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Version and dependency are now required

Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
Joas Schilling 7 лет назад
Аккаунт пользователя с таким Email не найден

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core/Command/App/CheckCode.php Просмотреть файл

@@ -146,11 +146,7 @@ class CheckCode extends Command implements CompletionAwareInterface {

$infoChecker->listen('InfoChecker', 'missingRequirement', function($minMax) use ($output) {
$output->writeln("<comment>Nextcloud $minMax version requirement missing (will be an error in Nextcloud 12 and later)</comment>");

$infoChecker->listen('InfoChecker', 'duplicateRequirement', function($minMax) use ($output) {
$output->writeln("<error>Duplicate $minMax ownCloud version requirement found</error>");
$output->writeln("<error>Nextcloud $minMax version requirement missing</error>");

$infoChecker->listen('InfoChecker', 'differentVersions', function($versionFile, $infoXML) use ($output) {
@@ -162,7 +158,7 @@ class CheckCode extends Command implements CompletionAwareInterface {

$infoChecker->listen('InfoChecker', 'migrateVersion', function($version) use ($output) {
$output->writeln("<info>Migrate the app version to appinfo/info.xml (add <version>$version</version> to appinfo/info.xml and remove appinfo/version)</info>");
$output->writeln("<error>Migrate the app version to appinfo/info.xml (add <version>$version</version> to appinfo/info.xml and remove appinfo/version)</error>");

if(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $output->getVerbosity()) {

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lib/private/App/CodeChecker/InfoChecker.php Просмотреть файл

@@ -34,15 +34,16 @@ class InfoChecker extends BasicEmitter {
private $mandatoryFields = [
private $optionalFields = [
'dependencies', // TODO: Mandatory as of ownCloud 11
@@ -50,7 +51,6 @@ class InfoChecker extends BasicEmitter {
private $deprecatedFields = [
@@ -80,29 +80,19 @@ class InfoChecker extends BasicEmitter {

$info = $this->infoParser->parse($appPath . '/appinfo/info.xml');

if (isset($info['dependencies']['owncloud']['@attributes']['min-version']) && (isset($info['requiremin']) || isset($info['require']))) {
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'duplicateRequirement', ['min']);
if (!isset($info['dependencies']['nextcloud']['@attributes']['min-version'])) {
$errors[] = [
'type' => 'duplicateRequirement',
'type' => 'missingRequirement',
'field' => 'min',
} else if (
!isset($info['dependencies']['owncloud']['@attributes']['min-version']) &&
) {
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'missingRequirement', ['min']);

if (isset($info['dependencies']['owncloud']['@attributes']['max-version']) && isset($info['requiremax'])) {
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'duplicateRequirement', ['max']);
if (!isset($info['dependencies']['nextcloud']['@attributes']['max-version'])) {
$errors[] = [
'type' => 'duplicateRequirement',
'type' => 'missingRequirement',
'field' => 'max',
} else if (
!isset($info['dependencies']['owncloud']['@attributes']['max-version']) &&
) {
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'missingRequirement', ['max']);

@@ -145,21 +135,7 @@ class InfoChecker extends BasicEmitter {
$versionFile = $appPath . '/appinfo/version';
if (is_file($versionFile)) {
$version = trim(file_get_contents($versionFile));
if (isset($info['version'])) {
if($info['version'] !== $version) {
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'differentVersions',
[$version, $info['version']]);
$errors[] = [
'type' => 'differentVersions',
'message' => 'appinfo/version: ' . $version .
' - appinfo/info.xml: ' . $info['version'],
} else {
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'sameVersions', [$versionFile]);
} else {
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'migrateVersion', [$version]);
$this->emit('InfoChecker', 'migrateVersion', [$version]);

return $errors;

tests/apps/testapp-infoxml-version-different/appinfo/info.xml → tests/apps/testapp-dependency-missing/appinfo/info.xml Просмотреть файл

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tests/apps/testapp-infoxml-version-different/appinfo/version Просмотреть файл

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

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tests/apps/testapp-infoxml-version/appinfo/info.xml Просмотреть файл

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<description>A b c</description>
<name>Test app</name>

+ 0
- 1
tests/apps/testapp-infoxml-version/appinfo/version Просмотреть файл

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 3
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tests/apps/testapp-infoxml/appinfo/info.xml Просмотреть файл

@@ -6,4 +6,7 @@
<description>A b c</description>
<name>Test app</name>
<nextcloud min-version="12.0" max-version="12.0"/>

+ 3
- 0
tests/apps/testapp-name-missing/appinfo/info.xml Просмотреть файл

@@ -5,4 +5,7 @@
<description>A b c</description>
<nextcloud min-version="12.0" max-version="12.0"/>

+ 0
- 8
tests/apps/testapp-version-missing/appinfo/info.xml Просмотреть файл

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<description>A b c</description>
<name>Test app</name>

+ 3
- 0
tests/apps/testapp-version/appinfo/info.xml Просмотреть файл

@@ -5,4 +5,7 @@
<description>A b c</description>
<name>Test app</name>
<nextcloud min-version="12.0" max-version="12.0"/>

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tests/lib/App/CodeChecker/InfoCheckerTest.php Просмотреть файл

@@ -50,10 +50,12 @@ class InfoCheckerTest extends TestCase {
public function appInfoData() {
return [
['testapp-infoxml', []],
['testapp-version', []],
['testapp-infoxml-version', []],
['testapp-infoxml-version-different', [['type' => 'differentVersions', 'message' => 'appinfo/version: 1.2.4 - appinfo/info.xml: 1.2.3']]],
['testapp-version-missing', []],
['testapp-version', [['type' => 'mandatoryFieldMissing', 'field' => 'version']]],
['testapp-dependency-missing', [
['type' => 'missingRequirement', 'field' => 'min'],
['type' => 'missingRequirement', 'field' => 'max'],
['type' => 'mandatoryFieldMissing', 'field' => 'dependencies'],
['testapp-name-missing', [['type' => 'mandatoryFieldMissing', 'field' => 'name']]],
