

Signed-off-by: Bowen Ding <dbw9580@live.com>
Signed-off-by: szaimen <szaimen@e.mail.de>
szaimen 1 年之前

+ 5
- 0
apps/settings/lib/Controller/CheckSetupController.php 查看文件

@@ -717,6 +717,11 @@ Raw output
$recommendedPHPModules[] = 'intl';

if (!extension_loaded('sysvsem')) {
// used to limit the usage of resources by preview generator
$recommendedPHPModules[] = 'sysvsem';

if (!defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2I') && PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {
// Installing php-sodium on >=php7.4 will provide PASSWORD_ARGON2I
// on previous version argon2 wasn't part of the "standard" extension

+ 22
- 0
config/config.sample.php 查看文件

@@ -1118,6 +1118,28 @@ $CONFIG = [
* Defaults to ``true``
'enable_previews' => true,

* Number of all preview requests being processed concurrently,
* including previews that need to be newly generated, and those that have
* been generated.
* This should be greater than 'preview_concurrency_new'.
* If unspecified, defaults to twice the value of 'preview_concurrency_new'.
'preview_concurrency_all' => 8,

* Number of new previews that are being concurrently generated.
* Depending on the max preview size set by 'preview_max_x' and 'preview_max_y',
* the generation process can consume considerable CPU and memory resources.
* It's recommended to limit this to be no greater than the number of CPU cores.
* If unspecified, defaults to the number of CPU cores, or 4 if that cannot
* be determined.
'preview_concurrency_new' => 4,

* The maximum width, in pixels, of a preview. A value of ``null`` means there
* is no limit.

+ 125
- 20
lib/private/Preview/Generator.php 查看文件

@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;

class Generator {
public const SEMAPHORE_ID_ALL = 0x0a11;
public const SEMAPHORE_ID_NEW = 0x07ea;

/** @var IPreview */
private $previewManager;
@@ -302,6 +304,98 @@ class Generator {
throw new NotFoundException('No provider successfully handled the preview generation');

* Acquire a semaphore of the specified id and concurrency, blocking if necessary.
* Return an identifier of the semaphore on success, which can be used to release it via
* {@see Generator::unguardWithSemaphore()}.
* @param int $semId
* @param int $concurrency
* @return false|resource the semaphore on success or false on failure
public static function guardWithSemaphore(int $semId, int $concurrency) {
if (!extension_loaded('sysvsem')) {
return false;
$sem = sem_get($semId, $concurrency);
if ($sem === false) {
return false;
if (!sem_acquire($sem)) {
return false;
return $sem;

* Releases the semaphore acquired from {@see Generator::guardWithSemaphore()}.
* @param resource|bool $semId the semaphore identifier returned by guardWithSemaphore
* @return bool
public static function unguardWithSemaphore($semId): bool {
if (!is_resource($semId) || !extension_loaded('sysvsem')) {
return false;
return sem_release($semId);

* Get the number of concurrent threads supported by the host.
* @return int number of concurrent threads, or 0 if it cannot be determined
public static function getHardwareConcurrency(): int {
static $width;
if (!isset($width)) {
if (is_file("/proc/cpuinfo")) {
$width = substr_count(file_get_contents("/proc/cpuinfo"), "processor");
} else {
$width = 0;
return $width;

* Get number of concurrent preview generations from system config
* Two config entries, `preview_concurrency_new` and `preview_concurrency_all`,
* are available. If not set, the default values are determined with the hardware concurrency
* of the host. In case the hardware concurrency cannot be determined, or the user sets an
* invalid value, fallback values are:
* For new images whose previews do not exist and need to be generated, 4;
* For all preview generation requests, 8.
* Value of `preview_concurrency_all` should be greater than or equal to that of
* `preview_concurrency_new`, otherwise, the latter is returned.
* @param string $type either `preview_concurrency_new` or `preview_concurrency_all`
* @return int number of concurrent preview generations, or -1 if $type is invalid
public function getNumConcurrentPreviews(string $type): int {
static $cached = array();
if (array_key_exists($type, $cached)) {
return $cached[$type];

