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Updater.php 21KB

8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
11 years ago
9 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
9 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. declare(strict_types=1);
  3. /**
  4. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
  5. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Lukas Reschke <>
  6. *
  7. * @author Arthur Schiwon <>
  8. * @author Bjoern Schiessle <>
  9. * @author Christoph Wurst <>
  10. * @author Frank Karlitschek <>
  11. * @author Georg Ehrke <>
  12. * @author J0WI <>
  13. * @author Joas Schilling <>
  14. * @author Julius Härtl <>
  15. * @author Lukas Reschke <>
  16. * @author Morris Jobke <>
  17. * @author Robin Appelman <>
  18. * @author Roeland Jago Douma <>
  19. * @author Steffen Lindner <>
  20. * @author Thomas Müller <>
  21. * @author Victor Dubiniuk <>
  22. * @author Vincent Petry <>
  23. *
  24. * @license AGPL-3.0
  25. *
  26. * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  27. * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
  28. * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  29. *
  30. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  31. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  33. * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  34. *
  35. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
  36. * along with this program. If not, see <>
  37. *
  38. */
  39. namespace OC;
  40. use OC\App\AppManager;
  41. use OC\DB\Connection;
  42. use OC\DB\MigrationService;
  43. use OC\Hooks\BasicEmitter;
  44. use OC\IntegrityCheck\Checker;
  45. use OC_App;
  46. use OCP\App\IAppManager;
  47. use OCP\HintException;
  48. use OCP\IConfig;
  49. use OCP\ILogger;
  50. use OCP\Util;
  51. use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
  52. use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;
  53. /**
  54. * Class that handles autoupdating of ownCloud
  55. *
  56. * Hooks provided in scope \OC\Updater
  57. * - maintenanceStart()
  58. * - maintenanceEnd()
  59. * - dbUpgrade()
  60. * - failure(string $message)
  61. */
  62. class Updater extends BasicEmitter {
  63. /** @var LoggerInterface */
  64. private $log;
  65. /** @var IConfig */
  66. private $config;
  67. /** @var Checker */
  68. private $checker;
  69. /** @var Installer */
  70. private $installer;
  71. private $logLevelNames = [
  72. 0 => 'Debug',
  73. 1 => 'Info',
  74. 2 => 'Warning',
  75. 3 => 'Error',
  76. 4 => 'Fatal',
  77. ];
  78. public function __construct(IConfig $config,
  79. Checker $checker,
  80. ?LoggerInterface $log,
  81. Installer $installer) {
  82. $this->log = $log;
  83. $this->config = $config;
  84. $this->checker = $checker;
  85. $this->installer = $installer;
  86. }
  87. /**
  88. * runs the update actions in maintenance mode, does not upgrade the source files
  89. * except the main .htaccess file
  90. *
  91. * @return bool true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise
  92. */
  93. public function upgrade(): bool {
  94. $this->emitRepairEvents();
  95. $this->logAllEvents();
  96. $logLevel = $this->config->getSystemValue('loglevel', ILogger::WARN);
  97. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'setDebugLogLevel', [ $logLevel, $this->logLevelNames[$logLevel] ]);
  98. $this->config->setSystemValue('loglevel', ILogger::DEBUG);
  99. $wasMaintenanceModeEnabled = $this->config->getSystemValueBool('maintenance');
  100. if (!$wasMaintenanceModeEnabled) {
  101. $this->config->setSystemValue('maintenance', true);
  102. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceEnabled');
  103. }
  104. // Clear CAN_INSTALL file if not on git
  105. if (\OC_Util::getChannel() !== 'git' && is_file(\OC::$configDir.'/CAN_INSTALL')) {
  106. if (!unlink(\OC::$configDir . '/CAN_INSTALL')) {
  107. $this->log->error('Could not cleanup CAN_INSTALL from your config folder. Please remove this file manually.');
  108. }
