You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

.gitignore 392B

  1. # the default generated dir + db file
  2. data
  3. owncloud
  4. config/config.php
  5. # just sane ignores
  6. .*.sw[po]
  7. *.bak
  8. *.BAK
  9. *~
  10. *.orig
  11. *.class
  12. .cvsignore
  13. Thumbs.db
  14. *.py[co]
  15. _darcs/*
  16. CVS/*
  17. .svn/*
  18. RCS/*
  19. # kdevelop
  20. .kdev
  21. *.kdev4
  22. # Lokalize
  23. *lokalize*
  24. # eclipse
  25. .project
  26. .settings
  27. # netbeans
  28. nbproject
  29. # geany
  30. *.geany
  31. # Cloud9IDE
  32. .settings.xml
  33. # Mac OS
  34. .DS_Store
  35. # WebFinger
  36. .well-known
  37. /.buildpath