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GPG signature verification via BouncyCastle Add a GpgSignatureVerifier interface, plus a factory to create instances thereof that is provided via the ServiceLoader mechanism. Implement the new interface for BouncyCastle. A verifier maintains an internal LRU cache of previously found public keys to speed up verifying multiple objects (tag or commits). Mergetags are not handled. Provide a new VerifySignatureCommand in org.eclipse.jgit.api together with a factory method Git.verifySignature(). The command can verify signatures on tags or commits, and can be limited to accept only tags or commits. Provide a new public WrongObjectTypeException thrown when the command is limited to either tags or commits and a name resolves to some other object kind. In jgit.pgm, implement "git tag -v", "git log --show-signature", and "git show --show-signature". The output is similar to command-line gpg invoked via git, but not identical. In particular, lines are not prefixed by "gpg:" but by "bc:". Trust levels for public keys are read from the keys' trust packets, not from GPG's internal trust database. A trust packet may or may not be set. Command-line GPG produces more warning lines depending on the trust level, warning about keys with a trust level below "full". There are no unit tests because JGit still doesn't have any setup to do signing unit tests; this would require at least a faked .gpg directory with pre-created key rings and keys, and a way to make the BouncyCastle classes use that directory instead of the default. See bug 547538 and also bug 544847. Tested manually with a small test repository containing signed and unsigned commits and tags, with signatures made with different keys and made by command-line git using GPG 2.2.25 and by JGit using BouncyCastle 1.65. Bug: 547751 Change-Id: If7e34aeed6ca6636a92bf774d893d98f6d459181 Signed-off-by: Thomas Wolf <>
3 years ago
Support LFS protocol and a file system based LFS storage Implement LfsProtocolServlet handling the "Git LFS v1 Batch API" protocol [1]. Add a simple file system based LFS content store and the debug-lfs-store command to simplify testing. Introduce a LargeFileRepository interface to enable additional storage implementation while reusing the same protocol implementation. At the client side we have to configure the lfs.url, specify that we use the batch API and we don't use authentication: [lfs] url = http://host:port/lfs batch = true [lfs "http://host:port/lfs"] access = none the git-lfs client appends the "objects/batch" to the lfs.url. Hard code an Authorization header in the FileLfsRepository.getAction because then git-lfs client will skip asking for credentials. It will just forward the Authorization header from the response to the download/upload request. The FileLfsServlet supports file content storage for "Large File Storage" (LFS) server as defined by the Github LFS API [2]. - upload and download of large files is probably network bound hence use an asynchronous servlet for good scalability - simple object storage in file system with 2 level fan-out - use LockFile to protect writing large objects against multiple concurrent uploads of the same object - to prevent corrupt uploads the uploaded file is rejected if its hash doesn't match id given in URL The debug-lfs-store command is used to run the LfsProtocolServlet and, optionally, the FileLfsServlet which makes it easier to setup a local test server. [1] [2] Bug: 472961 Change-Id: I7378da5575159d2195138d799704880c5c82d5f3 Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <> Signed-off-by: Sasa Zivkov <>
8 years ago
Support LFS protocol and a file system based LFS storage Implement LfsProtocolServlet handling the "Git LFS v1 Batch API" protocol [1]. Add a simple file system based LFS content store and the debug-lfs-store command to simplify testing. Introduce a LargeFileRepository interface to enable additional storage implementation while reusing the same protocol implementation. At the client side we have to configure the lfs.url, specify that we use the batch API and we don't use authentication: [lfs] url = http://host:port/lfs batch = true [lfs "http://host:port/lfs"] access = none the git-lfs client appends the "objects/batch" to the lfs.url. Hard code an Authorization header in the FileLfsRepository.getAction because then git-lfs client will skip asking for credentials. It will just forward the Authorization header from the response to the download/upload request. The FileLfsServlet supports file content storage for "Large File Storage" (LFS) server as defined by the Github LFS API [2]. - upload and download of large files is probably network bound hence use an asynchronous servlet for good scalability - simple object storage in file system with 2 level fan-out - use LockFile to protect writing large objects against multiple concurrent uploads of the same object - to prevent corrupt uploads the uploaded file is rejected if its hash doesn't match id given in URL The debug-lfs-store command is used to run the LfsProtocolServlet and, optionally, the FileLfsServlet which makes it easier to setup a local test server. [1] [2] Bug: 472961 Change-Id: I7378da5575159d2195138d799704880c5c82d5f3 Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <> Signed-off-by: Sasa Zivkov <>
8 years ago
