/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Google Inc. * Copyright (C) 2008, Shawn O. Pearce and others * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ package org.eclipse.jgit.util; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.UncheckedIOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor; /** * A fully buffered output stream. *

* Subclasses determine the behavior when the in-memory buffer capacity has been * exceeded and additional bytes are still being received for output. */ public abstract class TemporaryBuffer extends OutputStream { /** Default limit for in-core storage. */ protected static final int DEFAULT_IN_CORE_LIMIT = 1024 * 1024; /** Chain of data, if we are still completely in-core; otherwise null. */ ArrayList blocks; /** * Maximum number of bytes we will permit storing in memory. *

* When this limit is reached the data will be shifted to a file on disk, * preventing the JVM heap from growing out of control. */ private int inCoreLimit; /** Initial size of block list. */ private int initialBlocks; /** If {@link #inCoreLimit} has been reached, remainder goes here. */ private OutputStream overflow; /** * Create a new empty temporary buffer. * * @param limit * maximum number of bytes to store in memory before entering the * overflow output path; also used as the estimated size. */ protected TemporaryBuffer(int limit) { this(limit, limit); } /** * Create a new empty temporary buffer. * * @param estimatedSize * estimated size of storage used, to size the initial list of * block pointers. * @param limit * maximum number of bytes to store in memory before entering the * overflow output path. * @since 4.0 */ protected TemporaryBuffer(int estimatedSize, int limit) { if (estimatedSize > limit) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.inCoreLimit = limit; this.initialBlocks = (estimatedSize - 1) / Block.SZ + 1; reset(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { if (overflow != null) { overflow.write(b); return; } Block s = last(); if (s.isFull()) { if (reachedInCoreLimit()) { overflow.write(b); return; } s = new Block(); blocks.add(s); } s.buffer[s.count++] = (byte) b; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (overflow == null) { while (len > 0) { Block s = last(); if (s.isFull()) { if (reachedInCoreLimit()) break; s = new Block(); blocks.add(s); } final int n = Math.min(s.buffer.length - s.count, len); System.arraycopy(b, off, s.buffer, s.count, n); s.count += n; len -= n; off += n; } } if (len > 0) overflow.write(b, off, len); } /** * Dumps the entire buffer into the overflow stream, and flushes it. * * @throws java.io.IOException * the overflow stream cannot be started, or the buffer contents * cannot be written to it, or it failed to flush. */ protected void doFlush() throws IOException { if (overflow == null) switchToOverflow(); overflow.flush(); } /** * Copy all bytes remaining on the input stream into this buffer. * * @param in * the stream to read from, until EOF is reached. * @throws java.io.IOException * an error occurred reading from the input stream, or while * writing to a local temporary file. */ public void copy(InputStream in) throws IOException { if (blocks != null) { for (;;) { Block s = last(); if (s.isFull()) { if (reachedInCoreLimit()) break; s = new Block(); blocks.add(s); } int n = in.read(s.buffer, s.count, s.buffer.length - s.count); if (n < 1) return; s.count += n; } } final byte[] tmp = new byte[Block.SZ]; int n; while ((n = in.read(tmp)) > 0) overflow.write(tmp, 0, n); } /** * Obtain the length (in bytes) of the buffer. *

* The length is only accurate after {@link #close()} has been invoked. * * @return total length of the buffer, in bytes. */ public long length() { return inCoreLength(); } private long inCoreLength() { final Block last = last(); return ((long) blocks.size() - 1) * Block.SZ + last.count; } /** * Convert this buffer's contents into a contiguous byte array. *

* The buffer is only complete after {@link #close()} has been invoked. * * @return the complete byte array; length matches {@link #length()}. * @throws java.io.IOException * an error occurred reading from a local temporary file */ public byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException { final long len = length(); if (Integer.MAX_VALUE < len) throw new OutOfMemoryError(JGitText.get().lengthExceedsMaximumArraySize); final byte[] out = new byte[(int) len]; int outPtr = 0; for (Block b : blocks) { System.arraycopy(b.buffer, 0, out, outPtr, b.count); outPtr += b.count; } return out; } /** * Convert first {@code limit} number of bytes of the buffer content to * String. * * @param limit * the maximum number of bytes to be converted to String * @return first {@code limit} number of bytes of the buffer content * converted to String. * @since 5.12 */ public String toString(int limit) { try { return RawParseUtils.decode(toByteArray(limit)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } /** * Convert this buffer's contents into a contiguous byte array. If this size * of the buffer exceeds the limit only return the first {@code limit} bytes *

