You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 34KB

  1. package javassist.bytecode;
  2. import*;
  3. import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  4. import junit.framework.*;
  5. import javassist.*;
  6. import javassist.bytecode.annotation.*;
  7. import javassist.bytecode.SignatureAttribute.*;
  8. @SuppressWarnings("unused")
  9. public class BytecodeTest extends TestCase {
  10. public static final String PATH = JvstTest.PATH;
  11. private ClassPool loader, dloader;
  12. private Loader cloader;
  13. public BytecodeTest(String name) {
  14. super(name);
  15. }
  16. protected void print(String msg) {
  17. System.out.println(msg);
  18. }
  19. protected void setUp() throws Exception {
  20. loader = ClassPool.getDefault();
  21. dloader = new ClassPool(null);
  22. dloader.appendSystemPath();
  23. dloader.insertClassPath(".");
  24. cloader = new Loader(dloader);
  25. }
  26. protected Object make(String name) throws Exception {
  27. return cloader.loadClass(name).getConstructor().newInstance();
  28. }
  29. protected int invoke(Object target, String method) throws Exception {
  30. Method m = target.getClass().getMethod(method, new Class[0]);
  31. Object res = m.invoke(target, new Object[0]);
  32. return ((Integer)res).intValue();
  33. }
  34. public void testByteVector() throws Exception {
  35. final int N = 257;
  36. Bytecode code = new Bytecode(null);
  37. for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  38. code.add(i);
  39. assertEquals(i + 1, code.length());
  40. assertEquals((int)(byte)i,;
  41. code.write(i, i + 1);
  42. assertEquals((int)(byte)(i + 1),;
  43. }
  44. byte[] b = code.copy();
  45. assertEquals(N, b.length);
  46. for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
  47. assertEquals((int)(byte)(i + 1), b[i]);
  48. code = new Bytecode(null);
  49. code.add(1);
  50. code.addGap(100);
  51. code.add(2);
  52. assertEquals(2,;
  53. }
  54. public void testLongVector() throws Exception {
  55. LongVector vec = new LongVector();
  56. assertEquals(LongVector.ASIZE * LongVector.VSIZE, vec.capacity());
  57. int size = LongVector.ASIZE * LongVector.VSIZE * 3;
  58. for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  59. vec.addElement(new IntegerInfo(i, i));
  60. assertEquals(i, ((IntegerInfo)vec.elementAt(i)).value);
  61. assertEquals(i + 1, vec.size());
  62. }
  63. size = LongVector.ASIZE * LongVector.VSIZE * 3;
  64. vec = new LongVector(size - 5);
  65. assertEquals(size, vec.capacity());
  66. for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  67. vec.addElement(new IntegerInfo(i, i));
  68. assertEquals(i, ((IntegerInfo)vec.elementAt(i)).value);
  69. assertEquals(i + 1, vec.size());
  70. }
  71. }
  72. public void testClone() throws Exception {
  73. ConstPool cp = new ConstPool("test.CloneTest");
  74. Bytecode bc = new Bytecode(cp);
  75. bc.add(7);
  76. bc.add(11);
  77. Bytecode bc2 = (Bytecode)bc.clone();
  78. bc2.add(13);
  79. bc2.write(0, 17);
  80. assertEquals(7,;
  81. assertEquals(2, bc.length());
  82. assertEquals(3, bc2.length());
  83. assertEquals(cp, bc2.getConstPool());
  84. assertTrue(bc.getExceptionTable() != bc2.getExceptionTable());
  85. }
  86. public void test2byteLocalVar() throws Exception {
  87. CtClass cc = loader.makeClass("test.LocalVar2");
  88. CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.abstractMethod(CtClass.intType, "test",
  89. null, null, cc);
  90. Bytecode code = new Bytecode(cc.getClassFile().getConstPool(), 2, 300);
  91. code.addIconst(1);
  92. code.addIstore(255);
  93. code.addIload(255);
  94. code.addIstore(256);
  95. code.addIload(256);
  96. code.addLconst(1);
  97. code.addLstore(255);
  98. code.addLload(255);
  99. code.addLstore(256);
  100. code.addLload(256);
  101. code.addFconst(1.0f);
  102. code.addFstore(255);
  103. code.addFload(255);
  104. code.addFstore(256);
  105. code.addFload(256);
  106. code.addDconst(1.0);
  107. code.addDstore(255);
  108. code.addDload(255);
  109. code.addDstore(256);
  110. code.addDload(256);
  111. code.addOpcode(Opcode.ACONST_NULL);
  112. code.addAstore(255);
  113. code.addAload(255);
  114. code.addAstore(256);
  115. code.addAload(256);
  116. code.addIconst(1);
  117. code.addOpcode(Opcode.IRETURN);
  118. m.getMethodInfo().setCodeAttribute(code.toCodeAttribute());
  119. m.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC);
