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Add some integration test fixes

Morris Jobke 8 years ago
No account linked to committer's email address

+ 3
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build/integration/features/bootstrap/BasicStructure.php View File

@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ trait BasicStructure {
public static function addFilesToSkeleton(){
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++){
file_put_contents("../../core/skeleton/" . "textfile" . "$i" . ".txt", "ownCloud test text file\n");
file_put_contents("../../core/skeleton/" . "textfile" . "$i" . ".txt", "Nextcloud test text file\n");
if (!file_exists("../../core/skeleton/FOLDER")) {
mkdir("../../core/skeleton/FOLDER", 0777, true);
@@ -308,11 +308,11 @@ trait BasicStructure {
if (!file_exists("../../core/skeleton/PARENT")) {
mkdir("../../core/skeleton/PARENT", 0777, true);
file_put_contents("../../core/skeleton/PARENT/" . "parent.txt", "ownCloud test text file\n");
file_put_contents("../../core/skeleton/PARENT/" . "parent.txt", "Nextcloud test text file\n");
if (!file_exists("../../core/skeleton/PARENT/CHILD")) {
mkdir("../../core/skeleton/PARENT/CHILD", 0777, true);
file_put_contents("../../core/skeleton/PARENT/CHILD/" . "child.txt", "ownCloud test text file\n");
file_put_contents("../../core/skeleton/PARENT/CHILD/" . "child.txt", "Nextcloud test text file\n");

@@ -335,4 +335,3 @@ trait BasicStructure {

+ 1
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build/integration/features/dav-v2.feature View File

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Feature: dav-v2
And As an "admin"
And user "user0" exists
And As an "user0"
When Downloading file "/files/user0/welcome.txt" with range "bytes=51-77"
When Downloading file "/files/user0/welcome.txt" with range "bytes=52-78"
Then Downloaded content should be "example file for developers"

Scenario: Downloading a file on the new endpoint should serve security headers

+ 5
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build/integration/features/sharing-v1.feature View File

@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ Feature: sharing
And As an "user1"
When User "user1" deletes file "/textfile0 (2).txt"
And As an "user3"
And Downloading file "/textfile0 (2).txt" with range "bytes=1-7"
Then Downloaded content should be "wnCloud"
And Downloading file "/textfile0 (2).txt" with range "bytes=1-8"
Then Downloaded content should be "extcloud"

Scenario: getting share info of a share
Given user "user0" exists
@@ -500,9 +500,9 @@ Feature: sharing
And User "user1" moved file "/textfile0.txt" to "/common/textfile0.txt"
And User "user1" moved file "/common/textfile0.txt" to "/common/sub/textfile0.txt"
And As an "user2"
When Downloading file "/common/sub/textfile0.txt" with range "bytes=9-17"
When Downloading file "/common/sub/textfile0.txt" with range "bytes=10-18"
Then Downloaded content should be "test text"
And Downloaded content when downloading file "/textfile0.txt" with range "bytes=9-17" should be "test text"
And Downloaded content when downloading file "/textfile0.txt" with range "bytes=10-18" should be "test text"
And user "user2" should see following elements
| /common/sub/textfile0.txt |

@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ Feature: sharing
And User "user1" moved file "/textfile0.txt" to "/common/textfile0.txt"
And User "user1" moved file "/common/textfile0.txt" to "/common/sub/textfile0.txt"
And As an "user2"
When Downloading file "/textfile0.txt" with range "bytes=9-17"
When Downloading file "/textfile0.txt" with range "bytes=10-18"
Then Downloaded content should be "test text"
And user "user2" should see following elements
| /common/sub/textfile0.txt |

+ 12
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build/integration/features/webdav-related.feature View File

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
Scenario: download a file with range
Given using dav path "remote.php/webdav"
And As an "admin"
When Downloading file "/welcome.txt" with range "bytes=51-77"
When Downloading file "/welcome.txt" with range "bytes=52-78"
Then Downloaded content should be "example file for developers"

Scenario: Upload forbidden if quota is 0
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
When user "user0" has a quota of "10 MB"
Then as "user0" gets properties of folder "/" with
And the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "10485429"
And the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "10485421"

Scenario: Retrieving folder quota of shared folder with quota when no quota is set for recipient
Given using dav path "remote.php/webdav"
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
| shareWith | user0 |
Then as "user0" gets properties of folder "/testquota" with
And the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "10485429"
And the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "10485421"

Scenario: download a public shared file with range
Given user "user0" exists
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
When creating a share with
| path | welcome.txt |
| shareType | 3 |
And Downloading last public shared file with range "bytes=51-77"
And Downloading last public shared file with range "bytes=52-78"
Then Downloaded content should be "example file for developers"

Scenario: download a public shared file inside a folder with range
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ Feature: webdav-related
When creating a share with
| path | PARENT |
| shareType | 3 |
And Downloading last public shared file inside a folder "/parent.txt" with range "bytes=1-7"
Then Downloaded content should be "wnCloud"
And Downloading last public shared file inside a folder "/parent.txt" with range "bytes=1-8"
Then Downloaded content should be "extcloud"

Scenario: Downloading a file on the old endpoint should serve security headers
Given using dav path "remote.php/webdav"
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ Feature: webdav-related
Given user "user0" exists
And user "user0" created a folder "/test"
When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with
Then the response should contain an empty property "{}share-types"
Then the response should contain an empty property "{}share-types"

Scenario: A file that is shared to a user has a share-types property
Given user "user0" exists
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
| permissions | 31 |
| shareWith | user1 |
When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with
Then the response should contain a share-types property with
| 0 |

@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
| permissions | 31 |
| shareWith | group1 |
When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with
Then the response should contain a share-types property with
| 1 |

@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
| shareType | 3 |
| permissions | 31 |
When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with
Then the response should contain a share-types property with
| 3 |

@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Feature: webdav-related
| shareType | 3 |
| permissions | 31 |
When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with
Then the response should contain a share-types property with
| 0 |
| 1 |
