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AroundAndOthersFancyHelloWorld.txt 15KB

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  1. public abstract class FancyHelloWorld extends java.lang.Object:
  2. public void <init>():
  3. ALOAD_0 // LFancyHelloWorld; this (line 7)
  4. INVOKESPECIAL java.lang.Object.<init> ()V
  5. constructor-execution(void FancyHelloWorld.<init>())
  6. | RETURN
  7. constructor-execution(void FancyHelloWorld.<init>())
  8. end public void <init>()
  9. public static void main(String[]):
  10. method-execution(void FancyHelloWorld.main(java.lang.String[]))
  11. | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line 9)
  12. | ASTORE_1
  13. | finally -> E1
  14. | | catch java.lang.Exception -> E0
  15. | | | ALOAD_1 // Ljava/io/PrintStream; out (line 11)
  16. | | | LDC "bye"
  17. | | | ASTORE 5
  18. | | | ASTORE 6
  19. | | | method-call(void
  20. | | | | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_before_method_execution ()V
  21. | | | | ICONST_2
  22. | | | | ANEWARRAY java.lang.Object
  23. | | | | ASTORE 8
  24. | | | | ALOAD 8
  25. | | | | ICONST_0
  26. | | | | ALOAD 6
  27. | | | | AASTORE
  28. | | | | ALOAD 8
  29. | | | | ICONST_1
  30. | | | | ALOAD 5
  31. | | | | AASTORE
  32. | | | | NEW FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure3
  33. | | | | DUP
  34. | | | | ALOAD 8
  35. | | | | INVOKESPECIAL FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure3.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  36. | | | | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_around (Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  37. | | | | POP
  38. | | | method-call(void
  39. | | | GOTO L0
  40. | | catch java.lang.Exception -> E0
  41. | | E0: ASTORE_2 (line 12)
  42. | | ALOAD_1 // Ljava/io/PrintStream; out (line 13)
  43. | | ALOAD_2 // Ljava/lang/Exception; e
  44. | | ASTORE 9
  45. | | ASTORE 10
  46. | | method-call(void
  47. | | | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_before_method_execution ()V
  48. | | | ICONST_2
  49. | | | ANEWARRAY java.lang.Object
  50. | | | ASTORE 12
  51. | | | ALOAD 12
  52. | | | ICONST_0
  53. | | | ALOAD 10
  54. | | | AASTORE
  55. | | | ALOAD 12
  56. | | | ICONST_1
  57. | | | ALOAD 9
  58. | | | AASTORE
  59. | | | NEW FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure7
  60. | | | DUP
  61. | | | ALOAD 12
  62. | | | INVOKESPECIAL FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure7.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  63. | | | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_around (Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  64. | | | POP
  65. | | method-call(void
  66. | finally -> E1
  67. | GOTO L0
  68. | E1: ASTORE 4 (line 14)
  69. | JSR L1
  70. | ALOAD 4
  71. | ATHROW
  72. | L0: JSR L1
  73. | GOTO L2
  74. | L1: ASTORE_3
  75. | ALOAD_1 // Ljava/io/PrintStream; out (line 15)
  76. | LDC "finally"
  77. | ASTORE 13
  78. | ASTORE 14
  79. | method-call(void
  80. | | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_before_method_execution ()V
  81. | | ICONST_2
  82. | | ANEWARRAY java.lang.Object
  83. | | ASTORE 16
  84. | | ALOAD 16
  85. | | ICONST_0
  86. | | ALOAD 14
  87. | | AASTORE
  88. | | ALOAD 16
  89. | | ICONST_1
  90. | | ALOAD 13
  91. | | AASTORE
  92. | | NEW FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure11
  93. | | DUP
  94. | | ALOAD 16
  95. | | INVOKESPECIAL FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure11.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  96. | | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_around (Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  97. | | POP
  98. | method-call(void
  99. | RET 3 (line 10)
  100. | L2: RETURN (line 17)
  101. method-execution(void FancyHelloWorld.main(java.lang.String[]))
  102. end public static void main(String[])
  103. public static String getName():
  104. method-execution(java.lang.String FancyHelloWorld.getName())
  105. | ICONST_0 (line 20)
  106. | ISTORE_0
  107. | ILOAD_0 // I x (line 21)
  108. | LDC "name"
  109. | method-call(int java.lang.String.hashCode())
  110. | | INVOKEVIRTUAL java.lang.String.hashCode ()I
  111. | method-call(int java.lang.String.hashCode())
  112. | IADD
  113. | ISTORE_0 // I x
  114. | NEW java.lang.StringBuffer (line 22)
  115. | DUP
  116. | LDC "name"
