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mimetypemapping.dist.json 6.1KB

  1. {
  2. "_comment" : "Array mapping file extensions to mimetypes (in alphabetical order]",
  3. "_comment2": "The first index in the mime type array is the assumed correct mimetype",
  4. "_comment3": "and the second (if present] is a secure alternative",
  5. "_comment4": "Any changes you make here will be overwritten on an update of ownCloud",
  6. "_comment5": "Put any custom mappings in a new file mimetypemapping.json in this directory",
  7. "3gp": ["video/3gpp"],
  8. "7z": ["application/x-7z-compressed"],
  9. "accdb": ["application/msaccess"],
  10. "ai": ["application/illustrator"],
  11. "apk": ["application/"],
  12. "arw": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  13. "avi": ["video/x-msvideo"],
  14. "bash": ["text/x-shellscript"],
  15. "blend": ["application/x-blender"],
  16. "bin": ["application/x-bin"],
  17. "bmp": ["image/bmp"],
  18. "bpg": ["image/bpg"],
  19. "cb7": ["application/x-cbr"],
  20. "cba": ["application/x-cbr"],
  21. "cbr": ["application/x-cbr"],
  22. "cbt": ["application/x-cbr"],
  23. "cbtc": ["application/x-cbr"],
  24. "cbz": ["application/x-cbr"],
  25. "cc": ["text/x-c"],
  26. "cdr": ["application/coreldraw"],
  27. "cnf": ["text/plain"],
  28. "conf": ["text/plain"],
  29. "cpp": ["text/x-c++src"],
  30. "cr2": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  31. "css": ["text/css"],
  32. "csv": ["text/csv"],
  33. "cvbdl": ["application/x-cbr"],
  34. "c": ["text/x-c"],
  35. "c++": ["text/x-c++src"],
  36. "dcr": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  37. "deb": ["application/x-deb"],
  38. "dng": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  39. "doc": ["application/msword"],
  40. "docm": ["application/"],
  41. "docx": ["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"],
  42. "dot": ["application/msword"],
  43. "dotx": ["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"],
  44. "dv": ["video/dv"],
  45. "eot": ["application/"],
  46. "epub": ["application/epub+zip"],
  47. "eps": ["application/postscript"],
  48. "erf": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  49. "exe": ["application/x-ms-dos-executable"],
  50. "flac": ["audio/flac"],
  51. "flv": ["video/x-flv"],
  52. "gif": ["image/gif"],
  53. "gz": ["application/x-gzip"],
  54. "gzip": ["application/x-gzip"],
  55. "h": ["text/x-h"],
  56. "hh": ["text/x-h"],
  57. "html": ["text/html", "text/plain"],
  58. "htm": ["text/html", "text/plain"],
  59. "ical": ["text/calendar"],
  60. "ics": ["text/calendar"],
  61. "iiq": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  62. "impress": ["text/impress"],
  63. "jpeg": ["image/jpeg"],
  64. "jpg": ["image/jpeg"],
  65. "jps": ["image/jpeg"],
  66. "js": ["application/javascript", "text/plain"],
  67. "json": ["application/json", "text/plain"],
  68. "k25": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  69. "kdc": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  70. "key": ["application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey"],
  71. "keynote": ["application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey"],
  72. "kra": ["application/x-krita"],
  73. "m2t": ["video/mp2t"],
  74. "m4v": ["video/mp4"],
  75. "markdown": ["text/markdown"],
  76. "mdown": ["text/markdown"],
  77. "md": ["text/markdown"],
  78. "mdb": ["application/msaccess"],
  79. "mdwn": ["text/markdown"],
  80. "mkd": ["text/markdown"],
  81. "mef": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  82. "mkv": ["video/x-matroska"],
  83. "mobi": ["application/x-mobipocket-ebook"],
  84. "mov": ["video/quicktime"],
  85. "mp3": ["audio/mpeg"],
  86. "mp4": ["video/mp4"],
  87. "mpeg": ["video/mpeg"],
  88. "mpg": ["video/mpeg"],
  89. "mpo": ["image/jpeg"],
  90. "msi": ["application/x-msi"],
  91. "mts": ["video/MP2T"],
  92. "mt2s": ["video/MP2T"],
  93. "nef": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  94. "numbers": ["application/x-iwork-numbers-sffnumbers"],
  95. "odf": ["application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula"],
  96. "odg": ["application/"],
  97. "odp": ["application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation"],
  98. "ods": ["application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"],
  99. "odt": ["application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"],
  100. "oga": ["audio/ogg"],
  101. "ogg": ["audio/ogg"],
  102. "ogv": ["video/ogg"],
  103. "opus": ["audio/ogg"],
  104. "orf": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  105. "otf": ["application/font-sfnt"],
  106. "pages": ["application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages"],
  107. "pdf": ["application/pdf"],
  108. "pfb": ["application/x-font"],
  109. "pef": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  110. "php": ["application/x-php"],
  111. "pl": ["application/x-perl"],
  112. "png": ["image/png"],
  113. "pot": ["application/"],
  114. "potm": ["application/"],
  115. "potx": ["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template"],
  116. "ppa": ["application/"],
  117. "ppam": ["application/"],
  118. "pps": ["application/"],
  119. "ppsm": ["application/"],
  120. "ppsx": ["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"],
  121. "ppt": ["application/"],
  122. "pptm": ["application/"],
  123. "pptx": ["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"],
  124. "ps": ["application/postscript"],
  125. "psd": ["application/x-photoshop"],
  126. "py": ["text/x-python"],
  127. "raf": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  128. "rar": ["application/x-rar-compressed"],
  129. "reveal": ["text/reveal"],
  130. "rw2": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  131. "sgf": ["application/sgf"],
  132. "sh-lib": ["text/x-shellscript"],
  133. "sh": ["text/x-shellscript"],
  134. "srf": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  135. "sr2": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  136. "svg": ["image/svg+xml", "text/plain"],
  137. "swf": ["application/x-shockwave-flash", "application/octet-stream"],
  138. "tar": ["application/x-tar"],
  139. "tar.gz": ["application/x-compressed"],
  140. "tex": ["application/x-tex"],
  141. "tgz": ["application/x-compressed"],
  142. "tiff": ["image/tiff"],
  143. "tif": ["image/tiff"],
  144. "ttf": ["application/font-sfnt"],
  145. "txt": ["text/plain"],
  146. "vcard": ["text/vcard"],
  147. "vcf": ["text/vcard"],
  148. "vob": ["video/dvd"],
  149. "wav": ["audio/wav"],
  150. "webm": ["video/webm"],
  151. "woff": ["application/font-woff"],
  152. "wmv": ["video/x-ms-wmv"],
  153. "xcf": ["application/x-gimp"],
  154. "xla": ["application/"],
  155. "xlam": ["application/"],
  156. "xls": ["application/"],
  157. "xlsb": ["application/"],
  158. "xlsm": ["application/"],
  159. "xlsx": ["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"],
  160. "xlt": ["application/"],
  161. "xltm": ["application/"],
  162. "xltx": ["application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template"],
  163. "xml": ["application/xml", "text/plain"],
  164. "xrf": ["image/x-dcraw"],
  165. "yaml": ["application/yaml", "text/plain"],
  166. "yml": ["application/yaml", "text/plain"],
  167. "zip": ["application/zip"]
  168. }