/* * Copyright (C) 2012, Google Inc. * and other copyright owners as documented in the project's IP log. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which * accompanies this distribution, is reproduced below, and is * available at http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.eclipse.jgit.internal.storage.file; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import com.googlecode.javaewah.EWAHCompressedBitmap; import com.googlecode.javaewah.IntIterator; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BitmapIndex; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BitmapObject; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectIdOwnerMap; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.BlockList; /** A compressed bitmap representation of the entire object graph. */ public class BitmapIndexImpl implements BitmapIndex { private static final int EXTRA_BITS = 10 * 1024; private final PackBitmapIndex packIndex; private final MutableBitmapIndex mutableIndex; private final int indexObjectCount; /** * Creates a BitmapIndex that is back by Compressed bitmaps. * * @param packIndex * the bitmap index for the pack. */ public BitmapIndexImpl(PackBitmapIndex packIndex) { this.packIndex = packIndex; mutableIndex = new MutableBitmapIndex(); indexObjectCount = packIndex.getObjectCount(); } PackBitmapIndex getPackBitmapIndex() { return packIndex; } public CompressedBitmap getBitmap(AnyObjectId objectId) { EWAHCompressedBitmap compressed = packIndex.getBitmap(objectId); if (compressed == null) return null; return new CompressedBitmap(compressed); } public CompressedBitmapBuilder newBitmapBuilder() { return new CompressedBitmapBuilder(); } private int findPosition(AnyObjectId objectId) { int position = packIndex.findPosition(objectId); if (position < 0) { position = mutableIndex.findPosition(objectId); if (position >= 0) position += indexObjectCount; } return position; } private int addObject(AnyObjectId objectId, int type) { int position = findPosition(objectId); if (position < 0) { position = mutableIndex.addObject(objectId, type); position += indexObjectCount; } return position; } private static final class ComboBitset { private InflatingBitSet inflatingBitmap; private BitSet toAdd; private BitSet toRemove; private ComboBitset() { this(new EWAHCompressedBitmap()); } private ComboBitset(EWAHCompressedBitmap bitmap) { this.inflatingBitmap = new InflatingBitSet(bitmap); } EWAHCompressedBitmap combine() { EWAHCompressedBitmap toAddCompressed = null; if (toAdd != null) { toAddCompressed = toAdd.toEWAHCompressedBitmap(); toAdd = null; } EWAHCompressedBitmap toRemoveCompressed = null; if (toRemove != null) { toRemoveCompressed = toRemove.toEWAHCompressedBitmap(); toRemove = null; } if (toAddCompressed != null) or(toAddCompressed); if (toRemoveCompressed != null) andNot(toRemoveCompressed); return inflatingBitmap.getBitmap(); } void or(EWAHCompressedBitmap inbits) { if (toRemove != null) combine(); inflatingBitmap = inflatingBitmap.or(inbits); } void andNot(EWAHCompressedBitmap inbits) { if (toAdd != null || toRemove != null) combine(); inflatingBitmap = inflatingBitmap.andNot(inbits); } void xor(EWAHCompressedBitmap inbits) { if (toAdd != null || toRemove != null) combine(); inflatingBitmap = inflatingBitmap.xor(inbits); } boolean contains(int position) { if (toRemove != null && toRemove.get(position)) return false; if (toAdd != null && toAdd.get(position)) return true; return inflatingBitmap.contains(position); } void remove(int position) { if (toAdd != null) toAdd.clear(position); if (inflatingBitmap.maybeContains(position)) { if (toRemove == null) toRemove = new BitSet(position + EXTRA_BITS); toRemove.set(position); } } void set(int position) { if (toRemove != null) toRemove.clear(position); if (toAdd == null) toAdd = new BitSet(position + EXTRA_BITS); toAdd.set(position); } } private final class CompressedBitmapBuilder implements BitmapBuilder { private ComboBitset bitset = new ComboBitset(); public boolean add(AnyObjectId objectId, int type) { int position = addObject(objectId, type); if (bitset.contains(position)) return false; Bitmap entry = getBitmap(objectId); if (entry != null) { or(entry); return false; } bitset.set(position); return true; } public boolean contains(AnyObjectId objectId) { int position = findPosition(objectId); return 0 <= position && bitset.contains(position); } public void remove(AnyObjectId objectId) { int position = findPosition(objectId); if (0 <= position) bitset.remove(position); } public CompressedBitmapBuilder or(Bitmap other) { if (isSameCompressedBitmap(other)) { bitset.or(((CompressedBitmap) other).bitmap); } else if (isSameCompressedBitmapBuilder(other)) { CompressedBitmapBuilder b = (CompressedBitmapBuilder) other; bitset.or(b.bitset.combine()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return this; } public CompressedBitmapBuilder andNot(Bitmap other) { if (isSameCompressedBitmap(other)) { bitset.andNot(((CompressedBitmap) other).bitmap); } else if (isSameCompressedBitmapBuilder(other)) { CompressedBitmapBuilder b = (CompressedBitmapBuilder) other; bitset.andNot(b.bitset.combine()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return this; } public CompressedBitmapBuilder xor(Bitmap other) { if (isSameCompressedBitmap(other)) { bitset.xor(((CompressedBitmap) other).bitmap); } else