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CheckerTest.php 85KB

Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF\nBQAwIzEhMB8GA1UECgwYb3duQ2xvdWQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTE1MTAx\nNDEzMTcxMFoXDTE2MTAxNDEzMTcxMFowEzERMA8GA1UEAwwIY29udGFjdHMwgZ8w\nDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBANoQesGdCW0L2L+a2xITYipixkScrIpB\nkX5Snu3fs45MscDb61xByjBSlFgR4QI6McoCipPw4SUr28EaExVvgPSvqUjYLGps\nfiv0Cvgquzbx/X3mUcdk9LcFo1uWGtrTfkuXSKX41PnJGTr6RQWGIBd1V52q1qbC\nJKkfzyeMeuQfAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAvF/KIhRMQ3tYTmgHWsiM\nwDMgIDb7iaHF0fS+/Nvo4PzoTO/trev6tMyjLbJ7hgdCpz/1sNzE11Cibf6V6dsz\njCE9invP368Xv0bTRObRqeSNsGogGl5ceAvR0c9BG+NRIKHcly3At3gLkS2791bC\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF\nBQAwIzEhMB8GA1UECgwYb3duQ2xvdWQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTE1MTAx\nNDEzMTcxMFoXDTE2MTAxNDEzMTcxMFowEzERMA8GA1UEAwwIY29udGFjdHMwgZ8w\nDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBANoQesGdCW0L2L+a2xITYipixkScrIpB\nkX5Snu3fs45MscDb61xByjBSlFgR4QI6McoCipPw4SUr28EaExVvgPSvqUjYLGps\nfiv0Cvgquzbx/X3mUcdk9LcFo1uWGtrTfkuXSKX41PnJGTr6RQWGIBd1V52q1qbC\nJKkfzyeMeuQfAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAvF/KIhRMQ3tYTmgHWsiM\nwDMgIDb7iaHF0fS+/Nvo4PzoTO/trev6tMyjLbJ7hgdCpz/1sNzE11Cibf6V6dsz\njCE9invP368Xv0bTRObRqeSNsGogGl5ceAvR0c9BG+NRIKHcly3At3gLkS2791bC\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF\nBQAwIzEhMB8GA1UECgwYb3duQ2xvdWQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTE1MTAx\nNDEzMTcxMFoXDTE2MTAxNDEzMTcxMFowEzERMA8GA1UEAwwIY29udGFjdHMwgZ8w\nDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBANoQesGdCW0L2L+a2xITYipixkScrIpB\nkX5Snu3fs45MscDb61xByjBSlFgR4QI6McoCipPw4SUr28EaExVvgPSvqUjYLGps\nfiv0Cvgquzbx/X3mUcdk9LcFo1uWGtrTfkuXSKX41PnJGTr6RQWGIBd1V52q1qbC\nJKkfzyeMeuQfAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAvF/KIhRMQ3tYTmgHWsiM\nwDMgIDb7iaHF0fS+/Nvo4PzoTO/trev6tMyjLbJ7hgdCpz/1sNzE11Cibf6V6dsz\njCE9invP368Xv0bTRObRqeSNsGogGl5ceAvR0c9BG+NRIKHcly3At3gLkS2791bC\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
Add code integrity check This PR implements the base foundation of the code signing and integrity check. In this PR implemented is the signing and verification logic, as well as commands to sign single apps or the core repository. Furthermore, there is a basic implementation to display problems with the code integrity on the update screen. Code signing basically happens the following way: - There is a ownCloud Root Certificate authority stored `resources/codesigning/root.crt` (in this PR I also ship the private key which we obviously need to change before a release :wink:). This certificate is not intended to be used for signing directly and only is used to sign new certificates. - Using the `integrity:sign-core` and `integrity:sign-app` commands developers can sign either the core release or a single app. The core release needs to be signed with a certificate that has a CN of `core`, apps need to be signed with a certificate that either has a CN of `core` (shipped apps!) or the AppID. - The command generates a signature.json file of the following format: ```json { "hashes": { "/filename.php": "2401fed2eea6f2c1027c482a633e8e25cd46701f811e2d2c10dc213fd95fa60e350bccbbebdccc73a042b1a2799f673fbabadc783284cc288e4f1a1eacb74e3d", "/lib/base.php": "55548cc16b457cd74241990cc9d3b72b6335f2e5f45eee95171da024087d114fcbc2effc3d5818a6d5d55f2ae960ab39fd0414d0c542b72a3b9e08eb21206dd9" }, "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIBvTCCASagAwIBAgIUPvawyqJwCwYazcv7iz16TWxfeUMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF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\niG+UxI/MNcWV0uJg9S63LF8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "signature": "U29tZVNpZ25lZERhdGFFeGFtcGxl" } ``` `hashes` is an array of all files in the folder with their corresponding SHA512 hashes (this is actually quite cheap to calculate), the `certificate` is the certificate used for signing. It has to be issued by the ownCloud Root Authority and it's CN needs to be permitted to perform the required action. The `signature` is then a signature of the `hashes` which can be verified using the `certificate`. Steps to do in other PRs, this is already a quite huge one: - Add nag screen in case the code check fails to ensure that administrators are aware of this. - Add code verification also to OCC upgrade and unify display code more. - Add enforced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore with a level of "official" - Add enfocrced code verification to apps shipped from the appstore that were already signed in a previous release - Add some developer documentation on how devs can request their own certificate - Check when installing ownCloud - Add support for CRLs to allow revoking certificates **Note:** The upgrade checks are only run when the instance has a defined release channel of `stable` (defined in `version.php`). If you want to test this, you need to change the channel thus and then generate the core signature: ``` ➜ master git:(add-integrity-checker) ✗ ./occ integrity:sign-core --privateKey=resources/codesigning/core.key --certificate=resources/codesigning/core.crt Successfully signed "core" ``` Then increase the version and you should see something like the following: ![2015-11-04_12-02-57]( As you can see a failed code check will not prevent the further update. It will instead just be a notice to the admin. In a next step we will add some nag screen. For packaging stable releases this requires the following additional steps as a last action before zipping: 1. Run `./occ integrity:sign-core` once 2. Run `./occ integrity:sign-app` _for each_ app. However, this can be simply automated using a simple foreach on the apps folder.
