/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Google Inc. * Copyright (C) 2007, Robin Rosenberg * Copyright (C) 2006-2008, Shawn O. Pearce and others * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ package org.eclipse.jgit.internal.storage.file; import static org.eclipse.jgit.internal.storage.pack.PackExt.INDEX; import static org.eclipse.jgit.internal.storage.pack.PackExt.KEEP; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.zip.CRC32; import java.util.zip.DataFormatException; import java.util.zip.Inflater; import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CorruptObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LargeObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.NoPackSignatureException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.PackInvalidException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.PackMismatchException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.UnpackException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.UnsupportedPackIndexVersionException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.UnsupportedPackVersionException; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.storage.pack.BinaryDelta; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.storage.pack.ObjectToPack; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.storage.pack.PackOutputStream; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectLoader; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.LongList; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.NB; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * A Git version 2 pack file representation. A pack file contains Git objects in * delta packed format yielding high compression of lots of object where some * objects are similar. */ public class Pack implements Iterable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Pack.class); /** * Sorts PackFiles to be most recently created to least recently created. */ public static final Comparator SORT = (a, b) -> b.packLastModified .compareTo(a.packLastModified); private final PackFile packFile; private PackFile keepFile; final int hash; private RandomAccessFile fd; /** Serializes reads performed against {@link #fd}. */ private final Object readLock = new Object(); long length; private int activeWindows; private int activeCopyRawData; Instant packLastModified; private PackFileSnapshot fileSnapshot; private volatile boolean invalid; private volatile Exception invalidatingCause; @Nullable private PackFile bitmapIdxFile; private AtomicInteger transientErrorCount = new AtomicInteger(); private byte[] packChecksum; private volatile PackIndex loadedIdx; private PackReverseIndex reverseIdx; private PackBitmapIndex bitmapIdx; /** * Objects we have tried to read, and discovered to be corrupt. *

* The list is allocated after the first corruption is found, and filled in * as more entries are discovered. Typically this list is never used, as * pack files do not usually contain corrupt objects. */ private volatile LongList corruptObjects; /** * Construct a reader for an existing, pre-indexed packfile. * * @param packFile * path of the .pack file holding the data. * @param bitmapIdxFile * existing bitmap index file with the same base as the pack */ public Pack(File packFile, @Nullable PackFile bitmapIdxFile) { this.packFile = new PackFile(packFile); this.fileSnapshot = PackFileSnapshot.save(packFile); this.packLastModified = fileSnapshot.lastModifiedInstant(); this.bitmapIdxFile = bitmapIdxFile; // Multiply by 31 here so we can more directly combine with another // value in WindowCache.hash(), without doing the multiply there. // hash = System.identityHashCode(this) * 31; length = Long.MAX_VALUE; } private PackIndex idx() throws IOException { PackIndex idx = loadedIdx; if (idx == null) { synchronized (this) { idx = loadedIdx; if (idx == null) { if (invalid) { throw new PackInvalidException(packFile, invalidatingCause); } try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); PackFile idxFile = packFile.create(INDEX); idx = PackIndex.open(idxFile); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(String.format( "Opening pack index %s, size %.3f MB took %d ms", //$NON-NLS-1$ idxFile.getAbsolutePath(), Float.valueOf(idxFile.length() / (1024f * 