* The buffer is only complete after {@link #close()} has been invoked. * * @param limit * the maximum number of bytes to be returned * @return the byte array limited to {@code limit} bytes. * @throws java.io.IOException * an error occurred reading from a local temporary file * @since 4.2 */ public byte[] toByteArray(int limit) throws IOException { final long len = Math.min(length(), limit); if (Integer.MAX_VALUE < len) throw new OutOfMemoryError( JGitText.get().lengthExceedsMaximumArraySize); int length = (int) len; final byte[] out = new byte[length]; int outPtr = 0; for (Block b : blocks) { int toCopy = Math.min(length - outPtr, b.count); System.arraycopy(b.buffer, 0, out, outPtr, toCopy); outPtr += toCopy; if (outPtr == length) { break; } } return out; } /** * Send this buffer to an output stream. *

* This method may only be invoked after {@link #close()} has completed * normally, to ensure all data is completely transferred. * * @param os * stream to send this buffer's complete content to. * @param pm * if not null progress updates are sent here. Caller should * initialize the task and the number of work units to * {@link #length()}/1024. * @throws java.io.IOException * an error occurred reading from a temporary file on the local * system, or writing to the output stream. */ public void writeTo(OutputStream os, ProgressMonitor pm) throws IOException { if (pm == null) pm = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE; for (Block b : blocks) { os.write(b.buffer, 0, b.count); pm.update(b.count / 1024); } } /** * Open an input stream to read from the buffered data. *

* This method may only be invoked after {@link #close()} has completed * normally, to ensure all data is completely transferred. * * @return a stream to read from the buffer. The caller must close the * stream when it is no longer useful. * @throws java.io.IOException * an error occurred opening the temporary file. */ public InputStream openInputStream() throws IOException { return new BlockInputStream(); } /** * Same as {@link #openInputStream()} but handling destruction of any * associated resources automatically when closing the returned stream. * * @return an InputStream which will automatically destroy any associated * temporary file on {@link #close()} * @throws IOException * in case of an error. * @since 4.11 */ public InputStream openInputStreamWithAutoDestroy() throws IOException { return new BlockInputStream() { @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); destroy(); } }; } /** * Reset this buffer for reuse, purging all buffered content. */ public void reset() { if (overflow != null) { destroy(); } if (blocks != null) blocks.clear(); else blocks = new ArrayList<>(initialBlocks); blocks.add(new Block(Math.min(inCoreLimit, Block.SZ))); } /** * Open the overflow output stream, so the remaining output can be stored. * * @return the output stream to receive the buffered content, followed by * the remaining output. * @throws java.io.IOException * the buffer cannot create the overflow stream. */ protected abstract OutputStream overflow() throws IOException; private Block last() { return blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1); } private boolean reachedInCoreLimit() throws IOException { if (inCoreLength() < inCoreLimit) return false; switchToOverflow(); return true; } private void switchToOverflow() throws IOException { overflow = overflow(); final Block last = blocks.remove(blocks.size() - 1); for (Block b : blocks) overflow.write(b.buffer, 0, b.count); blocks = null; overflow = new BufferedOutputStream(overflow, Block.SZ); overflow.write(last.buffer, 0, last.count); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (overflow != null) { try { overflow.close(); } finally { overflow = null; } } } /** * Clear this buffer so it has no data, and cannot be used again. */ public void destroy() { blocks = null; if (overflow != null) { try { overflow.close(); } catch (IOException err) { // We shouldn't encounter an error closing the file. } finally { overflow = null; } } } /** * A fully buffered output stream using local disk storage for large data. *

* Initially this output stream buffers to memory and is therefore similar * to ByteArrayOutputStream, but it shifts to using an on disk temporary * file if the output gets too large. *

* The content of this buffered stream may be sent to another OutputStream * only after this stream has been properly closed by {@link #close()}. */ public static class LocalFile extends TemporaryBuffer { /** Directory to store the temporary file under. */ private final File directory; /** * Location of our temporary file if we are on disk; otherwise null. *