8 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @author Lukas Reschke <>
  4. *
  5. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ownCloud, Inc.
  6. * @license AGPL-3.0
  7. *
  8. * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  9. * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
  10. * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  11. *
  12. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  13. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  15. * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  16. *
  17. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
  18. * along with this program. If not, see <>
  19. *
  20. */
  21. namespace Test\IntegrityCheck;
  22. use OC\IntegrityCheck\Checker;
  23. use OC\Memcache\NullCache;
  24. use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA;
  25. use phpseclib\File\X509;
  26. use Test\TestCase;
  27. use OC\IntegrityCheck\Helpers\EnvironmentHelper;
  28. use OC\IntegrityCheck\Helpers\FileAccessHelper;
  29. use OC\IntegrityCheck\Helpers\AppLocator;
  30. use OCP\IConfig;
  31. use OCP\ICacheFactory;
  32. use OCP\App\IAppManager;
  33. class CheckerTest extends TestCase {
  34. /** @var EnvironmentHelper|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
  35. private $environmentHelper;
  36. /** @var AppLocator|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
  37. private $appLocator;
  38. /** @var Checker */
  39. private $checker;
  40. /** @var FileAccessHelper|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
  41. private $fileAccessHelper;
  42. /** @var IConfig|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
  43. private $config;
  44. /** @var ICacheFactory|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
  45. private $cacheFactory;
  46. /** @var IAppManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
  47. private $appManager;
  48. public function setUp() {
  49. parent::setUp();
  50. $this->environmentHelper = $this->createMock(EnvironmentHelper::class);
  51. $this->fileAccessHelper = $this->createMock(FileAccessHelper::class);
  52. $this->appLocator = $this->createMock(AppLocator::class);
  53. $this->config = $this->createMock(IConfig::class);
  54. $this->cacheFactory = $this->createMock(ICacheFactory::class);
  55. $this->appManager = $this->createMock(IAppManager::class);
  56. $this->config->method('getAppValue')
  57. ->will($this->returnArgument(2));
  58. $this->cacheFactory
  59. ->expects($this->any())
  60. ->method('createDistributed')
  61. ->with('oc.integritycheck.checker')
  62. ->will($this->returnValue(new NullCache()));
  63. $this->checker = new Checker(
  64. $this->environmentHelper,
  65. $this->fileAccessHelper,
  66. $this->appLocator,
  67. $this->config,
  68. $this->cacheFactory,
  69. $this->appManager,
  70. \OC::$server->getTempManager()
  71. );
  72. }
  73. /**
  74. * @expectedException \Exception
  75. * @expectedExceptionMessage Exception message
  76. */
  77. public function testWriteAppSignatureOfNotExistingApp() {
  78. $this->fileAccessHelper
  79. ->expects($this->at(0))
  80. ->method('assertDirectoryExists')
  81. ->with('NotExistingApp/appinfo')
  82. ->willThrowException(new \Exception('Exception message'));
  83. $this->fileAccessHelper
  84. ->expects($this->at(1))
  85. ->method('is_writable')
  86. ->with('NotExistingApp/appinfo')
  87. ->willReturn(true);
  88. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.crt');
  89. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.key');
  90. $rsa = new RSA();
  91. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  92. $x509 = new X509();
  93. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  94. $this->checker->writeAppSignature('NotExistingApp', $x509, $rsa);
  95. }
  96. /**
  97. * @expectedException \Exception
  98. * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /[a-zA-Z\/_-]+ is not writable/
  99. */
  100. public function testWriteAppSignatureWrongPermissions() {
  101. $this->fileAccessHelper
  102. ->expects($this->once())
  103. ->method('file_put_contents')
  104. ->will($this->throwException(new \Exception('Exception message')));
  105. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.crt');
  106. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.key');
  107. $rsa = new RSA();
  108. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  109. $x509 = new X509();
  110. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  111. $this->checker->writeAppSignature(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/', $x509, $rsa);
  112. }
  113. public function testWriteAppSignature() {
  114. $expectedSignatureFileData = '{
  115. "hashes": {
  116. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  117. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  118. },
  119. "signature": "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",
  120. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\n4B+pXTAcRK0zECDEaX3npS8xWzrB\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  121. }';
  122. $this->fileAccessHelper
  123. ->expects($this->once())
  124. ->method('file_put_contents')
  125. ->with(
  126. $this->equalTo(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//appinfo/signature.json'),
  127. $this->callback(function($signature) use ($expectedSignatureFileData) {
  128. $expectedArray = json_decode($expectedSignatureFileData, true);
  129. $actualArray = json_decode($signature, true);
  130. $this->assertEquals($expectedArray, $actualArray);
  131. return true;
  132. })
  133. );
  134. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.crt');
  135. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.key');
  136. $rsa = new RSA();
  137. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  138. $x509 = new X509();
  139. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  140. $this->checker->writeAppSignature(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/', $x509, $rsa);
  141. }
  142. public function testVerifyAppSignatureWithoutSignatureData() {
  143. $this->environmentHelper
  144. ->expects($this->once())
  145. ->method('getChannel')
  146. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  147. $this->config
  148. ->expects($this->any())
  149. ->method('getSystemValue')
  150. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  151. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  152. $expected = [
  153. 'EXCEPTION' => [
  154. 'class' => 'OC\IntegrityCheck\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException',
  155. 'message' => 'Signature data not found.',
