Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.

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21 роки тому
  1. #-Xlint:ignore,error,warning will set the level for all Xlint warnings. -Xlint, alone, is an abbreviation for
  2. -Xlint:warning.
  3. The -Xlintfile:lint.properties allows fine-grained control. In tools.jar, see
  4. org/aspectj/weaver/XlintDefault.properties for the default behavior and a template to copy.
  5. ### AspectJ-specific messages
  6. compiler.name = AspectJ Compiler
  7. compiler.version = Eclipse Compiler #6373b82afa49b(1-Oct-2018), 3.16
  8. compiler.copyright =
  9. ## this next one superceded by above...
  10. ## configure.version = AspectJ Compiler 1.1
  11. configure.directoryNotExist = invalid option: {0}
  12. ### compile
  13. compile.repetition = [repetition {0}/{1}]
  14. compile.instantTime = [compiled {0} lines in {1} ms: {2} lines/s]
  15. compile.detailedTime = [parse: {0} ms ({1}%), resolve: {2} ms ({3}%), analyze: {4} ms ({5}%), generate: {6} ms ({7}%) ]
  16. compile.ioTime = [i/o: read: {0} ms ({1}%), write: {2} ms ({3}%)]
  17. compile.averageTime = [average, excluding min-max {0} lines in {1} ms: {2} lines/s]
  18. compile.totalTime = [total compilation time: {0}]
  19. compile.oneProblem = 1 problem ({0})
  20. compile.severalProblemsErrorsOrWarnings = {0} problems ({1})
  21. compile.severalProblemsErrorsAndWarnings = {0} problems ({1}, {2})
  22. compile.severalProblems = {0} problems ({1}, {2}, {3})
  23. compile.oneError = 1 error
  24. compile.severalErrors = {0} errors
  25. compile.oneWarning = 1 warning
  26. compile.severalWarnings = {0} warnings
  27. compile.oneInfo = 1 info
  28. compile.severalInfos = {0} info
  29. compile.oneClassFileGenerated = [1 .class file generated]
  30. compile.severalClassFilesGenerated = [{0} .class files generated]
  31. ### configure
  32. configure.requiresJDK1.2orAbove = Need to use a JVM >= 1.2
  33. configure.duplicateLog = duplicate log specification: {0}
  34. configure.duplicateRepeat = duplicate repeat specification: {0}
  35. configure.duplicateMaxProblems = duplicate max problems specification: {0}
  36. configure.duplicateCompliance = duplicate compliance setting specification: {0}
  37. configure.duplicateSource = duplicate source compliance setting specification: {0}
  38. configure.duplicateTarget = duplicate target compliance setting specification: {0}
  39. configure.source = source level should be comprised in between ''1.3'' and ''1.9'' (or ''5'', ''5.0'', ..., ''9'' or ''9.0''): {0}
  40. configure.invalidSystem = invalid location for system libraries
  41. configure.unsupportedOption = option {0} not supported at compliance level 9 and above
  42. configure.duplicateOutputPath = duplicate output path specification: {0}
  43. configure.duplicateModulePath = duplicate module path specification: {0}
  44. configure.duplicateModuleSourcepath = duplicate source module path specification: {0}
  45. configure.invalidModuleDescriptor = cannot open the module descriptor from {0}
  46. configure.invalidModuleOption = incorrectly formatted option: {0}
  47. configure.duplicateExport = can specify a package in a module only once with --add-export
  48. configure.duplicateBootClasspath = duplicate bootclasspath specification: {0}
  49. configure.duplicateExtDirs = duplicate extdirs specification: {0}
  50. configure.duplicateSourcepath = duplicate sourcepath specification: {0}
  51. configure.invalidDebugOption = invalid debug option: {0}
  52. configure.invalidWarningConfiguration = invalid warning configuration: ''{0}''
  53. configure.invalidWarning = invalid warning token: ''{0}''. Ignoring warning and compiling