  109. }
  110. $installedVersion = $this->config->getSystemValue('version', '0.0.0');
  111. $currentVersion = implode('.', \OCP\Util::getVersion());
  112. $this->log->debug('starting upgrade from ' . $installedVersion . ' to ' . $currentVersion, ['app' => 'core']);
  113. $success = true;
  114. try {
  115. $this->doUpgrade($currentVersion, $installedVersion);
  116. } catch (HintException $exception) {
  117. $this->log->error($exception->getMessage(), [
  118. 'exception' => $exception,
  119. ]);
  120. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'failure', [$exception->getMessage() . ': ' .$exception->getHint()]);
  121. $success = false;
  122. } catch (\Exception $exception) {
  123. $this->log->error($exception->getMessage(), [
  124. 'exception' => $exception,
  125. ]);
  126. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'failure', [get_class($exception) . ': ' .$exception->getMessage()]);
  127. $success = false;
  128. }
  129. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'updateEnd', [$success]);
  130. if (!$wasMaintenanceModeEnabled && $success) {
  131. $this->config->setSystemValue('maintenance', false);
  132. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceDisabled');
  133. } else {
  134. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceActive');
  135. }
  136. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'resetLogLevel', [ $logLevel, $this->logLevelNames[$logLevel] ]);
  137. $this->config->setSystemValue('loglevel', $logLevel);
  138. $this->config->setSystemValue('installed', true);
  139. return $success;
  140. }
  141. /**
  142. * Return version from which this version is allowed to upgrade from
  143. *
  144. * @return array allowed previous versions per vendor
  145. */
  146. private function getAllowedPreviousVersions(): array {
  147. // this should really be a JSON file
  148. require \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/version.php';
  149. /** @var array $OC_VersionCanBeUpgradedFrom */
  150. return $OC_VersionCanBeUpgradedFrom;
  151. }
  152. /**
  153. * Return vendor from which this version was published
  154. *
  155. * @return string Get the vendor
  156. */
  157. private function getVendor(): string {
  158. // this should really be a JSON file
  159. require \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/version.php';
  160. /** @var string $vendor */
  161. return (string) $vendor;
  162. }
  163. /**
  164. * Whether an upgrade to a specified version is possible
  165. * @param string $oldVersion
  166. * @param string $newVersion
  167. * @param array $allowedPreviousVersions
  168. * @return bool
  169. */
  170. public function isUpgradePossible(string $oldVersion, string $newVersion, array $allowedPreviousVersions): bool {
  171. $version = explode('.', $oldVersion);
  172. $majorMinor = $version[0] . '.' . $version[1];
  173. $currentVendor = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'vendor', '');
  174. // Vendor was not set correctly on install, so we have to white-list known versions
  175. if ($currentVendor === '' && (
  176. isset($allowedPreviousVersions['owncloud'][$oldVersion]) ||
  177. isset($allowedPreviousVersions['owncloud'][$majorMinor])
  178. )) {
  179. $currentVendor = 'owncloud';
  180. $this->config->setAppValue('core', 'vendor', $currentVendor);
  181. }
  182. if ($currentVendor === 'nextcloud') {
  183. return isset($allowedPreviousVersions[$currentVendor][$majorMinor])
  184. && (version_compare($oldVersion, $newVersion, '<=') ||
  185. $this->config->getSystemValue('debug', false));
  186. }
  187. // Check if the instance can be migrated
  188. return isset($allowedPreviousVersions[$currentVendor][$majorMinor]) ||
  189. isset($allowedPreviousVersions[$currentVendor][$oldVersion]);
  190. }
  191. /**
  192. * runs the update actions in maintenance mode, does not upgrade the source files
  193. * except the main .htaccess file
  194. *
  195. * @param string $currentVersion current version to upgrade to
