Explorar el Código

Use @nextcloud/paths and deprecate OC helpers

Signed-off-by: Christoph Wurst <christoph@winzerhof-wurst.at>
Christoph Wurst hace 4 años
No account linked to committer's email address

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La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
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La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
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La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
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La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
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La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
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La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
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core/js/tests/specs/coreSpec.js Ver fichero

@@ -35,213 +35,6 @@ describe('Core base tests', function() {
describe('basename', function() {
it('Returns the nothing if no file name given', function() {
it('Returns the nothing if dir is root', function() {
it('Returns the same name if no path given', function() {
expect(OC.basename('some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if root path given', function() {
expect(OC.basename('/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if double root path given', function() {
expect(OC.basename('//some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir given without root', function() {
expect(OC.basename('subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir given with root', function() {
expect(OC.basename('/subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir given with double root', function() {
expect(OC.basename('//subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir has dot', function() {
expect(OC.basename('/subdir.dat/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns dot if file name is dot', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's basename
it('Returns the dir itself if no file name given', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.basename('subdir/')).toEqual('subdir');
it('Returns the dir itself if no file name given with root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.basename('/subdir/')).toEqual('subdir');
describe('dirname', function() {
it('Returns the nothing if no file name given', function() {
it('Returns the root if dir is root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('/')).toEqual('/');
it('Returns the root if dir is double root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('//')).toEqual('/');
expect(OC.dirname('//')).toEqual('/'); // oh no...
it('Returns dot if dir is dot', function() {
it('Returns dot if no root given', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('some dir')).toEqual('.');
expect(OC.dirname('some dir')).toEqual('some dir'); // oh no...
it('Returns the dir name if file name and root path given', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('/some name.txt')).toEqual('/');
expect(OC.dirname('/some name.txt')).toEqual('');
it('Returns the dir name if double root path given', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('//some name.txt')).toEqual('/'); // how lucky...
it('Returns the dir name if subdir given without root', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('subdir');
it('Returns the dir name if subdir given with root', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('/subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('/subdir');
it('Returns the dir name if subdir given with double root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('//subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('/subdir');
expect(OC.dirname('//subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('//subdir'); // oh...
it('Returns the dir name if subdir has dot', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('/subdir.dat/some name.txt')).toEqual('/subdir.dat');
it('Returns the dir name if file name is dot', function() {
it('Returns the dir name if no file name given', function() {
it('Returns the dir name if no file name given with root', function() {
describe('joinPaths', function() {
it('returns empty string with no or empty arguments', function() {
expect(OC.joinPaths('', '')).toEqual('');
it('returns joined path sections', function() {
expect(OC.joinPaths('abc', 'def')).toEqual('abc/def');
expect(OC.joinPaths('abc', 'def', 'ghi')).toEqual('abc/def/ghi');
it('keeps leading slashes', function() {
expect(OC.joinPaths('/abc', '')).toEqual('/abc');
expect(OC.joinPaths('', '/abc')).toEqual('/abc');
expect(OC.joinPaths('/abc', 'def')).toEqual('/abc/def');
expect(OC.joinPaths('/abc', 'def', 'ghi')).toEqual('/abc/def/ghi');
it('keeps trailing slashes', function() {
expect(OC.joinPaths('', 'abc/')).toEqual('abc/');
expect(OC.joinPaths('abc/', '')).toEqual('abc/');
expect(OC.joinPaths('abc', 'def/')).toEqual('abc/def/');
expect(OC.joinPaths('abc', 'def', 'ghi/')).toEqual('abc/def/ghi/');
it('splits paths in specified strings and discards extra slashes', function() {
expect(OC.joinPaths('//abc//', '//def//')).toEqual('/abc/def/');
expect(OC.joinPaths('//abc//', '//def//', '//ghi//')).toEqual('/abc/def/ghi/');
expect(OC.joinPaths('//abc//def//', '//ghi//jkl/mno/', '//pqr//'))
expect(OC.joinPaths('/abc', '/def')).toEqual('/abc/def');
expect(OC.joinPaths('/abc/', '/def')).toEqual('/abc/def');
expect(OC.joinPaths('/abc/', 'def')).toEqual('/abc/def');
it('discards empty sections', function() {
expect(OC.joinPaths('abc', '', 'def')).toEqual('abc/def');
it('returns root if only slashes', function() {
expect(OC.joinPaths('/', '/')).toEqual('/');
expect(OC.joinPaths('/', '//', '/')).toEqual('/');
describe('isSamePath', function() {
it('recognizes empty paths are equal', function() {
expect(OC.isSamePath('', '')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/', '')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//', '')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/', '/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/', '//')).toEqual(true);
it('recognizes path with single sections as equal regardless of extra slashes', function() {
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc', 'abc')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc', 'abc')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc', 'abc')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc', '/abc')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/', 'abc')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/', 'abc/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/', 'abc/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/', '/abc/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc/', '/abc/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc//', '/abc/')).toEqual(true);

expect(OC.isSamePath('abc', 'def')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc', 'def')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc', 'def')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc', '/def')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/', 'def')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/', 'def/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/', 'def/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/', '/def/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc/', '/def/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc//', '/def/')).toEqual(false);
it('recognizes path with multiple sections as equal regardless of extra slashes', function() {
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/def', 'abc/def')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/def', 'abc/def')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/def', '/abc/def')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/def/', '/abc/def/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/def/', '/abc/def/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/def/', 'abc/def/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc/def/', 'abc/def/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc/def//', 'abc/def/')).toEqual(true);

expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/def', 'abc/ghi')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/def', 'abc/ghi')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/def', '/abc/ghi')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('abc/def/', '/abc/ghi/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/def/', '/abc/ghi/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/abc/def/', 'abc/ghi/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc/def/', 'abc/ghi/')).toEqual(false);
expect(OC.isSamePath('//abc/def//', 'abc/ghi/')).toEqual(false);
it('recognizes path entries with dot', function() {
expect(OC.isSamePath('.', '')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('.', '.')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('.', '/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/.', '/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/./', '/')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/./', '/.')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/./', '/./')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('/./', '/./')).toEqual(true);

expect(OC.isSamePath('a/./b', 'a/b')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('a/b/.', 'a/b')).toEqual(true);
expect(OC.isSamePath('./a/b', 'a/b')).toEqual(true);
describe('filePath', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
OC.webroot = 'http://localhost';

+ 16
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core/src/OC/index.js Ver fichero

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import {
} from './path'
} from '@nextcloud/paths'
import {
build as buildQueryString,
parse as parseQueryString
@@ -189,10 +189,25 @@ export default {
* Path helpers
* @deprecated 18.0.0 use https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nextcloud/paths
* @deprecated 18.0.0 use https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nextcloud/paths
* @deprecated 18.0.0 use https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nextcloud/paths
* @deprecated 18.0.0 use https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nextcloud/paths
* @deprecated 18.0.0 use https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nextcloud/paths


+ 0
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core/src/OC/path.js Ver fichero

@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
* @copyright 2019 Christoph Wurst <christoph@winzerhof-wurst.at>
* @author 2019 Christoph Wurst <christoph@winzerhof-wurst.at>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

* URI-Encodes a file path but keep the path slashes.
* @param {String} path path
* @returns {String} encoded path
export const encodePath = path => {
if (!path) {
return path
const parts = path.split('/')
const result = []
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
return result.join('/')

* Returns the base name of the given path.
* For example for "/abc/somefile.txt" it will return "somefile.txt"
* @param {String} path path
* @returns {String} base name
export const basename = path => path.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, '')

* Returns the dir name of the given path.
* For example for "/abc/somefile.txt" it will return "/abc"
* @param {String} path path
* @returns {String} dir name
export const dirname = path => path.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/[^/]*$/, '')

* Returns whether the given paths are the same, without
* leading, trailing or doubled slashes and also removing
* the dot sections.
* @param {String} path1 first path
* @param {String} path2 second path
* @returns {bool} true if the paths are the same
* @since 9.0
export const isSamePath = (path1, path2) => {
const pathSections1 = (path1 || '').split('/').filter(p => p !== '.')
const pathSections2 = (path2 || '').split('/').filter(p => p !== '.')
path1 = joinPaths.apply(undefined, pathSections1)
path2 = joinPaths.apply(undefined, pathSections2)

return path1 === path2

* Join path sections
* @param {...String} path sections
* @returns {String} joined path, any leading or trailing slash
* will be kept
* @since 8.2
export const joinPaths = (...args) => {
if (args.length < 1) {
return ''

// discard empty arguments
const nonEmptyArgs = args.filter(arg => arg.length > 0)
if (nonEmptyArgs.length < 1) {
return ''

const lastArg = nonEmptyArgs[nonEmptyArgs.length - 1]
const leadingSlash = nonEmptyArgs[0].charAt(0) === '/'
const trailingSlash = lastArg.charAt(lastArg.length - 1) === '/'
const sections = nonEmptyArgs.reduce((acc, section) => acc.concat(section.split('/')), [])

let first = !leadingSlash
const path = sections.reduce((acc, section) => {
if (section === '') {
return acc

if (first) {
first = false
return acc + section

return acc + '/' + section
}, '')

if (trailingSlash) {
// add it back
return path + '/'
return path

+ 18
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package-lock.json Ver fichero

@@ -866,6 +866,21 @@
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"version": "0.2.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@nextcloud/paths/-/paths-0.2.0.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-C3jdAeCmZ6RcAESn4dGtVo914bmMvCgJeHNSyDW9lGJF0OAlP4mSZtPvh9hUVOZGeWuwQkSTyHbzdGTP7aFnTQ==",
"requires": {
"core-js": "3.1.4"
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"version": "3.1.4",
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"@nextcloud/router": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@nextcloud/router/-/router-0.1.0.tgz",
@@ -2831,9 +2846,9 @@
"electron-to-chromium": {
"version": "1.3.274",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/electron-to-chromium/-/electron-to-chromium-1.3.274.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-9bWkiXxGylowqMXoF1ec7k6akmsL2nOa1kzZ4CKzBuwK9WVz0VauE1w/RVyYraE1LpJM7+8fNCsW9b7ZSoxWIg=="
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"integrity": "sha512-/YWtW/VapMnuYA1lNOaa1F4GhR1LBf+CUTp60lzDPEEh0XOzyOAyULyYZVF9vziZ3qSbTqCwmKwsyRXp66STbw=="
"elliptic": {
"version": "6.5.1",

+ 1
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package.json Ver fichero

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"@chenfengyuan/vue-qrcode": "^1.0.1",
"@nextcloud/axios": "^0.4.1",
"@nextcloud/event-bus": "^0.2.0",
"@nextcloud/paths": "^0.2.0",
"@nextcloud/router": "^0.1.0",
"autosize": "^4.0.2",
"backbone": "^1.4.0",
