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Adjust sample documentation

Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
Joas Schilling 7 anni fa
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1 ha cambiato i file con 7 aggiunte e 7 eliminazioni
  1. 7

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- 7
config/config.sample.php Vedi File

@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ $CONFIG = array(

* If your user backend does not allow to reset the password (e.g. when it's a
* If your user backend does not allow password resets (e.g. when it's a
* read-only user backend like LDAP), you can specify a custom link, where the
* user is redirected to, when clicking the "reset password" link after a failed
* login-attempt.
@@ -435,12 +435,12 @@ $CONFIG = array(
* the correct value would most likely be "/nextcloud". If Nextcloud is running
* under "https://mycloud.org/" then it would be "/".
* Note that above rule is not valid in every case, there are some rare setup
* Note that the above rule is not valid in every case, as there are some rare setup
* cases where this may not apply. However, to avoid any update problems this
* configuration value is explicitly opt-in.
* After setting this value run `occ maintenance:update:htaccess` and when following
* conditions are met Nextcloud uses URLs without index.php in it:
* After setting this value run `occ maintenance:update:htaccess`. Now, when the
* following conditions are met Nextcloud URLs won't contain `index.php`:
* - `mod_rewrite` is installed
* - `mod_env` is installed
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ $CONFIG = array(
'objectstore' => [
'class' => 'OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\Swift',
'arguments' => [
// trystack will user your facebook id as the user name
// trystack will use your facebook id as the user name
'username' => 'facebook100000123456789',
// in the trystack dashboard go to user -> settings -> API Password to
// generate a password
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ $CONFIG = array(

* Replaces the default Share Provider Factory. This can be utilized if
* own or 3rdParty Share Providers be used that – for instance – uses the
* own or 3rdParty Share Providers are used that – for instance – use the
* filesystem instead of the database to keep the share information.
* Defaults to ``\OC\Share20\ProviderFactory``
@@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@ $CONFIG = array(
'filelocking.enabled' => true,

* Set the time-to-live for locks in secconds.
* Set the lock's time-to-live in seconds.
* Any lock older than this will be automatically cleaned up.