  196. * @param string $installedVersion previous version from which to upgrade from
  197. *
  198. * @throws \Exception
  199. */
  200. private function doUpgrade(string $currentVersion, string $installedVersion): void {
  201. // Stop update if the update is over several major versions
  202. $allowedPreviousVersions = $this->getAllowedPreviousVersions();
  203. if (!$this->isUpgradePossible($installedVersion, $currentVersion, $allowedPreviousVersions)) {
  204. throw new \Exception('Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.');
  205. }
  206. // Update .htaccess files
  207. try {
  208. Setup::updateHtaccess();
  209. Setup::protectDataDirectory();
  210. } catch (\Exception $e) {
  211. throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
  212. }
  213. // create empty file in data dir, so we can later find
  214. // out that this is indeed an ownCloud data directory
  215. // (in case it didn't exist before)
  216. file_put_contents($this->config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/.ocdata', '');
  217. // pre-upgrade repairs
  218. $repair = new Repair(Repair::getBeforeUpgradeRepairSteps(), \OC::$server->getEventDispatcher(), \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class));
  219. $repair->run();
  220. $this->doCoreUpgrade();
  221. try {
  222. // TODO: replace with the new repair step mechanism
  223. Setup::installBackgroundJobs();
  224. } catch (\Exception $e) {
  225. throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
  226. }
  227. // update all shipped apps
  228. $this->checkAppsRequirements();
  229. $this->doAppUpgrade();
  230. // Update the appfetchers version so it downloads the correct list from the appstore
  231. \OC::$server->getAppFetcher()->setVersion($currentVersion);
  232. /** @var IAppManager|AppManager $appManager */
  233. $appManager = \OC::$server->getAppManager();
  234. // upgrade appstore apps
  235. $this->upgradeAppStoreApps($appManager->getInstalledApps());
  236. $autoDisabledApps = $appManager->getAutoDisabledApps();
  237. if (!empty($autoDisabledApps)) {
  238. $this->upgradeAppStoreApps(array_keys($autoDisabledApps), $autoDisabledApps);
  239. }
  240. // install new shipped apps on upgrade
  241. $errors = Installer::installShippedApps(true);
  242. foreach ($errors as $appId => $exception) {
  243. /** @var \Exception $exception */
  244. $this->log->error($exception->getMessage(), [
  245. 'exception' => $exception,
  246. 'app' => $appId,
  247. ]);
  248. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'failure', [$appId . ': ' . $exception->getMessage()]);
  249. }
  250. // post-upgrade repairs
  251. $repair = new Repair(Repair::getRepairSteps(), \OC::$server->getEventDispatcher(), \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class));
  252. $repair->run();
  253. //Invalidate update feed
  254. $this->config->setAppValue('core', 'lastupdatedat', 0);
  255. // Check for code integrity if not disabled
  256. if (\OC::$server->getIntegrityCodeChecker()->isCodeCheckEnforced()) {
  257. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'startCheckCodeIntegrity');
  258. $this->checker->runInstanceVerification();
  259. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'finishedCheckCodeIntegrity');
  260. }
  261. // only set the final version if everything went well
  262. $this->config->setSystemValue('version', implode('.', Util::getVersion()));
  263. $this->config->setAppValue('core', 'vendor', $this->getVendor());
  264. }
  265. protected function doCoreUpgrade(): void {
  266. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'dbUpgradeBefore');
  267. // execute core migrations
  268. $ms = new MigrationService('core', \OC::$server->get(Connection::class));
  269. $ms->migrate();
  270. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'dbUpgrade');
  271. }
  272. /**
  273. * upgrades all apps within a major ownCloud upgrade. Also loads "priority"
  274. * (types authentication, filesystem, logging, in that order) afterwards.