1024)), Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - start))); } if (packChecksum == null) { packChecksum = idx.packChecksum; fileSnapshot.setChecksum( ObjectId.fromRaw(packChecksum)); } else if (!Arrays.equals(packChecksum, idx.packChecksum)) { throw new PackMismatchException(MessageFormat .format(JGitText.get().packChecksumMismatch, packFile.getPath(), ObjectId.fromRaw(packChecksum) .name(), ObjectId.fromRaw(idx.packChecksum) .name())); } loadedIdx = idx; } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { // don't invalidate the pack, we are interrupted from // another thread throw e; } catch (IOException e) { invalid = true; invalidatingCause = e; throw e; } } } } return idx; } /** * Get the File object which locates this pack on disk. * * @return the File object which locates this pack on disk. */ public PackFile getPackFile() { return packFile; } /** * Get the index for this pack file. * * @return the index for this pack file. * @throws java.io.IOException */ public PackIndex getIndex() throws IOException { return idx(); } /** * Get name extracted from {@code pack-*.pack} pattern. * * @return name extracted from {@code pack-*.pack} pattern. */ public String getPackName() { return packFile.getId(); } /** * Determine if an object is contained within the pack file. *

* For performance reasons only the index file is searched; the main pack * content is ignored entirely. *

* * @param id * the object to look for. Must not be null. * @return true if the object is in this pack; false otherwise. * @throws java.io.IOException * the index file cannot be loaded into memory. */ public boolean hasObject(AnyObjectId id) throws IOException { final long offset = idx().findOffset(id); return 0 < offset && !isCorrupt(offset); } /** * Determines whether a .keep file exists for this pack file. * * @return true if a .keep file exist. */ public boolean shouldBeKept() { if (keepFile == null) { keepFile = packFile.create(KEEP); } return keepFile.exists(); } /** * Get an object from this pack. * * @param curs * temporary working space associated with the calling thread. * @param id * the object to obtain from the pack. Must not be null. * @return the object loader for the requested object if it is contained in * this pack; null if the object was not found. * @throws IOException * the pack file or the index could not be read. */ ObjectLoader get(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId id) throws IOException { final long offset = idx().findOffset(id); return 0 < offset && !isCorrupt(offset) ? load(curs, offset) : null; } void resolve(Set matches, AbbreviatedObjectId id, int matchLimit) throws IOException { idx().resolve(matches, id, matchLimit); } /** * Close the resources utilized by this repository */ public void close() { WindowCache.purge(this); synchronized (this) { loadedIdx = null; reverseIdx = null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} *

* Provide iterator over entries in associated pack index, that should also * exist in this pack file. Objects returned by such iterator are mutable * during iteration. *

* Iterator returns objects in SHA-1 lexicographical order. *

* * @see PackIndex#iterator() */ @Override public Iterator iterator() { try { return idx().iterator(); } catch (IOException e) { return Collections. emptyList().iterator(); } } /** * Obtain the total number of objects available in this pack. This method * relies on pack index, giving number of effectively available objects. * * @return number of objects in index of this pack, likewise in this pack * @throws IOException * the index file cannot be loaded into memory. */ long getObjectCount() throws IOException { return idx().getObjectCount(); } /** * Search for object id with the specified start offset in associated pack * (reverse) index. * * @param offset * start offset of object to find * @return object id for this offset, or null if no object was found * @throws IOException * the index file cannot be loaded into memory. */ ObjectId findObjectForOffset(long offset) throws IOException { return getReverseIdx().findObject(offset); } /** * Return the @{@link FileSnapshot} associated to the underlying packfile * that has been used when the object was created. * * @return the packfile @{@link FileSnapshot} that the object is