Lukas Reschke a977465af5 Add new CSRF manager for unit testing purposes
This adds a new CSRF manager for unit testing purposes, it's interface is based upon Due to some of our required custom changes it is however not possible to use the Symfony component directly.
2016-01-25 20:03:40 +01:00

430 lines
14 KiB

* @author Adam Williamson <>
* @author Bart Visscher <>
* @author Björn Schießle <>
* @author Brice Maron <>
* @author Frank Karlitschek <>
* @author Hendrik Leppelsack <>
* @author Individual IT Services <>
* @author Jakob Sack <>
* @author Joas Schilling <>
* @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <>
* @author Lukas Reschke <>
* @author Morris Jobke <>
* @author Raghu Nayyar <>
* @author Robin Appelman <>
* @author Thomas Müller <>
* @author Vincent Petry <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
* @license AGPL-3.0
* This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* along with this program. If not, see <>
require_once __DIR__.'/template/functions.php';
* This class provides the templates for ownCloud.
class OC_Template extends \OC\Template\Base {
/** @var string */
private $renderAs; // Create a full page?
/** @var string */
private $path; // The path to the template
/** @var array */
private $headers = array(); //custom headers
/** @var string */
protected $app; // app id
* Constructor
* @param string $app app providing the template
* @param string $name of the template file (without suffix)
* @param string $renderAs = ""; produce a full page
* @param bool $registerCall = true
* @return OC_Template object
* This function creates an OC_Template object.
* If $renderAs is set, OC_Template will try to produce a full page in the
* according layout. For now, $renderAs can be set to "guest", "user" or
* "admin".
protected static $initTemplateEngineFirstRun = true;
public function __construct( $app, $name, $renderAs = "", $registerCall = true ) {
// Read the selected theme from the config file
$theme = OC_Util::getTheme();
$requestToken = (OC::$server->getSession() && $registerCall) ? \OCP\Util::callRegister() : '';
$parts = explode('/', $app); // fix translation when app is something like core/lostpassword
$l10n = \OC::$server->getL10N($parts[0]);
$themeDefaults = new OC_Defaults();
list($path, $template) = $this->findTemplate($theme, $app, $name);
// Set the private data
$this->renderAs = $renderAs;
$this->path = $path;
$this->app = $app;
parent::__construct($template, $requestToken, $l10n, $themeDefaults);
public static function initTemplateEngine($renderAs) {
if (self::$initTemplateEngineFirstRun){
//apps that started before the template initialization can load their own scripts/styles
//so to make sure this scripts/styles here are loaded first we use OC_Util::addScript() with $prepend=true
//meaning the last script/style in this list will be loaded first
if (\OC::$server->getSystemConfig()->getValue ('installed', false) && $renderAs !== 'error' && !\OCP\Util::needUpgrade()) {
if (\OC::$server->getConfig ()->getAppValue ( 'core', 'backgroundjobs_mode', 'ajax' ) == 'ajax') {
OC_Util::addScript ( 'backgroundjobs', null, true );
// avatars
if (\OC::$server->getSystemConfig()->getValue('enable_avatars', true) === true) {
\OC_Util::addScript('jquery.avatar', null, true);
\OC_Util::addScript('placeholder', null, true);
OC_Util::addScript('oc-backbone', null, true);
OC_Util::addVendorScript('core', 'backbone/backbone', true);
OC_Util::addVendorScript('snapjs/dist/latest/snap', null, true);
OC_Util::addScript('mimetypelist', null, true);
OC_Util::addScript('mimetype', null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("apps", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("oc-requesttoken", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript('search', 'search', true);
OC_Util::addScript("config", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("eventsource", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("octemplate", null, true);
OC_Util::addTranslations("core", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("l10n", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("js", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("oc-dialogs", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("jquery.ocdialog", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("compatibility", null, true);
OC_Util::addScript("placeholders", null, true);
// Add the stuff we need always
// following logic will import all vendor libraries that are
// specified in core/js/core.json
$fileContent = file_get_contents(OC::$SERVERROOT . '/core/js/core.json');
if($fileContent !== false) {
$coreDependencies = json_decode($fileContent, true);
foreach(array_reverse($coreDependencies['vendor']) as $vendorLibrary) {
// remove trailing ".js" as addVendorScript will append it
substr($vendorLibrary, 0, strlen($vendorLibrary) - 3),null,true);
} else {
throw new \Exception('Cannot read core/js/core.json');
if (\OC::$server->getRequest()->isUserAgent([\OC\AppFramework\Http\Request::USER_AGENT_IE])) {
// polyfill for btoa/atob for IE friends
// shim for the davclient.js library
self::$initTemplateEngineFirstRun = false;
* find the template with the given name
* @param string $name of the template file (without suffix)
* Will select the template file for the selected theme.
* Checking all the possible locations.