  275. *
  276. * @throws NeedsUpdateException
  277. */
  278. protected function doAppUpgrade(): void {
  279. $apps = \OC_App::getEnabledApps();
  280. $priorityTypes = ['authentication', 'filesystem', 'logging'];
  281. $pseudoOtherType = 'other';
  282. $stacks = [$pseudoOtherType => []];
  283. foreach ($apps as $appId) {
  284. $priorityType = false;
  285. foreach ($priorityTypes as $type) {
  286. if (!isset($stacks[$type])) {
  287. $stacks[$type] = [];
  288. }
  289. if (\OC_App::isType($appId, [$type])) {
  290. $stacks[$type][] = $appId;
  291. $priorityType = true;
  292. break;
  293. }
  294. }
  295. if (!$priorityType) {
  296. $stacks[$pseudoOtherType][] = $appId;
  297. }
  298. }
  299. foreach (array_merge($priorityTypes, [$pseudoOtherType]) as $type) {
  300. $stack = $stacks[$type];
  301. foreach ($stack as $appId) {
  302. if (\OC_App::shouldUpgrade($appId)) {
  303. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'appUpgradeStarted', [$appId, \OC_App::getAppVersion($appId)]);
  304. \OC_App::updateApp($appId);
  305. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'appUpgrade', [$appId, \OC_App::getAppVersion($appId)]);
  306. }
  307. if ($type !== $pseudoOtherType) {
  308. // load authentication, filesystem and logging apps after
  309. // upgrading them. Other apps my need to rely on modifying
  310. // user and/or filesystem aspects.
  311. \OC_App::loadApp($appId);
  312. }
  313. }
  314. }
  315. }
  316. /**
  317. * check if the current enabled apps are compatible with the current
  318. * ownCloud version. disable them if not.
  319. * This is important if you upgrade ownCloud and have non ported 3rd
  320. * party apps installed.
  321. *
  322. * @throws \Exception
  323. */
  324. private function checkAppsRequirements(): void {
  325. $isCoreUpgrade = $this->isCodeUpgrade();
  326. $apps = OC_App::getEnabledApps();
  327. $version = implode('.', Util::getVersion());
  328. $appManager = \OC::$server->getAppManager();
  329. foreach ($apps as $app) {
  330. // check if the app is compatible with this version of Nextcloud
  331. $info = OC_App::getAppInfo($app);
  332. if ($info === null || !OC_App::isAppCompatible($version, $info)) {
  333. if ($appManager->isShipped($app)) {
  334. throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The files of the app "' . $app . '" were not correctly replaced before running the update');
  335. }
  336. $appManager->disableApp($app, true);
  337. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'incompatibleAppDisabled', [$app]);
  338. }
  339. }
  340. }
  341. /**
  342. * @return bool
  343. */
  344. private function isCodeUpgrade(): bool {
  345. $installedVersion = $this->config->getSystemValue('version', '0.0.0');
  346. $currentVersion = implode('.', Util::getVersion());
  347. if (version_compare($currentVersion, $installedVersion, '>')) {
  348. return true;
  349. }
  350. return false;
  351. }
  352. /**
  353. * @param array $apps
  354. * @param array $previousEnableStates
  355. * @throws \Exception
  356. */
  357. private function upgradeAppStoreApps(array $apps, array $previousEnableStates = []): void {
  358. foreach ($apps as $app) {
  359. try {
  360. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'checkAppStoreAppBefore', [$app]);
  361. if ($this->installer->isUpdateAvailable($app)) {
  362. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'upgradeAppStoreApp', [$app]);
  363. $this->installer->updateAppstoreApp($app);
  364. }
  365. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'checkAppStoreApp', [$app]);
  366. if (!empty($previousEnableStates)) {
  367. $ocApp = new \OC_App();
  368. if (!empty($previousEnableStates[$app]) && is_array($previousEnableStates[$app])) {
  369. $ocApp->enable($app, $previousEnableStates[$app]);
  370. } else {
  371. $ocApp->enable($app);
  372. }
  373. }
  374. } catch (\Exception $ex) {
  375. $this->log->error($ex->getMessage(), [
  376. 'exception' => $ex,
  377. ]);
  378. }
  379. }
  380. }
  381. /**
  382. * Forward messages emitted by the repair routine
  383. */