  117. | INVOKESPECIAL java.lang.StringBuffer.<init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
  118. | ILOAD_0 // I x
  119. | method-call(java.lang.StringBuffer java.lang.StringBuffer.append(int))
  120. | | INVOKEVIRTUAL java.lang.StringBuffer.append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
  121. | method-call(java.lang.StringBuffer java.lang.StringBuffer.append(int))
  122. | method-call(java.lang.String java.lang.StringBuffer.toString())
  123. | | INVOKEVIRTUAL java.lang.StringBuffer.toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
  124. | method-call(java.lang.String java.lang.StringBuffer.toString())
  125. | ARETURN
  126. method-execution(java.lang.String FancyHelloWorld.getName())
  127. end public static String getName()
  128. static final void println_aroundBody0(, String):
  129. ALOAD_0
  130. ALOAD_1
  131. INVOKEVIRTUAL (Ljava/lang/String;)V (line 11)
  132. RETURN
  133. end static final void println_aroundBody0(, String)
  134. static final void println_aroundBody2(, String):
  135. INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_before_method_execution ()V
  136. ICONST_2
  137. ANEWARRAY java.lang.Object
  138. ASTORE_2
  139. ALOAD_2
  140. ICONST_0
  141. ALOAD_0
  142. AASTORE
  143. ALOAD_2
  144. ICONST_1
  145. ALOAD_1
  146. AASTORE
  147. NEW FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure1
  148. DUP
  149. ALOAD_2
  150. INVOKESPECIAL FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure1.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  151. INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_around (Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  152. POP
  153. RETURN
  154. end static final void println_aroundBody2(, String)
  155. static final void println_aroundBody4(, Object):
  156. ALOAD_0
  157. ALOAD_1
  158. INVOKEVIRTUAL (Ljava/lang/Object;)V (line 13)
  159. RETURN
  160. end static final void println_aroundBody4(, Object)
  161. static final void println_aroundBody6(, Object):
  162. INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_before_method_execution ()V
  163. ICONST_2
  164. ANEWARRAY java.lang.Object
  165. ASTORE_2
  166. ALOAD_2
  167. ICONST_0
  168. ALOAD_0
  169. AASTORE
  170. ALOAD_2
  171. ICONST_1
  172. ALOAD_1
  173. AASTORE
  174. NEW FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure5
  175. DUP
  176. ALOAD_2
  177. INVOKESPECIAL FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure5.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  178. INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_around (Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  179. POP
  180. RETURN
  181. end static final void println_aroundBody6(, Object)
  182. static final void println_aroundBody8(, String):
  183. ALOAD_0
  184. ALOAD_1
  185. INVOKEVIRTUAL (Ljava/lang/String;)V (line 15)
  186. RETURN
  187. end static final void println_aroundBody8(, String)
  188. static final void println_aroundBody10(, String):
  189. INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_before_method_execution ()V
  190. ICONST_2
  191. ANEWARRAY java.lang.Object
  192. ASTORE_2
  193. ALOAD_2
  194. ICONST_0
  195. ALOAD_0
  196. AASTORE
  197. ALOAD_2
  198. ICONST_1
  199. ALOAD_1
  200. AASTORE
  201. NEW FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure9
  202. DUP
  203. ALOAD_2
  204. INVOKESPECIAL FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure9.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  205. INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_around (Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  206. POP
  207. RETURN
  208. end static final void println_aroundBody10(, String)
  209. end public abstract class FancyHelloWorld
  210. public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure1 extends org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure:
  211. public void <init>(Object[]):
  212. ALOAD_0
  213. ALOAD_1
  214. INVOKESPECIAL org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  215. RETURN
  216. end public void <init>(Object[])
  217. public Object run(Object[]):
  218. ALOAD_0
  219. GETFIELD org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.state [Ljava/lang/Object;
  220. ASTORE_2
  221. ALOAD_2
  222. ICONST_0
  223. AALOAD
  225. ALOAD_2
  226. ICONST_1
  227. AALOAD
  228. CHECKCAST java.lang.String
  229. INVOKESTATIC FancyHelloWorld.println_aroundBody0 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  231. ARETURN
