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  1. /* *******************************************************************
  2. * Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
  3. * All rights reserved.
  4. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available
  5. * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v 2.0
  6. * which accompanies this distribution and is available at
  7. *
  8. *
  9. * ******************************************************************/
  10. package org.aspectj.ajde.core.tests.model;
  11. import;
  12. import org.aspectj.ajde.core.AjdeCoreTestCase;
  13. import org.aspectj.ajde.core.TestCompilerConfiguration;
  14. import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
  15. import org.aspectj.asm.IHierarchy;
  16. import org.aspectj.asm.IProgramElement;
  17. public class AsmDeclarationsTest extends AjdeCoreTestCase {
  18. // private AsmManager manager = null;
  19. private IHierarchy model = null;
  20. private final String[] files = new String[] { "", "pkg" + File.separator + "" };
  21. private TestCompilerConfiguration compilerConfig;
  22. protected void setUp() throws Exception {
  23. super.setUp();
  24. initialiseProject("coverage");
  25. compilerConfig = (TestCompilerConfiguration) getCompiler().getCompilerConfiguration();
  26. compilerConfig.setProjectSourceFiles(getSourceFileList(files));
  27. compilerConfig.setNonStandardOptions("-Xset:minimalModel=false");
  28. doBuild();
  29. // manager = AsmManager.lastActiveStructureModel;
  30. model = AsmManager.lastActiveStructureModel.getHierarchy();
  31. }
  32. protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
  33. super.tearDown();
  34. compilerConfig = null;
  35. model = null;
  36. }
  37. public void testRoot() {
  38. IProgramElement root = model.getRoot();
  39. assertNotNull(root);
  40. assertEquals("Expected root to be named 'coverage' but found " + root.toLabelString(), root.toLabelString(), "coverage");
  41. }
  42. public void testAspectAccessibility() {
  43. IProgramElement packageAspect = model.findElementForType(null, "AdviceNamingCoverage");
  44. assertNotNull(packageAspect);
  45. assertEquals(IProgramElement.Accessibility.PACKAGE, packageAspect.getAccessibility());
  46. assertEquals("aspect should not have public in it's signature", "aspect AdviceNamingCoverage",
  47. packageAspect.getSourceSignature());
  48. }
  49. public void testStaticModifiers() {
  50. IProgramElement aspect = model.findElementForType(null, "ModifiersCoverage");
  51. assertNotNull(aspect);
  52. IProgramElement staticA = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.FIELD, "staticA");
  53. assertTrue(staticA.getModifiers().contains(IProgramElement.Modifiers.STATIC));
  54. IProgramElement finalA = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.FIELD, "finalA");
  55. assertTrue(!finalA.getModifiers().contains(IProgramElement.Modifiers.STATIC));
  56. assertTrue(finalA.getModifiers().contains(IProgramElement.Modifiers.FINAL));
  57. }
  58. public void testFileInPackageAndDefaultPackage() {
  59. IProgramElement root = model.getRoot();
  60. assertEquals(root.toLabelString(), "coverage");
  61. IProgramElement pkg = root.getChildren().get(1);
  62. assertEquals(pkg.toLabelString(), "pkg");
  63. assertEquals(pkg.getChildren().get(0).toLabelString(), "");
  64. assertEquals(root.getChildren().get(0).getChildren().get(0).toLabelString(),
  65. "");
  66. }
  67. public void testDeclares() {
  68. IProgramElement node = model.getRoot();
  69. assertNotNull(node);
  70. IProgramElement aspect = model.findElementForType(null, "DeclareCoverage");
  71. assertNotNull(aspect);
  72. String label = "declare error: \"Illegal construct..\"";
  73. IProgramElement decErrNode = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ERROR, "declare error");
  74. assertNotNull(decErrNode);
  75. assertEquals(decErrNode.toLabelString(), label);
  76. String decWarnMessage = "declare warning: \"Illegal call.\"";
  77. IProgramElement decWarnNode = model
  78. .findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_WARNING, "declare warning");
  79. assertNotNull(decWarnNode);
  80. assertEquals(decWarnNode.toLabelString(), decWarnMessage);
  81. String decParentsMessage = "declare parents: implements Serializable";
  82. IProgramElement decParentsNode = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_PARENTS,
  83. "declare parents");
  84. assertNotNull(decParentsNode);
  85. assertEquals(decParentsNode.toLabelString(), decParentsMessage);
  86. // check the next two relative to this one
  87. int declareIndex = decParentsNode.getParent().getChildren().indexOf(decParentsNode);
  88. String decParentsPtnMessage = "declare parents: extends Observable";
  89. assertEquals(decParentsPtnMessage, aspect.getChildren().get(declareIndex + 1).toLabelString());
  90. String decParentsTPMessage = "declare parents: extends Observable";
  91. assertEquals(decParentsTPMessage, aspect.getChildren().get(declareIndex + 2).toLabelString());