  384. private function emitRepairEvents(): void {
  385. $dispatcher = \OC::$server->getEventDispatcher();
  386. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::warning', function ($event) {
  387. if ($event instanceof GenericEvent) {
  388. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'repairWarning', $event->getArguments());
  389. }
  390. });
  391. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::error', function ($event) {
  392. if ($event instanceof GenericEvent) {
  393. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'repairError', $event->getArguments());
  394. }
  395. });
  396. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::info', function ($event) {
  397. if ($event instanceof GenericEvent) {
  398. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'repairInfo', $event->getArguments());
  399. }
  400. });
  401. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::step', function ($event) {
  402. if ($event instanceof GenericEvent) {
  403. $this->emit('\OC\Updater', 'repairStep', $event->getArguments());
  404. }
  405. });
  406. }
  407. private function logAllEvents(): void {
  408. $log = $this->log;
  409. $dispatcher = \OC::$server->getEventDispatcher();
  410. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\DB\Migrator::executeSql', function ($event) use ($log) {
  411. if (!$event instanceof GenericEvent) {
  412. return;
  413. }
  414. $log->info('\OC\DB\Migrator::executeSql: ' . $event->getSubject() . ' (' . $event->getArgument(0) . ' of ' . $event->getArgument(1) . ')', ['app' => 'updater']);
  415. });
  416. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\DB\Migrator::checkTable', function ($event) use ($log) {
  417. if (!$event instanceof GenericEvent) {
  418. return;
  419. }
  420. $log->info('\OC\DB\Migrator::checkTable: ' . $event->getSubject() . ' (' . $event->getArgument(0) . ' of ' . $event->getArgument(1) . ')', ['app' => 'updater']);
  421. });
  422. $repairListener = function ($event) use ($log) {
  423. if (!$event instanceof GenericEvent) {
  424. return;
  425. }
  426. switch ($event->getSubject()) {
  427. case '\OC\Repair::startProgress':
  428. $log->info('\OC\Repair::startProgress: Starting ... ' . $event->getArgument(1) . ' (' . $event->getArgument(0) . ')', ['app' => 'updater']);
  429. break;
  430. case '\OC\Repair::advance':
  431. $desc = $event->getArgument(1);
  432. if (empty($desc)) {
  433. $desc = '';
  434. }
  435. $log->info('\OC\Repair::advance: ' . $desc . ' (' . $event->getArgument(0) . ')', ['app' => 'updater']);
  436. break;
  437. case '\OC\Repair::finishProgress':
  438. $log->info('\OC\Repair::finishProgress', ['app' => 'updater']);
  439. break;
  440. case '\OC\Repair::step':
  441. $log->info('\OC\Repair::step: Repair step: ' . $event->getArgument(0), ['app' => 'updater']);
  442. break;
  443. case '\OC\Repair::info':
  444. $log->info('\OC\Repair::info: Repair info: ' . $event->getArgument(0), ['app' => 'updater']);
  445. break;
  446. case '\OC\Repair::warning':
  447. $log->warning('\OC\Repair::warning: Repair warning: ' . $event->getArgument(0), ['app' => 'updater']);
  448. break;
  449. case '\OC\Repair::error':
  450. $log->error('\OC\Repair::error: Repair error: ' . $event->getArgument(0), ['app' => 'updater']);
  451. break;
  452. }
  453. };
  454. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::startProgress', $repairListener);
  455. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::advance', $repairListener);
  456. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::finishProgress', $repairListener);
  457. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::step', $repairListener);
  458. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::info', $repairListener);
  459. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::warning', $repairListener);
  460. $dispatcher->addListener('\OC\Repair::error', $repairListener);
  461. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceEnabled', function () use ($log) {
  462. $log->info('\OC\Updater::maintenanceEnabled: Turned on maintenance mode', ['app' => 'updater']);