Support LFS protocol and a file system based LFS storage Implement LfsProtocolServlet handling the "Git LFS v1 Batch API" protocol [1]. Add a simple file system based LFS content store and the debug-lfs-store command to simplify testing. Introduce a LargeFileRepository interface to enable additional storage implementation while reusing the same protocol implementation. At the client side we have to configure the lfs.url, specify that we use the batch API and we don't use authentication: [lfs] url = http://host:port/lfs batch = true [lfs "http://host:port/lfs"] access = none the git-lfs client appends the "objects/batch" to the lfs.url. Hard code an Authorization header in the FileLfsRepository.getAction because then git-lfs client will skip asking for credentials. It will just forward the Authorization header from the response to the download/upload request. The FileLfsServlet supports file content storage for "Large File Storage" (LFS) server as defined by the Github LFS API [2]. - upload and download of large files is probably network bound hence use an asynchronous servlet for good scalability - simple object storage in file system with 2 level fan-out - use LockFile to protect writing large objects against multiple concurrent uploads of the same object - to prevent corrupt uploads the uploaded file is rejected if its hash doesn't match id given in URL The debug-lfs-store command is used to run the LfsProtocolServlet and, optionally, the FileLfsServlet which makes it easier to setup a local test server. [1] [2] Bug: 472961 Change-Id: I7378da5575159d2195138d799704880c5c82d5f3 Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <> Signed-off-by: Sasa Zivkov <>
8 years ago
GPG signature verification via BouncyCastle Add a GpgSignatureVerifier interface, plus a factory to create instances thereof that is provided via the ServiceLoader mechanism. Implement the new interface for BouncyCastle. A verifier maintains an internal LRU cache of previously found public keys to speed up verifying multiple objects (tag or commits). Mergetags are not handled. Provide a new VerifySignatureCommand in org.eclipse.jgit.api together with a factory method Git.verifySignature(). The command can verify signatures on tags or commits, and can be limited to accept only tags or commits. Provide a new public WrongObjectTypeException thrown when the command is limited to either tags or commits and a name resolves to some other object kind. In jgit.pgm, implement "git tag -v", "git log --show-signature", and "git show --show-signature". The output is similar to command-line gpg invoked via git, but not identical. In particular, lines are not prefixed by "gpg:" but by "bc:". Trust levels for public keys are read from the keys' trust packets, not from GPG's internal trust database. A trust packet may or may not be set. Command-line GPG produces more warning lines depending on the trust level, warning about keys with a trust level below "full". There are no unit tests because JGit still doesn't have any setup to do signing unit tests; this would require at least a faked .gpg directory with pre-created key rings and keys, and a way to make the BouncyCastle classes use that directory instead of the default. See bug 547538 and also bug 544847. Tested manually with a small test repository containing signed and unsigned commits and tags, with signatures made with different keys and made by command-line git using GPG 2.2.25 and by JGit using BouncyCastle 1.65. Bug: 547751 Change-Id: If7e34aeed6ca6636a92bf774d893d98f6d459181 Signed-off-by: Thomas Wolf <>
3 years ago
GPG signature verification via BouncyCastle Add a GpgSignatureVerifier interface, plus a factory to create instances thereof that is provided via the ServiceLoader mechanism. Implement the new interface for BouncyCastle. A verifier maintains an internal LRU cache of previously found public keys to speed up verifying multiple objects (tag or commits). Mergetags are not handled. Provide a new VerifySignatureCommand in org.eclipse.jgit.api together with a factory method Git.verifySignature(). The command can verify signatures on tags or commits, and can be limited to accept only tags or commits. Provide a new public WrongObjectTypeException thrown when the command is limited to either tags or commits and a name resolves to some other object kind. In jgit.pgm, implement "git tag -v", "git log --show-signature", and "git show --show-signature". The output is similar to command-line gpg invoked via git, but not identical. In particular, lines are not prefixed by "gpg:" but by "bc:". Trust levels for public keys are read from the keys' trust packets, not from GPG's internal trust database. A trust packet may or may not be set. Command-line GPG produces more warning lines depending on the trust level, warning about keys with a trust level below "full". There are no unit tests because JGit still doesn't have any setup to do signing unit tests; this would require at least a faked .gpg directory with pre-created key rings and keys, and a way to make the BouncyCastle classes use that directory instead of the default. See bug 547538 and also bug 544847. Tested manually with a small test repository containing signed and unsigned commits and tags, with signatures made with different keys and made by command-line git using GPG 2.2.25 and by JGit using BouncyCastle 1.65. Bug: 547751 Change-Id: If7e34aeed6ca6636a92bf774d893d98f6d459181 Signed-off-by: Thomas Wolf <>
3 years ago
  1. #
  2. # Messages with format elements ({0}) are processed using java.text.MessageFormat.
