You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

.gitignore 1.6KB

  1. # the default generated dir + db file
  2. /data
  3. /owncloud
  4. /config/config.php
  5. /config/*.config.php
  6. /config/mount.php
  7. /apps/inc.php
  8. /assets
  9. # ignore all apps except core ones
  10. /apps*/*
  11. !/apps/files
  12. !/apps/files_encryption
  13. !/apps/encryption
  14. !/apps/encryption_dummy
  15. !/apps/files_external
  16. !/apps/files_sharing
  17. !/apps/files_trashbin
  18. !/apps/files_versions
  19. !/apps/user_ldap
  20. !/apps/user_webdavauth
  21. !apps/provisioning_api
  22. /apps/files_external/3rdparty/irodsphp/PHPUnitTest
  23. /apps/files_external/3rdparty/irodsphp/web
  24. /apps/files_external/3rdparty/irodsphp/prods/test
  25. /apps/files_external/3rdparty/irodsphp/prods/tutorials
  26. /apps/files_external/3rdparty/irodsphp/prods/test*
  27. /apps/files_external/tests/config.*.php
  28. # ignore themes except the example and the README
  29. /themes/*
  30. !/themes/example
  31. !/themes/README
  32. # just sane ignores
  33. .*.sw[po]
  34. *.bak
  35. *.BAK
  36. *~
  37. *.orig
  38. *.class
  39. .cvsignore
  40. Thumbs.db
  41. *.py[co]
  42. _darcs/*
  43. CVS/*
  44. .svn/*
  45. RCS/*
  46. *.backup*
  47. # kdevelop
  48. .kdev
  49. *.kdev4
  50. *.kate-swp
  51. # Lokalize
  52. *lokalize*
  53. # eclipse
  54. .project
  55. .settings
  56. # netbeans
  57. nbproject
  58. # phpStorm
  59. .idea
  60. *.iml
  61. # geany
  62. *.geany
  63. # Cloud9IDE
  64. .settings.xml
  65. .c9revisions
  66. # vim ex mode
  67. .vimrc
  68. # Mac OS
  69. .DS_Store
  70. # WebFinger
  71. .well-known
  72. /.buildpath
  73. # Tests
  74. /tests/phpunit.xml
  75. # Node Modules
  76. /build/node_modules/
  77. # nodejs
  78. /build/lib/
  79. /build/jsdocs/
  80. /npm-debug.log
  81. # puphpet
  82. puphpet
  83. # vagrant
  84. .vagrant
  85. Vagrantfile
  86. # Tests - auto-generated files
  87. /data-autotest
  88. /tests/coverage*
  89. /tests/karma-coverage
  90. /tests/autoconfig*
  91. /tests/autotest*
  92. /tests/data/lorem-copy.txt
  93. /tests/data/testimage-copy.png
  94. /config/config-autotest-backup.php
  95. /config/autoconfig.php