  120. cc.addMethod(m);
  121. cc.writeFile();
  122. Object obj = make(cc.getName());
  123. assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "test"));
  124. }
  125. public void testBytecode() throws Exception {
  126. final int N = 64;
  127. Bytecode b = new Bytecode(null, 0, 0);
  128. try {
  129. b.write(3, 3);
  130. throw new Exception("out of range");
  131. }
  132. catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
  133. try {
  135. throw new Exception("out of range");
  136. }
  137. catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
  138. for (int i = 0; i < N * 3; ++i) {
  139. b.add(i % 100);
  140. assertEquals(i % 100,;
  141. }
  142. for (int i = 0; i < N * 3; ++i)
  143. assertEquals(i % 100,;
  144. for (int i = 0; i < N * 3; ++i) {
  145. b.write(i, i % 100);
  146. assertEquals(i % 100,;
  147. }
  148. for (int i = 0; i < N * 3; ++i)
  149. assertEquals(i % 100,;
  150. }
  151. public void testBytecode2() throws Exception {
  152. final int N = 64;
  153. Bytecode b = new Bytecode(null, 0, 0);
  154. for (int i = 0; i < N * 3 / 16; ++i) {
  155. b.addGap(16);
  156. assertEquals(16 * (i + 1), b.length());
  157. }
  158. b = new Bytecode(null, 0, 0);
  159. for (int i = 0; i < N * 3 / 10; ++i) {
  160. b.addGap(10);
  161. assertEquals(10 * (i + 1), b.length());
  162. }
  163. }
  164. public void testDescriptor() throws Exception {
  165. assertEquals("(II)", Descriptor.getParamDescriptor("(II)V"));
  166. assertEquals("()", Descriptor.getParamDescriptor("()I"));
  167. assertEquals(1, Descriptor.dataSize("I"));
  168. assertEquals(2, Descriptor.dataSize("D"));
  169. assertEquals(2, Descriptor.dataSize("J"));
  170. assertEquals(1, Descriptor.dataSize("[J"));
  171. assertEquals(1, Descriptor.dataSize("[[D"));
  172. assertEquals(1, Descriptor.dataSize("LD;"));
  173. assertEquals(-1, Descriptor.dataSize("(I)V"));
  174. assertEquals(0, Descriptor.dataSize("(D)J"));
  175. assertEquals(0, Descriptor.dataSize("()V"));
  176. assertEquals(1, Descriptor.dataSize("()I"));
  177. assertEquals(-1, Descriptor.dataSize("([DLA;)I"));
  178. assertEquals(-3, Descriptor.dataSize("(BIJ)LA;"));
  179. assertEquals(-3, Descriptor.dataSize("(BIJ)[D"));
  180. boolean ok = false;
  181. try {
  182. Descriptor.dataSize("(Ljava/lang/String)I");
  183. }
  184. catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
  185. print("testDescriptor(): dataSize() " + e);
  186. ok = true;
  187. }
  188. assertTrue(ok);
  189. ok = false;
  190. try {
  191. Descriptor.numOfParameters("([DLjava/lang/String)I");
  192. }
  193. catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
  194. print("testDescriptor(): numOfParameters() " + e);
  195. ok = true;
  196. }
  197. assertTrue(ok);
  198. }
  199. public void testDescriptor2() throws Exception {
  200. assertEquals("int", Descriptor.toClassName("I"));
  201. assertEquals("double[]", Descriptor.toClassName("[D"));
  202. assertEquals("boolean[][]", Descriptor.toClassName("[[Z"));
  203. assertEquals("java.lang.String",
  204. Descriptor.toClassName("Ljava/lang/String;"));
  205. assertEquals("java.lang.String[]",
  206. Descriptor.toClassName("[Ljava/lang/String;"));
  207. try {
  208. assertEquals("Foo", Descriptor.toClassName("LFoo;;"));
  209. fail("LFoo;;");
  210. }
  211. catch (RuntimeException e) {}
  212. try {
  213. assertEquals("int", Descriptor.toClassName("II"));
  214. fail("II");
  215. }
  216. catch (RuntimeException e) {}
  217. }
  218. public void testLineNumberAttribute() throws Exception {
  219. CtClass cc = loader.get("test1.LineNumber");
  220. CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("sort");
  221. MethodInfo minfo = m.getMethodInfo();
  222. CodeAttribute ca = minfo.getCodeAttribute();
  223. LineNumberAttribute ainfo
  224. = (LineNumberAttribute)ca.getAttribute(LineNumberAttribute.tag);
  225. int n = ainfo.tableLength();
  226. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
  227. print("Line " + ainfo.lineNumber(i) + " at " + ainfo.startPc(i));
  228. print("find Line 10: " + ainfo.toStartPc(10));
  229. print("find PC 30: " + ainfo.toLineNumber(30));
  230. LineNumberAttribute.Pc pc = ainfo.toNearPc(6);
  231. print("line 6: " + pc.index);
  232. assertEquals(8, pc.line);
  233. pc = ainfo.toNearPc(7);
  234. print("line 7: " + pc.index);
  235. assertEquals(8, pc.line);
