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Remove gravatar and no-avatar functionality, prepare for default avatars even more and reword some stuff

kondou 11 years ago

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avatar.php View File

@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ if (!\OC_User::isLoggedIn()) {
\OC_Template::printErrorPage("Permission denied");

$mode = \OC_Avatar::getMode();
if ($mode === "none") {

if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
//SECURITY TODO does this fully eliminate directory traversals?
@@ -33,8 +28,6 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === "GET") {

if ($image instanceof \OC_Image) {
} elseif (is_string($image)) { // Gravatar alike services
header("Location: ".$image);
} else {
$image = \OC_Avatar::getDefaultAvatar($user, $size);
@@ -60,7 +53,7 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === "GET") {

try {
\OC_Avatar::setLocalAvatar($user, $avatar);
\OC_Avatar::set($user, $avatar);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
OC_JSON::error(array("data" => array ("message" => $e->getMessage()) ));
@@ -69,7 +62,7 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === "GET") {
$user = OC_User::getUser();

try {
\OC_Avatar::setLocalAvatar($user, false);
\OC_Avatar::set($user, false);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
OC_JSON::error(array("data" => array ("message" => $e->getMessage()) ));

+ 0
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config/config.sample.php View File

@@ -65,12 +65,6 @@ $CONFIG = array(
/* URL to the parent directory of the 3rdparty directory, as seen by the browser */
"3rdpartyurl" => "",

/* What avatars to use.
* May be "none" for none, "local" for uploaded avatars, or "gravatar" for gravatars.
* Default is "local".
"avatars" => "local",

/* Default app to load on login */
"defaultapp" => "files",

core/img/defaultavatar.png View File

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lib/avatar.php View File

@@ -8,52 +8,44 @@

* This class gets and sets users avatars.
* Available backends are local (saved in users root at avatar.[png|jpg]), gravatar TODO and custom backends.
* However the get function is easy to extend with further backends.

class OC_Avatar {
* @brief gets the users avatar
* @param $user string username, if not provided, the default avatar will be returned
* @param $size integer size in px of the avatar, defaults to 64
* @return mixed \OC_Image containing the avatar, a link to the avatar, false if avatars are disabled
public static function get ($user = false, $size = 64) {
$mode = self::getMode();
if ($mode === "none") {
// avatars are disabled
return false;
} else {
if ($user === false) {
return self::getDefaultAvatar($size);
} elseif ($mode === "gravatar") {
return self::getGravatar($user, $size);
} elseif ($mode === "local") {
return self::getLocalAvatar($user, $size);
} elseif ($mode === "custom") {
return self::getCustomAvatar($user, $size);
* @brief get the users avatar
* @param $user string which user to get the avatar for
* @param $size integer size in px of the avatar, defaults to 64
* @return \OC_Image containing the avatar
public static function get ($user, $size = 64) {
if ($user === false) {
return self::getDefaultAvatar($user, $size);

* @brief returns the active avatar mode
* @return string active avatar mode
public static function getMode () {
return \OC_Config::getValue("avatar", "local");
$view = new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user);

if ($view->file_exists('avatar.jpg')) {
$ext = 'jpg';
} elseif ($view->file_exists('avatar.png')) {
$ext = 'png';
} else {
return self::getDefaultAvatar($user, $size);

$avatar = new OC_Image($view->file_get_contents('avatar.'.$ext));
return $avatar;

* @brief sets the users local avatar
* @brief sets the users avatar
* @param $user string user to set the avatar for
* @param $data mixed imagedata or path to set a new avatar, or false to delete the current avatar
* @throws Exception if the provided file is not a jpg or png image
* @throws Exception if the provided image is not valid, or not a square
* @return true on success
public static function setLocalAvatar ($user, $data) {
public static function set ($user, $data) {
$view = new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user);

if ($data === false) {
@@ -66,7 +58,7 @@ class OC_Avatar {
if ($type === 'peg') { $type = 'jpg'; }
if ($type !== 'jpg' && $type !== 'png') {
$l = \OC_L10N::get('lib');
throw new \Exception($l->t("Unknown filetype for avatar"));
throw new \Exception($l->t("Unknown filetype"));

if (!( $img->valid() && ($img->height() === $img->width()) )) {
@@ -81,54 +73,6 @@ class OC_Avatar {