  463. });
  464. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceDisabled', function () use ($log) {
  465. $log->info('\OC\Updater::maintenanceDisabled: Turned off maintenance mode', ['app' => 'updater']);
  466. });
  467. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceActive', function () use ($log) {
  468. $log->info('\OC\Updater::maintenanceActive: Maintenance mode is kept active', ['app' => 'updater']);
  469. });
  470. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'updateEnd', function ($success) use ($log) {
  471. if ($success) {
  472. $log->info('\OC\Updater::updateEnd: Update successful', ['app' => 'updater']);
  473. } else {
  474. $log->error('\OC\Updater::updateEnd: Update failed', ['app' => 'updater']);
  475. }
  476. });
  477. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'dbUpgradeBefore', function () use ($log) {
  478. $log->info('\OC\Updater::dbUpgradeBefore: Updating database schema', ['app' => 'updater']);
  479. });
  480. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'dbUpgrade', function () use ($log) {
  481. $log->info('\OC\Updater::dbUpgrade: Updated database', ['app' => 'updater']);
  482. });
  483. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'incompatibleAppDisabled', function ($app) use ($log) {
  484. $log->info('\OC\Updater::incompatibleAppDisabled: Disabled incompatible app: ' . $app, ['app' => 'updater']);
  485. });
  486. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'checkAppStoreAppBefore', function ($app) use ($log) {
  487. $log->debug('\OC\Updater::checkAppStoreAppBefore: Checking for update of app "' . $app . '" in appstore', ['app' => 'updater']);
  488. });
  489. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'upgradeAppStoreApp', function ($app) use ($log) {
  490. $log->info('\OC\Updater::upgradeAppStoreApp: Update app "' . $app . '" from appstore', ['app' => 'updater']);
  491. });
  492. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'checkAppStoreApp', function ($app) use ($log) {
  493. $log->debug('\OC\Updater::checkAppStoreApp: Checked for update of app "' . $app . '" in appstore', ['app' => 'updater']);
  494. });
  495. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'appSimulateUpdate', function ($app) use ($log) {
  496. $log->info('\OC\Updater::appSimulateUpdate: Checking whether the database schema for <' . $app . '> can be updated (this can take a long time depending on the database size)', ['app' => 'updater']);
  497. });
  498. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'appUpgradeStarted', function ($app) use ($log) {
  499. $log->info('\OC\Updater::appUpgradeStarted: Updating <' . $app . '> ...', ['app' => 'updater']);
  500. });
  501. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'appUpgrade', function ($app, $version) use ($log) {
  502. $log->info('\OC\Updater::appUpgrade: Updated <' . $app . '> to ' . $version, ['app' => 'updater']);
  503. });
  504. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'failure', function ($message) use ($log) {
  505. $log->error('\OC\Updater::failure: ' . $message, ['app' => 'updater']);
  506. });
  507. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'setDebugLogLevel', function () use ($log) {
  508. $log->info('\OC\Updater::setDebugLogLevel: Set log level to debug', ['app' => 'updater']);
  509. });
  510. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'resetLogLevel', function ($logLevel, $logLevelName) use ($log) {
  511. $log->info('\OC\Updater::resetLogLevel: Reset log level to ' . $logLevelName . '(' . $logLevel . ')', ['app' => 'updater']);
  512. });
  513. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'startCheckCodeIntegrity', function () use ($log) {
  514. $log->info('\OC\Updater::startCheckCodeIntegrity: Starting code integrity check...', ['app' => 'updater']);
  515. });
  516. $this->listen('\OC\Updater', 'finishedCheckCodeIntegrity', function () use ($log) {
  517. $log->info('\OC\Updater::finishedCheckCodeIntegrity: Finished code integrity check', ['app' => 'updater']);
  518. });
  519. }
  520. }