  236. pc = ainfo.toNearPc(8);
  237. print("line 8: " + pc.index);
  238. assertEquals(8, pc.line);
  239. pc = ainfo.toNearPc(9);
  240. print("line 9: " + pc.index);
  241. assertEquals(9, pc.line);
  242. pc = ainfo.toNearPc(15);
  243. print("line 15: " + pc.index);
  244. assertEquals(17, pc.line);
  245. pc = ainfo.toNearPc(19);
  246. print("line 19: " + pc.index);
  247. assertEquals(20, pc.line);
  248. pc = ainfo.toNearPc(21);
  249. print("line 20: " + pc.index);
  250. assertEquals(20, pc.line);
  251. pc = ainfo.toNearPc(22);
  252. print("line 21: " + pc.index);
  253. assertEquals(20, pc.line);
  254. }
  255. public void testRenameClass() throws Exception {
  256. CtClass cc = loader.get("test1.RenameClass");
  257. cc.replaceClassName("test1.RenameClass2", "java.lang.String");
  258. cc.writeFile();
  259. Object obj = make(cc.getName());
  260. assertEquals(0, invoke(obj, "test"));
  261. }
  262. public void testDeprecatedAttribute() throws Exception {
  263. CtClass cc = loader.get("java.lang.Thread");
  264. CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("suspend");
  265. MethodInfo minfo = m.getMethodInfo();
  266. DeprecatedAttribute ainfo
  267. = (DeprecatedAttribute)minfo.getAttribute(DeprecatedAttribute.tag);
  268. assertTrue(ainfo != null);
  269. m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("toString");
  270. minfo = m.getMethodInfo();
  271. ainfo
  272. = (DeprecatedAttribute)minfo.getAttribute(DeprecatedAttribute.tag);
  273. assertTrue(ainfo == null);
  274. }
  275. public void testLocalVarAttribute() throws Exception {
  276. CtClass cc = loader.get("test1.LocalVars");
  277. CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo");
  278. MethodInfo minfo = m.getMethodInfo();
  279. CodeAttribute ca = minfo.getCodeAttribute();
  280. LocalVariableAttribute ainfo
  281. = (LocalVariableAttribute)ca.getAttribute(
  282. LocalVariableAttribute.tag);
  283. assertTrue(ainfo != null);
  284. CtClass cc2 = loader.makeClass("test1.LocalVars2");
  285. CtMethod m2 = new CtMethod(m, cc2, null);
  286. CodeAttribute ca2 = m2.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute();
  287. ConstPool cp2 = ca2.getConstPool();
  288. LocalVariableAttribute ainfo2
  289. = (LocalVariableAttribute)ainfo.copy(cp2, null);
  290. ca2.getAttributes().add(ainfo2);
  291. cc2.addMethod(m2);
  292. cc2.writeFile();
  293. print("**** local variable table ***");
  294. for (int i = 0; i < ainfo2.tableLength(); i++) {
  295. String msg = ainfo2.startPc(i) + " " + ainfo2.codeLength(i)
  296. + " " + ainfo2.variableName(i) + " "
  297. + ainfo2.descriptor(i)
  298. + " " + ainfo2.index(i);
  299. print(msg);
  300. if (ainfo2.variableName(i).equals("j"))
  301. assertEquals("I", ainfo2.descriptor(i));
  302. }
  303. print("**** end ***");
  304. }
  305. public void testAnnotations() throws Exception {
  306. String fname = PATH + "annotation/Test.class";
  307. BufferedInputStream fin
  308. = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname));
  309. ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(new DataInputStream(fin));
  310. AnnotationsAttribute attr = (AnnotationsAttribute)
  311. cf.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag);
  312. String sig = attr.toString();
  313. System.out.println(sig);
  314. ClassFile cf2 = new ClassFile(false, "test1.AnnoTest",
  315. "java.lang.Object");
  316. cf2.addAttribute(attr.copy(cf2.getConstPool(), null));
  317. AnnotationsAttribute attr2 = (AnnotationsAttribute)
  318. cf2.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag);
  319. DataOutputStream out
  320. = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("test1/AnnoTest.class"));
  321. cf2.write(out);
  322. assertEquals(sig, attr2.toString());
  323. }
  324. public void testAnnotations2() throws Exception {
  325. ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(false, "test1.AnnoTest2",
  326. "java.lang.Object");
  327. AnnotationsAttribute anno
  328. = new AnnotationsAttribute(cf.getConstPool(),
  329. AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag);
  330. ConstPool cp = cf.getConstPool();
  331. Annotation a = new Annotation("Anno", cp);
  332. StringMemberValue smv = new StringMemberValue("foo", cp);
  333. a.addMemberValue("name", smv);
  334. anno.setAnnotation(a);
  335. cf.addAttribute(anno);
