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Add filter for 'backend' to user REST route

This adds a "backend" type filter to the index REST route which is a pre-requisite for

For example when calling `index.php/settings/users/users?offset=0&limit=10&gid=&pattern=&backend=OC_User_Database` only users within the backend `OC_User_Database` would be shown. (requires sending a CSRF token as well)

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Lukas Reschke 9 år sedan

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lib/private/user.php Visa fil

@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@ class OC_User {
* @return array associative array with all display names (value) and corresponding uids (key)
* Get a list of all display names and user ids.
* @deprecated Use \OC::$server->getUserManager->searchDisplayName($search, $limit, $offset) instead.
public static function getDisplayNames($search = '', $limit = null, $offset = null) {
$displayNames = array();

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lib/private/user/manager.php Visa fil

@@ -62,6 +62,14 @@ class Manager extends PublicEmitter implements IUserManager {

* Get the active backends
* @return \OC_User_Interface[]
public function getBackends() {
return $this->backends;

* register a user backend

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lib/public/iusermanager.php Visa fil

@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ interface IUserManager {
public function registerBackend($backend);

* Get the active backends
* @return \OC_User_Interface[]
public function getBackends();

* remove a user backend

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settings/controller/userscontroller.php Visa fil

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
namespace OC\Settings\Controller;

use OC\AppFramework\Http;
use OC\User\Manager;
use OC\User\User;
use \OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
@@ -84,46 +85,67 @@ class UsersController extends Controller {

* @param array $userIDs
* @return IUser[]
private function getUsersForUID(array $userIDs) {
$users = [];
foreach ($userIDs as $uid) {
$users[] = $this->userManager->get($uid);
return $users;

* @NoAdminRequired
* @param int $offset
* @param int $limit
* @param string $gid
* @param string $pattern
* @param string $gid GID to filter for
* @param string $pattern Pattern to search for in the username
* @param string $backend Backend to filter for (class-name)
* @return DataResponse
* TODO: Tidy up and write unit tests - code is mainly static method calls
public function index($offset = 0, $limit = 10, $gid = '', $pattern = '') {
public function index($offset = 0, $limit = 10, $gid = '', $pattern = '', $backend = '') {
// FIXME: The JS sends the group '_everyone' instead of no GID for the "all users" group.
if($gid === '_everyone') {
$gid = '';

// Remove backends
if(!empty($backend)) {
$activeBackends = $this->userManager->getBackends();
foreach($activeBackends as $singleActiveBackend) {
if($backend === get_class($singleActiveBackend)) {

$users = array();
if ($this->isAdmin) {

if($gid !== '') {
$batch = $this->groupManager->displayNamesInGroup($gid, $pattern, $limit, $offset);
$batch = $this->getUsersForUID($this->groupManager->displayNamesInGroup($gid, $pattern, $limit, $offset));
} else {
// FIXME: Remove static method call
$batch = \OC_User::getDisplayNames($pattern, $limit, $offset);
$batch = $this->userManager->search('');

foreach ($batch as $uid => $displayname) {
$users[] = $this->formatUserForIndex($this->userManager->get($uid));
foreach ($batch as $user) {
$users[] = $this->formatUserForIndex($user);

} else {
$groups = \OC_SubAdmin::getSubAdminsGroups($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID());
if($gid !== '' && in_array($gid, $groups)) {
$groups = array($gid);
} elseif($gid !== '') {
//don't you try to investigate loops you must not know about
$groups = array();
if($gid !== '' && !in_array($gid, \OC_SubAdmin::getSubAdminsGroups($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID()))) {
$gid = '';
$batch = \OC_Group::usersInGroups($groups, $pattern, $limit, $offset);
foreach ($batch as $uid) {
$user = $this->userManager->get($uid);

$batch = $this->getUsersForUID($this->groupManager->displayNamesInGroup($gid, $pattern, $limit, $offset));
foreach ($batch as $user) {
// Only add the groups, this user is a subadmin of
$userGroups = array_intersect($this->groupManager->getUserGroupIds($user),

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tests/lib/user/manager.php Visa fil

@@ -10,6 +10,17 @@
namespace Test\User;

class Manager extends \Test\TestCase {
public function testGetBackends() {
$userDummyBackend = $this->getMock('\OC_User_Dummy');
$manager = new \OC\User\Manager();
$this->assertEquals([$userDummyBackend], $manager->getBackends());
$dummyDatabaseBackend = $this->getMock('\OC_User_Database');
$this->assertEquals([$userDummyBackend, $dummyDatabaseBackend], $manager->getBackends());

public function testUserExistsSingleBackendExists() {
* @var \OC_User_Dummy | \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject $backend

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tests/settings/controller/userscontrollertest.php Visa fil

@@ -172,6 +172,62 @@ class UsersControllerTest extends \Test\TestCase {
$this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);

public function testIndexWithBackend() {
$user = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\User\User')
->will($this->returnValue('M. Foo'));
->will($this->returnValue([new \OC_User_Dummy(), new \OC_User_Database()]));
->with(new \OC_User_Dummy());

$expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
0 => array(
'name' => 'foo',
'displayname' => 'M. Foo',
'groups' => null,
'subadmin' => array(),
'quota' => null,
'storageLocation' => '/home/foo',
'lastLogin' => 500,
'backend' => 'OC_User_Database'
$response = $this->usersController->index(0, 10, '','', 'OC_User_Dummy');
$this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);

* TODO: Since the function uses the static OC_Subadmin class it can't be mocked
* to test for subadmins. Thus the test always assumes you have admin permissions...