loaded from. */ PackFileSnapshot getFileSnapshot() { return fileSnapshot; } AnyObjectId getPackChecksum() { return ObjectId.fromRaw(packChecksum); } private final byte[] decompress(final long position, final int sz, final WindowCursor curs) throws IOException, DataFormatException { byte[] dstbuf; try { dstbuf = new byte[sz]; } catch (OutOfMemoryError noMemory) { // The size may be larger than our heap allows, return null to // let the caller know allocation isn't possible and it should // use the large object streaming approach instead. // // For example, this can occur when sz is 640 MB, and JRE // maximum heap size is only 256 MB. Even if the JRE has // 200 MB free, it cannot allocate a 640 MB byte array. return null; } if (curs.inflate(this, position, dstbuf, false) != sz) throw new EOFException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().shortCompressedStreamAt, Long.valueOf(position))); return dstbuf; } void copyPackAsIs(PackOutputStream out, WindowCursor curs) throws IOException { // Pin the first window, this ensures the length is accurate. curs.pin(this, 0); curs.copyPackAsIs(this, length, out); } final void copyAsIs(PackOutputStream out, LocalObjectToPack src, boolean validate, WindowCursor curs) throws IOException, StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException { beginCopyAsIs(src); try { copyAsIs2(out, src, validate, curs); } finally { endCopyAsIs(); } } private void copyAsIs2(PackOutputStream out, LocalObjectToPack src, boolean validate, WindowCursor curs) throws IOException, StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException { final CRC32 crc1 = validate ? new CRC32() : null; final CRC32 crc2 = validate ? new CRC32() : null; final byte[] buf = out.getCopyBuffer(); // Rip apart the header so we can discover the size. // readFully(src.offset, buf, 0, 20, curs); int c = buf[0] & 0xff; final int typeCode = (c >> 4) & 7; long inflatedLength = c & 15; int shift = 4; int headerCnt = 1; while ((c & 0x80) != 0) { c = buf[headerCnt++] & 0xff; inflatedLength += ((long) (c & 0x7f)) << shift; shift += 7; } if (typeCode == Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA) { do { c = buf[headerCnt++] & 0xff; } while ((c & 128) != 0); if (validate) { assert(crc1 != null && crc2 != null); crc1.update(buf, 0, headerCnt); crc2.update(buf, 0, headerCnt); } } else if (typeCode == Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA) { if (validate) { assert(crc1 != null && crc2 != null); crc1.update(buf, 0, headerCnt); crc2.update(buf, 0, headerCnt); } readFully(src.offset + headerCnt, buf, 0, 20, curs); if (validate) { assert(crc1 != null && crc2 != null); crc1.update(buf, 0, 20); crc2.update(buf, 0, 20); } headerCnt += 20; } else if (validate) { assert(crc1 != null && crc2 != null); crc1.update(buf, 0, headerCnt); crc2.update(buf, 0, headerCnt); } final long dataOffset = src.offset + headerCnt; final long dataLength = src.length; final long expectedCRC; final ByteArrayWindow quickCopy; // Verify the object isn't corrupt before sending. If it is, // we report it missing instead. // try { quickCopy = curs.quickCopy(this, dataOffset, dataLength); if (validate && idx().hasCRC32Support()) { assert(crc1 != null); // Index has the CRC32 code cached, validate the object. // expectedCRC = idx().findCRC32(src); if (quickCopy != null) { quickCopy.crc32(crc1, dataOffset, (int) dataLength); } else { long pos = dataOffset; long cnt = dataLength; while (cnt > 0) { final int n = (int) Math.min(cnt, buf.length); readFully(pos, buf, 0, n, curs); crc1.update(buf, 0, n); pos += n; cnt -= n; } } if (crc1.getValue() != expectedCRC) { setCorrupt(src.offset); throw new CorruptObjectException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().objectAtHasBadZlibStream, Long.valueOf(src.offset), getPackFile())); } } else if (validate) { // We don't have a CRC32 code in the index, so compute it // now while inflating the raw data to get zlib to tell us // whether or not the data is safe. // Inflater inf = curs.inflater(); byte[] tmp = new byte[1024]; if (quickCopy != null) { quickCopy.check(inf, tmp, dataOffset, (int) dataLength); } else { assert(crc1 != null); long pos = dataOffset; long cnt = dataLength; while (cnt > 0) { final int n = (int) Math.min(cnt, buf.length); readFully(pos, buf, 