  54. configure.invalidWarningOption = invalid warning option: ''{0}''. Must specify a warning token
  55. configure.targetJDK = target JDK should be comprised in between ''1.1'' and ''1.4'': {0}
  56. configure.incompatibleTargetForSource14 = ''1.4'' source mode requires ''-target 1.4'' : {0}
  57. configure.incompatibleComplianceForSource14 = ''1.4'' source mode requires ''-1.4'' compliance mode: {0}
  58. configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget14 = ''1.4'' target mode requires ''-1.4'' compliance mode: {0}
  59. configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget11 = ''1.1'' target mode requires ''-1.3'' compliance mode: {0}
  60. configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget = Compliance level ''{0}'' is incompatible with target level ''{1}''. A compliance level ''{1}'' or better is required
  61. configure.repetition = repetition must be a positive integer: {0}
  62. configure.maxProblems = max problems must be a positive integer: {0}
  63. configure.invalidNowarnOption = invalid syntax for nowarn option: {0}
  64. configure.invalidErrorConfiguration = invalid error configuration: ''{0}''
  65. configure.invalidError = invalid error token: ''{0}''. Ignoring this error token and compiling
  66. configure.invalidErrorOption = invalid error option: ''{0}''. Must specify an error token
  67. configure.invalidInfoConfiguration = invalid info configuration: ''{0}''
  68. configure.invalidInfo = invalid info token: ''{0}''. Ignoring this info token and compiling
  69. configure.invalidInfoOption = invalid info option: ''{0}''. Must specify an info token
  70. configure.directoryNotExist = directory does not exist: {0}
  71. configure.IOError = i/o error : unable to retrieve .JAVA files in directory: {0}
  72. configure.unrecognizedOption = Unrecognized option : {0}
  73. configure.noClasspath = no classpath defined, using default directory instead
  74. configure.incorrectClasspath = incorrect classpath: {0}
  75. configure.invalidexpansionargumentname = expansion argument file {0} does not exist or cannot be read
  76. configure.cannotOpenLog = cannot open .log file: {0}
  77. configure.cannotOpenLogInvalidEncoding = cannot open .log file: {0}; because UTF-8 is not supported
  78. configure.unexpectedCustomEncoding = unexpected custom encoding specification: {0}[{1}]
  79. configure.unsupportedEncoding = unsupported encoding format: {0}
  80. configure.duplicateDefaultEncoding = duplicate default encoding format specification: {0}
  81. configure.invalidTaskTag ={0} is an invalid task tag
  82. configure.incorrectExtDirsEntry = incorrect ext dir entry; {0} must be a directory
  83. configure.incorrectEndorsedDirsEntry = incorrect endorsed dir entry; {0} must be a directory
  84. configure.duplicateEndorsedDirs = duplicate endorseddirs specification: {0}
  85. configure.missingDestinationPath = destination path must be provided with module source path
  86. configure.incorrectDestinationPathEntry = incorrect destination path entry: {0}
  87. configure.unexpectedBracket = unexpected bracket: {0}
  88. configure.unexpectedDestinationPathEntry = unexpected destination path entry in {0} option
  89. configure.unexpectedDestinationPathEntryFile = unexpected destination path entry for file: {0}
  90. configure.accessRuleAfterDestinationPath = access rules cannot follow destination path entries: {0}
  91. configure.duplicateDestinationPathEntry = duplicate destination path entry in {0} option
  92. configure.invalidClassName = invalid class name: {0}
  93. configure.unavailableAPT = Unable to load annotation processing manager {0} from classpath.
