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Dispatch events when tags are added/updated/deleted

Joas Schilling 8 years ago

+ 2
- 1
lib/private/systemtag/managerfactory.php View File

@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ class ManagerFactory implements ISystemTagManagerFactory {
public function getManager() {
return new SystemTagManager(

+ 60
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lib/private/systemtag/systemtagmanager.php View File

@@ -26,17 +26,20 @@ use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
use OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager;
use OCP\SystemTag\ManagerEvent;
use OCP\SystemTag\TagAlreadyExistsException;
use OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;

class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {

const TAG_TABLE = 'systemtag';

* @var IDBConnection
private $connection;
/** @var IDBConnection */
protected $connection;

/** @var EventDispatcherInterface */
protected $dispatcher;

* Prepared query for selecting tags directly
@@ -46,12 +49,14 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {
private $selectTagQuery;

* Constructor.
* @param IDBConnection $connection database connection
public function __construct(IDBConnection $connection) {
* Constructor.
* @param IDBConnection $connection database connection
* @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher
public function __construct(IDBConnection $connection, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher) {
$this->connection = $connection;
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;

$query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
$this->selectTagQuery = $query->select('*')
@@ -190,14 +195,20 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {

$tagId = $this->connection->lastInsertId('*PREFIX*' . self::TAG_TABLE);
$tagId = $query->getLastInsertId();

return new SystemTag(
$tag = new SystemTag(

$this->dispatcher->dispatch(ManagerEvent::EVENT_CREATE, new ManagerEvent(
ManagerEvent::EVENT_CREATE, $tag

return $tag;

@@ -207,6 +218,22 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {
$userVisible = (int)$userVisible;
$userAssignable = (int)$userAssignable;

try {
$tags = $this->getTagsByIds($tagId);
} catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
throw new TagNotFoundException(
'Tag does not exist', 0, null, [$tagId]

$beforeUpdate = array_shift($tags);
$afterUpdate = new SystemTag(
(int) $tagId,
(bool) $userVisible,
(bool) $userAssignable

$query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
->set('name', $query->createParameter('name'))
@@ -231,6 +258,10 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {

$this->dispatcher->dispatch(ManagerEvent::EVENT_UPDATE, new ManagerEvent(
ManagerEvent::EVENT_UPDATE, $afterUpdate, $beforeUpdate

@@ -242,10 +273,21 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {

$tagNotFoundException = null;
$tags = [];
try {
$tags = $this->getTagsByIds($tagIds);
} catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
$tagNotFoundException = $e;

// Get existing tag objects for the hooks later
$existingTags = array_diff($tagIds, $tagNotFoundException->getMissingTags());
if (!empty($existingTags)) {
try {
$tags = $this->getTagsByIds($existingTags);
} catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
// Ignore further errors...

// delete relationships first
@@ -261,6 +303,12 @@ class SystemTagManager implements ISystemTagManager {
->setParameter('tagids', $tagIds, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)

foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(ManagerEvent::EVENT_DELETE, new ManagerEvent(
ManagerEvent::EVENT_DELETE, $tag

if ($tagNotFoundException !== null) {
throw new TagNotFoundException(
'Tag id(s) not found', 0, $tagNotFoundException, $tagNotFoundException->getMissingTags()

+ 85
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lib/public/systemtag/managerevent.php View File

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* @author Joas Schilling <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
* @license AGPL-3.0
* This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* along with this program. If not, see <>

namespace OCP\SystemTag;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

* Class ManagerEvent
* @package OCP\SystemTag
* @since 9.0.0
class ManagerEvent extends Event {

const EVENT_CREATE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::createTag';
const EVENT_UPDATE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::updateTag';
const EVENT_DELETE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::deleteTag';

/** @var string */
protected $event;
/** @var ISystemTag */
protected $tag;
/** @var ISystemTag */
protected $beforeTag;

* DispatcherEvent constructor.
* @param string $event
* @param ISystemTag $tag
* @param ISystemTag $beforeTag
* @since 9.0.0
public function __construct($event, ISystemTag $tag, ISystemTag $beforeTag = null) {
$this->event = $event;
$this->tag = $tag;
$this->beforeTag = $beforeTag;

* @return string
* @since 9.0.0
public function getEvent() {
return $this->event;

* @return ISystemTag
* @since 9.0.0
public function getTag() {
return $this->tag;

* @return ISystemTag
* @since 9.0.0
public function getTagBefore() {
if ($this->event !== self::EVENT_UPDATE) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('getTagBefore is only available on the update Event');
return $this->beforeTag;

+ 14
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tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagmanagertest.php View File

@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagObjectMapper;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
use OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTag;
use OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Test\TestCase;

@@ -35,11 +36,23 @@ class SystemTagManagerTest extends TestCase {
private $connection;

* @var EventDispatcherInterface
private $dispatcher;

public function setUp() {

$this->connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
$this->tagManager = new SystemTagManager($this->connection);

$this->dispatcher = $this->getMockBuilder('Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface')

$this->tagManager = new SystemTagManager(
