/* * Javassist, a Java-bytecode translator toolkit. * Copyright (C) 1999- Shigeru Chiba. All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later, * or the Apache License Version 2.0. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. */ package javassist.bytecode.stackmap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javassist.ClassPool; import javassist.CtClass; import javassist.NotFoundException; import javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode; import javassist.bytecode.ConstPool; import javassist.bytecode.Descriptor; import javassist.bytecode.StackMapTable; public abstract class TypeData { /* Memo: * array type is a subtype of Cloneable and Serializable */ public static TypeData[] make(int size) { TypeData[] array = new TypeData[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) array[i] = TypeTag.TOP; return array; } protected TypeData() {} /** * Sets the type name of this object type. If the given type name is * a subclass of the current type name, then the given name becomes * the name of this object type. * * @param className dot-separated name unless the type is an array type. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void setType(TypeData td, String className, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode { td.setType(className, cp); } public abstract int getTypeTag(); public abstract int getTypeData(ConstPool cp); public TypeData join() { return new TypeVar(this); } /** * If the type is a basic type, this method normalizes the type * and returns a BasicType object. Otherwise, it returns null. */ public abstract BasicType isBasicType(); public abstract boolean is2WordType(); /** * Returns false if getName() returns a valid type name. */ public boolean isNullType() { return false; } public boolean isUninit() { return false; } public abstract boolean eq(TypeData d); public abstract String getName(); public abstract void setType(String s, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode; /** * @param dim array dimension. It may be negative. */ public abstract TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException; /** * Depth-first search by Tarjan's algorithm * * @param order a node stack in the order in which nodes are visited. * @param index the index used by the algorithm. */ public int dfs(List order, int index, ClassPool cp) throws NotFoundException { return index; } /** * Returns this if it is a TypeVar or a TypeVar that this * type depends on. Otherwise, this method returns null. * It is used by dfs(). * * @param dim dimension */ protected TypeVar toTypeVar(int dim) { return null; } // see UninitTypeVar and UninitData public void constructorCalled(int offset) {} @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + "(" + toString2(new HashSet()) + ")"; } abstract String toString2(Set set); /** * Primitive types. */ protected static class BasicType extends TypeData { private String name; private int typeTag; private char decodedName; public BasicType(String type, int tag, char decoded) { name = type; typeTag = tag; decodedName = decoded; } @Override public int getTypeTag() { return typeTag; } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return 0; } @Override public TypeData join() { if (this == TypeTag.TOP) return this; return super.join(); } @Override public BasicType isBasicType() { return this; } @Override public boolean is2WordType() { return typeTag == StackMapTable.LONG || typeTag == StackMapTable.DOUBLE; } @Override public boolean eq(TypeData d) { return this == d; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } public char getDecodedName() { return decodedName; } @Override public void setType(String s, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode { throw new BadBytecode("conflict: " + name + " and " + s); } /** * @param dim array dimension. It may be negative. */ @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException { if (this == TypeTag.TOP) return this; else if (dim < 0) throw new NotFoundException("no element type: " + name); else if (dim == 0) return this; else { char[] name = new char[dim + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) name[i] = '['; name[dim] = decodedName; return new ClassName(new String(name)); } } @Override String toString2(Set set) { return name; } } // a type variable public static abstract class AbsTypeVar extends TypeData { public AbsTypeVar() {} public abstract void merge(TypeData t); @Override public int getTypeTag() { return StackMapTable.OBJECT; } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return