  94. configure.incorrectVMVersionforAPT = Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
  95. configure.incompatibleSourceForCldcTarget=Target level ''{0}'' is incompatible with source level ''{1}''. A source level ''1.3'' or lower is required
  96. configure.incompatibleComplianceForCldcTarget=Target level ''{0}'' is incompatible with compliance level ''{1}''. A compliance level ''1.4''or lower is required
  97. configure.invalidClasspathSection = invalid Class-Path header in manifest of jar file: {0}
  98. configure.multipleClasspathSections = multiple Class-Path headers in manifest of jar file: {0}
  99. configure.missingwarningspropertiesfile=properties file {0} does not exist
  100. configure.ioexceptionwarningspropertiesfile=An IOException occurred while reading the properties file {0}
  101. configure.multipleencodings=Multiple encoding specified: {1}. The default encoding has been set to {0}
  102. configure.differentencodings=Found encoding {0}. Different encodings were specified: {1}
  103. configure.differentencoding=Found encoding {0}. A different encoding was specified: {1}
  104. configure.invalidModuleName = invalid module name: {0}
  105. ### null annotations
  106. configure.invalidNullAnnot = Token {0} is not in the expected format "nullAnnot(<non null annotation name> | <nullable annotation name> | <non-null by default annotation name>)"
  107. configure.missingAnnotationPath = Missing argument to -annotationpath at ''{0}''
  108. ### requestor
  109. requestor.error = {0}. ERROR in {1}
  110. requestor.warning = {0}. WARNING in {1}
  111. requestor.info = {0}. INFO in {1}
  112. requestor.extraerror = {0}. ERROR:
  113. requestor.extrawarning = {0}. WARNING:
  114. requestor.extrainfo = {0}. INFO:
  115. requestor.notRetrieveErrorMessage = Cannot retrieve the error message for {0}
  116. requestor.noFileNameSpecified = (original file name is not available)
  117. ### EMACS STYLE
  118. output.emacs.error=error
  119. output.emacs.warning=warning
  120. output.emacs.info=info
  121. ### unit
  122. unit.more = File {0} is specified more than once
  123. unit.missing = File {0} is missing
  124. ### output
  125. output.noClassFileCreated = No .class file created for file {1} in {0} because of an IOException: {2}
  126. ### miscellaneous
  127. misc.version = {0} {1}, {2}
  128. ### miscellaneous
  129. misc.usage = {0}\n\
  130. \n\
  131. \tUsage: <options> <source file | @argfile>..\n\
  132. \n\
  133. AspectJ-specific options:\n\
  134. \t-inpath <list> use classes in dirs and jars/zips in <list> as source\n\
  135. \t (<list> uses platform-specific path delimiter)\n\
  136. \t-injars <jarList> use classes in <jarList> zip files as source\n\
  137. \t (<jarList> uses classpath delimiter)\n\
  138. \t deprecated - use inpath instead.\n\
  139. \t-aspectpath <list> weave aspects in .class files from <list> dirs and jars/zip into sources\n\
  140. \t (<list> uses classpath delimiter)\n\
  141. \t-outjar <file> put output classes in zip file <file>\n\
  142. \t-outxml generate META-INF/aop.xml\n\
  143. \t-outxmlfile <file> specify alternate destination output of -outxml\n\
  144. \t-argfile <file> specify line-delimited list of source files\n\
  145. \t-showWeaveInfo display information about weaving\n\
  146. \t-incremental continuously-running compiler, needs -sourceroots\n\
  147. \t (reads stdin: enter to recompile and ''q'' to quit)\n\
  148. \t-sourceroots <dirs> compile all .aj and .java files in <dirs>\n\
  149. \t (<dirs> uses classpath delimiter)\n\
  150. \t-crossrefs generate .ajsym file into the output directory\n\
  151. \t-emacssym generate .ajesym symbol files for emacs support\n\
  152. \t-Xlint same as ''-Xlint:warning''\n\
  153. \t-Xlint:<level> set default level for crosscutting messages\n\
  154. \t (<level> may be ignore, warning, or error)\n\
  155. \t-Xlintfile <file> specify properties file to set per-message levels\n\
  156. \t (cf org/aspectj/weaver/XlintDefault.properties)\n\
  157. \t-X print help on non-standard options\n\
  158. \n\
  159. Standard Eclipse compiler options:\n\
  160. \ Options enabled by default are prefixed with ''+''\n\
  161. \ \n\
  162. \ Classpath options:\n\
