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Add system tag assignability check with groups

Whenever a user is not an admin, a tag is visible but not
user-assignable, check whether the user is a member of the allowed
Vincent Petry 8 years ago
No account linked to committer's email address

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lib/private/SystemTag/SystemTagManager.php View File

@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canUserAssignTag(ISystemTag $tag, IUser $user) {
// early check to avoid unneeded group lookups
if ($tag->isUserAssignable() && $tag->isUserVisible()) {
return true;
@@ -345,6 +346,18 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {
return true;

if (!$tag->isUserVisible()) {
return false;

$groupIds = $this->groupManager->getUserGroupIds($user->getUID());
if (!empty($groupIds)) {
$matchingGroups = array_intersect($groupIds, $this->getTagGroups($tag));
if (!empty($matchingGroups)) {
return true;

return false;

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tests/lib/SystemTag/SystemTagManagerTest.php View File

@@ -449,31 +449,51 @@ class SystemTagManagerTest extends TestCase {

public function assignabilityCheckProvider() {
return [
// no groups
[false, false, false, false],
[true, false, false, false],
[true, true, false, true],
[false, true, false, false],
// admin rulez
[false, false, true, true],
[false, true, true, true],
[true, false, true, true],
[true, true, true, true],
// ignored groups
[false, false, false, false, ['group1'], ['group1']],
[true, true, false, true, ['group1'], ['group1']],
[true, true, false, true, ['group1'], ['anothergroup']],
[false, true, false, false, ['group1'], ['group1']],
// admin has precedence over groups
[false, false, true, true, ['group1'], ['anothergroup']],
[false, true, true, true, ['group1'], ['anothergroup']],
[true, false, true, true, ['group1'], ['anothergroup']],
[true, true, true, true, ['group1'], ['anothergroup']],
// groups only checked when visible and user non-assignable and non-admin
[true, false, false, false, ['group1'], ['anothergroup1']],
[true, false, false, true, ['group1'], ['group1']],
[true, false, false, true, ['group1', 'group2'], ['group2', 'group3']],

* @dataProvider assignabilityCheckProvider
public function testAssignabilityCheck($userVisible, $userAssignable, $isAdmin, $expectedResult) {
public function testAssignabilityCheck($userVisible, $userAssignable, $isAdmin, $expectedResult, $userGroupIds = [], $tagGroupIds = []) {
$user = $this->getMockBuilder('\OCP\IUser')->getMock();
$tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', $userVisible, $userAssignable);
$this->tagManager->setTagGroups($tag1, $tagGroupIds);


$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $this->tagManager->canUserAssignTag($tag1, $user));