* If we exceeded the {@link #inCoreLimit} we nulled out {@link #blocks} * and created this file instead. All output goes here through * {@link #overflow}. */ private File onDiskFile; /** * Create a new temporary buffer, limiting memory usage. * * @param directory * if the buffer has to spill over into a temporary file, the * directory where the file should be saved. If null the * system default temporary directory (for example /tmp) will * be used instead. */ public LocalFile(File directory) { this(directory, DEFAULT_IN_CORE_LIMIT); } /** * Create a new temporary buffer, limiting memory usage. * * @param directory * if the buffer has to spill over into a temporary file, the * directory where the file should be saved. If null the * system default temporary directory (for example /tmp) will * be used instead. * @param inCoreLimit * maximum number of bytes to store in memory. Storage beyond * this limit will use the local file. */ public LocalFile(File directory, int inCoreLimit) { super(inCoreLimit); this.directory = directory; } @Override protected OutputStream overflow() throws IOException { onDiskFile = File.createTempFile("jgit_", ".buf", directory); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(onDiskFile)); } @Override public long length() { if (onDiskFile == null) { return super.length(); } return onDiskFile.length(); } @Override public byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException { if (onDiskFile == null) { return super.toByteArray(); } final long len = length(); if (Integer.MAX_VALUE < len) throw new OutOfMemoryError(JGitText.get().lengthExceedsMaximumArraySize); final byte[] out = new byte[(int) len]; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(onDiskFile)) { IO.readFully(in, out, 0, (int) len); } return out; } @Override public byte[] toByteArray(int limit) throws IOException { if (onDiskFile == null) { return super.toByteArray(limit); } final long len = Math.min(length(), limit); if (Integer.MAX_VALUE < len) { throw new OutOfMemoryError( JGitText.get().lengthExceedsMaximumArraySize); } final byte[] out = new byte[(int) len]; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(onDiskFile)) { int read = 0; int chunk; while ((chunk = in.read(out, read, out.length - read)) >= 0) { read += chunk; if (read == out.length) { break; } } } return out; } @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream os, ProgressMonitor pm) throws IOException { if (onDiskFile == null) { super.writeTo(os, pm); return; } if (pm == null) pm = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(onDiskFile)) { int cnt; final byte[] buf = new byte[Block.SZ]; while ((cnt = in.read(buf)) >= 0) { os.write(buf, 0, cnt); pm.update(cnt / 1024); } } } @Override public InputStream openInputStream() throws IOException { if (onDiskFile == null) return super.openInputStream(); return new FileInputStream(onDiskFile); } @Override public InputStream openInputStreamWithAutoDestroy() throws IOException { if (onDiskFile == null) { return super.openInputStreamWithAutoDestroy(); } return new FileInputStream(onDiskFile) { @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); destroy(); } }; } @Override public void destroy() { super.destroy(); if (onDiskFile != null) { try { if (!onDiskFile.delete()) onDiskFile.deleteOnExit(); } finally { onDiskFile = null; } } } } /** * A temporary buffer that will never exceed its in-memory limit. *

* If the in-memory limit is reached an IOException is thrown, rather than * attempting to spool to local disk. */ public static class Heap extends TemporaryBuffer { /** * Create a new heap buffer with a maximum storage limit. * * @param limit * maximum number of bytes that can be stored in this buffer; * also used as the estimated size. Storing beyond this many * will cause an IOException to be thrown during write. */ public Heap(int limit) { super(limit); } /** * Create a new heap buffer with a maximum storage limit. * * @param estimatedSize * estimated size of storage used, to size the initial list of * block pointers. * @param limit * maximum number of bytes that can be stored in this buffer. * Storing beyond this many will cause an IOException to be * thrown during write. * @since 4.0 */ public Heap(int estimatedSize, int limit) { super(estimatedSize, limit); } @Override protected OutputStream overflow() throws IOException { throw new IOException(JGitText.get().inMemoryBufferLimitExceeded); } } static class Block { static final int SZ = 8 * 1024; final byte[] buffer; int count; Block() { buffer = new byte[SZ]; } Block(int sz) { buffer = new byte[sz]; } boolean isFull() { return count == buffer.length; } } private class BlockInputStream extends InputStream { private byte[] singleByteBuffer; private int blockIndex; private Block block; private int blockPos; BlockInputStream() { block = blocks.get(blockIndex); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (singleByteBuffer == null) singleByteBuffer = new byte[1]; int n = read(singleByteBuffer); return n == 1 ? singleByteBuffer[0] & 0xff : -1; } @Override public long skip(long cnt) throws IOException { long skipped = 0; while (0 < cnt) { int n = (int) Math.min(block.count - blockPos, cnt); if (0 < n) { blockPos += n; skipped += n; cnt -= n; } else if (nextBlock()) continue; else break; } return skipped; } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (len == 0) return 0; int copied = 0; while (0 < len) { int c = Math.min(block.count - blockPos, len); if (0 < c) { System.arraycopy(block.buffer, blockPos, b, off, c); blockPos += c; off += c; len -= c; copied += c; } else if (nextBlock()) continue; else break; } return 0 < copied ? copied : -1; } private boolean nextBlock() { if (++blockIndex < blocks.size()) { block = blocks.get(blockIndex); blockPos = 0; return true; } return false; } } }