cp.addClassInfo(getName()); } @Override public boolean eq(TypeData d) { if (d.isUninit()) return d.eq(this); else return getName().equals(d.getName()); } } /* a type variable representing a class type or a basic type. */ public static class TypeVar extends AbsTypeVar { protected List lowers;// lower bounds of this type. ArrayList protected List usedBy;// reverse relations of lowers protected List uppers; // upper bounds of this type. protected String fixedType; private boolean is2WordType; // cache public TypeVar(TypeData t) { uppers = null; lowers = new ArrayList(2); usedBy = new ArrayList(2); merge(t); fixedType = null; is2WordType = t.is2WordType(); } @Override public String getName() { if (fixedType == null) return lowers.get(0).getName(); return fixedType; } @Override public BasicType isBasicType() { if (fixedType == null) return lowers.get(0).isBasicType(); return null; } @Override public boolean is2WordType() { if (fixedType == null) { return is2WordType; // return ((TypeData)lowers.get(0)).is2WordType(); } return false; } @Override public boolean isNullType() { if (fixedType == null) return lowers.get(0).isNullType(); return false; } @Override public boolean isUninit() { if (fixedType == null) return lowers.get(0).isUninit(); return false; } @Override public void merge(TypeData t) { lowers.add(t); if (t instanceof TypeVar) ((TypeVar)t).usedBy.add(this); } @Override public int getTypeTag() { /* If fixedType is null after calling dfs(), then this type is NULL, Uninit, or a basic type. So call getTypeTag() on the first element of lowers. */ if (fixedType == null) return lowers.get(0).getTypeTag(); return super.getTypeTag(); } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { if (fixedType == null) return lowers.get(0).getTypeData(cp); return super.getTypeData(cp); } @Override public void setType(String typeName, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode { if (uppers == null) uppers = new ArrayList(); uppers.add(typeName); } private int visited = 0; private int smallest = 0; private boolean inList = false; private int dimension = 0; @Override protected TypeVar toTypeVar(int dim) { dimension = dim; return this; } /* When fixTypes() is called, getName() will return the correct * (i.e. fixed) type name. */ @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException { if (dim == 0) return this; BasicType bt = isBasicType(); if (bt == null) if (isNullType()) return new NullType(); else return new ClassName(getName()).getArrayType(dim); return bt.getArrayType(dim); } // depth-first serach @Override public int dfs(List preOrder, int index, ClassPool cp) throws NotFoundException { if (visited > 0) return index; // MapMaker.make() may call an already visited node. visited = smallest = ++index; preOrder.add(this); inList = true; int n = lowers.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TypeVar child = lowers.get(i).toTypeVar(dimension); if (child != null) if (child.visited == 0) { index = child.dfs(preOrder, index, cp); if (child.smallest < smallest) smallest = child.smallest; } else if (child.inList) if (child.visited < smallest) smallest = child.visited; } if (visited == smallest) { List scc = new ArrayList(); // strongly connected component TypeVar cv; do { cv = (TypeVar)preOrder.remove(preOrder.size() - 1); cv.inList = false; scc.add(cv); } while (cv != this); fixTypes(scc, cp); } return index; } private void fixTypes(List scc, ClassPool cp) throws NotFoundException { Set lowersSet = new HashSet(); boolean isBasicType = false; TypeData kind = null; int size = scc.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { TypeVar tvar = (TypeVar)scc.get(i); List tds = tvar.lowers; int size2 = tds.size(); for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++) { TypeData td = tds.get(j); TypeData d = td.getArrayType(tvar.dimension); BasicType bt = d.isBasicType(); if (kind == null) { if (bt == null) { isBasicType = false; kind = d; /* If scc has only an UninitData, fixedType is kept null. So lowerSet must be empty. If scc has not only an UninitData but also another TypeData, an error must be thrown but this error detection has not been implemented. */ if (d.isUninit()) break; } else { isBasicType = true; kind = bt; } } else { if ((bt == null && isBasicType) || (bt != null && kind != bt)) { isBasicType = true; kind = TypeTag.TOP; break; } } if (bt == null && !d.isNullType()) lowersSet.add(d.getName()); } } if (isBasicType) { is2WordType = kind.is2WordType(); // necessary? fixTypes1(scc, kind); } else { String typeName = fixTypes2(scc, lowersSet, cp); fixTypes1(scc, new ClassName(typeName)); } } private void fixTypes1(List scc, TypeData kind) throws NotFoundException { int size = scc.