  232. end public Object run(Object[])
  233. end public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure1
  234. public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure3 extends org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure:
  235. public void <init>(Object[]):
  236. ALOAD_0
  237. ALOAD_1
  238. INVOKESPECIAL org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  239. RETURN
  240. end public void <init>(Object[])
  241. public Object run(Object[]):
  242. ALOAD_0
  243. GETFIELD org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.state [Ljava/lang/Object;
  244. ASTORE_2
  245. ALOAD_2
  246. ICONST_0
  247. AALOAD
  249. ALOAD_2
  250. ICONST_1
  251. AALOAD
  252. CHECKCAST java.lang.String
  253. INVOKESTATIC FancyHelloWorld.println_aroundBody2 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  255. ARETURN
  256. end public Object run(Object[])
  257. end public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure3
  258. public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure5 extends org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure:
  259. public void <init>(Object[]):
  260. ALOAD_0
  261. ALOAD_1
  262. INVOKESPECIAL org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  263. RETURN
  264. end public void <init>(Object[])
  265. public Object run(Object[]):
  266. ALOAD_0
  267. GETFIELD org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.state [Ljava/lang/Object;
  268. ASTORE_2
  269. ALOAD_2
  270. ICONST_0
  271. AALOAD
  273. ALOAD_2
  274. ICONST_1
  275. AALOAD
  276. INVOKESTATIC FancyHelloWorld.println_aroundBody4 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  278. ARETURN
  279. end public Object run(Object[])
  280. end public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure5
  281. public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure7 extends org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure:
  282. public void <init>(Object[]):
  283. ALOAD_0
  284. ALOAD_1
  285. INVOKESPECIAL org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  286. RETURN
  287. end public void <init>(Object[])
  288. public Object run(Object[]):
  289. ALOAD_0
  290. GETFIELD org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.state [Ljava/lang/Object;
  291. ASTORE_2
  292. ALOAD_2
  293. ICONST_0
  294. AALOAD
  296. ALOAD_2
  297. ICONST_1
  298. AALOAD
  299. INVOKESTATIC FancyHelloWorld.println_aroundBody6 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  301. ARETURN
  302. end public Object run(Object[])
  303. end public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure7
  304. public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure9 extends org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure:
  305. public void <init>(Object[]):
  306. ALOAD_0
  307. ALOAD_1
  308. INVOKESPECIAL org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  309. RETURN
  310. end public void <init>(Object[])
  311. public Object run(Object[]):
  312. ALOAD_0
  313. GETFIELD org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.state [Ljava/lang/Object;
  314. ASTORE_2
  315. ALOAD_2
  316. ICONST_0
  317. AALOAD
  319. ALOAD_2
  320. ICONST_1
  321. AALOAD
  322. CHECKCAST java.lang.String
  323. INVOKESTATIC FancyHelloWorld.println_aroundBody8 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  325. ARETURN
  326. end public Object run(Object[])
  327. end public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure9
  328. public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure11 extends org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure:
  329. public void <init>(Object[]):
  330. ALOAD_0
  331. ALOAD_1
  332. INVOKESPECIAL org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.<init> ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  333. RETURN
  334. end public void <init>(Object[])
  335. public Object run(Object[]):
  336. ALOAD_0
  337. GETFIELD org.aspectj.runtime.internal.AroundClosure.state [Ljava/lang/Object;
  338. ASTORE_2
  339. ALOAD_2
  340. ICONST_0
  341. AALOAD
  343. ALOAD_2
  344. ICONST_1
  345. AALOAD
  346. CHECKCAST java.lang.String
  347. INVOKESTATIC FancyHelloWorld.println_aroundBody10 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  349. ARETURN
  350. end public Object run(Object[])
  351. end public class FancyHelloWorld$AjcClosure11