You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

  1. <project xmlns=""
  2. xmlns:xsi=""
  3. xsi:schemaLocation="">
  4. <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
  5. <groupId>javassist</groupId>
  6. <artifactId>javassist</artifactId>
  7. <packaging>jar</packaging>
  8. <description>Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) makes Java bytecode manipulation
  9. simple. It is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java.
  10. </description>
  11. <version>3.12.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
  12. <name>Javassist</name>
  13. <url></url>
  14. <distributionManagement>
  15. <!--
  16. You need an entry in your .m2/settings.xml like this:
  17. <servers>
  18. <server>
  19. <id></id>
  20. <username>your_jboss.org_username</username>
  21. <password>password</password>
  22. </server>
  23. </servers>
  24. Then to deploy a snapshot, you need to run
  25. mvn deploy mvn deploy -Djboss.snapshots.repo.url=dav:
  26. -->
  27. <snapshotRepository>
  28. <id></id>
  29. <name>JBoss Snapshot Repository</name>
  30. <url>${jboss.snapshots.repo.url}</url>
  31. </snapshotRepository>
  32. </distributionManagement>
  33. <build>
  34. <sourceDirectory>src/main/</sourceDirectory>
  35. <testSourceDirectory>src/test/</testSourceDirectory>
  36. <plugins>
  37. <plugin>
  38. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  39. <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
  40. <configuration>
  41. <source>1.4</source>
  42. <target>1.4</target>
  43. </configuration>
  44. </plugin>
  45. <plugin>
  46. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  47. <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
  48. <configuration>
  49. <archive>
  50. <manifestFile>${}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF</manifestFile>
  51. </archive>
  52. </configuration>
  53. </plugin>
  54. <plugin>
  55. <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
  56. <version>2.0.3</version>
  57. <executions>
  58. <execution>
  59. <id>attach-sources</id>
  60. <goals>
  61. <goal>jar</goal>
  62. </goals>
  63. </execution>
  64. </executions>
  65. <inherited>true</inherited>
  66. </plugin>
  67. </plugins>
  68. </build>
  69. <profiles>
  70. <profile>
  71. <id>jdk14</id>
  72. <activation>
  73. <jdk>1.4</jdk>
  74. <property>
  75. <name>!</name>
  76. </property>
  77. </activation>
  78. <dependencies>
  79. <dependency>
  80. <groupId>com.sun</groupId>
  81. <artifactId>tools</artifactId>
  82. <version>1.4</version>
  83. <scope>system</scope>
  84. <optional>true</optional>
  85. <systemPath>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</systemPath>
  86. </dependency>
  87. </dependencies>
  88. </profile>
  89. <profile>
  90. <id>jdk15</id>
  91. <activation>
  92. <jdk>1.5</jdk>
  93. <property>
  94. <name>!</name>
  95. </property>
  96. </activation>
  97. <dependencies>
  98. <dependency>
  99. <groupId>com.sun</groupId>
  100. <artifactId>tools</artifactId>
  101. <version>1.5</version>
  102. <scope>system</scope>
  103. <optional>true</optional>
  104. <systemPath>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</systemPath>
  105. </dependency>
  106. </dependencies>
  107. </profile>
  108. <profile>
  109. <id>jdk16</id>
  110. <activation>
  111. <jdk>1.6</jdk>
  112. <property>
  113. <name>!</name>
  114. </property>
  115. </activation>
  116. <dependencies>
  117. <dependency>
  118. <groupId>com.sun</groupId>
  119. <artifactId>tools</artifactId>
  120. <version>1.6</version>
  121. <scope>system</scope>
  122. <optional>true</optional>
  123. <systemPath>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</systemPath>
  124. </dependency>
  125. </dependencies>
  126. </profile>
  127. </profiles>
  128. <dependencies>
  129. <dependency>
  130. <groupId>junit</groupId>
  131. <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
  132. <version>3.8.1</version>
  133. <scope>test</scope>
  134. </dependency>
  135. </dependencies>
  136. </project>