  156. ],
  157. ];
  158. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp'));
  159. }
  160. public function testVerifyAppSignatureWithValidSignatureData() {
  161. $this->environmentHelper
  162. ->expects($this->once())
  163. ->method('getChannel')
  164. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  165. $this->config
  166. ->expects($this->any())
  167. ->method('getSystemValue')
  168. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  169. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  170. $this->appLocator
  171. ->expects($this->once())
  172. ->method('getAppPath')
  173. ->with('SomeApp')
  174. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  175. $signatureDataFile = '{
  176. "hashes": {
  177. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  178. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  179. },
  180. "signature": "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",
  181. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  182. }';
  183. $this->fileAccessHelper
  184. ->expects($this->at(0))
  185. ->method('file_get_contents')
  186. ->with(
  187. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//appinfo/signature.json'
  188. )
  189. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  190. $this->fileAccessHelper
  191. ->expects($this->at(1))
  192. ->method('file_get_contents')
  193. ->with(
  194. '/resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  195. )
  196. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  197. $this->assertSame([], $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp'));
  198. }
  199. public function testVerifyAppSignatureWithTamperedSignatureData() {
  200. $this->environmentHelper
  201. ->expects($this->once())
  202. ->method('getChannel')
  203. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  204. $this->config
  205. ->expects($this->any())
  206. ->method('getSystemValue')
  207. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  208. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  209. $this->appLocator
  210. ->expects($this->once())
  211. ->method('getAppPath')
  212. ->with('SomeApp')
  213. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  214. $signatureDataFile = '{
  215. "hashes": {
  216. "AnotherFile.txt": "tampered",
  217. "subfolder\/file.txt": "tampered"
  218. },
  219. "signature": "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",
  220. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\n4B+pXTAcRK0zECDEaX3npS8xWzrB\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  221. }';
  222. $this->fileAccessHelper
  223. ->expects($this->at(0))
  224. ->method('file_get_contents')
  225. ->with(
  226. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//appinfo/signature.json'
  227. )
  228. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  229. $this->fileAccessHelper
  230. ->expects($this->at(1))
  231. ->method('file_get_contents')
  232. ->with(
  233. '/resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  234. )
  235. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  236. $expected = [
  237. 'EXCEPTION' => [
  238. 'class' => 'OC\\IntegrityCheck\\Exceptions\\InvalidSignatureException',
  239. 'message' => 'Signature could not get verified.',
  240. ],
  241. ];
  242. $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp'));
  243. }
  244. public function testVerifyAppSignatureWithTamperedFiles() {
  245. $this->environmentHelper
  246. ->expects($this->once())
  247. ->method('getChannel')
  248. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  249. $this->config
  250. ->expects($this->any())
  251. ->method('getSystemValue')
  252. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  253. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  254. $this->appLocator
  255. ->expects($this->once())
  256. ->method('getAppPath')
  257. ->with('SomeApp')
  258. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData/'));
  259. $signatureDataFile = '{
  260. "hashes": {
  261. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  262. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  263. },
  264. "signature": "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",
  265. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  266. }';
  267. $this->fileAccessHelper
  268. ->expects($this->at(0))
  269. ->method('file_get_contents')
  270. ->with(
  271. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData//appinfo/signature.json'
  272. )
  273. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  274. $this->fileAccessHelper
  275. ->expects($this->at(1))
  276. ->method('file_get_contents')
  277. ->with(
  278. '/resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  279. )
  280. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  281. $expected = [
  282. 'INVALID_HASH' => [
  283. 'AnotherFile.txt' => [
  284. 'expected' => '1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112',
  285. 'current' => '7322348ba269c6d5522efe02f424fa3a0da319a7cd9c33142a5afe32a2d9af2da3a411f086fcfc96ff4301ea566f481dba0960c2abeef3594c4d930462f6584c',
  286. ],
  287. ],
  288. 'FILE_MISSING' => [
  289. 'subfolder/file.txt' => [
  290. 'expected' => '410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b',
  291. 'current' => '',
  292. ],
  293. ],
  294. 'EXTRA_FILE' => [
  295. 'UnecessaryFile' => [
  296. 'expected' => '',
  297. 'current' => 'cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e',
  298. ],
  299. ],
  300. ];
  301. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp'));
  302. }
  303. public function testVerifyAppSignatureWithTamperedFilesAndAlternatePath() {
  304. $this->environmentHelper
  305. ->expects($this->once())
  306. ->method('getChannel')
  307. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  308. $this->config
  309. ->expects($this->any())
  310. ->method('getSystemValue')
  311. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  312. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  313. $this->appLocator
  314. ->expects($this->never())
  315. ->method('getAppPath')
  316. ->with('SomeApp');
  317. $signatureDataFile = '{
  318. "hashes": {
  319. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  320. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  321. },
  322. "signature": "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",