  92. String decSoftMessage = "declare soft: SizeException";
  93. IProgramElement decSoftNode = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_SOFT, "declare soft");
  94. assertNotNull(decSoftNode);
  95. assertEquals(decSoftNode.toLabelString(), decSoftMessage);
  96. String decPrecMessage = "declare precedence: AdviceCoverage, InterTypeDecCoverage, <type pattern>";
  97. IProgramElement decPrecNode = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_PRECEDENCE,
  98. "declare precedence");
  99. assertNotNull(decPrecNode);
  100. assertEquals(decPrecNode.toLabelString(), decPrecMessage);
  101. }
  102. public void testInterTypeMemberDeclares() {
  103. IProgramElement node = model.getRoot();
  104. assertNotNull(node);
  105. IProgramElement aspect = model.findElementForType(null, "InterTypeDecCoverage");
  106. assertNotNull(aspect);
  107. String fieldMsg = "";
  108. IProgramElement fieldNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.INTER_TYPE_FIELD, fieldMsg);
  109. assertNotNull(fieldNode);
  110. assertEquals(fieldNode.toLabelString(), fieldMsg);
  111. String methodMsg = "Point.check(int,Line)";
  112. IProgramElement methodNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.INTER_TYPE_METHOD, methodMsg);
  113. assertNotNull(methodNode);
  114. assertEquals(methodNode.toLabelString(), methodMsg);
  115. // TODO: enable
  116. // String constructorMsg = ", int, int)";
  117. // ProgramElementNode constructorNode = model.findNode(aspect, ProgramElementNode.Kind.INTER_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR,
  118. // constructorMsg);
  119. // assertNotNull(constructorNode);
  120. // assertEquals(constructorNode.toLabelString(), constructorMsg);
  121. }
  122. public void testPointcuts() {
  123. IProgramElement node = model.getRoot();
  124. assertNotNull(node);
  125. IProgramElement aspect = model.findElementForType(null, "AdviceNamingCoverage");
  126. assertNotNull(aspect);
  127. String ptct = "named()";
  128. IProgramElement ptctNode = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.POINTCUT, ptct);
  129. assertNotNull(ptctNode);
  130. assertEquals(ptctNode.toLabelString(), ptct);
  131. String params = "namedWithArgs(int,int)";
  132. IProgramElement paramsNode = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.POINTCUT, params);
  133. assertNotNull(paramsNode);
  134. assertEquals(paramsNode.toLabelString(), params);
  135. }
  136. public void testAbstract() {
  137. IProgramElement node = model.getRoot();
  138. assertNotNull(node);
  139. IProgramElement aspect = model.findElementForType(null, "AbstractAspect");
  140. assertNotNull(aspect);
  141. String abst = "abPtct()";
  142. IProgramElement abstNode = model.findElementForSignature(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.POINTCUT, abst);
  143. assertNotNull(abstNode);
  144. assertEquals(abstNode.toLabelString(), abst);
  145. }
  146. public void testAdvice() {
  147. IProgramElement node = model.getRoot();
  148. assertNotNull(node);
  149. IProgramElement aspect = model.findElementForType(null, "AdviceNamingCoverage");
  150. assertNotNull(aspect);
  151. String anon = "before(): <anonymous pointcut>";
  152. IProgramElement anonNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE, anon);
  153. assertNotNull(anonNode);
  154. assertEquals(anonNode.toLabelString(), anon);
  155. String named = "before(): named..";
  156. IProgramElement namedNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE, named);
  157. assertNotNull(namedNode);
  158. assertEquals(namedNode.toLabelString(), named);
  159. String namedWithOneArg = "around(int): namedWithOneArg..";
  160. IProgramElement namedWithOneArgNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE, namedWithOneArg);
  161. assertNotNull(namedWithOneArgNode);
  162. assertEquals(namedWithOneArgNode.toLabelString(), namedWithOneArg);
  163. String afterReturning = "afterReturning(int,int): namedWithArgs..";
  164. IProgramElement afterReturningNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE, afterReturning);
  165. assertNotNull(afterReturningNode);
  166. assertEquals(afterReturningNode.toLabelString(), afterReturning);
  167. String around = "around(int): namedWithOneArg..";
  168. IProgramElement aroundNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE, around);
  169. assertNotNull(aroundNode);
  170. assertEquals(aroundNode.toLabelString(), around);
  171. String compAnon = "before(int): <anonymous pointcut>..";
  172. IProgramElement compAnonNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE, compAnon);
  173. assertNotNull(compAnonNode);
  174. assertEquals(compAnonNode.toLabelString(), compAnon);
  175. String compNamed = "before(int): named()..";
  176. IProgramElement compNamedNode = model.findElementForLabel(aspect, IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE, compNamed);
  177. assertNotNull(compNamedNode);
  178. assertEquals(compNamedNode.toLabelString(), compNamed);
  179. }
  180. }