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only collect detailed access list if it is really needed

Signed-off-by: Bjoern Schiessle <>
Bjoern Schiessle 7 years ago
No account linked to committer's email address

+ 9
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apps/encryption/lib/Crypto/Encryption.php View File

@@ -569,4 +569,13 @@ class Encryption implements IEncryptionModule {
public function isReadyForUser($user) {
return $this->keyManager->userHasKeys($user);

* We only need a detailed access list if the master key is not enabled
* @return bool
public function needDetailedAccessList() {
return !$this->util->isMasterKeyEnabled();

+ 9
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lib/private/Encryption/Update.php View File

@@ -168,6 +168,14 @@ class Update {
public function update($path) {

$encryptionModule = $this->encryptionManager->getEncryptionModule();

// if the encryption module doesn't encrypt the files on a per-user basis
// we have nothing to do here.
if ($encryptionModule->needDetailedAccessList() === false) {

// if a folder was shared, get a list of all (sub-)folders
if ($this->view->is_dir($path)) {
$allFiles = $this->util->getAllFiles($path);
@@ -175,7 +183,7 @@ class Update {
$allFiles = array($path);

$encryptionModule = $this->encryptionManager->getEncryptionModule();

foreach ($allFiles as $file) {
$usersSharing = $this->file->getAccessList($file);

+ 4
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lib/private/Files/Stream/Encryption.php View File

@@ -254,7 +254,10 @@ class Encryption extends Wrapper {
$sharePath = dirname($sharePath);

$accessList = $this->file->getAccessList($sharePath);
$accessList = [];
if ($this->encryptionModule->needDetailedAccessList()) {
$accessList = $this->file->getAccessList($sharePath);
$this->newHeader = $this->encryptionModule->begin($this->fullPath, $this->uid, $mode, $this->header, $accessList);

if (

+ 10
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lib/public/Encryption/IEncryptionModule.php View File

@@ -182,4 +182,14 @@ interface IEncryptionModule {
public function isReadyForUser($user);

* Does the encryption module needs a detailed list of users with access to the file?
* For example if the encryption module uses per-user encryption keys and needs to know
* the users with access to the file to encrypt/decrypt it.
* @since 13.0.0
* @return bool
public function needDetailedAccessList();