  336. String fname = "test1/AnnoTest2.class";
  337. DataOutputStream out
  338. = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fname));
  339. cf.write(out);
  340. BufferedInputStream fin
  341. = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname));
  342. cf = new ClassFile(new DataInputStream(fin));
  343. AnnotationsAttribute attr = (AnnotationsAttribute)
  344. cf.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag);
  345. String sig = attr.toString();
  346. System.out.println(sig);
  347. assertEquals("@Anno(name=\"foo\")", sig);
  348. }
  349. public void testAddClassInfo() throws Exception {
  350. CtClass cc = loader.get("test1.AddClassInfo");
  351. ClassFile cf = cc.getClassFile();
  352. ConstPool cp = cf.getConstPool();
  353. int i = cp.addClassInfo("test1.AddClassInfo");
  354. assertEquals(i, cp.getThisClassInfo());
  355. cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make("public int bar() { return foo(); }", cc));
  356. cc.writeFile();
  357. Object obj = make(cc.getName());
  358. assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "bar"));
  359. }
  360. public void testRename() throws Exception {
  361. ConstPool cp = new ConstPool("test1.Foo");
  362. int i = cp.addClassInfo("test1.Bar");
  363. assertEquals(i, cp.addClassInfo("test1.Bar"));
  364. cp.renameClass("test1/Bar", "test1/Bar2");
  365. assertEquals("test1.Bar2", cp.getClassInfo(i));
  366. assertEquals(i, cp.addClassInfo("test1.Bar2"));
  367. int j = cp.addClassInfo("test1.Bar");
  368. assertTrue(i != j);
  369. assertEquals(j, cp.addClassInfo("test1.Bar"));
  370. }
  371. public void testSignature() throws Exception {
  372. parseMsig("(TT;)TT;", "<> (T) T");
  373. parseMsig("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)TT;",
  374. "<S extends java.lang.Object> (S, S[]) T");
  375. parseMsig("()TT;^TT;", "<> () T throws T");
  376. String sig = "<T:Ljava/lang/Exception;>LPoi$Foo<Ljava/lang/String;>;LBar;LBar2;";
  377. String rep = "<T extends java.lang.Exception> extends Poi.Foo<java.lang.String> implements Bar, Bar2";
  378. SignatureAttribute.ClassSignature cs = SignatureAttribute.toClassSignature(sig);
  379. assertEquals(rep, cs.toString());
  380. CtClass c = loader.get("test3.SigAttribute");
  381. CtField f = c.getDeclaredField("value");
  382. SignatureAttribute a = (SignatureAttribute)f.getFieldInfo2().getAttribute(SignatureAttribute.tag);
  383. assertNotNull(a);
  384. f.getFieldInfo().prune(new ConstPool("test3.SigAttribute"));
  385. a = (SignatureAttribute)f.getFieldInfo2().getAttribute(SignatureAttribute.tag);
  386. assertNotNull(a);
  387. }
  388. private void parseMsig(String sig, String rep) throws Exception {
  389. SignatureAttribute.MethodSignature ms = SignatureAttribute.toMethodSignature(sig);
  390. assertEquals(rep, ms.toString());
  391. }
  392. public void testSignatureChange() throws Exception {
  393. changeMsig("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Object", "java/lang/Object",
  394. "<S:Ljava/lang/Objec;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Object", "java/lang/Objec");
  395. changeMsig("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)TT;", "java/lang/Object",
  396. "<S:Ljava/lang/Objec;>(TS;[TS;)TT;", "java/lang/Objec");
  397. changeMsig("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Object2;", "java/lang/Object",
  398. "<S:Ljava/lang/Objec;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Object2;", "java/lang/Objec");
  399. changeMsig("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Objec;", "java/lang/Object",
  400. "<S:Ljava/lang/Object2;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Objec;", "java/lang/Object2");
  401. changeMsig2("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)TT;", "java/lang/Object",
  402. "<S:Ljava/lang/Objec;>(TS;[TS;)TT;", "java/lang/Objec");
  403. changeMsig2("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Object2;", "java/lang/Object",
  404. "<S:Ljava/lang/Objec;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Object2;", "java/lang/Objec");
  405. changeMsig2("<S:Ljava/lang/Object;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Objec;", "java/lang/Object",
  406. "<S:Ljava/lang/Object2;>(TS;[TS;)Ljava/lang/Objec;", "java/lang/Object2");
  407. String sig = "<T:Ljava/lang/Exception;>LPoi$Foo<Ljava/lang/String;>;LBar;LBar2;";