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { TypeVar cv = (TypeVar)scc.get(i); TypeData kind2 = kind.getArrayType(-cv.dimension); if (kind2.isBasicType() == null) cv.fixedType = kind2.getName(); else { cv.lowers.clear(); cv.lowers.add(kind2); cv.is2WordType = kind2.is2WordType(); } } } private String fixTypes2(List scc, Set lowersSet, ClassPool cp) throws NotFoundException { Iterator it = lowersSet.iterator(); if (lowersSet.isEmpty()) return null; // only NullType else if (lowersSet.size() == 1) return it.next(); else { CtClass cc = cp.get(it.next()); while (it.hasNext()) cc = commonSuperClassEx(cc, cp.get(it.next())); if (cc.getSuperclass() == null || isObjectArray(cc)) cc = fixByUppers(scc, cp, new HashSet(), cc); if (cc.isArray()) return Descriptor.toJvmName(cc); return cc.getName(); } } private static boolean isObjectArray(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException { return cc.isArray() && cc.getComponentType().getSuperclass() == null; } private CtClass fixByUppers(List users, ClassPool cp, Set visited, CtClass type) throws NotFoundException { if (users == null) return type; int size = users.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { TypeVar t = (TypeVar)users.get(i); if (!visited.add(t)) return type; if (t.uppers != null) { int s = t.uppers.size(); for (int k = 0; k < s; k++) { CtClass cc = cp.get(t.uppers.get(k)); if (cc.subtypeOf(type)) type = cc; } } type = fixByUppers(t.usedBy, cp, visited, type); } return type; } @Override String toString2(Set hash) { hash.add(this); if (lowers.size() > 0) { TypeData e = lowers.get(0); if (e != null && !hash.contains(e)) return e.toString2(hash); } return "?"; } } /** * Finds the most specific common super class of the given classes * by considering array types. */ public static CtClass commonSuperClassEx(CtClass one, CtClass two) throws NotFoundException { if (one == two) return one; else if (one.isArray() && two.isArray()) { CtClass ele1 = one.getComponentType(); CtClass ele2 = two.getComponentType(); CtClass element = commonSuperClassEx(ele1, ele2); if (element == ele1) return one; else if (element == ele2) return two; else return one.getClassPool().get(element == null ? "java.lang.Object" : element.getName() + "[]"); } else if (one.isPrimitive() || two.isPrimitive()) return null; // TOP else if (one.isArray() || two.isArray()) // but !(one.isArray() && two.isArray()) return one.getClassPool().get("java.lang.Object"); else return commonSuperClass(one, two); } /** * Finds the most specific common super class of the given classes. * This method is a copy from javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type. */ public static CtClass commonSuperClass(CtClass one, CtClass two) throws NotFoundException { CtClass deep = one; CtClass shallow = two; CtClass backupShallow = shallow; CtClass backupDeep = deep; // Phase 1 - Find the deepest hierarchy, set deep and shallow correctly for (;;) { // In case we get lucky, and find a match early if (eq(deep, shallow) && deep.getSuperclass() != null) return deep; CtClass deepSuper = deep.getSuperclass(); CtClass shallowSuper = shallow.getSuperclass(); if (shallowSuper == null) { // right, now reset shallow shallow = backupShallow; break; } if (deepSuper == null) { // wrong, swap them, since deep is now useless, its our tmp before we swap it deep = backupDeep; backupDeep = backupShallow; backupShallow = deep; deep = shallow; shallow = backupShallow; break; } deep = deepSuper; shallow = shallowSuper; } // Phase 2 - Move deepBackup up by (deep end - deep) for (;;) { deep = deep.getSuperclass(); if (deep == null) break; backupDeep = backupDeep.getSuperclass(); } deep = backupDeep; // Phase 3 - The hierarchy positions are now aligned // The common super class is easy to find now while (!eq(deep, shallow)) { deep = deep.getSuperclass(); shallow = shallow.getSuperclass(); } return deep; } static boolean eq(CtClass one, CtClass two) { return one == two || (one != null && two != null && one.getName().equals(two.getName())); } public static void aastore(TypeData array, TypeData value, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode { if (array instanceof AbsTypeVar) if (!value.isNullType()) ((AbsTypeVar)array).merge(ArrayType.make(value)); if (value instanceof AbsTypeVar) if (array instanceof AbsTypeVar) ArrayElement.make(array); // should