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  1. load(
  2. "@com_googlesource_gerrit_bazlets//tools:genrule2.bzl",
  3. "genrule2",
  4. )
  5. load("@rules_java//java:defs.bzl", "java_import", "java_library")
  6. load(":tests.bzl", "tests")
  7. PKG = "tst/org/eclipse/jgit/"
  8. HELPERS = glob(
  9. ["src/**/*.java"],
  10. exclude = ["src/org/eclipse/jgit/transport/ssh/*.java"],
  11. ) + [PKG + c for c in [
  12. "api/",
  13. "diff/",
  14. "internal/storage/file/",
  15. "internal/storage/file/",
  16. "internal/storage/file/",
  17. "nls/",
  18. "nls/",
  19. "nls/",
  20. "nls/",
  21. "revwalk/",
  22. "revwalk/",
  23. "revwalk/",
  24. "transport/",
  25. "transport/",
  26. "transport/",
  27. "treewalk/filter/",
  28. "test/resources/",
  29. "util/",
  30. "util/http/",
  31. "util/io/",
  32. ]]
  33. DATA = [
  34. PKG + "lib/empty.gitindex.dat",
  35. PKG + "lib/sorttest.gitindex.dat",
  36. ]
  37. EXCLUDED = [
  38. PKG + "api/",
  39. ]
  40. RESOURCES = glob(["resources/**"])
  41. tests(tests = glob(
  42. ["tst/**/*.java"],
  43. exclude = HELPERS + DATA + EXCLUDED,
  44. ))
  45. java_library(
  46. name = "helpers",
  47. testonly = 1,
  48. srcs = HELPERS,
  49. resources = DATA,
  50. deps = [
  51. "//lib:assertj-core",
  52. "//lib:jsch",
  53. "//lib:junit",
  54. "//lib:mockito",
  55. "//lib:slf4j-simple",
  56. "//org.eclipse.jgit:jgit",
  57. "//org.eclipse.jgit.junit:junit",
  58. ],
  59. )
  60. java_library(
  61. name = "sshd-helpers",
  62. testonly = 1,
  63. srcs = glob(["src/org/eclipse/jgit/transport/ssh/*.java"]),
  64. resource_strip_prefix = "org.eclipse.jgit.test/resources",
  65. resources = RESOURCES,
  66. visibility = [
  67. "//org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.test:__pkg__",
  68. ],
  69. deps = [
  70. "//lib:jsch",
  71. "//lib:junit",
  72. "//lib:sshd-osgi",
  73. "//lib:sshd-sftp",
  74. "//org.eclipse.jgit:jgit",
  75. "//org.eclipse.jgit.junit:junit",
  76. "//org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh:junit-ssh",
  77. ],
  78. )
  79. java_import(
  80. name = "tst_rsrc",
  81. jars = [":tst_rsrc_jar"],
  82. )
  83. genrule2(
  84. name = "tst_rsrc_jar",
  85. srcs = glob(["tst-rsrc/**"]),
  86. outs = ["tst_rsrc.jar"],
  87. cmd = "o=$$PWD/$@ && tar cf - $(SRCS) | tar -C $$TMP --strip-components=2 -xf - && cd $$TMP && zip -qr $$o .",
  88. )