  408. //String res = "<T:Ljava/lang/Exception;>LPoi$Foo<Ljava/lang/String2;>;LBar;LBar2;";
  409. changeMsig(sig, "java/lang/String", sig, "java/lang/String2");
  410. changeMsig2(sig, "java/lang/String", sig, "java/lang/String2");
  411. changeMsig("Ltest<TE;>.List;", "ist", "Ltest<TE;>.List;", "IST");
  412. }
  413. private void changeMsig(String old, String oldname, String result, String newname) {
  414. String r = SignatureAttribute.renameClass(old, oldname, newname);
  415. assertEquals(result, r);
  416. }
  417. private void changeMsig2(String old, String oldname, String result, String newname) {
  418. ClassMap map = new ClassMap();
  419. map.put(oldname, newname);
  420. String r = SignatureAttribute.renameClass(old, map);
  421. assertEquals(result, r);
  422. }
  423. public void testSignatureEncode() throws Exception {
  424. BaseType bt = new BaseType("int");
  425. TypeVariable tv = new TypeVariable("S");
  426. ArrayType at = new ArrayType(1, tv);
  427. ClassType ct1 = new ClassType("test.Foo");
  428. TypeArgument ta = new TypeArgument();
  429. TypeArgument ta2 = new TypeArgument(ct1);
  430. TypeArgument ta3 = TypeArgument.subclassOf(ct1);
  431. ClassType ct2 = new ClassType("test.Foo", new TypeArgument[] { ta, ta2, ta3 });
  432. ClassType ct3 = new ClassType("test.Bar");
  433. ClassType ct4 = new ClassType("test.Bar", new TypeArgument[] { ta });
  434. NestedClassType ct5 = new NestedClassType(ct4, "Baz", new TypeArgument[] { ta });
  435. TypeParameter tp1 = new TypeParameter("U");
  436. TypeParameter tp2 = new TypeParameter("V", ct1, new ObjectType[] { ct3 });
  437. ClassSignature cs = new ClassSignature(new TypeParameter[] { tp1 },
  438. ct1,
  439. new ClassType[] { ct2 });
  440. MethodSignature ms = new MethodSignature(new TypeParameter[] { tp1, tp2 },
  441. new Type[] { bt, at, ct5 }, ct3,
  442. new ObjectType[] { ct1, tv });
  443. assertEquals("<U:Ljava/lang/Object;>Ltest/Foo;Ltest/Foo<*Ltest/Foo;+Ltest/Foo;>;",
  444. cs.encode());
  445. assertEquals("<U:Ljava/lang/Object;V:Ltest/Foo;:Ltest/Bar;>(I[TS;Ltest/Bar<*>$Baz<*>;)Ltest/Bar;^Ltest/Foo;^TS;",
  446. ms.encode());
  447. }
  448. public void testModifiers() throws Exception {
  449. CtClass c = loader.get("test3.Mods");
  450. c.setModifiers(Modifier.PROTECTED);
  451. assertEquals(AccessFlag.PROTECTED | AccessFlag.SUPER, c.getClassFile2().getAccessFlags());
  452. CtClass c2 = loader.get("test3.Mods2");
  453. c2.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC | c2.getModifiers());
  454. assertEquals(AccessFlag.PUBLIC | AccessFlag.INTERFACE | AccessFlag.ABSTRACT,
  455. c2.getClassFile2().getAccessFlags());
  456. ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(false, "Test", null);
  457. assertEquals(AccessFlag.SUPER, cf.getAccessFlags());
  458. ClassFile cf2 = new ClassFile(true, "Test2", null);
  459. assertEquals(AccessFlag.INTERFACE | AccessFlag.ABSTRACT, cf2.getAccessFlags());
  460. }
  461. public void testByteStream() throws Exception {
  462. ByteStream bs = new ByteStream(16);
  463. ByteArrayOutputStream ba = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  464. DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(ba);
  465. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  466. bs.write(i);
  467. dos.write(i);
  468. bs.writeShort(i + 1);
  469. dos.writeShort(i + 1);
  470. bs.writeInt(i + 2);
  471. dos.writeInt(i + 2);
  472. bs.writeLong(i + 3);
  473. dos.writeLong(i + 3);
  474. }
  475. bs.writeLong(Long.MAX_VALUE);
  476. dos.writeLong(Long.MAX_VALUE);
  477. bs.writeFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE);
  478. dos.writeFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE);
  479. bs.writeDouble(Double.MAX_VALUE);
  480. dos.writeDouble(Double.MAX_VALUE);
  481. compare(bs, ba);
  482. }
  483. public void testByteStreamUtf() throws Exception {
  484. ByteStream bs = new ByteStream(4);
  485. ByteArrayOutputStream ba = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  486. DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(ba);
  487. char c2 = '\u00b4';
  488. char c3 = '\u3007';
  489. bs.writeUTF("abc");
  490. dos.writeUTF("abc");
  491. String s = "" + c2 + c2;
  492. bs.writeUTF(s);
  493. dos.writeUTF(s);
  494. s = "" + c3 + c3;
  495. bs.writeUTF(s);
  496. dos.writeUTF(s);
  497. s = "abcdefgh" + c2 + "123" + c3 + "456";
  498. bs.writeUTF(s);
  499. dos.writeUTF(s);