  163. \ -cp -classpath <directories and ZIP archives separated by ;>\n\
  164. \ specify location for application classes and sources\n\
  165. \ -bootclasspath <directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>\n\
  166. \ specify location for system classes\n\
  167. \ -d <dir> destination directory (if omitted, no directory is created)\n\
  168. \ -d none generate no .class files\n\
  169. \ -encoding <enc> specify custom encoding for all sources. Each file/directory can override it\n\
  170. \ when suffixed with ''[''<enc>'']'' (e.g. X.java[utf8])\n\
  171. \ \n\
  172. \ Compliance options:\n\
  173. \ -1.3 use 1.3 compliance (-source 1.3 -target 1.1)\n\
  174. \ -1.4 + use 1.4 compliance (-source 1.3 -target 1.2)\n\
  175. \ -1.5 -5 -5.0 use 1.5 compliance (-source 1.5 -target 1.5)\n\
  176. \ -1.6 -6 -6.0 use 1.6 compliance (-source 1.6 -target 1.6)\n\
  177. \ -1.7 -7 -7.0 use 1.7 compliance (-source 1.7 -target 1.7)\n\
  178. \ -1.8 -8 -8.0 use 1.8 compliance (-source 1.8 -target 1.8)\n\
  179. \ -1.9 -9 -9.0 use 1.9 compliance (-source 1.9 -target 1.9)\n\
  180. \ -source <version> set source level: 1.3 to 1.9 (or 6, 6.0, etc)\n\
  181. \ -target <version> set classfile target: 1.1 to 1.9 (or 6, 6.0, etc)\n\
  182. \ cldc1.1 can also be used to generate the StackMap\n\
  183. \ attribute\n\
  184. \ \n\
  185. \ Warning options:\n\
  186. \ -deprecation + deprecation outside deprecated code (equivalent to\n\
  187. \ -warn:+deprecation)\n\
  188. \ -nowarn -warn:none disable all warnings\n\
  189. \ -warn:<warnings separated by ,> enable exactly the listed warnings\n\
  190. \ -warn:+<warnings separated by ,> enable additional warnings\n\
  191. \ -warn:-<warnings separated by ,> disable specific warnings\n\
  192. \ allDeadCode dead code including trivial if(DEBUG) check\n\
  193. \ allDeprecation deprecation including inside deprecated code\n\
  194. \ allJavadoc invalid or missing javadoc\n\
  195. \ allOver-ann all missing @Override annotations\n\
  196. \ all-static-method all method can be declared as static warnings\n\
  197. \ assertIdentifier + ''assert'' used as identifier\n\
  198. \ boxing autoboxing conversion\n\
  199. \ charConcat + char[] in String concat\n\
  200. \ compareIdentical + comparing identical expressions\n\
  201. \ conditionAssign possible accidental boolean assignment\n\
  202. \ constructorName + method with constructor name\n\
  203. \ deadCode + dead code excluding trivial if (DEBUG) check\n\
  204. \ dep-ann missing @Deprecated annotation\n\
  205. \ deprecation + deprecation outside deprecated code\n\
  206. \ discouraged + use of types matching a discouraged access rule\n\
  207. \ emptyBlock undocumented empty block\n\
  208. \ enumIdentifier ''enum'' used as identifier\n\
  209. \ enumSwitch incomplete enum switch\n\
  210. \ enumSwitchPedantic + report missing enum switch cases even\n\
  211. \ in the presence of a default case\n\
  212. \ fallthrough possible fall-through case\n\
  213. \ fieldHiding field hiding another variable\n\
  214. \ finalBound type parameter with final bound\n\
  215. \ finally + finally block not completing normally\n\
  216. \ forbidden + use of types matching a forbidden access rule\n\
  217. \ hashCode missing hashCode() method when overriding equals()\n\
  218. \ hiding macro for fieldHiding, localHiding, typeHiding and\n\
  219. \ maskedCatchBlock\n\
  220. \ includeAssertNull raise null warnings for variables\n\
  221. \ that got tainted in an assert expression\n\
  222. \ indirectStatic indirect reference to static member\n\
  223. \ inheritNullAnnot inherit null annotations\n\
  224. \ intfAnnotation + annotation type used as super interface\n\
  225. \ intfNonInherited + interface non-inherited method compatibility\n\
  226. \ intfRedundant find redundant superinterfaces\n\
  227. \ invalidJavadoc all warnings for malformed javadoc tags\n\
  228. \ invalidJavadocTag validate javadoc tag arguments\n\
  229. \ invalidJavadocTagDep validate deprecated references in javadoc tag args\n\
  230. \ invalidJavadocTagNotVisible validate non-visible references in javadoc\n\
  231. \ tag args\n\
  232. \ invalidJavadocVisibility(<visibility>) specify visibility modifier\n\
  233. \ for malformed javadoc tag warnings\n\
