How to run program examples --------------------------- JDK 1.4 or later is needed. ### 0. If you have Apache Ant Run the sample-all task. Otherwise, follow the instructions below. ### 1. Move to the directory where this `` file is located. In the following instructions, we assume that the `javassist.jar` file is included in the class path. For example, the javac and java commands must receive the following `classpath` option: ``` -classpath ".:javassist.jar" ``` If the operating system is Windows, the path separator must be not `:` (colon) but `;` (semicolon). The java command can receive the `-cp` option as well as `-classpath`. If you don't want to use the class-path option, you can make `javassist.jar` included in the `CLASSPATH` environment: ``` export CLASSPATH=.:javassist.jar ``` or if the operating system is Windows: ``` set CLASSPATH=.;javassist.jar ``` Otherwise, you can copy `javassist.jar` to the directory <_java-home_>`/jre/lib/ext`. <_java-home_> depends on the system. It is usually `/usr/local/java` or `c:\j2sdk1.4\`, etc. ### 2. `sample/` This is a very simple program using Javassist. To run, type the commands: ``` % javac sample/ % java sample.Test ``` For more details, see `sample/` ### 3. `sample/reflect/*.java` This is the "verbose metaobject" example well known in reflective programming. This program dynamically attaches a metaobject to a Person object. The metaobject prints a message if a method is called on the Person object. To run, type the commands: ``` % javac sample/reflect/*.java % java sample.reflect.Main Joe ``` Compare this result with that of the regular execution without reflection: ``` % java sample.reflect.Person Joe ``` For more details, see sample/reflect/ Furthermore, the Person class can be statically modified so that all the Person objects become reflective without sample.reflect.Main. To do this, type the commands: ``` % java sample.reflect.Person -m sample.reflect.VerboseMetaobj ``` Then, ``` % java sample.reflect.Person Joe ``` ### 4. `sample/duplicate/*.java` This is another example of reflective programming. To run, type the commands: ``` % javac sample/duplicate/*.java % java sample.duplicate.Main ``` Compare this result with that of the regular execution without reflection: ``` % java sample.duplicate.Viewer ``` For more details, see `sample/duplicate/` ### 5. `sample/vector/*.java` This example shows the use of Javassit for producing a class representing a vector of a given type at compile time. To run, type the commands: ``` % javac sample/vector/*.java % java sample.preproc.Compiler sample/vector/Test.j % javac sample/vector/ % java sample.vector.Test ``` Note: `javassist.jar` is unnecessary to compile and execute `sample/vector/`. For more details, see `sample/vector/Test.j` and `sample/vector/`. ### 6. `sample/rmi/*.java` This demonstrates the `javassist.rmi` package. To run, type the commands: ``` % javac sample/rmi/*.java % java sample.rmi.Counter 5001 ``` The second line starts a web server listening to port 5001. Then, open sample/rmi/webdemo.html with a web browser running on the local host. (`webdemo.html` trys to fetch an applet from `http://localhost:5001/`, which is the web server we started above.) Otherwise, run `sample.rmi.CountApplet` as an application: ``` % java javassist.web.Viewer localhost 5001 sample.rmi.CountApplet ``` ### 7. `sample/evolve/*.java` This is a demonstration of the class evolution mechanism implemented with Javassist. This mechanism enables a Java program to reload an existing class file under some restriction. To run, type the commands: ``` % javac sample/evolve/*.java % java sample.evolve.DemoLoader 5003 ``` The second line starts a class loader DemoLoader, which runs a web server DemoServer listening to port 5003. Then, open `http://localhost:5003/demo.html` with a web browser running on the local host. (Or, see sample/evolve/start.html.) ### 8. `sample/hotswap/*.java` This shows dynamic class reloading by the JPDA. It needs JDK 1.4 or later. To run, first type the following commands: ``` % cd sample/hotswap % javac *.java % cd logging % javac *.java % cd .. ``` If your Java is 1.4, then type: ``` % java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 Test ``` If you are using Java 5, then type: ``` % java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 Test ``` Note that the class path must include `JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar`.