  323. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nMIIEvjCCAqagAwIBAgIUc\/0FxYrsgSs9rDxp03EJmbjN0NwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF\r\nBQAwIzEhMB8GA1UECgwYb3duQ2xvdWQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTE1MTEw\r\nMzIxMDMzM1oXDTE2MTEwMzIxMDMzM1owDzENMAsGA1UEAwwEY29yZTCCAiIwDQYJ\r\nKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBALb6EgHpkAqZbO5vRO8XSh7G7XGWHw5s\r\niOf4RwPXR6SE9bWZEm\/b72SfWk\/\/J6AbrD8WiOzBuT\/ODy6k5T1arEdHO+Pux0W1\r\nMxYJJI4kH74KKgMpC0SB0Rt+8WrMqV1r3hhJ46df6Xr\/xolP3oD+eLbShPcblhdS\r\nVtkZEkoev8Sh6L2wDCeHDyPxzvj1w2dTdGVO9Kztn0xIlyfEBakqvBWtcxyi3Ln0\r\nklnxlMx3tPDUE4kqvpia9qNiB1AN2PV93eNr5\/2riAzIssMFSCarWCx0AKYb54+d\r\nxLpcYFyqPJ0ydBCkF78DD45RCZet6PNYkdzgbqlUWEGGomkuDoJbBg4wzgzO0D77\r\nH87KFhYW8tKFFvF1V3AHl\/sFQ9tDHaxM9Y0pZ2jPp\/ccdiqnmdkBxBDqsiRvHvVB\r\nCn6qpb4vWGFC7vHOBfYspmEL1zLlKXZv3ezMZEZw7O9ZvUP3VO\/wAtd2vUW8UFiq\r\ns2v1QnNLN6jNh51obcwmrBvWhJy9vQIdtIjQbDxqWTHh1zUSrw9wrlklCBZ\/zrM0\r\ni8nfCFwTxWRxp3H9KoECzO\/zS5R5KIS7s3\/wq\/w9T2Ie4rcecgXwDizwnn0C\/aKc\r\nbDIjujpL1s9HO05pcD\/V3wKcPZ1izymBkmMyIbL52iRVN5FTVHeZdXPpFuq+CTQJ\r\nQ238lC+A\/KOVAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggIBAGoKTnh8RfJV4sQItVC2\r\nAvfJagkrIqZ3iiQTUBQGTKBsTnAqE1H7QgUSV9vSd+8rgvHkyZsRjmtyR1e3A6Ji\r\noNCXUbExC\/0iCPUqdHZIVb+Lc\/vWuv4ByFMybGPydgtLoEUX2ZrKFWmcgZFDUSRd\r\n9Uj26vtUhCC4bU4jgu6hIrR9IuxOBLQUxGTRZyAcXvj7obqRAEZwFAKQgFpfpqTb\r\nH+kjcbZSaAlLVSF7vBc1syyI8RGYbqpwvtREqJtl5IEIwe6huEqJ3zPnlP2th\/55\r\ncf3Fovj6JJgbb9XFxrdnsOsDOu\/tpnaRWlvv5ib4+SzG5wWFT5UUEo4Wg2STQiiX\r\nuVSRQxK1LE1yg84bs3NZk9FSQh4B8vZVuRr5FaJsZZkwlFlhRO\/\/+TJtXRbyNgsf\r\noMRZGi8DLGU2SGEAHcRH\/QZHq\/XDUWVzdxrSBYcy7GSpT7UDVzGv1rEJUrn5veP1\r\n0KmauAqtiIaYRm4f6YBsn0INcZxzIPZ0p8qFtVZBPeHhvQtvOt0iXI\/XUxEWOa2F\r\nK2EqhErgMK\/N07U1JJJay5tYZRtvkGq46oP\/5kQG8hYST0MDK6VihJoPpvCmAm4E\r\npEYKQ96x6A4EH9Y9mZlYozH\/eqmxPbTK8n89\/p7Ydun4rI+B2iiLnY8REWWy6+UQ\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  324. }';
  325. $this->fileAccessHelper
  326. ->expects($this->at(0))
  327. ->method('file_get_contents')
  328. ->with(
  329. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData//appinfo/signature.json'
  330. )
  331. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  332. $this->fileAccessHelper
  333. ->expects($this->at(1))
  334. ->method('file_get_contents')
  335. ->with(
  336. '/resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  337. )
  338. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  339. $expected = [
  340. 'INVALID_HASH' => [
  341. 'AnotherFile.txt' => [
  342. 'expected' => '1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112',
  343. 'current' => '7322348ba269c6d5522efe02f424fa3a0da319a7cd9c33142a5afe32a2d9af2da3a411f086fcfc96ff4301ea566f481dba0960c2abeef3594c4d930462f6584c',
  344. ],
  345. ],
  346. 'FILE_MISSING' => [
  347. 'subfolder/file.txt' => [
  348. 'expected' => '410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b',
  349. 'current' => '',
  350. ],
  351. ],
  352. 'EXTRA_FILE' => [
  353. 'UnecessaryFile' => [
  354. 'expected' => '',
  355. 'current' => 'cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e',
  356. ],
  357. ],
  358. ];
  359. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData/'));
  360. }
  361. public function testVerifyAppWithDifferentScope() {
  362. $this->environmentHelper
  363. ->expects($this->once())
  364. ->method('getChannel')
  365. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  366. $this->config
  367. ->expects($this->any())
  368. ->method('getSystemValue')
  369. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  370. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  371. $this->appLocator
  372. ->expects($this->once())
  373. ->method('getAppPath')
  374. ->with('SomeApp')
  375. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData/'));
  376. $signatureDataFile = '{
  377. "hashes": {
  378. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  379. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  380. },
  381. "signature": "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",
  382. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nD8YRQg0cjmDytJzHDrtV\/aTc9W1aPHun0vw=\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  383. }';
  384. $this->fileAccessHelper
  385. ->expects($this->at(0))
  386. ->method('file_get_contents')
  387. ->with(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData//appinfo/signature.json')
  388. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  389. $this->fileAccessHelper
  390. ->expects($this->at(1))
  391. ->method('file_get_contents')
  392. ->with(
  393. '/resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  394. )
  395. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  396. $expected = [
  397. 'EXCEPTION' => [
  398. 'class' => 'OC\\IntegrityCheck\\Exceptions\\InvalidSignatureException',
  399. 'message' => 'Certificate is not valid for required scope. (Requested: SomeApp, current: CN=AnotherScope)',
  400. ],
  401. ];
  402. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp'));
  403. }
  404. public function testVerifyAppWithDifferentScopeAndAlwaysTrustedCore() {
  405. $this->environmentHelper
  406. ->expects($this->once())
  407. ->method('getChannel')
  408. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  409. $this->config
  410. ->expects($this->any())
  411. ->method('getSystemValue')
  412. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  413. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  414. $this->appLocator
  415. ->expects($this->once())
  416. ->method('getAppPath')
  417. ->with('SomeApp')
  418. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  419. $signatureDataFile = '{
  420. "hashes": {
  421. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  422. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  423. },
  424. "signature": "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",
  425. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  426. }';
  427. $this->fileAccessHelper
  428. ->expects($this->at(0))
  429. ->method('file_get_contents')
  430. ->with(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//appinfo/signature.json')
  431. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  432. $this->fileAccessHelper
  433. ->expects($this->at(1))
  434. ->method('file_get_contents')
  435. ->with(
  436. '/resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  437. )
  438. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  439. $this->assertSame([], $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp'));
  440. }
  441. /**
  442. * @expectedException \Exception
  443. * @expectedExceptionMessage Exception message
  444. */
  445. public function testWriteCoreSignatureWithException() {
  446. $this->fileAccessHelper