  3. # Exceptions are the usage_* and meta_-messages which are processed through
  4. # annotations in Args4j.
  5. #
  6. # default meta variable defined in the org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.StringOptionHandler
  7. VAL=VAL
  8. # default meta variable defined in the org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.ExplicitBooleanOptionHandler
  10. # default meta variable defined in the org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.StopOptionHandler
  12. # default meta variable defined in the org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.OneArgumentOptionHandler
  13. N=N
  14. alreadyOnBranch=Already on ''{0}''
  15. alreadyUpToDate=Already up-to-date.
  16. answerNo=n
  17. answerYes=y
  18. authorInfo=Author: {0} <{1}>
  19. averageMSPerRead=average {0} ms/read
  20. branchAlreadyExists=A branch named ''{0}'' already exists.
  21. branchCreatedFrom=branch: Created from {0}
  22. branchDetachedHEAD=detached HEAD
  23. branchIsNotAnAncestorOfYourCurrentHEAD=The branch ''{0}'' is not an ancestor of your current HEAD.\nIf you are sure you want to delete it, run ''jgit branch -D {0}''.
  24. branchNameRequired=branch name required
  25. branchNotFound=branch ''{0}'' not found.
  26. cacheTreePathInfo="{0}": {1} entries, {2} children
  27. cannotBeRenamed={0} cannot be renamed
  28. cannotCombineSquashWithNoff=You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff.
  29. cannotCreateCommand=Cannot create command {0}
  30. cannotCreateOutputStream=cannot create output stream
  31. cannotDeatchHEAD=Cannot detach HEAD
  32. cannotDeleteFile=error: The following file could not be deleted:
  33. cannotDeleteTheBranchWhichYouAreCurrentlyOn=Cannot delete the branch ''{0}'' which you are currently on.
  34. cannotGuessLocalNameFrom=cannot guess local name from {0}
  35. cannotLock=Cannot lock {0}
  36. cannotReadBecause=cannot read {0}: {1}
  37. cannotReadPackageInformation=Cannot read package information.
  38. cannotRenameDetachedHEAD=Cannot rename detached HEAD
  39. cannotResolve=Cannot resolve {0}
  40. cannotSetupConsole=Cannot setup console
  41. cannotUseObjectsWithGlog=Cannot use --objects with glog
  42. cantFindGitDirectory=error: can't find git directory
  43. cantWrite=Can''t write {0}
  44. changesNotStagedForCommit=Changes not staged for commit:
  45. changesToBeCommitted=Changes to be committed:
  46. checkingOut=Submodule path ''{0}'': checked out ''{1}''
  47. checkoutConflict=error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
  48. checkoutConflictPathLine=\t{0}
  49. cleanRequireForce=clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -n nor -f given; refusing to clean
  50. clonedEmptyRepository=warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
  51. cloningInto=Cloning into ''{0}''...
  52. commitLabel=commit
  53. configOnlyListOptionSupported=only the --list option is currently supported
  54. configFileNotFound=configuration file {0} not found
  55. conflictingUsageOf_git_dir_andArguments=conflicting usage of --git-dir and arguments
  56. couldNotCreateBranch=Could not create branch {0}: {1}
  57. dateInfo=Date: {0}
  58. deletedBranch=Deleted branch {0}
  59. deletedRemoteBranch=Deleted remote branch {0}
  60. doesNotExist={0} does not exist
  61. dontOverwriteLocalChanges=error: Your local changes to the following file would be overwritten by merge:
  62. everythingUpToDate=Everything up-to-date
  63. expectedNumberOfbytes=Expected {0} bytes.
  64. exporting=Exporting {0}
  65. failedToCommitIndex=failed to commit index
  66. failedToLockIndex=failed to lock index
  67. fatalError=fatal: {0}
  68. fatalThisProgramWillDestroyTheRepository=fatal: This program will destroy the repository\nfatal:\nfatal:\nfatal: {0}\nfatal:\nfatal: To continue, add {1} to the command line\nfatal:
  69. fetchingSubmodule=Fetching submodule {0}
  70. fileIsRequired=argument file is required
  71. ffNotPossibleAborting=Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.
  72. forcedUpdate=forced update
  73. fromURI=From {0}
  74. initializedEmptyGitRepositoryIn=Initialized empty Git repository in {0}
  75. invalidHttpProxyOnlyHttpSupported=Invalid http_proxy: {0}: Only http supported.