* @brief get the users gravatar
* @param $user string which user to get the gravatar for
* @param $size integer size in px of the avatar, defaults to 64
* @return string link to the gravatar, or \OC_Image with the default avatar
public static function getGravatar ($user, $size = 64) {
$email = \OC_Preferences::getValue($user, 'settings', 'email');
if ($email !== null) {
$emailhash = md5(strtolower(trim($email)));
$url = "".$emailhash."?d=404&s=".$size;
$headers = get_headers($url, 1);
if (strpos($headers[0], "404 Not Found") === false) {
return $url;
return self::getDefaultAvatar($user, $size);

* @brief get the local avatar
* @param $user string which user to get the avatar for
* @param $size integer size in px of the avatar, defaults to 64
* @return string \OC_Image containing the avatar
public static function getLocalAvatar ($user, $size = 64) {
$view = new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user);

if ($view->file_exists('avatar.jpg')) {
$ext = 'jpg';
} elseif ($view->file_exists('avatar.png')) {
$ext = 'png';
} else {
return self::getDefaultAvatar($user, $size);

$avatar = new OC_Image($view->file_get_contents('avatar.'.$ext));
return $avatar;

* @todo todo
public static function getCustomAvatar($user, $size) {

* @brief gets the default avatar
* @brief $user string which user to get the avatar for
@@ -137,8 +81,10 @@ class OC_Avatar {
* @todo use custom default images, when they arive
public static function getDefaultAvatar ($user, $size = 64) {
$default = new OC_Image(OC::$SERVERROOT."/core/img/defaultavatar.png");
/*$default = new OC_Image(OC::$SERVERROOT."/core/img/defaultavatar.png");
return $default;
return $default;*/

+ 0
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settings/admin.php View File

@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ $tmpl->assign('isWebDavWorking', OC_Util::isWebDAVWorking());
$tmpl->assign('has_fileinfo', OC_Util::fileInfoLoaded());
$tmpl->assign('backgroundjobs_mode', OC_Appconfig::getValue('core', 'backgroundjobs_mode', 'ajax'));
$tmpl->assign('shareAPIEnabled', OC_Appconfig::getValue('core', 'shareapi_enabled', 'yes'));
$tmpl->assign('avatar', OC_Config::getValue("avatar", "local"));

// Check if connected using HTTPS
if (OC_Request::serverProtocol() === 'https') {

+ 0
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settings/ajax/setavatarmode.php View File

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 Christopher Schäpers <>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
* See the COPYING-README file.


OC_Config::setValue('avatar', $_POST['mode']);

+ 0
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settings/js/admin.js View File

@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){

$('#avatar input').change(function(){
if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
$.post(OC.filePath('settings', 'ajax', 'setavatarmode.php'), {mode: $(this).val()});

$('#shareAPIEnabled').change(function() {
$('.shareAPI td:not(#enable)').toggle();

+ 1
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settings/personal.php View File

@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ OC_Util::addScript( 'settings', 'personal' );
OC_Util::addStyle( 'settings', 'settings' );
OC_Util::addScript( '3rdparty', 'chosen/chosen.jquery.min' );
OC_Util::addStyle( '3rdparty', 'chosen' );
if (OC_Config::getValue('avatar', 'local') === 'local') {
\OC_Util::addScript('files', 'jquery.fileupload');
\OC_Util::addScript('files', 'jquery.fileupload');
OC_App::setActiveNavigationEntry( 'personal' );


+ 0
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settings/routes.php View File

