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Update eclipse IP log for 0.12

Change-Id: I8f2ce63e039d5baabc1533477128470696a36ced
Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <>
Matthias Sohn 13 years ago
1 changed files with 72 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 72

+ 72
- 0
.eclipse_iplog View File

@@ -42,3 +42,75 @@
license = Apache License, 2.0, New BSD license, MIT license
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4564"]
description = cassandra Version: 0.7.0-beta2
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4728"]
description = jsch Version: 0.1.44
license = New BSD license
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4794"]
description = hector Version: 0.7.0-22 (*Including Changed Commit one file)
license = MIT License
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4871"]
description = Apache Cassandra Version: 0.7.0 (PB 4816)
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4872"]
description = High Scale Lib Version: 1.1.2 (PB Orbit CQ4821)
license = Public Domain
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4873"]
description = Apache Thrift Java Library Version: 0.5 (PB 4818)
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4876"]
description = Protocol Buffers Version: 2.4.0a
license = New BSD license
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4893"]
description = Apache Zookeeper Version: 3.3.2
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4895"]
description = Google Guava Version: r08
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4896"]
description = Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (PB Orbit CQ1907)
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4897"]
description = log4j Version: 1.2.16 *Subset*
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = approved

[CQ "4894"]
description = hbase Version: 0.90.0
license = Apache License, 2.0
use = unmodified source & binary
state = workswith