  76. invalidRecurseSubmodulesMode=Invalid recurse submodules mode: {0}
  77. invalidUntrackedFilesMode=Invalid untracked files mode ''{0}''
  78. jgitVersion=jgit version {0}
  79. lfsNoAccessKey=No accessKey in {0}
  80. lfsNoSecretKey=No secretKey in {0}
  81. lfsProtocolUrl=LFS protocol URL: {0}
  82. lfsStoreDirectory=LFS objects stored in: {0}
  83. lfsStoreUrl=LFS store URL: {0}
  84. lfsUnknownStoreType="Unknown LFS store type: {0}"
  85. lineFormat={0}
  86. listeningOn=Listening on {0}
  87. logNoSignatureVerifier="No signature verifier available"
  88. mergeConflict=CONFLICT(content): Merge conflict in {0}
  89. mergeCheckoutConflict=error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
  90. mergeFailed=Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result
  91. mergeCheckoutFailed=Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
  92. mergeMadeBy=Merge made by the ''{0}'' strategy.
  93. mergedSquashed=Squash commit -- not updating HEAD
  94. mergeWentWellStoppedBeforeCommitting=Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested
  95. metaVar_DAG=DAG
  96. metaVar_KEY=KEY
  97. metaVar_archiveFormat=format
  98. metaVar_archivePrefix=prefix/
  99. metaVar_arg=ARG
  100. metaVar_author=AUTHOR
  101. metaVar_base=base
  102. metaVar_blameL=START,END
  103. metaVar_blameReverse=START..END
  104. metaVar_branchAndStartPoint=branch [start-name]
  105. metaVar_branchName=branch
  106. metaVar_branchNames=branch ...
  107. metaVar_bucket=BUCKET
  108. metaVar_command=command
  109. metaVar_commandDetail=DETAIL
  110. metaVar_commitish=commit-ish
  111. metaVar_commitOrTag=COMMIT|TAG
  112. metaVar_commitPaths=paths
  113. metaVar_configFile=FILE
  114. metaVar_connProp=conn.prop
  115. metaVar_diffAlg=ALGORITHM
  116. metaVar_directory=DIRECTORY
  117. metaVar_file=FILE
  118. metaVar_filepattern=filepattern
  119. metaVar_gitDir=GIT_DIR
  120. metaVar_hostName=HOSTNAME
  121. metaVar_lfsStorage=STORAGE
  122. metaVar_linesOfContext=lines
  123. metaVar_message=message
  124. metaVar_n=n
  125. metaVar_name=name
  126. metaVar_object=object
  127. metaVar_oldNewBranchNames=[oldbranch] newbranch
  128. metaVar_op=OP
  129. metaVar_pass=PASS
  130. metaVar_path=path
  131. metaVar_paths=path ...
  132. metaVar_pattern=pattern
  133. metaVar_port=PORT
  134. metaVar_prefix=PREFIX
  135. metaVar_ref=REF
  136. metaVar_refs=REFS
  137. metaVar_refspec=refspec
  138. metaVar_remoteName=name
  139. metaVar_revision=REVISION
  140. metaVar_s3Bucket=BUCKET
  141. metaVar_s3Region=REGION
  142. metaVar_s3StorageClass=STORAGE-CLASS
  143. metaVar_seconds=SECONDS
  144. metaVar_service=SERVICE
  145. metaVar_tagLocalUser=<GPG key ID>
  146. metaVar_treeish=tree-ish
  147. metaVar_uriish=uri-ish
  148. metaVar_url=URL
  149. metaVar_user=USER
  150. metaVar_values=value ...
  151. metaVar_version=VERSION
  152. mostCommonlyUsedCommandsAre=The most commonly used commands are:
  153. needApprovalToDestroyCurrentRepository=Need approval to destroy current repository
  154. needSingleRevision=Needed a single revision
  155. noGitRepositoryConfigured=No Git repository configured.
  156. noNamesFound=No names found, cannot describe anything.
  157. noSuchFile=no such file: {0}
  158. noSuchPathInRef=no such path ''{0}'' in {1}
  159. noSuchRef=no such ref: {0}
  160. noSystemConsoleAvailable=No System.console available
  161. noTREESectionInIndex=no 'TREE' section in index
  162. nonFastForward=non-fast forward
  163. notABranch={0} is not a branch
  164. notACommit={0} is not a commit
  165. notAGitRepository=''{0}'' not a git repository
  166. notAJgitCommand={0} is not a jgit command
  167. notARevision=Not a revision: {0}
  168. notATree={0} is not a tree
  169. notAValidRefName={0} is not a valid ref name
  170. notAValidCommitName={0} is not a valid commit name
  171. notAnIndexFile={0} is not an index file
  172. notAnObject={0} is not an object
  173. notFound=!! NOT FOUND !!