call value.setType() later. else if (array instanceof ClassName) { if (!array.isNullType()) { String type = ArrayElement.typeName(array.getName()); value.setType(type, cp); } } else throw new BadBytecode("bad AASTORE: " + array); } /* A type variable representing an array type. * It is a decorator of another type variable. */ public static class ArrayType extends AbsTypeVar { private AbsTypeVar element; private ArrayType(AbsTypeVar elementType) { element = elementType; } static TypeData make(TypeData element) throws BadBytecode { if (element instanceof ArrayElement) return ((ArrayElement)element).arrayType(); else if (element instanceof AbsTypeVar) return new ArrayType((AbsTypeVar)element); else if (element instanceof ClassName) if (!element.isNullType()) return new ClassName(typeName(element.getName())); throw new BadBytecode("bad AASTORE: " + element); } @Override public void merge(TypeData t) { try { if (!t.isNullType()) element.merge(ArrayElement.make(t)); } catch (BadBytecode e) { // never happens throw new RuntimeException("fatal: " + e); } } @Override public String getName() { return typeName(element.getName()); } public AbsTypeVar elementType() { return element; } @Override public BasicType isBasicType() { return null; } @Override public boolean is2WordType() { return false; } /* elementType must be a class name. Basic type names * are not allowed. */ public static String typeName(String elementType) { if (elementType.charAt(0) == '[') return "[" + elementType; return "[L" + elementType.replace('.', '/') + ";"; } @Override public void setType(String s, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode { element.setType(ArrayElement.typeName(s), cp); } @Override protected TypeVar toTypeVar(int dim) { return element.toTypeVar(dim + 1); } @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException { return element.getArrayType(dim + 1); } @Override public int dfs(List order, int index, ClassPool cp) throws NotFoundException { return element.dfs(order, index, cp); } @Override String toString2(Set set) { return "[" + element.toString2(set); } } /* A type variable representing an array-element type. * It is a decorator of another type variable. */ public static class ArrayElement extends AbsTypeVar { private AbsTypeVar array; private ArrayElement(AbsTypeVar a) { // a is never null array = a; } public static TypeData make(TypeData array) throws BadBytecode { if (array instanceof ArrayType) return ((ArrayType)array).elementType(); else if (array instanceof AbsTypeVar) return new ArrayElement((AbsTypeVar)array); else if (array instanceof ClassName) if (!array.isNullType()) return new ClassName(typeName(array.getName())); throw new BadBytecode("bad AASTORE: " + array); } @Override public void merge(TypeData t) { try { if (!t.isNullType()) array.merge(ArrayType.make(t)); } catch (BadBytecode e) { // never happens throw new RuntimeException("fatal: " + e); } } @Override public String getName() { return typeName(array.getName()); } public AbsTypeVar arrayType() { return array; } /* arrayType must be a class name. Basic type names are * not allowed. */ @Override public BasicType isBasicType() { return null; } @Override public boolean is2WordType() { return false; } private static String typeName(String arrayType) { if (arrayType.length() > 1 && arrayType.charAt(0) == '[') { char c = arrayType.charAt(1); if (c == 'L') return arrayType.substring(2, arrayType.length() - 1).replace('/', '.'); else if (c == '[') return arrayType.substring(1); } return "java.lang.Object"; // the array type may be NullType } @Override public void setType(String s, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode { array.setType(ArrayType.typeName(s), cp); } @Override protected TypeVar toTypeVar(int dim) { return array.toTypeVar(dim - 1); } @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException { return array.getArrayType(dim - 1); } @Override public int dfs(List order, int index, ClassPool cp) throws NotFoundException { return array.dfs(order, index, cp); } @Override String toString2(Set set) { return "*" + array.toString2(set); } } public static class UninitTypeVar extends AbsTypeVar { protected TypeData type; // UninitData or TOP public UninitTypeVar(UninitData t) { type = t; } @Override public int getTypeTag() { return type.getTypeTag(); } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return type.getTypeData(cp); } @Override public BasicType isBasicType() { return type.isBasicType(); } @Override public boolean is2WordType() { return