  500. compare(bs, ba);
  501. }
  502. private void compare(ByteStream bs, ByteArrayOutputStream bos) {
  503. byte[] bs2 = bs.toByteArray();
  504. byte[] bos2 = bos.toByteArray();
  505. assertEquals(bs2.length, bos2.length);
  506. for (int i = 0; i < bs2.length; i++)
  507. assertEquals(bs2[i], bos2[i]);
  508. }
  509. public void testConstInfos() throws Exception {
  510. int n = 1;
  511. Utf8Info ui1 = new Utf8Info("test", n++);
  512. Utf8Info ui2 = new Utf8Info("te" + "st", n++);
  513. Utf8Info ui3 = new Utf8Info("test2", n++);
  514. assertTrue(ui1.hashCode() == ui2.hashCode());
  515. assertTrue(ui1.equals(ui1));
  516. assertTrue(ui1.equals(ui2));
  517. assertFalse(ui1.equals(ui3));
  518. assertFalse(ui1.equals(null));
  519. ClassInfo ci1 = new ClassInfo(ui1.index, n++);
  520. ClassInfo ci2 = new ClassInfo(ui1.index, n++);
  521. ClassInfo ci3 = new ClassInfo(ui2.index, n++);
  522. ClassInfo ci4 = new ClassInfo(ui3.index, n++);
  523. assertTrue(ci1.hashCode() == ci2.hashCode());
  524. assertTrue(ci1.equals(ci1));
  525. assertTrue(ci1.equals(ci2));
  526. assertFalse(ci1.equals(ci3));
  527. assertFalse(ci1.equals(ci4));
  528. assertFalse(ci1.equals(ui1));
  529. assertFalse(ci1.equals(null));
  530. NameAndTypeInfo ni1 = new NameAndTypeInfo(ui1.index, ui3.index, n++);
  531. NameAndTypeInfo ni2 = new NameAndTypeInfo(ui1.index, ui3.index, n++);
  532. NameAndTypeInfo ni3 = new NameAndTypeInfo(ui1.index, ui1.index, n++);
  533. NameAndTypeInfo ni4 = new NameAndTypeInfo(ui3.index, ui3.index, n++);
  534. assertTrue(ni1.hashCode() == ni2.hashCode());
  535. assertTrue(ni1.equals(ni1));
  536. assertTrue(ni1.equals(ni2));
  537. assertFalse(ni1.equals(ni3));
  538. assertFalse(ni1.equals(ni4));
  539. assertFalse(ni1.equals(ci1));
  540. assertFalse(ni1.equals(null));
  541. MethodrefInfo mi1 = new MethodrefInfo(ui1.index, ui3.index, n++);
  542. MethodrefInfo mi2 = new MethodrefInfo(ui1.index, ui3.index, n++);
  543. MethodrefInfo mi3 = new MethodrefInfo(ui1.index, ui1.index, n++);
  544. MethodrefInfo mi4 = new MethodrefInfo(ui2.index, ui3.index, n++);
  545. assertTrue(mi1.hashCode() == mi2.hashCode());
  546. assertTrue(mi1.equals(mi1));
  547. assertTrue(mi1.equals(mi2));
  548. assertFalse(mi1.equals(mi3));
  549. assertFalse(mi1.equals(mi4));
  550. assertFalse(mi1.equals(ci1));
  551. assertFalse(mi1.equals(null));
  552. FieldrefInfo field1 = new FieldrefInfo(ui1.index, ui3.index, n++);
  553. FieldrefInfo field2 = new FieldrefInfo(ui1.index, ui1.index, n++);
  554. FieldrefInfo field3 = new FieldrefInfo(ui1.index, ui1.index, n++);
  555. InterfaceMethodrefInfo intf1 = new InterfaceMethodrefInfo(ui1.index, ui3.index, n++);
  556. InterfaceMethodrefInfo intf2 = new InterfaceMethodrefInfo(ui1.index, ui3.index, n++);
  557. assertFalse(mi1.equals(field1));
  558. assertFalse(field1.equals(mi1));
  559. assertTrue(field2.equals(field3));
  560. assertFalse(mi1.equals(field2));
  561. assertFalse(mi1.equals(intf1));
  562. assertFalse(intf1.equals(mi1));
  563. assertTrue(intf1.equals(intf2));
  564. StringInfo si1 = new StringInfo(ui1.index, n++);
  565. StringInfo si2 = new StringInfo(ui1.index, n++);
  566. StringInfo si3 = new StringInfo(ui2.index, n++);
  567. assertTrue(si1.hashCode() == si2.hashCode());
  568. assertTrue(si1.equals(si1));
  569. assertTrue(si1.equals(si2));
  570. assertFalse(si1.equals(si3));
  571. assertFalse(si1.equals(ci1));
  572. assertFalse(si1.equals(null));
  573. IntegerInfo ii1 = new IntegerInfo(12345, n++);
  574. IntegerInfo ii2 = new IntegerInfo(12345, n++);
  575. IntegerInfo ii3 = new IntegerInfo(-12345, n++);
  576. assertTrue(ii1.hashCode() == ii2.hashCode());
  577. assertTrue(ii1.equals(ii1));
  578. assertTrue(ii1.equals(ii2));
  579. assertFalse(ii1.equals(ii3));
  580. assertFalse(ii1.equals(ci1));
  581. assertFalse(ii1.equals(null));
  582. FloatInfo fi1 = new FloatInfo(12345.0F, n++);
  583. FloatInfo fi2 = new FloatInfo(12345.0F, n++);
  584. FloatInfo fi3 = new FloatInfo(-12345.0F, n++);
  585. assertTrue(fi1.hashCode() == fi2.hashCode());
  586. assertTrue(fi1.equals(fi1));
  587. assertTrue(fi1.equals(fi2));
  588. assertFalse(fi1.equals(fi3));
  589. assertFalse(fi1.equals(ci1));
  590. assertFalse(fi1.equals(null));
  591. LongInfo li1 = new LongInfo(12345L, n++);
  592. LongInfo li2 = new LongInfo(12345L, n++);
  593. LongInfo li3 = new LongInfo(-12345L, n++);
