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Split logic and global usage and add tests for "searchSharees()"

Joas Schilling před 9 roky

+ 30
- 9
apps/files_sharing/api/sharees.php Zobrazit soubor

@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class Sharees {
* @return array possible sharees
private function getUsers($search, $shareWithGroupOnly) {
protected function getUsers($search, $shareWithGroupOnly) {
$sharees = [];
$users = [];
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class Sharees {
* @return array possible sharees
private function getGroups($search, $shareWithGroupOnly) {
protected function getGroups($search, $shareWithGroupOnly) {
$sharees = [];
$groups = $this->groupManager->search($search);
$groups = array_map(function (IGroup $group) { return $group->getGID(); }, $groups);
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class Sharees {
* @return array possible sharees
private function getRemote($search) {
protected function getRemote($search) {
$sharees = [];

if (substr_count($search, '@') >= 1) {
@@ -177,14 +177,37 @@ class Sharees {
return $sharees;

* @param array $params
* @return \OC_OCS_Result
public function search($params) {
$search = isset($_GET['search']) ? (string) $_GET['search'] : '';
$itemType = isset($_GET['itemType']) ? (string) $_GET['itemType'] : null;
$existingShares = isset($_GET['existingShares']) ? (array) $_GET['existingShares'] : [];
$search = isset($_GET['search']) ? (string)$_GET['search'] : '';
$itemType = isset($_GET['itemType']) ? (string)$_GET['itemType'] : null;
$existingShares = isset($_GET['existingShares']) ? (array)$_GET['existingShares'] : [];
$shareType = isset($_GET['shareType']) ? intval($_GET['shareType']) : null;
$page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
$perPage = !empty($_GET['limit']) ? intval($_GET['limit']) : 200;

$shareWithGroupOnly = $this->appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_only_share_with_group_members', 'no') === 'yes';

return $this->searchSharees($search, $itemType, $existingShares, $shareType, $page, $perPage, $shareWithGroupOnly);

* Testable search function that does not need globals
* @param string $search
* @param string $itemType
* @param array $existingShares
* @param int $shareType
* @param int $page
* @param int $perPage
* @param bool $shareWithGroupOnly
* @return \OC_OCS_Result
protected function searchSharees($search, $itemType, array $existingShares, $shareType, $page, $perPage, $shareWithGroupOnly) {

$sharedUsers = $sharedGroups = [];
if (!empty($existingShares)) {
if (!empty($existingShares[\OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER]) &&
@@ -203,8 +226,6 @@ class Sharees {
return new \OC_OCS_Result(null, 400, 'missing itemType');

$shareWithGroupOnly = $this->appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_only_share_with_group_members', 'no') === 'yes' ? true : false;

$sharees = [];
// Get users
if ($shareType === null || $shareType === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
@@ -267,7 +288,7 @@ class Sharees {
* @param array $existingSharees
* @return array
private function filterSharees($potentialSharees, $existingSharees) {
protected function filterSharees($potentialSharees, $existingSharees) {
$sharees = array_map(function ($sharee) use ($existingSharees) {
return in_array($sharee['value']['shareWith'], $existingSharees) ? null : $sharee;
}, $potentialSharees);

+ 187
- 35
apps/files_sharing/tests/api/sharees.php Zobrazit soubor

@@ -344,39 +344,191 @@ class ShareesTest extends TestCase {
$this->assertEquals($expected, $users);