  447. ->expects($this->at(0))
  448. ->method('assertDirectoryExists')
  449. ->will($this->throwException(new \Exception('Exception message')));
  450. $this->fileAccessHelper
  451. ->expects($this->at(1))
  452. ->method('is_writable')
  453. ->with(__DIR__ . '/core')
  454. ->willReturn(true);
  455. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.crt');
  456. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.key');
  457. $rsa = new RSA();
  458. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  459. $x509 = new X509();
  460. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  461. $this->checker->writeCoreSignature($x509, $rsa, __DIR__);
  462. }
  463. /**
  464. * @expectedException \Exception
  465. * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /[a-zA-Z\/_-]+ is not writable/
  466. */
  467. public function testWriteCoreSignatureWrongPermissions() {
  468. $this->fileAccessHelper
  469. ->expects($this->at(0))
  470. ->method('assertDirectoryExists')
  471. ->will($this->throwException(new \Exception('Exception message')));
  472. $this->fileAccessHelper
  473. ->expects($this->at(1))
  474. ->method('is_writable')
  475. ->with(__DIR__ . '/core')
  476. ->willReturn(false);
  477. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.crt');
  478. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/SomeApp.key');
  479. $rsa = new RSA();
  480. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  481. $x509 = new X509();
  482. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  483. $this->checker->writeCoreSignature($x509, $rsa, __DIR__);
  484. }
  485. public function testWriteCoreSignature() {
  486. $expectedSignatureFileData = '{
  487. "hashes": {
  488. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  489. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  490. },
  491. "signature": "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",
  492. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  493. }';
  494. $this->environmentHelper
  495. ->expects($this->any())
  496. ->method('getServerRoot')
  497. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  498. $this->fileAccessHelper
  499. ->expects($this->once())
  500. ->method('file_put_contents')
  501. ->with(
  502. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//core/signature.json',
  503. $this->callback(function($signature) use ($expectedSignatureFileData) {
  504. $expectedArray = json_decode($expectedSignatureFileData, true);
  505. $actualArray = json_decode($signature, true);
  506. $this->assertEquals($expectedArray, $actualArray);
  507. return true;
  508. })
  509. );
  510. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.crt');
  511. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.key');
  512. $rsa = new RSA();
  513. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  514. $x509 = new X509();
  515. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  516. $this->checker->writeCoreSignature($x509, $rsa, \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/');
  517. }
  518. public function testWriteCoreSignatureWithUnmodifiedHtaccess() {
  519. $expectedSignatureFileData = '{
  520. "hashes": {
  521. ".htaccess": "dc479770a6232061e04a768ee1f9133fdb3aea7b3a99f7105b0e0b6197474733e8d14b5b2bbad054e6b62a410fe5d0b3d790242dee1e0f11274af2100f5289e2",
  522. "subfolder\/.htaccess": "2c57b1e25050e11dc3ae975832f378c452159f7b69f818e47eeeafadd6ba568517461dcb4d843b90b906cd7c89d161bc1b89dff8e3ae0eb6f5088508c47befd1"
  523. },
  524. "signature": "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",
  525. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  526. }';
  527. $this->environmentHelper
  528. ->expects($this->any())
  529. ->method('getServerRoot')
  530. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessUnmodified/'));
  531. $this->fileAccessHelper
  532. ->expects($this->once())
  533. ->method('file_put_contents')
  534. ->with(
  535. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessUnmodified//core/signature.json',
  536. $this->callback(function($signature) use ($expectedSignatureFileData) {
  537. $expectedArray = json_decode($expectedSignatureFileData, true);
  538. $actualArray = json_decode($signature, true);
  539. $this->assertEquals($expectedArray, $actualArray);
  540. return true;
  541. })
  542. );
  543. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.crt');
  544. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.key');
  545. $rsa = new RSA();
  546. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  547. $x509 = new X509();
  548. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  549. $this->checker->writeCoreSignature($x509, $rsa, \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessUnmodified/');
  550. }
  551. public function testWriteCoreSignatureWithInvalidModifiedHtaccess() {
  552. $expectedSignatureFileData = '{
  553. "hashes": {
  554. ".htaccess": "4a54273dc8d697b2ca615acf2ae2c1ee3c1c643492cb04f42b10984fa9aacff1420dc829fd82f93ad3476fbd0cdab0251142c887dc8f872d03e39a3a3eb6d381"
  555. },
  556. "signature": "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",
  557. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  558. }';
  559. $this->fileAccessHelper
  560. ->expects($this->once())
  561. ->method('file_put_contents')
  562. ->with(
  563. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithInvalidModifiedContent//core/signature.json',
  564. $this->callback(function($signature) use ($expectedSignatureFileData) {
  565. $expectedArray = json_decode($expectedSignatureFileData, true);
  566. $actualArray = json_decode($signature, true);
  567. $this->assertEquals($expectedArray, $actualArray);
  568. return true;
  569. })
  570. );
  571. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.crt');
  572. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.key');
  573. $rsa = new RSA();
  574. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  575. $x509 = new X509();
  576. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  577. $this->checker->writeCoreSignature($x509, $rsa, \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithInvalidModifiedContent/');
  578. }
  579. public function testWriteCoreSignatureWithValidModifiedHtaccessAndUserIni() {
  580. $expectedSignatureFileData = '{
  581. "hashes": {
  582. ".htaccess": "9a37a508ad4cc3a7ff668e3cd63177891e5601143fa18bb605346020d5f3cd7979748beab956554aca43ae59ff146755cfe83de0f93a3a7bb328b1395b2ccf2f",
  583. ".user.ini": "467d4f028c447895716a2b7859ed6e569f8ee34b87b51d73dab2e6a9ca4fbe63172c7be3e365ae864a60408286afcce852dd38ee544b61685ed4ee5e021fecb0",
