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  1. authenticationCanceled=Authentication canceled: no password
  2. authenticationOnClosedSession=Authentication canceled: session is already closing or closed
  3. closeListenerFailed=Ssh session close listener failed
  4. configInvalidPath=Invalid path in ssh config key {0}: {1}
  5. configInvalidPattern=Invalid pattern in ssh config key {0}: {1}
  6. configInvalidPositive=Ssh config entry {0} must be a strictly positive number but is ''{1}''
  7. configNoKnownHostKeyAlgorithms=No implementations for any of the algorithms ''{0}'' given in HostKeyAlgorithms in the ssh config; using the default.
  8. configNoRemainingHostKeyAlgorithms=Ssh config removed all host key algorithms: HostKeyAlgorithms ''{0}''
  9. ftpCloseFailed=Closing the SFTP channel failed
  10. gssapiFailure=GSS-API error for mechanism OID {0}
  11. gssapiInitFailure=GSS-API initialization failure for mechanism {0}
  12. gssapiUnexpectedMechanism=Server {0} replied with unknown mechanism name ''{1}'' in {2} authentication
  13. gssapiUnexpectedMessage=Received unexpected ssh message {1} in {0} authentication
  14. identityFileCannotDecrypt=Given passphrase cannot decrypt identity {0}
  15. identityFileNoKey=No keys found in identity {0}
  16. identityFileMultipleKeys=Multiple key pairs found in identity {0}
  17. identityFileNotFound=Skipping identity ''{0}'': file not found
  18. identityFileUnsupportedFormat=Unsupported format in identity {0}
  19. kexServerKeyInvalid=Server key did not validate
  20. keyEncryptedMsg=Key ''{0}'' is encrypted. Enter the passphrase to decrypt it.
  21. keyEncryptedPrompt=Passphrase
  22. keyEncryptedRetry=Encrypted key ''{0}'' could not be decrypted. Enter the passphrase again.
  23. keyLoadFailed=Could not load key ''{0}''
  24. knownHostsCouldNotUpdate=Could not update known hosts file {0}
  25. knownHostsFileLockedRead=Could not read known hosts file (locked) {0}
  26. knownHostsFileLockedUpdate=Could not update known hosts file (locked) {0}
  27. knownHostsFileReadFailed=Failed to read known hosts file {0}
  28. knownHostsInvalidLine=Known hosts file {0} contains invalid line {1}
  29. knownHostsInvalidPath=Invalid path for known hosts file {0}
  30. knownHostsKeyFingerprints=The {0} key''s fingerprints are:
  31. knownHostsModifiedKeyAcceptPrompt=Accept this key and continue connecting all the same?
  32. knownHostsModifiedKeyDenyMsg=To resolve this add the correct host key to your known hosts file {0}
  33. knownHostsModifiedKeyStorePrompt=If so, also store the new key?
  35. The connection might be compromised (man-in-the-middle attack).\n\
  36. It is also possible that the {0} key of the host has just been changed.\n\
  37. The expected {1} key for host ''{2}'' has the fingerprints:\n\
  38. {3}\n\
  39. {4}\n\
  40. The {0} key actually received has the fingerprints:\n\
  41. {5}\n\
  42. {6}
  43. knownHostsRevokedKeyMsg=Host ''{0}'' sent a key that is marked as revoked in the known hosts file {1}.
  44. knownHostsUnknownKeyMsg=The authenticity of host ''{0}'' cannot be established.
  45. knownHostsUnknownKeyPrompt=Accept and store this key, and continue connecting?
  46. knownHostsUnknownKeyType=Cannot read server key from known hosts file {0}; line {1}
  47. knownHostsUserAskCreationMsg=File {0} does not exist.
  48. knownHostsUserAskCreationPrompt=Create file {0} ?
  49. passwordPrompt=Password
  50. proxyCannotAuthenticate=Cannot authenticate to proxy {0}
  51. proxyHttpFailure=HTTP Proxy connection to {0} failed with code {1}: {2}
  52. proxyHttpInvalidUserName=HTTP proxy connection {0} with invalid user name; must not contain colons: {1}
  53. proxyHttpUnexpectedReply=Unexpected HTTP proxy response from {0}: {1}
  54. proxyHttpUnspecifiedFailureReason=unspecified reason
  55. proxyPasswordPrompt=Proxy password
  56. proxySocksAuthenticationFailed=Authentication to SOCKS5 proxy {0} failed
  57. proxySocksFailureForbidden=SOCKS5 proxy {0}: connection to {1} not allowed by ruleset
  58. proxySocksFailureGeneral=SOCKS5 proxy {0}: general failure
  59. proxySocksFailureHostUnreachable=SOCKS5 proxy {0}: host unreachable {1}
  60. proxySocksFailureNetworkUnreachable=SOCKS5 proxy {0}: network unreachable {1}
  61. proxySocksFailureRefused=SOCKS5 proxy {0}: connection refused {1}
  62. proxySocksFailureTTL=TTL expired in SOCKS5 proxy connection {0}
  63. proxySocksFailureUnspecified=Unspecified failure in SOCKS5 proxy connection {0}
  64. proxySocksFailureUnsupportedAddress=SOCKS5 proxy {0} does not support address type
  65. proxySocksFailureUnsupportedCommand=SOCKS5 proxy {0} does not support CONNECT command
  66. proxySocksGssApiFailure=Cannot authenticate with GSS-API to SOCKS5 proxy {0}
  67. proxySocksGssApiMessageTooShort=SOCKS5 proxy {0} sent too short message
  68. proxySocksGssApiUnknownMessage=SOCKS5 proxy {0} sent unexpected GSS-API message type, expected 1, got {1}
  69. proxySocksGssApiVersionMismatch=SOCKS5 proxy {0} sent wrong GSS-API version number, expected 1, got {1}
  70. proxySocksNoRemoteHostName=Could not send remote address {0}
  71. proxySocksPasswordTooLong=Password for proxy {0} must be at most 255 bytes long, is {1} bytes
  72. proxySocksUnexpectedMessage=Unexpected message received from SOCKS5 proxy {0}; client state {1}: {2}
  73. proxySocksUnexpectedVersion=Expected SOCKS version 5, got {0}
  74. proxySocksUsernameTooLong=User name for proxy {0} must be at most 255 bytes long, is {1} bytes: {2}
  75. serverIdNotReceived=No server identification received within {0} bytes
  76. serverIdTooLong=Server identification is longer than 255 characters (including line ending): {0}
  77. serverIdWithNul=Server identification contains a NUL character: {0}
  78. sessionCloseFailed=Closing the session failed
  79. sessionWithoutUsername=SSH session created without user name; cannot authenticate
  80. sshClosingDown=Apache MINA sshd session factory is closing down; cannot create new ssh sessions on this factory
  81. sshCommandTimeout={0} timed out after {1} seconds while opening the channel
  82. sshProcessStillRunning={0} is not yet completed, cannot get exit code
  83. unknownProxyProtocol=Ignoring unknown proxy protocol {0}