0, n, curs); crc1.update(buf, 0, n); inf.setInput(buf, 0, n); while (inf.inflate(tmp, 0, tmp.length) > 0) continue; pos += n; cnt -= n; } } if (!inf.finished() || inf.getBytesRead() != dataLength) { setCorrupt(src.offset); throw new EOFException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().shortCompressedStreamAt, Long.valueOf(src.offset))); } assert(crc1 != null); expectedCRC = crc1.getValue(); } else { expectedCRC = -1; } } catch (DataFormatException dataFormat) { setCorrupt(src.offset); CorruptObjectException corruptObject = new CorruptObjectException( MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().objectAtHasBadZlibStream, Long.valueOf(src.offset), getPackFile()), dataFormat); throw new StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException(src, corruptObject); } catch (IOException ioError) { throw new StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException(src, ioError); } if (quickCopy != null) { // The entire object fits into a single byte array window slice, // and we have it pinned. Write this out without copying. // out.writeHeader(src, inflatedLength); quickCopy.write(out, dataOffset, (int) dataLength); } else if (dataLength <= buf.length) { // Tiny optimization: Lots of objects are very small deltas or // deflated commits that are likely to fit in the copy buffer. // if (!validate) { long pos = dataOffset; long cnt = dataLength; while (cnt > 0) { final int n = (int) Math.min(cnt, buf.length); readFully(pos, buf, 0, n, curs); pos += n; cnt -= n; } } out.writeHeader(src, inflatedLength); out.write(buf, 0, (int) dataLength); } else { // Now we are committed to sending the object. As we spool it out, // check its CRC32 code to make sure there wasn't corruption between // the verification we did above, and us actually outputting it. // out.writeHeader(src, inflatedLength); long pos = dataOffset; long cnt = dataLength; while (cnt > 0) { final int n = (int) Math.min(cnt, buf.length); readFully(pos, buf, 0, n, curs); if (validate) { assert(crc2 != null); crc2.update(buf, 0, n); } out.write(buf, 0, n); pos += n; cnt -= n; } if (validate) { assert(crc2 != null); if (crc2.getValue() != expectedCRC) { throw new CorruptObjectException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().objectAtHasBadZlibStream, Long.valueOf(src.offset), getPackFile())); } } } } boolean invalid() { return invalid; } void setInvalid() { invalid = true; } int incrementTransientErrorCount() { return transientErrorCount.incrementAndGet(); } void resetTransientErrorCount() { transientErrorCount.set(0); } private void readFully(final long position, final byte[] dstbuf, int dstoff, final int cnt, final WindowCursor curs) throws IOException { if (curs.copy(this, position, dstbuf, dstoff, cnt) != cnt) throw new EOFException(); } private synchronized void beginCopyAsIs(ObjectToPack otp) throws StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException { if (++activeCopyRawData == 1 && activeWindows == 0) { try { doOpen(); } catch (IOException thisPackNotValid) { throw new StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException(otp, thisPackNotValid); } } } private synchronized void endCopyAsIs() { if (--activeCopyRawData == 0 && activeWindows == 0) doClose(); } synchronized boolean beginWindowCache() throws IOException { if (++activeWindows == 1) { if (activeCopyRawData == 0) doOpen(); return true; } return false; } synchronized boolean endWindowCache() { final boolean r = --activeWindows == 0; if (r && activeCopyRawData == 0) doClose(); return r; } private void doOpen() throws IOException { if (invalid) { openFail(true, invalidatingCause); throw new PackInvalidException(packFile, invalidatingCause); } try { synchronized (readLock) { fd = new RandomAccessFile(packFile, "r"); //$NON-NLS-1$ length = fd.length(); onOpenPack(); } } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { // don't invalidate the pack, we are interrupted from another thread openFail(false, e); throw e; } catch (FileNotFoundException fn) { // don't invalidate the pack if opening an existing file failed // since it may be related to a temporary lack of resources (e.g. // max open files) openFail(!packFile.exists(), fn); throw fn; } catch (EOFException | AccessDeniedException | NoSuchFileException | CorruptObjectException | NoPackSignatureException | PackMismatchException | UnpackException | UnsupportedPackIndexVersionException | UnsupportedPackVersionException pe) { // exceptions signaling permanent problems with a pack openFail(true, pe); throw pe; } catch (IOException | RuntimeException ge) { // generic exceptions could be transient so we should not mark the // pack invalid to avoid false MissingObjectExceptions openFail(false, ge); throw ge; } } private void openFail(boolean invalidate, Exception cause) { activeWindows = 0; activeCopyRawData = 0; invalid = invalidate; invalidatingCause = cause; doClose(); } private void doClose() { synchronized (readLock) { if (fd != null) { try { fd.close(); } catch (IOException err) { // Ignore a close event. We had it open only for reading. // There should not be errors related to network buffers // not flushed, etc. } fd = null; } } } ByteArrayWindow read(long pos, int size) throws IOException { synchronized (readLock) { if (invalid || fd == null) { // Due to concurrency between a read and another packfile invalidation thread // one thread could come up to this point and then fail with NPE. // Detect the situation and throw a proper exception so that can be properly // managed by the main packfile search loop and the Git client won't receive // any failures. throw new PackInvalidException(packFile, invalidatingCause); } if (length < pos + size) size = (int) (length - pos); final byte[] buf = new byte[size]; fd.seek(pos); fd.readFully(buf, 0, size); return new ByteArrayWindow(this, pos, buf); } } ByteWindow mmap(long pos, int size) throws IOException { synchronized (readLock) { if (length < pos + size) size = (int) (length - pos); MappedByteBuffer map; try { map = fd.getChannel().map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, pos, size); } catch (IOException ioe1) { // The most likely reason this failed is the JVM has run out // of virtual memory. We need to discard quickly, and try to // force the GC to finalize and release any existing mappings. // System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); map = fd.getChannel().map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, pos, size); } if (map.hasArray()) return new ByteArrayWindow(this, pos, map.array()); return new ByteBufferWindow(this, pos, map); } } private void onOpenPack() throws IOException { final PackIndex idx = idx(); final byte[] buf = new byte[20]; fd.seek(0); fd.readFully(buf, 0, 12); if (RawParseUtils.match(buf, 0, Constants.PACK_SIGNATURE) != 4) { throw new NoPackSignatureException(JGitText.get().notAPACKFile); } final long vers = NB.decodeUInt32(buf, 4); final long packCnt = NB.decodeUInt32(buf, 8); if (vers != 2 && vers != 3) { throw new UnsupportedPackVersionException(vers); } if (packCnt != idx.getObjectCount()) { throw new PackMismatchException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().packObjectCountMismatch, Long.valueOf(packCnt), Long.valueOf(idx.getObjectCount()), getPackFile())); } fd.seek(length - 20); fd.readFully(buf, 0, 20); if (!Arrays.equals(buf, packChecksum)) { throw new PackMismatchException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().packChecksumMismatch, getPackFile(), ObjectId.fromRaw(buf).name(), ObjectId.fromRaw(idx.packChecksum).name())); } } ObjectLoader load(WindowCursor curs, long pos) throws IOException, LargeObjectException { try { final byte[] ib = curs.tempId; Delta delta = null; byte[] data = null; int type = Constants.OBJ_BAD; boolean cached = false; SEARCH: for (;;) { readFully(pos, ib, 0, 20, curs); int c = ib[0] & 0xff; final int typeCode = (c >> 4) & 7; long sz = c & 15; int shift = 4; int p = 1; while ((c & 0x80) != 0) { c = ib[p++] & 0xff; sz += ((long) (c & 0x7f)) << shift; shift += 7; } switch (typeCode) { case Constants.OBJ_COMMIT: case Constants.OBJ_TREE: case Constants.OBJ_BLOB: case Constants.OBJ_TAG: { if (delta != null || sz < curs.getStreamFileThreshold()) { data = decompress(pos + p, (int) sz, curs); } if (delta != null) { type = typeCode; break SEARCH; } if (data != null) { return new ObjectLoader.SmallObject(typeCode, data); } return new LargePackedWholeObject(typeCode, sz, pos, p, this, curs.db); } case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA: { c = ib[p++] & 0xff; long base = c & 127; while ((c & 128) != 