  174. noteObjectTooLargeToPrint=Note object {0} too large to print
  175. nothingToSquash=\ (nothing to squash)
  176. notOnAnyBranch=Not currently on any branch.
  177. onBranch=On branch {0}
  178. onBranchToBeBorn=You are on a branch yet to be born
  179. onlyOneMetaVarExpectedIn=Only one {0} expected in {1}.
  180. onlyOneCommitOptionAllowed=Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive can be used.
  181. password=Password:
  182. pathspecDidNotMatch=error: pathspec ''{0}'' did not match any file(s) known to git.
  183. pushTo=To {0}
  184. pathsRequired=at least one path has to be specified when using --only
  185. refDoesNotExistOrNoCommit={0} does not exist or is not referring to a commit
  186. remoteMessage=remote: {0}
  187. remoteRefObjectChangedIsNotExpectedOne=remote ref object changed - is not expected one {0}
  188. remoteSideDoesNotSupportDeletingRefs=remote side does not support deleting refs
  189. removing=Removing {0}
  190. repaint=Repaint
  191. resetNoMode=no reset mode set
  192. s3InvalidBucket=Invalid S3 bucket ''{0}''
  193. serviceNotSupported=Service ''{0}'' not supported
  194. skippingObject=skipping {0} {1}
  195. statusFileListFormat=\t%1$s
  196. statusFileListFormatWithPrefix=\t%1$-11s %2$s
  197. statusFileListFormatUnmerged=\t%1$-20s%2$s
  198. statusModified=modified:
  199. statusNewFile=new file:
  200. statusRemoved=deleted:
  201. statusBothDeleted=both deleted:
  202. statusAddedByUs=added by us:
  203. statusDeletedByThem=deleted by them:
  204. statusAddedByThem=added by them:
  205. statusDeletedByUs=deleted by us:
  206. statusBothAdded=both added:
  207. statusBothModified=both modified:
  208. submoduleRegistered=Submodule {0} registered
  209. switchedToNewBranch=Switched to a new branch ''{0}''
  210. switchedToBranch=Switched to branch ''{0}''
  211. tagAlreadyExists=tag ''{0}'' already exists
  212. tagLabel=tag
  213. tagNotFound=error: tag ''{0}'' not found.
  214. taggerInfo=Tagger: {0} <{1}>
  215. timeInMilliSeconds={0} ms
  216. treeIsRequired=argument tree is required
  217. tooManyRefsGiven=Too many refs given
  218. unknownIoErrorStdout=An unknown I/O error occurred on standard output
  219. unknownMergeStrategy=unknown merge strategy {0} specified
  220. unknownSubcommand=Unknown subcommand: {0}
  221. unmergedPaths=Unmerged paths:
  222. unsupportedOperation=Unsupported operation: {0}
  223. untrackedFiles=Untracked files:
  224. updating=Updating {0}..{1}
  225. usage_Aggressive=This option will cause gc to more aggressively optimize the repository at the expense of taking much more time
  226. usage_AlwaysFallback=Show uniquely abbreviated commit object as fallback
  227. usage_bareClone=Make a bare Git repository. That is, instead of creating [DIRECTORY] and placing the administrative files in [DIRECTORY]/.git, make the [DIRECTORY] itself the $GIT_DIR.
  228. usage_mirrorClone=Set up a mirror of the source repository. This implies --bare. Compared to --bare, --mirror not only maps \
  229. local branches of the source to local branches of the target, it maps all refs (including remote-tracking branches, notes etc.) \
  230. and sets up a refspec configuration such that all these refs are overwritten by a git remote update in the target repository.
  231. usage_Blame=Show what revision and author last modified each line
  232. usage_Clean=Remove untracked files from the working tree
  233. usage_CommandLineClientForamazonsS3Service=Command line client for Amazon's S3 service
  234. usage_CommitAll=commit all modified and deleted files
  235. usage_CommitAuthor=Override the author name used in the commit. You can use the standard A U Thor <> format.
