass())
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
try {
return (Class<?>) defineClass.invokeWithArguments(
name, b, off, len, loader, protectionDomain);
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
if (e instanceof ClassFormatError) throw (ClassFormatError) e;
throw new ClassFormatError(e.getMessage());
ReferencedUnsafe(SecurityActions.TheUnsafe usf, MethodHandle meth) {
this.sunMiscUnsafeTheUnsafe = usf;
this.defineClass = meth;
private final Object stack;
private final Method getCallerClass;
Class<?> stackWalkerClass = null;
try {
stackWalkerClass = Class.forName("java.lang.StackWalker");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Skip initialization when the class doesn't exist i.e. we are on JDK < 9
if (stackWalkerClass != null) {
try {
Class<?> optionClass = Class.forName("java.lang.StackWalker$Option");
stack = stackWalkerClass.getMethod("getInstance", optionClass)
// The first one is RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE
.invoke(null, optionClass.getEnumConstants()[0]);
getCallerClass = stackWalkerClass.getMethod("getCallerClass");
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
} else {
stack = null;
getCallerClass = null;
private final ReferencedUnsafe sunMiscUnsafe = getReferencedUnsafe();
private final ReferencedUnsafe getReferencedUnsafe()

Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
throws ClassFormatError
try {
if (null != SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_9
&& getCallerClass.invoke(stack) != this.getClass())
if (getCallerClass.invoke(stack) != Java9.class)
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
try {
SecurityActions.TheUnsafe usf = SecurityActions.getSunMiscUnsafeAnonymously();
List<Method> defineClassMethod = usf.methods.get("defineClass");
// On Java 11+ the defineClass method does not exist anymore
if (null == defineClassMethod)
return null;
MethodHandle meth = MethodHandles.lookup()
return new ReferencedUnsafe(usf, meth);
return (Class<?>) defineClass.invokeWithArguments(
name, b, off, len, loader, protectionDomain);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
if (e instanceof ClassFormatError) throw (ClassFormatError) e;
throw new ClassFormatError(e.getMessage());

public Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
throws ClassFormatError
private final Object stack;
private final Method getCallerClass;
private final ReferencedUnsafe sunMiscUnsafe = getReferencedUnsafe();

Java9 () {
Class<?> stackWalkerClass = null;
try {
stackWalkerClass = Class.forName("java.lang.StackWalker");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Skip initialization when the class doesn't exist i.e. we are on JDK < 9
if (stackWalkerClass != null) {
try {
if (getCallerClass.invoke(stack) != DefineClassHelper.class)
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
} catch (Exception e) {
Class<?> optionClass = Class.forName("java.lang.StackWalker$Option");
stack = stackWalkerClass.getMethod("getInstance", optionClass)
// The first one is RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE
.invoke(null, optionClass.getEnumConstants()[0]);
getCallerClass = stackWalkerClass.getMethod("getCallerClass");
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
return sunMiscUnsafe.defineClass(name, b, off, len, loader,
} else {
stack = null;
getCallerClass = null;
JAVA_7 {
private final SecurityActions stack = SecurityActions.stack;
private final MethodHandle defineClass = getDefineClassMethodHandle();
private final MethodHandle getDefineClassMethodHandle()
if (null != SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_7
&& stack.getCallerClass() != this.getClass())

private final ReferencedUnsafe getReferencedUnsafe() {
try {
if (privileged != null && getCallerClass.invoke(stack) != this.getClass())
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
return SecurityActions.getMethodHandle(ClassLoader.class,
"defineClass", new Class[] {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
try {
SecurityActions.TheUnsafe usf = SecurityActions.getSunMiscUnsafeAnonymously();
List<Method> defineClassMethod = usf.methods.get("defineClass");
// On Java 11+ the defineClass method does not exist anymore
if (null == defineClassMethod)
return null;
MethodHandle meth = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflect(defineClassMethod.get(0));
return new ReferencedUnsafe(usf, meth);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);

Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
throws ClassFormatError
try {
if (getCallerClass.invoke(stack) != DefineClassHelper.class)
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
return sunMiscUnsafe.defineClass(name, b, off, len, loader,

private static class Java7 extends Helper {
private final SecurityActions stack = SecurityActions.stack;
private final MethodHandle defineClass = getDefineClassMethodHandle();
private final MethodHandle getDefineClassMethodHandle() {
if (privileged != null && stack.getCallerClass() != this.getClass())
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
return SecurityActions.getMethodHandle(ClassLoader.class, "defineClass",
new Class[] {
String.class, byte[].class, int.class, int.class,
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);

protected Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) throws ClassFormatError
if (stack.getCallerClass() != DefineClassHelper.class)
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
return (Class<?>) defineClass.invokeWithArguments(
Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
throws ClassFormatError
if (stack.getCallerClass() != DefineClassHelper.class)
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
return (Class<?>) defineClass.invokeWithArguments(
loader, name, b, off, len, protectionDomain);
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
if (e instanceof ClassFormatError) throw (ClassFormatError) e;
throw new ClassFormatError(e.getMessage());
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
if (e instanceof ClassFormatError) throw (ClassFormatError) e;
throw new ClassFormatError(e.getMessage());
private final Method defineClass = getDefineClassMethod();
private final SecurityActions stack = SecurityActions.stack;
private final Method getDefineClassMethod() {
if (null != SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_OTHER
&& stack.getCallerClass() != this.getClass())
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
return SecurityActions.getDeclaredMethod(ClassLoader.class,
"defineClass", new Class[] {

private static class JavaOther extends Helper {
private final Method defineClass = getDefineClassMethod();
private final SecurityActions stack = SecurityActions.stack;

private final Method getDefineClassMethod() {
if (privileged != null && stack.getCallerClass() != this.getClass())
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
return SecurityActions.getDeclaredMethod(ClassLoader.class, "defineClass",
new Class[] {
String.class, byte[].class, int.class, int.class, ProtectionDomain.class
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e);

protected Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) throws ClassFormatError
if (stack.getCallerClass() != DefineClassHelper.class)
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
SecurityActions.setAccessible(defineClass, true);
return (Class<?>) defineClass.invoke(loader, new Object[] {
Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
throws ClassFormatError
if (stack.getCallerClass() != DefineClassHelper.class)
throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller.");
try {
SecurityActions.setAccessible(defineClass, true);
return (Class<?>) defineClass.invoke(loader, new Object[] {
name, b, off, len, protectionDomain
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof ClassFormatError) throw (ClassFormatError) e;
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
throw new ClassFormatError(e.getMessage());
finally {
SecurityActions.setAccessible(defineClass, false);
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof ClassFormatError) throw (ClassFormatError) e;
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e;
throw new ClassFormatError(e.getMessage());


protected abstract Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) throws ClassFormatError;
finally {
SecurityActions.setAccessible(defineClass, false);

// Java 11+ removed sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass, so we fallback to invoking defineClass on
// ClassLoader until we have an implementation that uses MethodHandles.Lookup.defineClass
private static final SecuredPrivileged privileged = ClassFile.MAJOR_VERSION > ClassFile.JAVA_10
? SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_OTHER
private static final Helper privileged = ClassFile.MAJOR_VERSION > ClassFile.JAVA_10
? new JavaOther()
: ClassFile.MAJOR_VERSION >= ClassFile.JAVA_9
? SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_9
: ClassFile.MAJOR_VERSION >= ClassFile.JAVA_7
? SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_7
: SecuredPrivileged.JAVA_OTHER;
? new Java9()
: ClassFile.MAJOR_VERSION >= ClassFile.JAVA_7 ? new Java7() : new JavaOther();

* Loads a class file by a given class loader.

+ 5
- 5
src/main/javassist/util/proxy/SecurityActions.java 파일 보기

@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import javassist.bytecode.ClassFile;
class SecurityActions extends SecurityManager
public static final SecurityActions stack = new SecurityActions();

* Since Java 9 abruptly removed <code>Reflection.getCallerClass()</code>
* in favour of <code>StackWalker</code> we are left having to find a
@@ -46,14 +47,13 @@ class SecurityActions extends SecurityManager
* functional across all versions, for now.
* @return represents the declaring class of the method that invoked
* the method that called this or idx 2 on the stack trace.
* @since 3.23 */
public Class<?> getCallerClass()
* the method that called this or index 2 on the stack trace.
* @since 3.23
public Class<?> getCallerClass() {
return getClassContext()[2];

static Method[] getDeclaredMethods(final Class<?> clazz)
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null)
