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allow admin to recover users files in case of password lost

Björn Schießle 11 years ago

+ 54
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apps/files_encryption/hooks/hooks.php View File

@@ -142,32 +142,67 @@ class Hooks {
* @brief Change a user's encryption passphrase
* @param array $params keys: uid, password
public static function setPassphrase( $params ) {
public static function setPassphrase($params) {
// Only attempt to change passphrase if server-side encryption
// is in use (client-side encryption does not have access to
// the necessary keys)
if ( Crypt::mode() == 'server' ) {
if (Crypt::mode() == 'server') {
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
if ($params['uid'] == \OCP\User::getUser()) {
$session = new Session($view);
// Get existing decrypted private key
$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
// Encrypt private key with new user pwd as passphrase
$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $privateKey, $params['password'] );
// Save private key
Keymanager::setPrivateKey( $encryptedPrivateKey );
// NOTE: Session does not need to be updated as the
// private key has not changed, only the passphrase
// used to decrypt it has changed
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
$session = new Session($view);
// Get existing decrypted private key
$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
// Encrypt private key with new user pwd as passphrase
$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($privateKey, $params['password']);
// Save private key
// NOTE: Session does not need to be updated as the
// private key has not changed, only the passphrase
// used to decrypt it has changed
} else { // admin changed the password for a different user, create new keys and reencrypt file keys
$user = $params['uid'];
$recoveryPassword = $params['recoveryPassword'];
$newUserPassword = $params['password'];
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
// make sure that the users home is mounted
$keypair = Crypt::createKeypair();
// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
// Save public key
$view->file_put_contents( '/public-keys/'.$user.'.public.key', $keypair['publicKey'] );
// Encrypt private key empthy passphrase
$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $keypair['privateKey'], $newUserPassword );
// Save private key
$view->file_put_contents( '/'.$user.'/files_encryption/'.$user.'.private.key', $encryptedPrivateKey );
if ( $recoveryPassword ) { // if recovery key is set we can re-encrypt the key files
$util = new Util($view, $user);
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;

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apps/files_encryption/js/settings-admin.js View File

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){

// change password
// change recovery password

$('input:password[name="changeRecoveryPassword"]').keyup(function(event) {
var oldRecoveryPassword = $('input:password[id="oldRecoveryPassword"]').val();

+ 1
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apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php View File

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Helper {
public static function registerUserHooks() {

\OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_login', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'login' );
\OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'pre_setPassword', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'setPassphrase' );
\OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_setPassword', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'setPassphrase' );
\OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_createUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postCreateUser' );
\OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postDeleteUser' );

+ 82
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apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php View File

@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ class Util {

// Get the current users's private key for decrypting existing keyfile
$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
$fileOwner = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getOwner( $filePath );
// Decrypt keyfile
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ class Util {

* @brief remove recovery key to all encrypted files
public function removeRecoveryKeys($path = '/') {
@@ -1351,4 +1351,84 @@ class Util {

* @brief decrypt given file with recovery key and encrypt it again to the owner and his new key
* @param type $file
* @param type $privateKey recovery key to decrypt the file
private function recoverFile($file, $privateKey) {

$sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();

// Find out who, if anyone, is sharing the file
if ($sharingEnabled) {
$result = \OCP\Share::getUsersSharingFile($file, $this->userId, true, true, true);
$userIds = $result['users'];
$userIds[] = $this->recoveryKeyId;
if ($result['public']) {
$userIds[] = $this->publicShareKeyId;
} else {
$userIds = array($this->userId, $this->recoveryKeyId);
$filteredUids = $this->filterShareReadyUsers($userIds);

$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;

//decrypt file key
$encKeyfile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->keyfilesPath.$file.".key");
$shareKey = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->shareKeysPath.$file.".".$this->recoveryKeyId.".shareKey");
$plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
// encrypt file key again to all users, this time with the new public key for the recovered use
$userPubKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys($this->view, $filteredUids['ready']);
$multiEncKey = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($plainKeyfile, $userPubKeys);

// write new keys to filesystem TDOO!
$this->view->file_put_contents($this->keyfilesPath.$file.'.key', $multiEncKey['data']);
foreach ($multiEncKey['keys'] as $userId => $shareKey) {
$shareKeyPath = $this->shareKeysPath.$file.'.'.$userId.'.shareKey';
$this->view->file_put_contents($shareKeyPath, $shareKey);

// Return proxy to original status
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;

* @brief collect all files and recover them one by one
* @param type $path to look for files keys
* @param type $privateKey private recovery key which is used to decrypt the files
private function recoverAllFiles($path, $privateKey) {
$dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($this->keyfilesPath . $path);
foreach ($dirContent as $item) {
$filePath = substr($item['path'], 25);
if ($item['type'] == 'dir') {
$this->addRecoveryKey($filePath . '/', $privateKey);
} else {
$file = substr($filePath, 0, -4);
$this->recoverFile($file, $privateKey);