  234. \ javadoc invalid javadoc\n\
  235. \ localHiding local variable hiding another variable\n\
  236. \ maskedCatchBlock + hidden catch block\n\
  237. \ missingJavadocTags missing Javadoc tags\n\
  238. \ missingJavadocTagsOverriding missing Javadoc tags in overriding methods\n\
  239. \ missingJavadocTagsMethod missing Javadoc tags for method type parameter\n\
  240. \ missingJavadocTagsVisibility(<visibility>) specify visibility modifier\n\
  241. \ for missing javadoc tags warnings\n\
  242. \ missingJavadocComments missing Javadoc comments\n\
  243. \ missingJavadocCommentsOverriding missing Javadoc tags in overriding\n\
  244. \ methods\n\
  245. \ missingJavadocCommentsVisibility(<visibility>) specify visibility\n\
  246. \ modifier for missing javadoc comments warnings\n\
  247. \ nls string literal lacking non-nls tag //$NON-NLS-<n>$\n\
  248. \ noEffectAssign + assignment without effect\n\
  249. \ null potential missing or redundant null check\n\
  250. \ nullAnnot(<annot. names separated by |>) annotation based null analysis,\n\
  251. \ nullable|nonnull|nonnullbydefault annotation types\n\
  252. \ optionally specified using fully qualified names.\n\
  253. \ Enabling this option enables all null-annotation\n\
  254. \ related sub-options. These can be individually\n\
  255. \ controlled using options listed below.\n\
  256. \ nullAnnotConflict conflict between null annotation specified\n\
  257. \ and nullness inferred. Is effective only with\n\
  258. \ nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
  259. \ nullAnnotRedundant redundant specification of null annotation. Is\n\
  260. \ effective only with nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
  261. \ nullDereference + missing null check\n\
  262. \ nullUncheckedConversion unchecked conversion from non-annotated type\n\
  263. \ to @NonNull type. Is effective only with\n\
  264. \ nullAnnot option enabled.\n\
  265. \ over-ann missing @Override annotation (superclass)\n\
  266. \ paramAssign assignment to a parameter\n\
  267. \ pkgDefaultMethod + attempt to override package-default method\n\
  268. \ raw + usage of raw type\n\
  269. \ resource + (pot.) unsafe usage of resource of type Closeable\n\
  270. \ semicolon unnecessary semicolon, empty statement\n\
  271. \ serial + missing serialVersionUID\n\
  272. \ specialParamHiding constructor or setter parameter hiding a field\n\
  273. \ static-method method can be declared as static\n\
  274. \ static-access macro for indirectStatic and staticReceiver\n\
  275. \ staticReceiver + non-static reference to static member\n\
  276. \ super overriding a method without making a super invocation\n\
  277. \ suppress + enable @SuppressWarnings\n\
  278. \ When used with -err:, it can also silence optional\n\
  279. \ errors and warnings\n\
  280. \ switchDefault switch statement lacking a default case\n\
  281. \ syncOverride missing synchronized in synchr. method override\n\
  282. \ syntacticAnalysis perform syntax-based null analysis for fields\n\
  283. \ syntheticAccess synthetic access for innerclass\n\
  284. \ tasks(<tags separated by |>) tasks identified by tags inside comments\n\
  285. \ typeHiding + type parameter hiding another type\n\
  286. \ unavoidableGenericProblems + ignore unavoidable type safety problems\n\
  287. \ due to raw APIs\n\
  288. \ unchecked + unchecked type operation\n\
  289. \ unlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType\n\
  290. \ + unlikely argument type for collection method\n\
  291. \ declaring an Object parameter\n\
  292. \ unlikelyEqualsArgumentType unlikely argument type for method equals()\n\
  293. \ unnecessaryElse unnecessary else clause\n\
  294. \ unqualifiedField unqualified reference to field\n\
  295. \ unused macro for unusedAllocation, unusedArgument,\n\
  296. \ unusedImport, unusedLabel, unusedLocal,\n\
  297. \ unusedPrivate, unusedThrown, and unusedTypeArgs,\n\
  298. \ unusedExceptionParam\n\
  299. \ unusedAllocation allocating an object that is not used\n\
  300. \ unusedArgument unread method parameter\n\
  301. \ unusedExceptionParam unread exception parameter\n\
  302. \ unusedImport + unused import declaration\n\
  303. \ unusedLabel + unused label\n\
