
Merge pull request #14987 from nextcloud/tests/14962/public-folder-open

Add acceptance test for public folder navigation
Roeland Jago Douma 5年前
  1. 20

+ 20
- 0
tests/acceptance/features/app-files-sharing-link.feature ファイルの表示

@@ -37,6 +37,26 @@ Feature: app-files-sharing-link
And I open the Share menu
And I see that the Share menu is shown

Scenario: open a subfolder in a public shared folder
Given I act as John
And I am logged in
And I create a new folder named "Shared folder with subfolders"
And I enter in the folder named "Shared folder with subfolders"
And I create a new folder named "Subfolder"
And I enter in the folder named "Subfolder"
And I create a new folder named "Subsubfolder"
And I see that the file list contains a file named "Subsubfolder"
# The Files app is open again to reload the file list
And I open the Files app
And I share the link for "Shared folder with subfolders"
And I write down the shared link
When I act as Jane
And I visit the shared link I wrote down
And I see that the current page is the shared link I wrote down
Then I see that the file list contains a file named "Subfolder"
And I enter in the folder named "Subfolder"
And I see that the file list contains a file named "Subsubfolder"

Scenario: creation is not possible by default in a public shared folder
Given I act as John
And I am logged in