  584. "subfolder\/.htaccess": "2c57b1e25050e11dc3ae975832f378c452159f7b69f818e47eeeafadd6ba568517461dcb4d843b90b906cd7c89d161bc1b89dff8e3ae0eb6f5088508c47befd1"
  585. },
  586. "signature": "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",
  587. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  588. }';
  589. $this->environmentHelper
  590. ->expects($this->any())
  591. ->method('getServerRoot')
  592. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithValidModifiedContent'));
  593. $this->fileAccessHelper
  594. ->expects($this->once())
  595. ->method('file_put_contents')
  596. ->with(
  597. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithValidModifiedContent/core/signature.json',
  598. $this->callback(function($signature) use ($expectedSignatureFileData) {
  599. $expectedArray = json_decode($expectedSignatureFileData, true);
  600. $actualArray = json_decode($signature, true);
  601. $this->assertEquals($expectedArray, $actualArray);
  602. return true;
  603. })
  604. );
  605. $keyBundle = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.crt');
  606. $rsaPrivateKey = file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/core.key');
  607. $rsa = new RSA();
  608. $rsa->loadKey($rsaPrivateKey);
  609. $x509 = new X509();
  610. $x509->loadX509($keyBundle);
  611. $this->checker->writeCoreSignature($x509, $rsa, \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithValidModifiedContent');
  612. }
  613. public function testVerifyCoreSignatureWithoutSignatureData() {
  614. $this->environmentHelper
  615. ->expects($this->once())
  616. ->method('getChannel')
  617. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  618. $this->config
  619. ->expects($this->any())
  620. ->method('getSystemValue')
  621. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  622. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  623. $expected = [
  624. 'EXCEPTION' => [
  625. 'class' => 'OC\\IntegrityCheck\\Exceptions\\InvalidSignatureException',
  626. 'message' => 'Signature data not found.',
  627. ],
  628. ];
  629. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  630. }
  631. public function testVerifyCoreSignatureWithValidSignatureData() {
  632. $this->environmentHelper
  633. ->expects($this->once())
  634. ->method('getChannel')
  635. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  636. $this->config
  637. ->expects($this->any())
  638. ->method('getSystemValue')
  639. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  640. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  641. $this->environmentHelper
  642. ->expects($this->any())
  643. ->method('getServerRoot')
  644. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  645. $signatureDataFile = '{
  646. "hashes": {
  647. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  648. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  649. },
  650. "signature": "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",
  651. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  652. }';
  653. $this->fileAccessHelper
  654. ->expects($this->at(0))
  655. ->method('file_get_contents')
  656. ->with(
  657. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//core/signature.json'
  658. )
  659. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  660. $this->fileAccessHelper
  661. ->expects($this->at(1))
  662. ->method('file_get_contents')
  663. ->with(
  664. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  665. )
  666. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  667. $this->assertSame([], $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  668. }
  669. public function testVerifyCoreSignatureWithValidModifiedHtaccessAndUserIniSignatureData() {
  670. $this->environmentHelper
  671. ->expects($this->once())
  672. ->method('getChannel')
  673. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  674. $this->config
  675. ->expects($this->any())
  676. ->method('getSystemValue')
  677. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  678. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  679. $this->environmentHelper
  680. ->expects($this->any())
  681. ->method('getServerRoot')
  682. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithValidModifiedContent'));
  683. $signatureDataFile = '{
  684. "hashes": {
  685. ".htaccess": "9a37a508ad4cc3a7ff668e3cd63177891e5601143fa18bb605346020d5f3cd7979748beab956554aca43ae59ff146755cfe83de0f93a3a7bb328b1395b2ccf2f",
  686. ".user.ini": "467d4f028c447895716a2b7859ed6e569f8ee34b87b51d73dab2e6a9ca4fbe63172c7be3e365ae864a60408286afcce852dd38ee544b61685ed4ee5e021fecb0",
  687. "subfolder\/.htaccess": "2c57b1e25050e11dc3ae975832f378c452159f7b69f818e47eeeafadd6ba568517461dcb4d843b90b906cd7c89d161bc1b89dff8e3ae0eb6f5088508c47befd1"
  688. },
  689. "signature": "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",
  690. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  691. }';
  692. $this->fileAccessHelper
  693. ->expects($this->at(0))
  694. ->method('file_get_contents')
  695. ->with(
  696. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithValidModifiedContent/core/signature.json'
  697. )
  698. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  699. $this->fileAccessHelper
  700. ->expects($this->at(1))
  701. ->method('file_get_contents')
  702. ->with(
  703. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/htaccessWithValidModifiedContent/resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  704. )
  705. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  706. $this->assertSame([], $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  707. }
  708. public function testVerifyCoreSignatureWithValidSignatureDataAndNotAlphabeticOrder() {
  709. $this->environmentHelper
  710. ->expects($this->once())
  711. ->method('getChannel')
  712. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  713. $this->config
  714. ->expects($this->any())
  715. ->method('getSystemValue')
  716. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  717. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  718. $this->environmentHelper
  719. ->expects($this->any())
  720. ->method('getServerRoot')
  721. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  722. $signatureDataFile = '{
  723. "hashes": {
  724. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  725. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  726. },
  727. "signature": "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",
  728. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  729. }';
  730. $this->fileAccessHelper