@@ -70,5 +70,3 @@ $this->create('settings_ajax_setsecurity', '/settings/ajax/setsecurity.php')
$this->create('isadmin', '/settings/js/isadmin.js')
$this->create('settings_ajax_setavatarmode', '/settings/ajax/setavatarmode.php')

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settings/templates/admin.php View File

@@ -116,33 +116,6 @@ if (!$_['internetconnectionworking']) {

<fieldset class="personalblock" id="avatar">
<legend><strong><?php p($l->t('Profile images')); ?></strong></legend>
<input type="radio" name="avatarmode" value="gravatar" id="avatar_gravatar"
<?php if ($_['avatar'] === "gravatar") { p('checked'); } ?>
<?php if (!$_['internetconnectionworking']) { p('disabled'); } ?>>
<label for="avatar_gravatar">Gravatar</label><br>
<em><?php print_unescaped($l->t('Use <a href="">gravatar</a> for profile images')); ?></em><br>
<em><?php p($l->t('This sends data to gravatar and may slow down loading')); ?></em>
<?php if (!$_['internetconnectionworking']): ?>
<br><em><?php p($l->t('Gravatar needs an internet connection!')); ?></em>
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="radio" name="avatarmode" value="local" id="avatar_local"
<?php if ($_['avatar'] === "local") { p('checked'); } ?>>
<label for="avatar_local"><?php p($l->t('Local avatars')); ?></label><br>
<em><?php p($l->t('Use local avatars, which each user has to upload themselves')); ?></em>
<input type="radio" name="avatarmode" value="none" id="avatar_none"
<?php if ($_['avatar'] === "none") { p('checked'); } ?>>
<label for="avatar_none"><?php p($l->t('No avatars')); ?></label><br>
<em><?php p($l->t('Do not provide avatars')); ?></em>

<fieldset class="personalblock" id="shareAPI">
<legend><strong><?php p($l->t('Sharing'));?></strong></legend>
<table class="shareAPI nostyle">

+ 5
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settings/templates/personal.php View File

@@ -83,26 +83,17 @@ if($_['passwordChangeSupported']) {

<?php if ($_['avatar'] !== "none"): ?>
<form id="avatar" method="post" action="<?php p(\OC_Helper::linkTo('', 'avatar.php')); ?>">
<fieldset class="personalblock">
<legend><strong><?php p($l->t('Profile Image')); ?></strong></legend>
<img src="<?php print_unescaped(link_to('', 'avatar.php').'?user='.OC_User::getUser().'&size=128'); ?>"><br>
<?php if ($_['avatar'] === "local"): ?>
<em><?php p($l->t('Your profile image has to be a square and either a PNG or JPG image')); ?></em><br>
<div class="inlineblock button" id="uploadavatarbutton"><?php p($l->t('Upload a new image')); ?></div>
<input type="file" class="hidden" name="files[]" id="uploadavatar">
<div class="inlineblock button" id="selectavatar"><?php p($l->t('Select a new image from your files')); ?></div>
<div class="inlineblock button" id="removeavatar"><?php p($l->t('Remove my image')); ?></div>
<?php elseif ($_['avatar'] === "gravatar"): ?>
<em><?php p($l->t('Your profile image is provided by gravatar, which is based on your Email.')); ?></em>
<div class?"inlineblock button" id="overridegravatar"><?php p($l->t('Use my local avatar instead')); ?></div>
<?php else: ?>
<em><?php p($l->t('Your profile image is provided by a custom service, ask your administrator, on how to change your image.')); ?></em>
<?php endif; ?>
<em><?php p($l->t('Has to be square and either PNG or JPG')); ?></em><br>
<div class="inlineblock button" id="uploadavatarbutton"><?php p($l->t('Upload new')); ?></div>
<input type="file" class="hidden" name="files[]" id="uploadavatar">
<div class="inlineblock button" id="selectavatar"><?php p($l->t('Select new from files')); ?></div>
<div class="inlineblock button" id="removeavatar"><?php p($l->t('Remove image')); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>