// public function testArguments() {
// }
// public function testsOnlyUsers() {
// }
// public function testOnlyGroups() {
// }
// public function testRemoteAddress() {
// }
// public function testRemoteFromContacts() {
// }
// public function testAll() {
// }
// public function testSorting() {
// }
// public function testPagination() {
// }
// public function testShareWithinGroup() {
// }
public function dataSearchSharees() {
return [
['test', 'folder', [], null, 1, 2, false, [], [], [], [], 0, false],
['test', 'folder', [0 => ['test1'], 1 => ['test2 group']], null, 1, 2, false, [], [], [], [], 0, false],
// First page with 2 of 3 results
'test', 'folder', [], null, 1, 2, false, [
['label' => 'test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
], [
['label' => 'testgroup1', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'shareWith' => 'testgroup1']],
], [
['label' => 'testz@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'testz@remote']],
], [
['label' => 'test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
['label' => 'testgroup1', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'shareWith' => 'testgroup1']],
], 3, true,
// Second page with the 3rd result
'test', 'folder', [], null, 2, 2, false, [
['label' => 'test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
], [
['label' => 'testgroup1', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'shareWith' => 'testgroup1']],
], [
['label' => 'testz@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'testz@remote']],
], [
['label' => 'testz@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'testz@remote']],
], 3, false,
// Ingnoring already shared user
'test', 'folder', [\OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER => ['test1']], null, 1, 2, false, [
['label' => 'test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
], [
['label' => 'testgroup1', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'shareWith' => 'testgroup1']],
], [
['label' => 'testz@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'testz@remote']],
], [
['label' => 'testgroup1', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'shareWith' => 'testgroup1']],
['label' => 'testz@remote', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, 'shareWith' => 'testz@remote']],
], 2, false,
// Share type restricted to user - Only one user
'test', 'folder', [], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 1, 2, false, [
['label' => 'test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
], null, null, [
['label' => 'test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
], 1, false,
// Share type restricted to user - Multipage result
'test', 'folder', [], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 1, 2, false, [
['label' => 'test 1', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
['label' => 'test 2', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2']],
['label' => 'test 3', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test3']],
], null, null, [
['label' => 'test 1', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
['label' => 'test 2', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2']],
], 3, true,
// Share type restricted to user - Only user already shared
'test', 'folder', [\OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER => ['test1']], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 1, 2, false, [
['label' => 'test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
], null, null, [], 0, false,

* @dataProvider dataSearchSharees
* @param string $searchTerm
* @param string $itemType
* @param array $existingShares
* @param int $shareType
* @param int $page
* @param int $perPage
* @param bool $shareWithGroupOnly
* @param array $expected
public function testSearchSharees($searchTerm, $itemType, array $existingShares, $shareType, $page, $perPage, $shareWithGroupOnly,
$mockedUserResult, $mockedGroupsResult, $mockedRemotesResult, $expected, $totalItems, $nextLink) {
/** @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|\OCA\Files_Sharing\API\Sharees $sharees */
$sharees = $this->getMockBuilder('\OCA\Files_Sharing\API\Sharees')
->setMethods(array('getUsers', 'getGroups', 'getRemote'))
$sharees->expects(($mockedUserResult === null) ? $this->never() : $this->once())
->with($searchTerm, $shareWithGroupOnly)
$sharees->expects(($mockedGroupsResult === null) ? $this->never() : $this->once())
->with($searchTerm, $shareWithGroupOnly)
$sharees->expects(($mockedRemotesResult === null) ? $this->never() : $this->once())

/** @var \OC_OCS_Result $ocs */
$ocs = $this->invokePrivate($sharees, 'searchSharees', [$searchTerm, $itemType, $existingShares, $shareType, $page, $perPage, $shareWithGroupOnly]);

$this->assertEquals($expected, $ocs->getData());

// Check number of total results
$meta = $ocs->getMeta();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('totalitems', $meta);
$this->assertSame($totalItems, $meta['totalitems']);

// Check if next link is set
if ($nextLink) {
$headers = $ocs->getHeaders();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('Link', $headers);
$this->assertStringStartsWith('<', $headers['Link']);
$this->assertStringEndsWith('> rel="next"', $headers['Link']);

public function testSearchShareesNoItemType() {
/** @var \OC_OCS_Result $ocs */
$ocs = $this->invokePrivate($this->sharees, 'searchSharees', ['', null, [], null, 0, 0, false]);

$this->assertSame(400, $ocs->getStatusCode(), 'Expected status code 400');
$this->assertSame([], $ocs->getData(), 'Expected that no data is send');

$meta = $ocs->getMeta();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('message', $meta);
$this->assertSame('missing itemType', $meta['message']);

public function dataFilterSharees() {
return [
[[], [], []],
['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2']],
1 => ['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2']],
['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],
['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2']],
0 => ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1']],

* @dataProvider dataFilterSharees
* @param array $potentialSharees
* @param array $existingSharees
* @param array $expectedSharees
public function testFilterSharees($potentialSharees, $existingSharees, $expectedSharees) {
$this->assertEquals($expectedSharees, $this->invokePrivate($this->sharees, 'filterSharees', [$potentialSharees, $existingSharees]));

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