ownCloud users are exported as address book

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Müller 2014-07-15 17:13:34 +02:00
父節點 6c93bcc814
當前提交 176ecbd311
共有 3 個檔案被更改,包括 208 行新增0 行删除


@ -585,6 +585,7 @@ class OC {
//make sure temporary files are cleaned up
register_shutdown_function(array('OC_Helper', 'cleanTmp'));
@ -596,6 +597,14 @@ class OC {
private static function registerLocalAddressBook() {
self::$server->getContactsManager()->register(function() {
$userManager = \OC::$server->getUserManager();
new \OC\Contacts\LocalAddressBook($userManager));
* register hooks for the cache


@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
* ownCloud
* @author Thomas Müller
* @copyright 2014 Thomas Müller >deepdiver@owncloud.com>
namespace OC\Contacts;
class LocalAddressBook implements \OCP\IAddressBook {
* @var \OCP\IUserManager
private $userManager;
* @param $userManager
public function __construct($userManager) {
$this->userManager = $userManager;
* @return string defining the technical unique key
public function getKey() {
return 'local';
* In comparison to getKey() this function returns a human readable (maybe translated) name
* @return mixed
public function getDisplayName() {
return "Local users";
* @param string $pattern which should match within the $searchProperties
* @param array $searchProperties defines the properties within the query pattern should match
* @param array $options - for future use. One should always have options!
* @return array an array of contacts which are arrays of key-value-pairs
public function search($pattern, $searchProperties, $options) {
$users = array();
if($pattern == '') {
// Fetch all contacts
$users = $this->userManager->search('');
} else {
foreach($searchProperties as $property) {
$result = array();
if($property === 'FN') {
$result = $this->userManager->searchDisplayName($pattern);
} else if ($property === 'id') {
$result = $this->userManager->search($pattern);
if (is_array($result)) {
$users = array_merge($users, $result);
$contacts = array();
foreach($users as $user){
$contact = array(
"id" => $user->getUID(),
"FN" => $user->getDisplayname(),
"EMAIL" => array(),
"IMPP" => array(
"x-owncloud-handle:" . $user->getUID()
$contacts[] = $contact;
return $contacts;
* @param array $properties this array if key-value-pairs defines a contact
* @return array an array representing the contact just created or updated
public function createOrUpdate($properties) {
return array();
* @return int
public function getPermissions() {
* @param object $id the unique identifier to a contact
* @return bool successful or not
public function delete($id) {
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
use OC\Contacts\LocalAddressBook;
* ownCloud
* @author Thomas Müller
* @copyright 2014 Thomas Müller thomas.mueller@tmit.eu
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class Test_LocalAddressBook extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testSearchFN() {
$stub = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\OCP\IUserManager', array('searchDisplayName'));
new SimpleUserForTesting('tom', 'Thomas'),
new SimpleUserForTesting('tomtom', 'Thomas T.'),
$localAddressBook = new LocalAddressBook($stub);
$result = $localAddressBook->search('tom', array('FN'), array());
$this->assertEqual(2, count($result));
public function testSearchId() {
$stub = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\OCP\IUserManager', array('searchDisplayName'));
new SimpleUserForTesting('tom', 'Thomas'),
new SimpleUserForTesting('tomtom', 'Thomas T.'),
$localAddressBook = new LocalAddressBook($stub);
$result = $localAddressBook->search('tom', array('id'), array());
$this->assertEqual(2, count($result));
class SimpleUserForTesting implements \OCP\IUser {
public function __construct($uid, $displayName) {
$this->uid = $uid;
$this->displayName = $displayName;
public function getUID() {
return $this->uid;
public function getDisplayName() {
return $this->displayName;
public function setDisplayName($displayName) {
public function getLastLogin() {
public function updateLastLoginTimestamp() {
public function delete() {
public function setPassword($password, $recoveryPassword) {
public function getHome() {
public function canChangeAvatar() {
public function canChangePassword() {
public function canChangeDisplayName() {
public function isEnabled() {
public function setEnabled($enabled) {