* @param string $theme
* @param string $app
* @return array
protected function findTemplate($theme, $app, $name) {
// Check if it is a app template or not.
if( $app !== '' ) {
$dirs = $this->getAppTemplateDirs($theme, $app, OC::$SERVERROOT, OC_App::getAppPath($app));
} else {
$dirs = $this->getCoreTemplateDirs($theme, OC::$SERVERROOT);
$locator = new \OC\Template\TemplateFileLocator( $dirs );
$template = $locator->find($name);
$path = $locator->getPath();
return array($path, $template);
* Add a custom element to the header
* @param string $tag tag name of the element
* @param array $attributes array of attributes for the element
* @param string $text the text content for the element. If $text is null then the
* element will be written as empty element. So use "" to get a closing tag.
public function addHeader($tag, $attributes, $text=null) {
$this->headers[]= array(
'tag' => $tag,
'attributes' => $attributes,
'text' => $text
* Process the template
* @return boolean|string
* This function process the template. If $this->renderAs is set, it
* will produce a full page.
public function fetchPage() {
$data = parent::fetchPage();
if( $this->renderAs ) {
$page = new \OC\TemplateLayout($this->renderAs, $this->app);
// Add custom headers
$headers = '';
foreach(OC_Util::$headers as $header) {
$headers .= '<'.\OCP\Util::sanitizeHTML($header['tag']);
foreach($header['attributes'] as $name=>$value) {
$headers .= ' '.\OCP\Util::sanitizeHTML($name).'="'.\OCP\Util::sanitizeHTML($value).'"';
if ($header['text'] !== null) {
$headers .= '>'.\OCP\Util::sanitizeHTML($header['text']).'</'.\OCP\Util::sanitizeHTML($header['tag']).'>';
} else {
$headers .= '/>';
$page->assign('headers', $headers);
$page->assign('content', $data);
return $page->fetchPage();
return $data;
* Include template
* @param string $file
* @param array|null $additionalParams
* @return string returns content of included template
* Includes another template. use <?php echo $this->inc('template'); ?> to
* do this.
public function inc( $file, $additionalParams = null ) {
return $this->load($this->path.$file.'.php', $additionalParams);
* Shortcut to print a simple page for users
* @param string $application The application we render the template for
* @param string $name Name of the template
* @param array $parameters Parameters for the template
* @return boolean|null
public static function printUserPage( $application, $name, $parameters = array() ) {
$content = new OC_Template( $application, $name, "user" );
foreach( $parameters as $key => $value ) {
$content->assign( $key, $value );
print $content->printPage();
* Shortcut to print a simple page for admins
* @param string $application The application we render the template for
* @param string $name Name of the template
* @param array $parameters Parameters for the template
* @return bool
public static function printAdminPage( $application, $name, $parameters = array() ) {
$content = new OC_Template( $application, $name, "admin" );
foreach( $parameters as $key => $value ) {
$content->assign( $key, $value );
return $content->printPage();
* Shortcut to print a simple page for guests
* @param string $application The application we render the template for
* @param string $name Name of the template
* @param array|string $parameters Parameters for the template
* @return bool
public static function printGuestPage( $application, $name, $parameters = array() ) {
$content = new OC_Template( $application, $name, "guest" );
foreach( $parameters as $key => $value ) {
$content->assign( $key, $value );
return $content->printPage();
* Print a fatal error page and terminates the script
* @param string $error_msg The error message to show
* @param string $hint An optional hint message - needs to be properly escaped
public static function printErrorPage( $error_msg, $hint = '' ) {
try {
$content = new \OC_Template( '', 'error', 'error', false );
$errors = array(array('error' => $error_msg, 'hint' => $hint));
$content->assign( 'errors', $errors );
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$logger = \OC::$server->getLogger();
$logger->error("$error_msg $hint", ['app' => 'core']);
$logger->logException($e, ['app' => 'core']);
header(self::getHttpProtocol() . ' 500 Internal Server Error');
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
print("$error_msg $hint");
* print error page using Exception details
* @param Exception $exception
public static function printExceptionErrorPage($exception) {
try {
$request = \OC::$server->getRequest();
$content = new \OC_Template('', 'exception', 'error', false);
$content->assign('errorClass', get_class($exception));
$content->assign('errorMsg', $exception->getMessage());
$content->assign('errorCode', $exception->getCode());
$content->assign('file', $exception->getFile());
$content->assign('line', $exception->getLine());
$content->assign('trace', $exception->getTraceAsString());
$content->assign('debugMode', \OC::$server->getSystemConfig()->getValue('debug', false));
$content->assign('remoteAddr', $request->getRemoteAddress());
$content->assign('requestID', $request->getId());
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$logger = \OC::$server->getLogger();
$logger->logException($exception, ['app' => 'core']);
$logger->logException($e, ['app' => 'core']);
header(self::getHttpProtocol() . ' 500 Internal Server Error');
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
print("Internal Server Error\n\n");
print("The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.\n");
print("Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.\n");
print("More details can be found in the server log.\n");
* This is only here to reduce the dependencies in case of an exception to
* still be able to print a plain error message.
* Returns the used HTTP protocol.
* @return string HTTP protocol. HTTP/2, HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0.
* @internal Don't use this - use AppFramework\Http\Request->getHttpProtocol instead
protected static function getHttpProtocol() {
$claimedProtocol = strtoupper($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']);
$validProtocols = [
if(in_array($claimedProtocol, $validProtocols, true)) {
return $claimedProtocol;
return 'HTTP/1.1';
* @return bool
public static function isAssetPipelineEnabled() {
try {
if (\OCP\Util::needUpgrade()) {
// Don't use the compiled asset when we need to do an update
return false;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Catch any exception, because this code is also called when displaying
// an exception error page.
return false;
// asset management enabled?
$config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
$useAssetPipeline = $config->getSystemValue('asset-pipeline.enabled', false);
if (!$useAssetPipeline) {
return false;
// assets folder exists?
$assetDir = $config->getSystemValue('assetdirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT) . '/assets';
if (!is_dir($assetDir)) {
if (!mkdir($assetDir)) {
"Folder <$assetDir> does not exist and/or could not be generated.", \OCP\Util::ERROR);
return false;
// assets folder can be accessed?
if (!touch($assetDir."/.oc")) {
"Folder <$assetDir> could not be accessed.", \OCP\Util::ERROR);
return false;
return $useAssetPipeline;