type.is2WordType(); } @Override public boolean isUninit() { return type.isUninit(); } @Override public boolean eq(TypeData d) { return type.eq(d); } @Override public String getName() { return type.getName(); } @Override protected TypeVar toTypeVar(int dim) { return null; } @Override public TypeData join() { return type.join(); } @Override public void setType(String s, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode { type.setType(s, cp); } @Override public void merge(TypeData t) { if (!t.eq(type)) type = TypeTag.TOP; } @Override public void constructorCalled(int offset) { type.constructorCalled(offset); } public int offset() { if (type instanceof UninitData) return ((UninitData)type).offset; throw new RuntimeException("not available"); } @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException { return type.getArrayType(dim); } @Override String toString2(Set set) { return ""; } } /** * Type data for OBJECT. */ public static class ClassName extends TypeData { private String name; // dot separated. public ClassName(String n) { name = n; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public BasicType isBasicType() { return null; } @Override public boolean is2WordType() { return false; } @Override public int getTypeTag() { return StackMapTable.OBJECT; } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return cp.addClassInfo(getName()); } @Override public boolean eq(TypeData d) { if (d.isUninit()) return d.eq(this); else return name.equals(d.getName()); } @Override public void setType(String typeName, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode {} @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException { if (dim == 0) return this; else if (dim > 0) { char[] dimType = new char[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) dimType[i] = '['; String elementType = getName(); if (elementType.charAt(0) != '[') elementType = "L" + elementType.replace('.', '/') + ";"; return new ClassName(new String(dimType) + elementType); } else { for (int i = 0; i < -dim; i++) if (name.charAt(i) != '[') throw new NotFoundException("no " + dim + " dimensional array type: " + getName()); char type = name.charAt(-dim); if (type == '[') return new ClassName(name.substring(-dim)); else if (type == 'L') return new ClassName(name.substring(-dim + 1, name.length() - 1).replace('/', '.')); else if (type == TypeTag.DOUBLE.decodedName) return TypeTag.DOUBLE; else if (type == TypeTag.FLOAT.decodedName) return TypeTag.FLOAT; else if (type == TypeTag.LONG.decodedName) return TypeTag.LONG; else return TypeTag.INTEGER; } } @Override String toString2(Set set) { return name; } } /** * Type data for NULL or OBJECT. * The types represented by the instances of this class are * initially NULL but will be OBJECT. */ public static class NullType extends ClassName { public NullType() { super("null-type"); // type name } @Override public int getTypeTag() { return StackMapTable.NULL; } @Override public boolean isNullType() { return true; } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return 0; } @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) { return this; } } /** * Type data for UNINIT. */ public static class UninitData extends ClassName { int offset; boolean initialized; UninitData(int offset, String className) { super(className); this.offset = offset; this.initialized = false; } public UninitData copy() { return new UninitData(offset, getName()); } @Override public int getTypeTag() { return StackMapTable.UNINIT; } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return offset; } @Override public TypeData join() { if (initialized) return new TypeVar(new ClassName(getName())); return new UninitTypeVar(copy()); } @Override public boolean isUninit() { return true; } @Override public boolean eq(TypeData d) { if (d instanceof UninitData) { UninitData ud = (UninitData)d; return offset == ud.offset && getName().equals(ud.getName()); } return false; } public int offset() { return offset; } @Override public void constructorCalled(int offset) { if (offset == this.offset) initialized = true; } @Override String toString2(Set set) { return getName() + "," + offset; } } public static class UninitThis extends UninitData { UninitThis(String className) { super(-1, className); } @Override public UninitData copy() { return new UninitThis(getName()); } @Override public int getTypeTag() { return StackMapTable.THIS; } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return 0; } @Override String toString2(Set set) { return "uninit:this"; } } }