  236. usage_CommitMessage=Use the given <msg> as the commit message
  237. usage_CommitOnly=commit specified paths only
  238. usage_CommitAmend=Amend the tip of the current branch
  239. usage_CommitPaths=see --only
  240. usage_CreateABareRepository=Create a bare repository
  241. usage_CreateATag=Create a tag
  242. usage_CreateAnEmptyGitRepository=Create an empty git repository
  243. usage_Describe=Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
  244. usage_DiffAlgorithms=Test performance of jgit's diff algorithms
  245. usage_DisplayTheVersionOfJgit=Display the version of jgit
  246. usage_Gc=Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
  247. usage_Glog=View commit history as a graph
  248. usage_IndexPack=Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
  249. usage_LFSDirectory=Directory to store large objects
  250. usage_LFSPort=Server http port
  251. usage_LFSRunStore=Store (fs | s3), store lfs objects in file system or Amazon S3
  252. usage_LFSStoreUrl=URL of the LFS store
  253. usage_LongFormat=Always output the long format
  254. usage_LsFiles=Show information about files in the index and the working tree
  255. usage_LsRemote=List references in a remote repository
  256. usage_lsRemoteHeads=Show only refs starting with refs/heads
  257. usage_lsRemoteTags=Show only refs starting with refs/tags
  258. usage_lsRemoteSymref=In addition to the object pointed at, show the underlying ref pointed at when showing a symbolic ref.
  259. usage_LsTree=List the contents of a tree object
  260. usage_MakeCacheTree=Show the current cache tree structure
  261. usage_Match=Only consider tags matching the given glob(7) pattern or patterns, excluding the "refs/tags/" prefix.
  262. usage_MergeBase=Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
  263. usage_MergesTwoDevelopmentHistories=Merges two development histories
  264. usage_PreserveOldPacks=Preserve old pack files by moving them into the preserved subdirectory instead of deleting them after repacking
  265. usage_PrunePreserved=Remove the preserved subdirectory containing previously preserved old pack files before repacking, and before preserving more old pack files
  266. usage_ReadDirCache= Read the DirCache 100 times
  267. usage_RebuildCommitGraph=Recreate a repository from another one's commit graph
  268. usage_Remote=Manage set of tracked repositories
  269. usage_RepositoryToReadFrom=Repository to read from
  270. usage_RepositoryToReceiveInto=Repository to receive into
  271. usage_RevList=List commit objects in reverse chronological order
  272. usage_RevParse=Pick out and massage parameters
  273. usage_RevParseAll=Show all refs found in refs/
  274. usage_RevParseVerify=Verify that exactly one parameter is provided, and that it can be turned into \
  275. a raw 20-byte SHA-1 that can be used to access the object database. If so, emit it to the standard \
  276. output; otherwise, error out.
  277. usage_S3Bucket=S3 bucket name
  278. usage_S3Expiration=Authorization validity in seconds, default 60 sec
  279. usage_S3Region=S3 region (us-east-1 | us-west-1 | us-west-2 | eu-west-1 |\
  280. eu-central-1 | ap-southeast-1 | ap- southeast-2 | ap-northeast-1 |\
  281. ap-northeast-2 | sa-east-1), see
  282. usage_S3StorageClass=S3 storage class (REDUCED_REDUNDANCY | STANDARD), default REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
  283. usage_ServerSideBackendForJgitFetch=Server side backend for 'jgit fetch'
  284. usage_ServerSideBackendForJgitPush=Server side backend for 'jgit push'
  285. usage_ShowCacheTree=Show cache tree
  286. usage_ShowDiffs=Show diffs
  287. usage_ShowDiffTree=Compare the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects
  288. usage_ShowDirCache= Show the DirCache
  289. usage_ShowPackDelta=Show pack delta for given object
  290. usage_ShowRef=List references in a local repository
  291. usage_Status=Show the working tree status
  292. usage_StopTrackingAFile=Stop tracking a file
  293. usage_TextHashFunctions=Scan repository to compute maximum number of collisions for hash functions
  294. usage_UpdateRemoteRepositoryFromLocalRefs=Update remote repository from local refs
  295. usage_UseAll=Use all refs found in refs/
  296. usage_UseTags=Use any tag including lightweight tags
  297. usage_WriteDirCache=Write the DirCache
  298. usage_abbrevCommits=abbreviate commits to N + 1 digits
  299. usage_abortConnectionIfNoActivity=abort connection if no activity
  300. usage_actOnRemoteTrackingBranches=act on remote-tracking branches
  301. usage_addFileContentsToTheIndex=Add file contents to the index
  302. usage_alterTheDetailShown=alter the detail shown
  303. usage_approveDestructionOfRepository=approve destruction of repository
  304. usage_archive=Zip up files from the named tree
  305. usage_archiveFormat=archive format. Currently supported formats: 'tar', 'zip', 'tgz', 'tbz2', 'txz'
  306. usage_archiveOutput=output file to write the archive to
  307. usage_archivePrefix=string to prepend to each pathname in the archive
  308. usage_baseUri=the base URI of the repo manifest file. e.g.