  304. \ unusedLocal + unread local variable\n\
  305. \ unusedParam unused parameter\n\
  306. \ unusedParamOverriding unused parameter for overriding method\n\
  307. \ unusedParamImplementing unused parameter for implementing method\n\
  308. \ unusedParamIncludeDoc unused parameter documented in comment tag\n\
  309. \ unusedPrivate + unused private member declaration\n\
  310. \ unusedThrown unused declared thrown exception\n\
  311. \ unusedThrownWhenOverriding unused declared thrown exception in \n\
  312. \ overriding method\n\
  313. \ unusedThrownIncludeDocComment unused declared thrown exception,\n\
  314. \ documented in a comment tag\n\
  315. \ unusedThrownExemptExceptionThrowable unused declared thrown exception,\n\
  316. \ exempt Exception and Throwable\n\
  317. \ unusedTypeArgs + unused type arguments for method and constructor\n\
  318. \ uselessTypeCheck unnecessary cast/instanceof operation\n\
  319. \ varargsCast + varargs argument need explicit cast\n\
  320. \ warningToken + unsupported or unnecessary @SuppressWarnings\n
  321. \ \n\
  322. \ Debug options:\n\
  323. \ -g[:lines,vars,source] custom debug info\n\
  324. \ -g:lines,source + both lines table and source debug info\n\
  325. \ -g all debug info\n\
  326. \ -g:none no debug info\n\
  327. \ -preserveAllLocals preserve unused local vars for debug purpose\n\
  328. \ \n\
  329. \ Advanced options:\n\
  330. \ -log <file> log to a file\n\
  331. \ -proceedOnError do not stop at first error, dumping class files with problem methods\n\
  332. \ -verbose enable verbose output\n\
  333. \ -referenceInfo compute reference info\n\
  334. \ -progress show progress (only in -log mode)\n\
  335. \ -time display speed information \n\
  336. \ -noExit do not call System.exit(n) at end of compilation (n==0 if no error)\n\
  337. \ -repeat <n> repeat compilation process <n> times for perf analysis\n\
  338. \ @<file> read command line arguments from file\n\
  339. \ \n\
  340. \ -? -help print this help message\n\
  341. \ -v -version print compiler version\n\
  342. \ -showversion print compiler version and continue\n
  343. xoption.usage = {0} non-standard options:\n\
  344. \n\
  345. \t-XnoInline don't inline advice\n\
  346. \t-XlazyTjp create thisJoinPoint objects lazily\n\
  347. \t-Xreweavable create class files that can be subsequently rewoven\n\
  348. \t by AspectJ. Deprecated, this is now on by default.\n\
  349. \t-Xreweavable:compress deprecated, reweavable is now default.\n\
  350. \t-XnotReweavable create class files that can't be subsequently rewoven\n\
  351. \t by AspectJ.\n\
  352. \t-XserializableAspects allows aspects to implement serializable\n\
  353. \t-XterminateAfterCompilation compile classes then terminate before weaving\n\
  354. \t-XaddSerialVersionUID calculates and adds the serialVersionUID to any\n\
  355. \t serializable type woven by an aspect\n\
  356. \t-Xajruntimetarget:<level> allows code to be generated that targets\n\
  357. \t a 1.2 or a 1.5 level AspectJ runtime (default 1.5)\n\
  358. \t-XhasMember allow hasmethod() and hasfield type patterns in\n\
  359. \t declare parents and declare @type\n\
  360. \t-Xjoinpoints: supply a comma separated list of new joinpoints\n\
  361. \t that can be identified by pointcuts. Values are:\n\
  362. \t arrayconstruction, synchronization\n
  363. ## options not documented above (per ..ajdt.ajc.BuildArgParser.java):
  364. # -XincrementalFile, -XjavadocsInModel
  365. ###############################################################################
  366. # Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
  367. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
  368. # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  369. # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
  370. # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
  371. #
  372. # Contributors:
  373. # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
  374. ###############################################################################
  375. ### JavaBatchCompiler messages.
  376. ### compiler
  377. #compiler.name = Eclipse Java Compiler
  378. #compiler.version = 0.396
  379. #compiler.copyright = Copyright IBM Corp 2000, 2003. All rights reserved.