0) { base += 1; c = ib[p++] & 0xff; base <<= 7; base += (c & 127); } base = pos - base; delta = new Delta(delta, pos, (int) sz, p, base); if (sz != delta.deltaSize) break SEARCH; DeltaBaseCache.Entry e = curs.getDeltaBaseCache().get(this, base); if (e != null) { type = e.type; data = e.data; cached = true; break SEARCH; } pos = base; continue SEARCH; } case Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA: { readFully(pos + p, ib, 0, 20, curs); long base = findDeltaBase(ObjectId.fromRaw(ib)); delta = new Delta(delta, pos, (int) sz, p + 20, base); if (sz != delta.deltaSize) break SEARCH; DeltaBaseCache.Entry e = curs.getDeltaBaseCache().get(this, base); if (e != null) { type = e.type; data = e.data; cached = true; break SEARCH; } pos = base; continue SEARCH; } default: throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().unknownObjectType, Integer.valueOf(typeCode))); } } // At this point there is at least one delta to apply to data. // (Whole objects with no deltas to apply return early above.) if (data == null) throw new IOException(JGitText.get().inMemoryBufferLimitExceeded); assert(delta != null); do { // Cache only the base immediately before desired object. if (cached) cached = false; else if (delta.next == null) curs.getDeltaBaseCache().store(this, delta.basePos, data, type); pos = delta.deltaPos; final byte[] cmds = decompress(pos + delta.hdrLen, delta.deltaSize, curs); if (cmds == null) { data = null; // Discard base in case of OutOfMemoryError throw new LargeObjectException.OutOfMemory(new OutOfMemoryError()); } final long sz = BinaryDelta.getResultSize(cmds); if (Integer.MAX_VALUE <= sz) throw new LargeObjectException.ExceedsByteArrayLimit(); final byte[] result; try { result = new byte[(int) sz]; } catch (OutOfMemoryError tooBig) { data = null; // Discard base in case of OutOfMemoryError throw new LargeObjectException.OutOfMemory(tooBig); } BinaryDelta.apply(data, cmds, result); data = result; delta = delta.next; } while (delta != null); return new ObjectLoader.SmallObject(type, data); } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { throw new CorruptObjectException( MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().objectAtHasBadZlibStream, Long.valueOf(pos), getPackFile()), dfe); } } private long findDeltaBase(ObjectId baseId) throws IOException, MissingObjectException { long ofs = idx().findOffset(baseId); if (ofs < 0) throw new MissingObjectException(baseId, JGitText.get().missingDeltaBase); return ofs; } private static class Delta { /** Child that applies onto this object. */ final Delta next; /** Offset of the delta object. */ final long deltaPos; /** Size of the inflated delta stream. */ final int deltaSize; /** Total size of the delta's pack entry header (including base). */ final int hdrLen; /** Offset of the base object this delta applies onto. */ final long basePos; Delta(Delta next, long ofs, int sz, int hdrLen, long baseOffset) { this.next = next; this.deltaPos = ofs; this.deltaSize = sz; this.hdrLen = hdrLen; this.basePos = baseOffset; } } byte[] getDeltaHeader(WindowCursor wc, long pos) throws IOException, DataFormatException { // The delta stream starts as two variable length integers. If we // assume they are 64 bits each, we need 16 bytes to encode them, // plus 2 extra bytes for the variable length overhead. So 18 is // the longest delta instruction header. // final byte[] hdr = new byte[18]; wc.inflate(this, pos, hdr, true /* headerOnly */); return hdr; } int getObjectType(WindowCursor curs, long pos) throws IOException { final byte[] ib = curs.tempId; for (;;) { readFully(pos, ib, 0, 20, curs); int c = ib[0] & 0xff; final int type = (c >> 4) & 7; switch (type) { case Constants.OBJ_COMMIT: case Constants.OBJ_TREE: case Constants.OBJ_BLOB: case Constants.OBJ_TAG: return type; case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA: { int p = 1; while ((c & 0x80) != 0) c = ib[p++] & 0xff; c = ib[p++] & 0xff; long ofs = c & 127; while ((c & 128) != 0) { ofs += 1; c = ib[p++] & 0xff; ofs <<= 7; ofs += (c & 127); } pos = pos - ofs; continue; } case Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA: { int p = 1; while ((c & 0x80) != 0) c = ib[p++] & 0xff; readFully(pos + p, ib, 0, 20, curs); pos = findDeltaBase(ObjectId.fromRaw(ib)); continue; } default: throw