/* * Copyright (C) 2018, Salesforce. and others * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ package org.eclipse.jgit.lib; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.junit.Test; public class CommitBuilderTest { // @formatter:off private static final String SIGNATURE = "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n" + "Version: BCPG v1.60\n" + "\n" + "iQEcBAABCAAGBQJb9cVhAAoJEKX+6Axg/6TZeFsH/0CY0WX/z7U8+7S5giFX4wH4\n" + "opvBwqyt6OX8lgNwTwBGHFNt8LdmDCCmKoq/XwkNi3ARVjLhe3gBcKXNoavvPk2Z\n" + "gIg5ChevGkU4afWCOMLVEYnkCBGw2+86XhrK1P7gTHEk1Rd+Yv1ZRDJBY+fFO7yz\n" + "uSBuF5RpEY2sJiIvp27Gub/rY3B5NTR/feO/z+b9oiP/fMUhpRwG5KuWUsn9NPjw\n" + "3tvbgawYpU/2UnS+xnavMY4t2fjRYjsoxndPLb2MUX8X7vC7FgWLBlmI/rquLZVM\n" + "IQEKkjnA+lhejjK1rv+ulq4kGZJFKGYWYYhRDwFg5PTkzhudhN2SGUq5Wxq1Eg4=\n" + "=b9OI\n" + "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----"; private static final String EXPECTED = "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n" + " Version: BCPG v1.60\n" + " \n" + " iQEcBAABCAAGBQJb9cVhAAoJEKX+6Axg/6TZeFsH/0CY0WX/z7U8+7S5giFX4wH4\n" + " opvBwqyt6OX8lgNwTwBGHFNt8LdmDCCmKoq/XwkNi3ARVjLhe3gBcKXNoavvPk2Z\n" + " gIg5ChevGkU4afWCOMLVEYnkCBGw2+86XhrK1P7gTHEk1Rd+Yv1ZRDJBY+fFO7yz\n" + " uSBuF5RpEY2sJiIvp27Gub/rY3B5NTR/feO/z+b9oiP/fMUhpRwG5KuWUsn9NPjw\n" + " 3tvbgawYpU/2UnS+xnavMY4t2fjRYjsoxndPLb2MUX8X7vC7FgWLBlmI/rquLZVM\n" + " IQEKkjnA+lhejjK1rv+ulq4kGZJFKGYWYYhRDwFg5PTkzhudhN2SGUq5Wxq1Eg4=\n" + " =b9OI\n" + " -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----"; // @formatter:on private void assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(String signature, String expectedOutcome) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); CommitBuilder.writeGpgSignatureString(signature, out); String formatted_signature = new String(out.toByteArray(), US_ASCII); assertEquals(expectedOutcome, formatted_signature); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureString() throws Exception { assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(SIGNATURE, EXPECTED); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureStringTrailingLF() throws Exception { assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(SIGNATURE + '\n', EXPECTED); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureStringCRLF() throws Exception { assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(SIGNATURE.replaceAll("\n", "\r\n"), EXPECTED); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureStringTrailingCRLF() throws Exception { assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome( SIGNATURE.replaceAll("\n", "\r\n") + "\r\n", EXPECTED); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureString_failsForNonAscii() throws Exception { String signature = "Ü Ä"; IllegalArgumentException e = assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> CommitBuilder.writeGpgSignatureString(signature, new ByteArrayOutputStream())); String message = MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().notASCIIString, signature); assertEquals(message, e.getMessage()); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureString_oneLineNotModified() throws Exception { String signature = " A string "; String expectedOutcome = signature; assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(signature, expectedOutcome); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureString_preservesRandomWhitespace() throws Exception { // @formatter:off String signature = " String with \n" + "Line 2\n" + " Line 3\n" + "Line 4 \n" + " Line 5 "; String expectedOutcome = " String with \n" + " Line 2\n" + " Line 3\n" + " Line 4 \n" + " Line 5 "; // @formatter:on assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(signature, expectedOutcome); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureString_replaceCR() throws Exception { // @formatter:off String signature = "String with \r" + "Line 2\r" + "Line 3\r" + "Line 4\r" + "Line 5"; String expectedOutcome = "String with \n" + " Line 2\n" + " Line 3\n" + " Line 4\n" + " Line 5"; // @formatter:on assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(signature, expectedOutcome); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureString_replaceCRLF() throws Exception { // @formatter:off String signature = "String with \r\n" + "Line 2\r\n" + "Line 3\r\n" + "Line 4\r\n" + "Line 5"; String expectedOutcome = "String with \n" + " Line 2\n" + " Line 3\n" + " Line 4\n" + " Line 5"; // @formatter:on assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(signature, expectedOutcome); } @Test public void writeGpgSignatureString_replaceCRLFMixed() throws Exception { // @formatter:off String signature = "String with \r" + "Line 2\r\n" + "Line 3\r" + "Line 4\r\n" + "Line 5"; String expectedOutcome = "String with \n" + " Line 2\n" + " Line 3\n" + " Line 4\n" + " Line 5"; // @formatter:on assertGpgSignatureStringOutcome(signature, expectedOutcome); } @Test public void setGpgSignature() throws Exception { GpgSignature dummy = new GpgSignature(new byte[0]); CommitBuilder builder = new CommitBuilder(); assertNull(builder.getGpgSignature()); builder.setGpgSignature(dummy); assertSame(dummy, builder.getGpgSignature()); builder.setGpgSignature(null); assertNull(builder.getGpgSignature()); } }