if (isSameCompressedBitmapBuilder(other)) { CompressedBitmapBuilder b = (CompressedBitmapBuilder) other; bitset.xor(b.bitset.combine()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return this; } /** @return the fully built immutable bitmap */ public CompressedBitmap build() { return new CompressedBitmap(bitset.combine()); } public Iterator iterator() { return build().iterator(); } public int cardinality() { return bitset.combine().cardinality(); } public boolean removeAllOrNone(PackBitmapIndex index) { if (!packIndex.equals(index)) return false; EWAHCompressedBitmap curr = bitset.combine() .xor(ones(indexObjectCount)); IntIterator ii = curr.intIterator(); if (ii.hasNext() && ii.next() < indexObjectCount) return false; bitset = new ComboBitset(curr); return true; } private BitmapIndexImpl getBitmapIndex() { return BitmapIndexImpl.this; } } final class CompressedBitmap implements Bitmap { private final EWAHCompressedBitmap bitmap; private CompressedBitmap(EWAHCompressedBitmap bitmap) { this.bitmap = bitmap; } public CompressedBitmap or(Bitmap other) { return new CompressedBitmap(bitmap.or(bitmapOf(other))); } public CompressedBitmap andNot(Bitmap other) { return new CompressedBitmap(bitmap.andNot(bitmapOf(other))); } public CompressedBitmap xor(Bitmap other) { return new CompressedBitmap(bitmap.xor(bitmapOf(other))); } private EWAHCompressedBitmap bitmapOf(Bitmap other) { if (isSameCompressedBitmap(other)) return ((CompressedBitmap) other).bitmap; if (isSameCompressedBitmapBuilder(other)) return ((CompressedBitmapBuilder) other).build().bitmap; CompressedBitmapBuilder builder = newBitmapBuilder(); builder.or(other); return builder.build().bitmap; } private final IntIterator ofObjectType(int type) { return packIndex.ofObjectType(bitmap, type).intIterator(); } public Iterator iterator() { final IntIterator dynamic = bitmap.andNot(ones(indexObjectCount)) .intIterator(); final IntIterator commits = ofObjectType(Constants.OBJ_COMMIT); final IntIterator trees = ofObjectType(Constants.OBJ_TREE); final IntIterator blobs = ofObjectType(Constants.OBJ_BLOB); final IntIterator tags = ofObjectType(Constants.OBJ_TAG); return new Iterator() { private final BitmapObjectImpl out = new BitmapObjectImpl(); private int type; private IntIterator cached = dynamic; public boolean hasNext() { if (!cached.hasNext()) { if (commits.hasNext()) { type = Constants.OBJ_COMMIT; cached = commits; } else if (trees.hasNext()) { type = Constants.OBJ_TREE; cached = trees; } else if (blobs.hasNext()) { type = Constants.OBJ_BLOB; cached = blobs; } else if (tags.hasNext()) { type = Constants.OBJ_TAG; cached = tags; } else { return false; } } return true; } public BitmapObject next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); int position = cached.next(); if (position < indexObjectCount) { out.type = type; out.objectId = packIndex.getObject(position); } else { position -= indexObjectCount; MutableEntry entry = mutableIndex.getObject(position); out.type = entry.type; out.objectId = entry; } return out; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } EWAHCompressedBitmap getEwahCompressedBitmap() { return bitmap; } private BitmapIndexImpl getPackBitmapIndex() { return BitmapIndexImpl.this; } } private static final class MutableBitmapIndex { private final ObjectIdOwnerMap revMap = new ObjectIdOwnerMap(); private final BlockList revList = new BlockList(); int findPosition(AnyObjectId objectId) { MutableEntry entry = revMap.get(objectId); if (entry == null) return -1; return entry.position; } MutableEntry getObject(int position) { try { MutableEntry entry = revList.get(position); if (entry == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().objectNotFound, String.valueOf(position))); return entry; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } int addObject(AnyObjectId objectId, int type) { MutableEntry entry = new MutableEntry( objectId, type, revList.size()); revList.add(entry); revMap.add(entry); return entry.position; } } private static final class MutableEntry extends ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry { private final int type; private final int position; MutableEntry(AnyObjectId objectId, int type, int position) { super(objectId); this.type = type; this.position = position; } } private static final class BitmapObjectImpl extends BitmapObject { private ObjectId objectId; private int type; @Override public ObjectId getObjectId() { return objectId; } @Override public int getType() { return type; } } private boolean isSameCompressedBitmap(Bitmap other) { if (other instanceof CompressedBitmap) { CompressedBitmap b = (CompressedBitmap) other; return this == b.getPackBitmapIndex(); } return false; } private boolean isSameCompressedBitmapBuilder(Bitmap other) { if (other instanceof CompressedBitmapBuilder) { CompressedBitmapBuilder b = (CompressedBitmapBuilder) other; return this == b.getBitmapIndex(); } return false; } private static final EWAHCompressedBitmap ones(int sizeInBits) { EWAHCompressedBitmap mask = new EWAHCompressedBitmap(); mask.addStreamOfEmptyWords( true, sizeInBits / EWAHCompressedBitmap.wordinbits); int remaining = sizeInBits % EWAHCompressedBitmap.wordinbits; if (remaining > 0) mask.add((1L << remaining) - 1, remaining); return mask; } }