  594. assertTrue(li1.hashCode() == li2.hashCode());
  595. assertTrue(li1.equals(li1));
  596. assertTrue(li1.equals(li2));
  597. assertFalse(li1.equals(li3));
  598. assertFalse(li1.equals(ci1));
  599. assertFalse(li1.equals(null));
  600. DoubleInfo di1 = new DoubleInfo(12345.0, n++);
  601. DoubleInfo di2 = new DoubleInfo(12345.0, n++);
  602. DoubleInfo di3 = new DoubleInfo(-12345.0, n++);
  603. assertTrue(di1.hashCode() == di2.hashCode());
  604. assertTrue(di1.equals(di1));
  605. assertTrue(di1.equals(di2));
  606. assertFalse(di1.equals(di3));
  607. assertFalse(di1.equals(ci1));
  608. assertFalse(di1.equals(null));
  609. }
  610. public void testConstInfoAdd() {
  611. ConstPool cp = new ConstPool("test.Tester");
  612. assertEquals("test.Tester", cp.getClassName());
  613. int n0 = cp.addClassInfo("test.Foo");
  614. assertEquals(n0, cp.addClassInfo("test.Foo"));
  615. int n1 = cp.addUtf8Info("test.Bar");
  616. assertEquals(n1, cp.addUtf8Info("test.Bar"));
  617. int n2 = cp.addUtf8Info("()V");
  618. assertEquals(n2, cp.addUtf8Info("()V"));
  619. assertTrue(n1 != n2);
  620. int n3 = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo(n1, n2);
  621. assertEquals(n3, cp.addNameAndTypeInfo(n1, n2));
  622. assertEquals(n3, cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("test.Bar", "()V"));
  623. int n4 = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("test.Baz", "()V");
  624. assertTrue(n3 != n4);
  625. assertTrue(n3 != cp.addNameAndTypeInfo(cp.addUtf8Info("test.Baz"), n2));
  626. int n5 = cp.addFieldrefInfo(n0, n3);
  627. assertEquals(n5, cp.addFieldrefInfo(n0, n3));
  628. assertTrue(n5 != cp.addFieldrefInfo(n0, n4));
  629. assertTrue(cp.addMethodrefInfo(n0, n3) == cp.addMethodrefInfo(n0, n3));
  630. assertTrue(cp.addMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()B") == cp.addMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()B"));
  631. assertTrue(cp.addMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()B") != cp.addMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()I"));
  632. assertTrue(n5 != cp.addInterfaceMethodrefInfo(n0, n3));
  633. assertTrue(cp.addInterfaceMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()B")
  634. == cp.addInterfaceMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()B"));
  635. assertTrue(cp.addInterfaceMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()B")
  636. != cp.addInterfaceMethodrefInfo(n0, "test", "()I"));
  637. int n6 = cp.addStringInfo("foobar");
  638. assertEquals(n6, cp.addStringInfo("foobar"));
  639. assertTrue(n6 != cp.addStringInfo("foobar2"));
  640. int n7 = cp.addIntegerInfo(123);
  641. assertEquals(n7, cp.addIntegerInfo(123));
  642. assertTrue(n7 != cp.addIntegerInfo(-123));
  643. int n8 = cp.addFloatInfo(123);
  644. assertEquals(n8, cp.addFloatInfo(123.0F));
  645. assertTrue(n8 != cp.addFloatInfo(-123.0F));
  646. int n9 = cp.addLongInfo(1234L);
  647. assertEquals(n9, cp.addLongInfo(1234L));
  648. assertTrue(n9 != cp.addLongInfo(-1234L));
  649. int n10 = cp.addDoubleInfo(1234.0);
  650. assertEquals(n10, cp.addDoubleInfo(1234.0));
  651. assertTrue(n10 != cp.addDoubleInfo(-1234.0));
  652. cp.prune();
  653. assertEquals(n1, cp.addUtf8Info("test.Bar"));
  654. assertEquals(n0, cp.addClassInfo("test.Foo"));
  655. assertEquals(n10, cp.addDoubleInfo(1234.0));
  656. }
  657. public void testRenameInConstPool() {
  658. ConstPool cp = new ConstPool("test.Tester");
  659. int n1 = cp.addClassInfo("test.Foo");
  660. int n2 = cp.addClassInfo("test.Bar");
  661. int n3 = cp.addClassInfo("test.Baz");
  662. int n4 = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("foo", "(Ltest/Foo;)V");
  663. int n5 = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("bar", "(Ltest/Bar;)V");
  664. int n6 = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("baz", "(Ltest/Baz;)V");
  665. int n7 = cp.addClassInfo("[Ltest/Foo;");
  666. int n8 = cp.addClassInfo("[Ltest/Bar;");
  667. cp.renameClass("test/Foo", "test/Foo2");
  668. assertEquals("test.Foo2", cp.getClassInfo(n1));
  669. assertEquals("(Ltest/Foo2;)V", cp.getUtf8Info(cp.getNameAndTypeDescriptor(n4)));
  670. assertTrue(cp.addClassInfo("test.Foo2") == n1);
  671. assertTrue(cp.addClassInfo("test.Foo") != n1);
  672. assertTrue(cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("foo", "(Ltest/Foo2;)V") == n4);