  731. ->expects($this->at(0))
  732. ->method('file_get_contents')
  733. ->with(
  734. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//core/signature.json'
  735. )
  736. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  737. $this->fileAccessHelper
  738. ->expects($this->at(1))
  739. ->method('file_get_contents')
  740. ->with(
  741. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  742. )
  743. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  744. $this->assertSame([], $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  745. }
  746. public function testVerifyCoreSignatureWithTamperedSignatureData() {
  747. $this->environmentHelper
  748. ->expects($this->once())
  749. ->method('getChannel')
  750. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  751. $this->config
  752. ->expects($this->any())
  753. ->method('getSystemValue')
  754. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  755. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  756. $this->environmentHelper
  757. ->expects($this->any())
  758. ->method('getServerRoot')
  759. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData/'));
  760. $signatureDataFile = '{
  761. "hashes": {
  762. "AnotherFile.txt": "tampered",
  763. "subfolder\/file.txt": "tampered"
  764. },
  765. "signature": "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",
  766. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  767. }';
  768. $this->fileAccessHelper
  769. ->expects($this->at(0))
  770. ->method('file_get_contents')
  771. ->with(
  772. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData//core/signature.json'
  773. )
  774. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  775. $this->fileAccessHelper
  776. ->expects($this->at(1))
  777. ->method('file_get_contents')
  778. ->with(
  779. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData//resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  780. )
  781. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  782. $expected = [
  783. 'EXCEPTION' => [
  784. 'class' => 'OC\\IntegrityCheck\\Exceptions\\InvalidSignatureException',
  785. 'message' => 'Signature could not get verified.',
  786. ]
  787. ];
  788. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  789. }
  790. public function testVerifyCoreSignatureWithTamperedFiles() {
  791. $this->environmentHelper
  792. ->expects($this->once())
  793. ->method('getChannel')
  794. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  795. $this->config
  796. ->expects($this->any())
  797. ->method('getSystemValue')
  798. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  799. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  800. $this->environmentHelper
  801. ->expects($this->any())
  802. ->method('getServerRoot')
  803. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData/'));
  804. $signatureDataFile = '{
  805. "hashes": {
  806. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  807. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  808. },
  809. "signature": "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",
  810. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\nV204fGUkJqW5CrKy3P3XvY9X\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  811. }';
  812. $this->fileAccessHelper
  813. ->expects($this->at(0))
  814. ->method('file_get_contents')
  815. ->with(
  816. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData//core/signature.json'
  817. )
  818. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  819. $this->fileAccessHelper
  820. ->expects($this->at(1))
  821. ->method('file_get_contents')
  822. ->with(
  823. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/appWithInvalidData//resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  824. )
  825. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  826. $expected = [
  827. 'INVALID_HASH' => [
  828. 'AnotherFile.txt' => [
  829. 'expected' => '1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112',
  830. 'current' => '7322348ba269c6d5522efe02f424fa3a0da319a7cd9c33142a5afe32a2d9af2da3a411f086fcfc96ff4301ea566f481dba0960c2abeef3594c4d930462f6584c',
  831. ],
  832. ],
  833. 'FILE_MISSING' => [
  834. 'subfolder/file.txt' => [
  835. 'expected' => '410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b',
  836. 'current' => '',
  837. ],
  838. ],
  839. 'EXTRA_FILE' => [
  840. 'UnecessaryFile' => [
  841. 'expected' => '',
  842. 'current' => 'cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e',
  843. ],
  844. ],
  845. ];
  846. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  847. }
  848. public function testVerifyCoreWithInvalidCertificate() {
  849. $this->environmentHelper
  850. ->expects($this->once())
  851. ->method('getChannel')
  852. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  853. $this->config
  854. ->expects($this->any())
  855. ->method('getSystemValue')
  856. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  857. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  858. $this->environmentHelper
  859. ->expects($this->any())
  860. ->method('getServerRoot')
  861. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  862. $signatureDataFile = '{
  863. "hashes": {
  864. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  865. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  866. },
  867. "signature": "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",
  868. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\noj7YKHsaTVGA+FxBktZHfoxD\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  869. }';
  870. $this->fileAccessHelper
  871. ->expects($this->at(0))
  872. ->method('file_get_contents')
  873. ->with(
  874. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//core/signature.json'
  875. )
  876. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  877. $this->fileAccessHelper
  878. ->expects($this->at(1))
  879. ->method('file_get_contents')
  880. ->with(
  881. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  882. )
  883. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  884. $expected = [
  885. 'EXCEPTION' => [
  886. 'class' => 'OC\\IntegrityCheck\\Exceptions\\InvalidSignatureException',
  887. 'message' => 'Certificate is not valid.',
  888. ]
  889. ];
  890. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  891. }
  892. public function testVerifyCoreWithDifferentScope() {
  893. $this->environmentHelper
  894. ->expects($this->once())
  895. ->method('getChannel')
  896. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  897. $this->config
  898. ->expects($this->any())