  309. usage_blameLongRevision=show long revision
  310. usage_blameRange=annotate only the given range
  311. usage_blameRawTimestamp=show raw timestamp
  312. usage_blameReverse=show origin of deletions instead of insertions
  313. usage_blameShowBlankBoundary=show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits
  314. usage_blameShowEmail=show author email instead of name
  315. usage_blameShowRoot=do not treat root commits as boundaries
  316. usage_blameShowSourceLine=show source line number
  317. usage_blameShowSourcePath=show source filename
  318. usage_blameSuppressAuthor=do not show author name and timestamp
  319. usage_beMoreVerbose=be more verbose
  320. usage_beVerbose=be verbose
  321. usage_cached=compare against index
  322. usage_checkout=Check out a branch to the working tree
  323. usage_cloneRepositoryIntoNewDir=Clone a repository into a new directory
  324. usage_configFile=configuration file
  325. usage_configGlobal=use global configuration in ~/.gitconfig
  326. usage_configList=List all variables set in config file
  327. usage_configLocal=use local configuration in .git/config
  328. usage_configSystem=use system-wide configuration in $(prefix)/etc/gitconfig
  329. usage_configureTheServiceInDaemonServicename=configure the service in daemon.servicename
  330. usage_convertRefStorage=Convert ref storage to reftable
  331. usage_convertRefStorageBackup=Create backup of old ref storage format
  332. usage_convertRefStorageFormat=Format to convert to (reftable or refdir)
  333. usage_convertRefStorageRefLogs=Write reflogs to reftable
  334. usage_createBranchAndCheckout=create branch and check out
  335. usage_deleteBranchEvenIfNotMerged=delete branch (even if not merged)
  336. usage_deleteFullyMergedBranch=delete fully merged branch
  337. usage_date=date format, one of default, rfc, local, iso, short, raw (as defined by git-log(1) ), locale or localelocal (jgit extensions)
  338. usage_detectRenames=detect renamed files
  339. usage_diffAlgorithm=the diff algorithm to use. Currently supported are: 'myers', 'histogram'
  340. usage_directoriesToExport=directories to export
  341. usage_disableTheServiceInAllRepositories=disable the service in all repositories
  342. usage_displayAListOfAllRegisteredJgitCommands=Display a list of all registered jgit commands
  343. usage_displayAllPossibleMergeBases=display all possible merge bases
  344. usage_displayThejavaStackTraceOnExceptions=display the Java stack trace on exceptions
  345. usage_displayThisHelpText=display this help text
  346. usage_displayVersion=display jgit version
  347. usage_dstPrefix=show the destination prefix instead of "b/"
  348. usage_enableTheServiceInAllRepositories=enable the service in all repositories
  349. usage_exportRepositoriesOverGit=Export repositories over git://
  350. usage_exportWithoutGitDaemonExportOk=export without git-daemon-export-ok
  351. usage_fetchThinPack=fetch thin pack
  352. usage_filesToAddContentFrom=Files to add content from
  353. usage_fixAThinPackToBeComplete=fix a thin pack to be complete
  354. usage_forEachRefOutput=for-each-ref output
  355. usage_forcedSwitchBranch=when switching branches do it forcefully. Succeed even if resetting an existing branch would cause commits to become unreachable
  356. usage_forceCheckout=when checking out a commit succeed even if the working tree or the index is dirty. Overwrite the working tree or index in such cases
  357. usage_forceClean=required to delete files or directories
  358. usage_forceCreateBranchEvenExists=force create branch even exists
  359. usage_forcedFetch=force ref update fetch option
  360. usage_forceReplacingAnExistingTag=force replacing an existing tag
  361. usage_getAndSetOptions=Get and set repository or global options
  362. usage_groups=Restrict manifest projects to ones with specified group(s), use "-" for excluding [default|all|G1,G2,G3|G4,-G5,-G6]
  363. usage_hostnameOrIpToListenOn=hostname (or ip) to listen on
  364. usage_indexFileFormatToCreate=index file format to create
  365. usage_ignoreWhitespace=ignore all whitespace
  366. usage_inputOutputFile=Input/output file
  367. usage_listBothRemoteTrackingAndLocalBranches=list both remote-tracking and local branches
  368. usage_listCreateOrDeleteBranches=List, create, or delete branches
  369. usage_logAllPretty=format:%H %ct %P' output=log --all '--pretty=format:%H %ct %P' output
  370. usage_machineReadableOutput=machine-readable output
  371. usage_manageReflogInformation=Manage reflog information
  372. usage_mergeFf=When the merge resolves as a fast-forward, only update the branch pointer, without creating a merge commit.
  373. usage_mergeNoFf=Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a fast-forward.
  374. usage_mergeFfOnly=Refuse to merge and exit with a non-zero status unless the current HEAD is already up-to-date or the merge can be resolved as a fast-forward.