  673. assertTrue(cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("foo", "(Ltest/Foo;)V") != n4);
  674. assertEquals("[Ltest.Foo2;", cp.getClassInfo(n7));
  675. ClassMap map = new ClassMap();
  676. map.put("test.Bar", "test.Bar2");
  677. map.put("test.Baz", "test.Baz2");
  678. cp.renameClass(map);
  679. assertEquals("test.Bar2", cp.getClassInfo(n2));
  680. assertEquals("(Ltest/Bar2;)V", cp.getUtf8Info(cp.getNameAndTypeDescriptor(n5)));
  681. assertTrue(cp.addClassInfo("test.Bar2") == n2);
  682. assertTrue(cp.addClassInfo("test.Bar") != n2);
  683. assertTrue(cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("bar", "(Ltest/Bar2;)V") == n5);
  684. assertTrue(cp.addNameAndTypeInfo("bar", "(Ltest/Bar;)V") != n5);
  685. assertEquals("[Ltest.Bar2;", cp.getClassInfo(n8));
  686. }
  687. public void testInvokeDynamic() throws Exception {
  688. CtClass cc = loader.get("test4.InvokeDyn");
  689. ClassFile cf = cc.getClassFile();
  690. ConstPool cp = cf.getConstPool();
  691. Bytecode code = new Bytecode(cp, 0, 1);
  692. code.addAload(0);
  693. code.addIconst(9);
  694. code.addLdc("nine");
  695. code.addInvokedynamic(0, "call", "(ILjava/lang/String;)I");
  696. code.addOpcode(Opcode.SWAP);
  697. code.addOpcode(Opcode.POP);
  698. code.addOpcode(Opcode.IRETURN);
  699. MethodInfo minfo = new MethodInfo(cp, "test", "()I");
  700. minfo.setCodeAttribute(code.toCodeAttribute());
  701. minfo.setAccessFlags(AccessFlag.PUBLIC);
  702. minfo.rebuildStackMapIf6(loader, cf);
  703. cf.addMethod(minfo);
  704. cf.addMethod(new MethodInfo(cp, "test2", minfo, null));
  705. int mtIndex = cp.addMethodTypeInfo(cp.addUtf8Info("(I)V"));
  706. String desc
  707. = "(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;)" +
  708. "Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;";
  709. int mri = cp.addMethodrefInfo(cp.addClassInfo(cc.getName()), "boot", desc);
  710. int mhi = cp.addMethodHandleInfo(ConstPool.REF_invokeStatic, mri);
  711. int[] args = new int[0];
  712. BootstrapMethodsAttribute.BootstrapMethod[] bms
  713. = new BootstrapMethodsAttribute.BootstrapMethod[1];
  714. bms[0] = new BootstrapMethodsAttribute.BootstrapMethod(mhi, args);
  715. cf.addAttribute(new BootstrapMethodsAttribute(cp, bms));
  716. cc.writeFile();
  717. Object obj = make(cc.getName());
  718. assertEquals(9, invoke(obj, "test"));
  719. ClassPool cp2 = new ClassPool();
  720. cp2.appendClassPath(".");
  721. CtClass cc2 = cp2.get(cc.getName());
  722. assertEquals("test4.InvokeDyn", cc2.getClassFile().getName());
  723. ConstPool cPool2 = cc2.getClassFile().getConstPool();
  724. assertEquals("(I)V", cPool2.getUtf8Info(cPool2.getMethodTypeInfo(mtIndex)));
  725. }
  726. // public void testDynamicInfo() throws Exception {
  727. // ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(false, "test4.Dyn", null);
  728. // cf.setInterfaces(new String[] { "java.lang.Cloneable" });
  729. // ConstPool cp = cf.getConstPool();
  730. //
  731. // Bytecode code = new Bytecode(cp, 0, 1);
  732. // code.addAload(0);
  733. // code.addIconst(9);
  734. // code.addLdc("nine");
  735. // code.addDynamic(0, "call", "I");
  736. // code.addOpcode(Opcode.SWAP);
  737. // code.addOpcode(Opcode.POP);
  738. // code.addOpcode(Opcode.IRETURN);
  739. //
  740. // FieldInfo fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(cp, "test", "S");
  741. // fieldInfo.setAccessFlags(AccessFlag.PUBLIC);
  742. // cf.addField(fieldInfo);
  743. //
  744. // String desc
  745. // = "(Ljava/lang/String;)I";
  746. // int mri = cp.addMethodrefInfo(cp.addClassInfo("Dyn"), "boot", desc);
  747. // int mhi = cp.addMethodHandleInfo(ConstPool.REF_invokeStatic, mri);
  748. // int[] args = new int[0];
  749. // BootstrapMethodsAttribute.BootstrapMethod[] bms
  750. // = new BootstrapMethodsAttribute.BootstrapMethod[1];
  751. // bms[0] = new BootstrapMethodsAttribute.BootstrapMethod(mhi, args);
  752. //
  753. // cf.addAttribute(new BootstrapMethodsAttribute(cp, bms));
  754. //
  755. // cf.write(new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("test4/Dyn.class")));
  756. //
  757. // Object obj = make(cf.getName());
  758. //
  759. // assertNotNull(obj);
  760. // }
  761. public static Test suite() {
  762. TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Bytecode Tests");
  763. suite.addTestSuite(BytecodeTest.class);
  764. return suite;
  765. }
  766. }