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admin.php 1016B

  1. <?php OCP\Util::addScript('files', 'admin'); ?>
  2. <div class="section">
  3. <h2><?php p($l->t('File handling')); ?></h2>
  4. <label for="maxUploadSize"><?php p($l->t( 'Maximum upload size' )); ?> </label>
  5. <span id="maxUploadSizeSettingsMsg" class="msg"></span>
  6. <br />
  7. <input type="text" name='maxUploadSize' id="maxUploadSize" value='<?php p($_['uploadMaxFilesize']) ?>' <?php if(!$_['uploadChangable']) { p('disabled'); } ?> />
  8. <?php if($_['displayMaxPossibleUploadSize']):?>
  9. (<?php p($l->t('max. possible: ')); p($_['maxPossibleUploadSize']) ?>)
  10. <?php endif;?>
  11. <input type="hidden" value="<?php p($_['requesttoken']); ?>" name="requesttoken" />
  12. <?php if($_['uploadChangable']): ?>
  13. <input type="submit" id="submitMaxUpload"
  14. value="<?php p($l->t( 'Save' )); ?>"/>
  15. <p><em><?php p($l->t('With PHP-FPM it might take 5 minutes for changes to be applied.')); ?></em></p>
  16. <?php else: ?>
  17. <p><em><?php p($l->t('Missing permissions to edit from here.')); ?></em></p>
  18. <?php endif; ?>
  19. </div>