* @brief recover users files in case of password lost
* @param type $recoveryPassword
public function recoverUsersFiles($recoveryPassword) {

// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;

$encryptedKey = $this->view->file_get_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/'.$this->recoveryKeyId.'.private.key' );
$privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedKey, $recoveryPassword );

\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;

$this->recoverAllFiles('/', $privateKey);

+ 4
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lib/user.php View File

@@ -393,13 +393,14 @@ class OC_User {
* @brief Set password
* @param $uid The username
* @param $password The new password
* @param $recoveryPassword for the encryption app to reset encryption keys
* @returns true/false
* Change the password of a user
public static function setPassword( $uid, $password ) {
public static function setPassword( $uid, $password, $recoveryPassword = null ) {
$run = true;
OC_Hook::emit( "OC_User", "pre_setPassword", array( "run" => &$run, "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password ));
OC_Hook::emit( "OC_User", "pre_setPassword", array( "run" => &$run, "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password, "recoveryPassword" => $recoveryPassword ));

if( $run ) {
$success = false;
@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ class OC_User {
// invalidate all login cookies
OC_Preferences::deleteApp($uid, 'login_token');
OC_Hook::emit( "OC_User", "post_setPassword", array( "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password ));
OC_Hook::emit( "OC_User", "post_setPassword", array( "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password, "recoveryPassword" => $recoveryPassword ));
return $success;

+ 3
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settings/ajax/changepassword.php View File

@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn();

$username = isset($_POST["username"]) ? $_POST["username"] : OC_User::getUser();
$password = isset($_POST["newpassword"]) ? $_POST["newpassword"] : null;
$password = isset($_POST["password"]) ? $_POST["password"] : null;

$userstatus = null;
if(OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser())) {
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ if(is_null($userstatus)) {

// Return Success story
if(!is_null($password) && OC_User::setPassword( $username, $password )) {
if(!is_null($password) && OC_User::setPassword( $username, $password, $recoveryPassword )) {
OC_JSON::success(array("data" => array( "username" => $username )));

+ 2
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settings/css/settings.css View File

@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ table:not(.nostyle) { width:100%; }
#rightcontent { padding-left: 1em; }
div.quota { float:right; display:block; position:absolute; right:25em; top:-1px; }
div.quota-select-wrapper { position: relative; }
div.recoveryPassword { left:50em; display:block; position:absolute; top:-1px; }
input#recoveryPassword {width:15em;}
select.quota { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:10em; }
select.quota-user { position:relative; left:0; top:0; width:10em; }
div.quota>span { position:absolute; right:0; white-space:nowrap; top:.7em; color:#888; text-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff; }

+ 3
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settings/js/users.js View File

@@ -351,9 +351,11 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
input.keypress(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
var recoveryPasswordVal = $('input:password[id="recoveryPassword"]').val();
console.log("RECOVERY PASSWD: " + recoveryPasswordVal);
OC.filePath('settings', 'ajax', 'changepassword.php'),
{username: uid, password: $(this).val()},
{username: uid, password: $(this).val(), recoveryPassword: recoveryPasswordVal},
function (result) {

+ 1
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settings/templates/personal.php View File

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if($_['passwordChangeSupported']) {
<div id="passwordchanged"><?php echo $l->t('Your password was changed');?></div>
<div id="passworderror"><?php echo $l->t('Unable to change your password');?></div>
<input type="password" id="pass1" name="oldpassword" placeholder="<?php echo $l->t('Current password');?>" />
<input type="password" id="pass2" name="newpassword"
<input type="password" id="pass2" name="password"
placeholder="<?php echo $l->t('New password');?>" data-typetoggle="#personal-show" />
<input type="checkbox" id="personal-show" name="show" /><label for="personal-show"></label>
<input id="passwordbutton" type="submit" value="<?php echo $l->t('Change password');?>" />

+ 5
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settings/templates/users.php View File

@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ $_['subadmingroups'] = array_flip($items);
<?php endforeach;?>
</select> <input type="submit" value="<?php p($l->t('Create'))?>" />
<?php if((bool)$_['recoveryAdminEnabled']): ?>
<div class="recoveryPassword">
<input id="recoveryPassword" type="password" placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Admin Recovery Password'))?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="quota">
<span><?php p($l->t('Default Storage'));?></span>
<?php if((bool) $_['isadmin']): ?>

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settings/users.php View File

@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ $users = array();
$groups = array();

$isadmin = OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser());
$recoveryAdminEnabled = OC_App::isEnabled('files_encryption') &&
OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled' );

if($isadmin) {
$accessiblegroups = OC_Group::getGroups();
@@ -77,4 +79,5 @@ $tmpl->assign( 'numofgroups', count($accessiblegroups));
$tmpl->assign( 'quota_preset', $quotaPreset);
$tmpl->assign( 'default_quota', $defaultQuota);
$tmpl->assign( 'defaultQuotaIsUserDefined', $defaultQuotaIsUserDefined);
$tmpl->assign( 'recoveryAdminEnabled', $recoveryAdminEnabled);