  380. ### scanning
  381. scanning.start = Collecting source files inside {0}
  382. ### progress
  383. progress.compiling = Compiling
  384. ### compile
  385. compile.repetition = [repetition {0}/{1}]
  386. compile.instantTime = [compiled {0} lines in {1} ms: {2} lines/s]
  387. compile.averageTime = [average, excluding min-max {0} lines in {1} ms: {2} lines/s]
  388. compile.totalTime = [total compilation time: {0}]
  389. compile.oneProblem = 1 problem ({0})
  390. compile.severalProblemsErrorsOrWarnings = {0} problems ({1})
  391. compile.severalProblemsErrorsAndWarnings = {0} problems ({1}, {2})
  392. compile.oneError = 1 error
  393. compile.severalErrors = {0} errors
  394. compile.oneWarning = 1 warning
  395. compile.severalWarnings = {0} warnings
  396. compile.oneClassFileGenerated = [1 .class file generated]
  397. compile.severalClassFilesGenerated = [{0} .class files generated]
  398. #compile.repetition = Repetition {0}/{1}
  399. #compile.instantTime = Compiled {0} lines in {1} ms ({2} lines/s)
  400. #compile.totalTime = Total compilation time: {0}
  401. #compile.oneProblem = 1 problem
  402. #compile.severalProblems = {0} problems
  403. #compile.oneError = 1 error
  404. #compile.severalErrors = {0} errors
  405. #compile.oneWarning = 1 warning
  406. #compile.severalWarnings = {0} warnings
  407. #compile.oneClassFileGenerated = 1 .class file generated
  408. #compile.severalClassFilesGenerated = {0} .class files generated
  409. ### configure
  410. configure.requiresJDK1.2orAbove = Need to use a JVM >= 1.2
  411. configure.duplicateLog = duplicate log specification: {0}
  412. configure.duplicateRepeat = duplicate repeat specification: {0}
  413. configure.duplicateCompliance = duplicate compliance setting specification: {0}
  414. configure.source = invalid source option, source is either ''1.3'' or ''1.4'': {0}
  415. configure.duplicateOutputPath = duplicate output path specification: {0}
  416. configure.duplicateBootClasspath = duplicate bootclasspath specification: {0}
  417. configure.invalidDebugOption = invalid debug option: {0}
  418. configure.invalidWarningConfiguration = invalid warning configuration: {0}
  419. configure.invalidWarning = invalid warning: {0}
  420. configure.invalidWarningOption = invalid warning option: {0}
  421. configure.targetJDK = target JDK should be comprised in between ''1.1'' and ''1.4'': {0}
  422. configure.incompatibleTargetForSource14 = ''1.4'' source mode requires ''-target 1.4'' : {0}
  423. configure.incompatibleComplianceForSource14 = ''1.4'' source mode requires ''-1.4'' compliance mode: {0}
  424. configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget14 = ''1.4'' target mode requires ''-1.4'' compliance mode: {0}
  425. configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget11 = ''1.1'' target mode requires ''-1.3'' compliance mode: {0}
  426. configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget = Compliance level ''{0}'' is incompatible with target level ''{1}''. A compliance level ''{1}'' or better is required
  427. configure.invalidClasspathSection = invalid Class-Path header in manifest of jar file: {0}
  428. configure.repetition = repetition must be a positive integer: {0}
  429. configure.directoryNotExist = directory does not exist: {0}
  430. configure.IOError = i/o error : unable to retrieve .JAVA files in directory: {0}
  431. configure.noClasspath = no classpath defined, using default directory instead
  432. configure.incorrectClasspath = incorrect classpath: {0}
  433. configure.invalidexpansionargumentname = expansion argument file {0} doesn't exist or cannot be read
  434. configure.cannotOpenLog = cannot open .log file
  435. configure.unexpectedCustomEncoding = unexpected custom encoding specification: {0}[{1}]
  436. configure.unsupportedEncoding = unsupported encoding format: {0}
  437. configure.duplicateDefaultEncoding = duplicate default encoding format specification: {0}
  438. configure.invalidTaskTag ={0} is an invalid task tag
  439. ### requestor
  440. requestor.error = ERROR
  441. requestor.warning = WARNING
  442. requestor.in = in {0}
  443. requestor.notRetrieveErrorMessage = Cannot retrieve the error message for {0}
  444. ### unit
  445. unit.more = File {0} is specified more than once
  446. unit.missing = File {0} is missing
  447. ### output
  448. output.noClassFileCreated = No .class file created for file named {0} because of an IOException.
  449. ### miscellaneous
  450. misc.version = {0} {1} - {2} {3}