  375. usage_mergeRef=Ref to be merged
  376. usage_mergeStrategy=Use the given merge strategy. Can be supplied more than once to specify them in the order they should be tried. If there is no -s option, the recursive strategy is used. Currently the following strategies are supported: ours, theirs, simple-two-way-in-core, resolve, recursive
  377. usage_message=Set the commit message to be used for the merge commit (in case one is created).
  378. usage_moveRenameABranch=move/rename a branch
  379. usage_nameStatus=show only name and status of files
  380. usage_noCheckoutAfterClone=no checkout of HEAD is performed after the clone is complete
  381. usage_noCommit=Don't commit after a successful merge
  382. usage_noPrefix=do not show any source or destination prefix
  383. usage_noRenames=disable rename detection
  384. usage_noRecurseSubmodules=Disable recursive fetching of submodules (this has the same effect as using the --recurse-submodules=no option)
  385. usage_noShowStandardNotes=Disable showing notes from the standard /refs/notes/commits branch
  386. usage_onlyMatchAgainstAlreadyTrackedFiles=Only match <filepattern> against already tracked files in the index rather than the working tree
  387. usage_outputFile=Output file
  388. usage_parseRepoManifest=Parse a repo manifest file and add submodules
  389. usage_path=path
  390. usage_pathToXml=path to the repo manifest XML file
  391. usage_performFsckStyleChecksOnReceive=perform fsck style checks on receive
  392. usage_portNumberToListenOn=port number to listen on
  393. usage_printOnlyBranchesThatContainTheCommit=print only branches that contain the commit
  394. usage_pruneStaleTrackingRefs=prune stale tracking refs
  395. usage_pushUrls=push URLs are manipulated
  396. usage_quiet=don't show progress messages
  397. usage_recordChangesToRepository=Record changes to the repository
  398. usage_recurseIntoSubtrees=recurse into subtrees
  399. usage_recurseSubmodules=recurse into submodules
  400. usage_removeUntrackedDirectories=remove untracked directories
  401. usage_renameLimit=limit size of rename matrix
  402. usage_reset=Reset current HEAD to the specified state
  403. usage_resetReference=Reset to given reference name
  404. usage_resetHard=Resets the index and working tree
  405. usage_resetSoft=Resets without touching the index file nor the working tree
  406. usage_resetMixed=Resets the index but not the working tree
  407. usage_runLfsStore=Run LFS Store in a given directory
  408. usage_S3NoSslVerify=Skip verification of Amazon server certificate and hostname
  409. usage_setTheGitRepositoryToOperateOn=set the git repository to operate on
  410. usage_show=Display one commit
  411. usage_showRefNamesMatchingCommits=Show ref names matching commits
  412. usage_showPatch=display patch
  413. usage_showNotes=Add this ref to the list of note branches from which notes are displayed
  414. usage_showSignature=Verify signatures of signed commits in the log
  415. usage_showTimeInMilliseconds=Show mtime in milliseconds
  416. usage_squash=Squash commits as if a real merge happened, but do not make a commit or move the HEAD.
  417. usage_srcPrefix=show the source prefix instead of "a/"
  418. usage_sshDriver=Selects the built-in ssh library to use, JSch or Apache MINA sshd.
  419. usage_symbolicVersionForTheProject=Symbolic version for the project
  420. usage_tags=fetch all tags
  421. usage_notags=do not fetch tags
  422. usage_tagAnnotated=create an annotated tag, unsigned unless -s or -u are given, or config tag.gpgSign is true
  423. usage_tagDelete=delete tag
  424. usage_tagLocalUser=create a signed annotated tag using the specified GPG key ID
  425. usage_tagMessage=create an annotated tag with the given message, unsigned unless -s or -u are given, or config tag.gpgSign is true, or tar.forceSignAnnotated is true and -a is not given
  426. usage_tagSign=create a signed annotated tag
  427. usage_tagNoSign=suppress signing the tag
  428. usage_tagVerify=Verify the GPG signature
  429. usage_untrackedFilesMode=show untracked files
  430. usage_updateRef=reference to update
  431. usage_updateRemoteRefsFromAnotherRepository=Update remote refs from another repository
  432. usage_useNameInsteadOfOriginToTrackUpstream=use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream
  433. usage_checkoutBranchAfterClone=check out named branch instead of remote's HEAD
  434. usage_initialBranch=initial branch in the newly created repository (default 'master')
  435. usage_viewCommitHistory=View commit history
  436. usage_orphan=Create a new orphan branch. The first commit made on this new branch will have no parents and it will be the root of a new history totally disconnected from other branches and commits.
  437. usernameFor=Username for {0}: