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пре 8 година
пре 8 година
пре 8 година
  1. sudo: false
  2. language: php
  3. php:
  4. - 5.4
  5. env:
  6. global:
  7. - TEST_DAV=$(tests/travis/ dav)
  8. - TC=litmus-v2
  9. matrix:
  10. - DB=sqlite
  11. branches:
  12. only:
  13. - master
  14. - /^stable\d+(\.\d+)?$/
  15. addons:
  16. apt:
  17. packages:
  18. - realpath
  19. before_install:
  20. - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash tests/travis/ $DB; fi"
  21. install:
  22. - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash tests/travis/ $DB; fi"
  23. - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash apps/dav/tests/travis/$TC/; fi"
  24. script:
  25. - sh -c "if [ '$TC' = 'syntax' ]; then composer install && lib/composer/bin/parallel-lint --exclude lib/composer/jakub-onderka/ --exclude 3rdparty/symfony/polyfill-php70/Resources/stubs/ --exclude 3rdparty/patchwork/utf8/src/Patchwork/Utf8/Bootup/ --exclude 3rdparty/paragonie/random_compat/lib/ --exclude lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php --exclude 3rdparty/composer/autoload_static.php .; fi"
  26. - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' != '1' ]; then echo \"Not testing DAV\"; fi"
  27. - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then echo \"Testing DAV\"; fi"
  28. - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash apps/dav/tests/travis/$TC/; fi"
  29. matrix:
  30. include:
  31. - php: 5.4
  32. env: DB=pgsql;TC=litmus-v1
  33. - php: 5.4
  34. env: DB=sqlite;TC=carddav
  35. - php: 5.4
  36. env: DB=sqlite;TC=caldav
  37. - php: 5.4
  38. env: DB=sqlite;TC=syntax;TEST_DAV=0
  39. - php: 5.5
  40. env: DB=sqlite;TC=syntax;TEST_DAV=0
  41. - php: 5.6
  42. env: DB=sqlite;TC=syntax;TEST_DAV=0
  43. - php: 7.0
  44. env: DB=sqlite;TC=syntax;TEST_DAV=0
  45. fast_finish: true