  899. ->method('getSystemValue')
  900. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  901. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  902. $this->environmentHelper
  903. ->expects($this->any())
  904. ->method('getServerRoot')
  905. ->will($this->returnValue(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app/'));
  906. $signatureDataFile = '{
  907. "hashes": {
  908. "AnotherFile.txt": "1570ca9420e37629de4328f48c51da29840ddeaa03ae733da4bf1d854b8364f594aac560601270f9e1797ed4cd57c1aea87bf44cf4245295c94f2e935a2f0112",
  909. "subfolder\/file.txt": "410738545fb623c0a5c8a71f561e48ea69e3ada0981a455e920a5ae9bf17c6831ae654df324f9328ff8453de179276ae51931cca0fa71fe8ccde6c083ca0574b"
  910. },
  911. "signature": "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",
  912. "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\r\n4B+pXTAcRK0zECDEaX3npS8xWzrB\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  913. }';
  914. $this->fileAccessHelper
  915. ->expects($this->at(0))
  916. ->method('file_get_contents')
  917. ->with(
  918. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//core/signature.json'
  919. )
  920. ->will($this->returnValue($signatureDataFile));
  921. $this->fileAccessHelper
  922. ->expects($this->at(1))
  923. ->method('file_get_contents')
  924. ->with(
  925. \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/integritycheck/app//resources/codesigning/root.crt'
  926. )
  927. ->will($this->returnValue(file_get_contents(__DIR__ .'/../../data/integritycheck/root.crt')));
  928. $expected = [
  929. 'EXCEPTION' => [
  930. 'class' => 'OC\\IntegrityCheck\\Exceptions\\InvalidSignatureException',
  931. 'message' => 'Certificate is not valid for required scope. (Requested: core, current: CN=SomeApp)',
  932. ]
  933. ];
  934. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyCoreSignature());
  935. }
  936. public function testRunInstanceVerification() {
  937. $this->checker = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\IntegrityCheck\Checker')
  938. ->setConstructorArgs([
  939. $this->environmentHelper,
  940. $this->fileAccessHelper,
  941. $this->appLocator,
  942. $this->config,
  943. $this->cacheFactory,
  944. $this->appManager,
  945. \OC::$server->getTempManager()
  946. ])
  947. ->setMethods([
  948. 'verifyCoreSignature',
  949. 'verifyAppSignature',
  950. ])
  951. ->getMock();
  952. $this->checker
  953. ->expects($this->at(0))
  954. ->method('verifyCoreSignature');
  955. $this->appLocator
  956. ->expects($this->at(0))
  957. ->method('getAllApps')
  958. ->will($this->returnValue([
  959. 'files',
  960. 'calendar',
  961. 'contacts',
  962. 'dav',
  963. ]));
  964. $this->appManager
  965. ->expects($this->at(0))
  966. ->method('isShipped')
  967. ->with('files')
  968. ->will($this->returnValue(true));
  969. $this->checker
  970. ->expects($this->at(1))
  971. ->method('verifyAppSignature')
  972. ->with('files');
  973. $this->appManager
  974. ->expects($this->at(1))
  975. ->method('isShipped')
  976. ->with('calendar')
  977. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  978. $this->appLocator
  979. ->expects($this->at(1))
  980. ->method('getAppPath')
  981. ->with('calendar')
  982. ->will($this->returnValue('/apps/calendar'));
  983. $this->fileAccessHelper
  984. ->expects($this->at(0))
  985. ->method('file_exists')
  986. ->with('/apps/calendar/appinfo/signature.json')
  987. ->will($this->returnValue(true));
  988. $this->checker
  989. ->expects($this->at(2))
  990. ->method('verifyAppSignature')
  991. ->with('calendar');
  992. $this->appManager
  993. ->expects($this->at(2))
  994. ->method('isShipped')
  995. ->with('contacts')
  996. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  997. $this->appLocator
  998. ->expects($this->at(2))
  999. ->method('getAppPath')
  1000. ->with('contacts')
  1001. ->will($this->returnValue('/apps/contacts'));
  1002. $this->fileAccessHelper
  1003. ->expects($this->at(1))
  1004. ->method('file_exists')
  1005. ->with('/apps/contacts/appinfo/signature.json')
  1006. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  1007. $this->appManager
  1008. ->expects($this->at(3))
  1009. ->method('isShipped')
  1010. ->with('dav')
  1011. ->will($this->returnValue(true));
  1012. $this->checker
  1013. ->expects($this->at(3))
  1014. ->method('verifyAppSignature')
  1015. ->with('dav');
  1016. $this->config
  1017. ->expects($this->once())
  1018. ->method('deleteAppValue')
  1019. ->with('core', 'oc.integritycheck.checker');
  1020. $this->checker->runInstanceVerification();
  1021. }
  1022. public function testVerifyAppSignatureWithoutSignatureDataAndCodeCheckerDisabled() {
  1023. $this->environmentHelper
  1024. ->expects($this->once())
  1025. ->method('getChannel')
  1026. ->will($this->returnValue('stable'));
  1027. $this->config
  1028. ->expects($this->any())
  1029. ->method('getSystemValue')
  1030. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  1031. ->will($this->returnValue(true));
  1032. $expected = [];
  1033. $this->assertSame($expected, $this->checker->verifyAppSignature('SomeApp'));
  1034. }
  1035. /**
  1036. * @return array
  1037. */
  1038. public function channelDataProvider() {
  1039. return [
  1040. ['stable', true],
  1041. ['git', false],
  1042. ];
  1043. }
  1044. /**
  1045. * @param string $channel
  1046. * @param bool $isCodeSigningEnforced
  1047. * @dataProvider channelDataProvider
  1048. */
  1049. public function testIsCodeCheckEnforced($channel, $isCodeSigningEnforced) {
  1050. $this->environmentHelper
  1051. ->expects($this->once())
  1052. ->method('getChannel')
  1053. ->will($this->returnValue($channel));
  1054. $this->config
  1055. ->expects($this->any())
  1056. ->method('getSystemValue')
  1057. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  1058. ->will($this->returnValue(false));
  1059. $this->assertSame($isCodeSigningEnforced, $this->checker->isCodeCheckEnforced());
  1060. }
  1061. /**
  1062. * @param string $channel
  1063. * @dataProvider channelDataProvider
  1064. */
  1065. public function testIsCodeCheckEnforcedWithDisabledConfigSwitch($channel) {
  1066. $this->environmentHelper
  1067. ->expects($this->once())
  1068. ->method('getChannel')
  1069. ->will($this->returnValue($channel));
  1070. $this->config
  1071. ->expects($this->any())
  1072. ->method('getSystemValue')
  1073. ->with('integrity.check.disabled', false)
  1074. ->will($this->returnValue(true));
  1075. $this->assertFalse(self::invokePrivate($this->checker, 'isCodeCheckEnforced'));
  1076. }
  1077. }