$hardwareConcurrency = self::getHardwareConcurrency();
switch ($type) {
case "preview_concurrency_all":
$fallback = $hardwareConcurrency > 0 ? $hardwareConcurrency * 2 : 8;
$concurrency_all = $this->config->getSystemValueInt($type, $fallback);
$concurrency_new = $this->getNumConcurrentPreviews("preview_concurrency_new");
$cached[$type] = max($concurrency_all, $concurrency_new);
case "preview_concurrency_new":
$fallback = $hardwareConcurrency > 0 ? $hardwareConcurrency : 4;
$cached[$type] = $this->config->getSystemValueInt($type, $fallback);
return -1;
return $cached[$type];

* @param ISimpleFolder $previewFolder
* @param File $file
@@ -340,7 +434,13 @@ class Generator {
$maxWidth = $this->config->getSystemValueInt('preview_max_x', 4096);
$maxHeight = $this->config->getSystemValueInt('preview_max_y', 4096);

$preview = $this->helper->getThumbnail($provider, $file, $maxWidth, $maxHeight);
$previewConcurrency = $this->getNumConcurrentPreviews('preview_concurrency_new');
$sem = self::guardWithSemaphore(self::SEMAPHORE_ID_NEW, $previewConcurrency);
try {
$preview = $this->helper->getThumbnail($provider, $file, $maxWidth, $maxHeight);
} finally {

if (!($preview instanceof IImage)) {
@@ -510,29 +610,34 @@ class Generator {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Failed to generate preview, failed to load image');

if ($crop) {
if ($height !== $preview->height() && $width !== $preview->width()) {
$widthR = $preview->width() / $width;
$heightR = $preview->height() / $height;

if ($widthR > $heightR) {
$scaleH = $height;
$scaleW = $maxWidth / $heightR;
} else {
$scaleH = $maxHeight / $widthR;
$scaleW = $width;
$previewConcurrency = $this->getNumConcurrentPreviews('preview_concurrency_new');
$sem = self::guardWithSemaphore(self::SEMAPHORE_ID_NEW, $previewConcurrency);
try {
if ($crop) {
if ($height !== $preview->height() && $width !== $preview->width()) {
$widthR = $preview->width() / $width;
$heightR = $preview->height() / $height;

if ($widthR > $heightR) {
$scaleH = $height;
$scaleW = $maxWidth / $heightR;
} else {
$scaleH = $maxHeight / $widthR;
$scaleW = $width;
$preview = $preview->preciseResizeCopy((int)round($scaleW), (int)round($scaleH));
$preview = $preview->preciseResizeCopy((int)round($scaleW), (int)round($scaleH));
$cropX = (int)floor(abs($width - $preview->width()) * 0.5);
$cropY = (int)floor(abs($height - $preview->height()) * 0.5);
$preview = $preview->cropCopy($cropX, $cropY, $width, $height);
} else {
$preview = $maxPreview->resizeCopy(max($width, $height));
$cropX = (int)floor(abs($width - $preview->width()) * 0.5);
$cropY = (int)floor(abs($height - $preview->height()) * 0.5);
$preview = $preview->cropCopy($cropX, $cropY, $width, $height);
} else {
$preview = $maxPreview->resizeCopy(max($width, $height));
} finally {

$path = $this->generatePath($width, $height, $crop, $preview->dataMimeType(), $prefix);
try {
$file = $previewFolder->newFile($path);

+ 9
- 1
lib/private/PreviewManager.php 查看文件

@@ -182,7 +182,15 @@ class PreviewManager implements IPreview {
* @since 11.0.0 - \InvalidArgumentException was added in 12.0.0
public function getPreview(File $file, $width = -1, $height = -1, $crop = false, $mode = IPreview::MODE_FILL, $mimeType = null) {
return $this->getGenerator()->getPreview($file, $width, $height, $crop, $mode, $mimeType);
$previewConcurrency = $this->getGenerator()->getNumConcurrentPreviews('preview_concurrency_all');
$sem = Generator::guardWithSemaphore(Generator::SEMAPHORE_ID_ALL, $previewConcurrency);
try {
$preview = $this->getGenerator()->getPreview($file, $width, $height, $crop, $mode, $mimeType);
} finally {

return $preview;


+ 7
- 2
tests/lib/Preview/GeneratorTest.php 查看文件

@@ -158,8 +158,13 @@ class GeneratorTest extends \Test\TestCase {

->willReturnCallback(function ($key, $defult) {
return $defult;
->willReturnCallback(function ($key, $default) {
return $default;

->willReturnCallback(function ($key, $default) {
return $default;

$invalidProvider = $this->createMock(IProviderV2::class);