<fieldset class="personalblock">

+ 2
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settings/templates/users.php View File

@@ -81,9 +81,7 @@ $_['subadmingroups'] = array_flip($items);
<table class="hascontrols" data-groups="<?php p(json_encode($allGroups));?>">
<?php if(\OC_Avatar::getMode() !== "none"): ?>
<th id='headerAvatar'></th>
<?php endif; ?>
<th id='headerAvatar'></th>
<th id='headerName'><?php p($l->t('Username'))?></th>
<th id="headerDisplayName"><?php p($l->t( 'Display Name' )); ?></th>
<th id="headerPassword"><?php p($l->t( 'Password' )); ?></th>
@@ -99,9 +97,7 @@ $_['subadmingroups'] = array_flip($items);
<?php foreach($_["users"] as $user): ?>
<tr data-uid="<?php p($user["name"]) ?>"
data-displayName="<?php p($user["displayName"]) ?>">
<?php if(\OC_Avatar::getMode() !== "none"): ?>
<td class="avatar"><img src="<?php print_unescaped(link_to('', 'avatar.php')); ?>?user=<?php p($user['name']); ?>&size=32"></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<td class="avatar"><img src="<?php print_unescaped(link_to('', 'avatar.php')); ?>?user=<?php p($user['name']); ?>&size=32"></td>
<td class="name"><?php p($user["name"]); ?></td>
<td class="displayName"><span><?php p($user["displayName"]); ?></span> <img class="svg action"
src="<?php p(image_path('core', 'actions/rename.svg'))?>"

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tests/lib/avatar.php View File

@@ -8,51 +8,23 @@

class Test_Avatar extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

public function testModes() {
$this->assertEquals('local', \OC_Avatar::getMode());

\OC_Config::setValue('avatar', 'local');
$this->assertEquals('local', \OC_Avatar::getMode());

\OC_Config::setValue('avatar', 'gravatar');
$this->assertEquals('gravatar', \OC_Avatar::getMode());

\OC_Config::setValue('avatar', 'none');
$this->assertEquals('none', \OC_Avatar::getMode());

public function testDisabledAvatar() {
\OC_Config::setValue('avatar', 'none');
$this->assertFalse(\OC_Avatar::get(\OC_User::getUser(), 32));

public function testLocalAvatar() {
\OC_Config::setValue('avatar', 'local');
public function testAvatar() {
$expected = \OC_Avatar::getDefaultAvatar()->data();
$this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Avatar::get(\OC_User::getUser())->data());

$expected = new OC_Image(\OC::$SERVERROOT.'/tests/data/testavatar.png');
\OC_Avatar::setLocalAvatar(\OC_User::getUser(), $expected->data());
\OC_Avatar::set(\OC_User::getUser(), $expected->data());
$this->assertEquals($expected->data(), \OC_Avatar::get(\OC_User::getUser())->data());

\OC_Avatar::setLocalAvatar(\OC_User::getUser(), false);
\OC_Avatar::set(\OC_User::getUser(), false);
$expected = \OC_Avatar::getDefaultAvatar()->data();
$this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Avatar::get(\OC_User::getUser())->data());

public function testGravatar() {
\OC_Preferences::setValue(\OC_User::getUser(), 'settings', 'email', '');
\OC_Config::setValue('avatar', 'gravatar');
$expected = "".md5("")."?s=";
$this->assertEquals($expected."64", \OC_Avatar::get(\OC_User::getUser()));
$this->assertEquals($expected."32", \OC_Avatar::get(\OC_User::getUser(), 32));

public function testDefaultAvatar() {
/*public function testDefaultAvatar() {
$img = new \OC_Image(OC::$SERVERROOT.'/core/img/defaultavatar.png');
$this->assertEquals($img->data(), \OC_Avatar::getDefaultAvatar(\OC_User::getUser(), 128)->data());