new IOException( MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().unknownObjectType, Integer.valueOf(type))); } } } long getObjectSize(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId id) throws IOException { final long offset = idx().findOffset(id); return 0 < offset ? getObjectSize(curs, offset) : -1; } long getObjectSize(WindowCursor curs, long pos) throws IOException { final byte[] ib = curs.tempId; readFully(pos, ib, 0, 20, curs); int c = ib[0] & 0xff; final int type = (c >> 4) & 7; long sz = c & 15; int shift = 4; int p = 1; while ((c & 0x80) != 0) { c = ib[p++] & 0xff; sz += ((long) (c & 0x7f)) << shift; shift += 7; } long deltaAt; switch (type) { case Constants.OBJ_COMMIT: case Constants.OBJ_TREE: case Constants.OBJ_BLOB: case Constants.OBJ_TAG: return sz; case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA: c = ib[p++] & 0xff; while ((c & 128) != 0) c = ib[p++] & 0xff; deltaAt = pos + p; break; case Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA: deltaAt = pos + p + 20; break; default: throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().unknownObjectType, Integer.valueOf(type))); } try { return BinaryDelta.getResultSize(getDeltaHeader(curs, deltaAt)); } catch (DataFormatException e) { throw new CorruptObjectException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().objectAtHasBadZlibStream, Long.valueOf(pos), getPackFile()), e); } } LocalObjectRepresentation representation(final WindowCursor curs, final AnyObjectId objectId) throws IOException { final long pos = idx().findOffset(objectId); if (pos < 0) return null; final byte[] ib = curs.tempId; readFully(pos, ib, 0, 20, curs); int c = ib[0] & 0xff; int p = 1; final int typeCode = (c >> 4) & 7; while ((c & 0x80) != 0) c = ib[p++] & 0xff; long len = (findEndOffset(pos) - pos); switch (typeCode) { case Constants.OBJ_COMMIT: case Constants.OBJ_TREE: case Constants.OBJ_BLOB: case Constants.OBJ_TAG: return LocalObjectRepresentation.newWhole(this, pos, len - p); case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA: { c = ib[p++] & 0xff; long ofs = c & 127; while ((c & 128) != 0) { ofs += 1; c = ib[p++] & 0xff; ofs <<= 7; ofs += (c & 127); } ofs = pos - ofs; return LocalObjectRepresentation.newDelta(this, pos, len - p, ofs); } case Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA: { len -= p; len -= Constants.OBJECT_ID_LENGTH; readFully(pos + p, ib, 0, 20, curs); ObjectId id = ObjectId.fromRaw(ib); return LocalObjectRepresentation.newDelta(this, pos, len, id); } default: throw new IOException( MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().unknownObjectType, Integer.valueOf(typeCode))); } } private long findEndOffset(long startOffset) throws IOException, CorruptObjectException { final long maxOffset = length - 20; return getReverseIdx().findNextOffset(startOffset, maxOffset); } synchronized PackBitmapIndex getBitmapIndex() throws IOException { if (invalid || bitmapIdxFile == null) { return null; } if (bitmapIdx == null) { final PackBitmapIndex idx; try { idx = PackBitmapIndex.open(bitmapIdxFile, idx(), getReverseIdx()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Once upon a time this bitmap file existed. Now it // has been removed. Most likely an external gc has // removed this packfile and the bitmap bitmapIdxFile = null; return null; } // At this point, idx() will have set packChecksum. if (Arrays.equals(packChecksum, idx.packChecksum)) { bitmapIdx = idx; } else { bitmapIdxFile = null; } } return bitmapIdx; } private synchronized PackReverseIndex getReverseIdx() throws IOException { if (reverseIdx == null) reverseIdx = new PackReverseIndex(idx()); return reverseIdx; } private boolean isCorrupt(long offset) { LongList list = corruptObjects; if (list == null) return false; synchronized (list) { return list.contains(offset); } } private void setCorrupt(long offset) { LongList list = corruptObjects; if (list == null) { synchronized (readLock) { list = corruptObjects; if (list == null) { list = new LongList(); corruptObjects = list; } } } synchronized (list) { list.add(offset); } } @SuppressWarnings("nls") @Override public String toString() { return "Pack [packFileName=" + packFile.getName() + ", length=" + packFile.length() + ", packChecksum=" + ObjectId.fromRaw(packChecksum).name() + "]"; } }