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Fix some broken/invalid ADOC links

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>
Alexander Kriegisch vor 5 Monaten

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docs/devguide/ltw.adoc Datei anzeigen

@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ and tools like Mission Control available for OpenJDK and Oracle JDK.
Command-line wrapper scripts `aj`::
The `aj` command runs Java programs in Java 1.4 or later by setting up
`WeavingURLClassLoader` as the system class loader. For more
information, see xref:#aj[`aj`, the AspectJ load-time weaving launcher].
information, see xref:aj.adoc#aj[`aj`, the AspectJ load-time weaving launcher].
The `aj5` command runs Java programs in Java 5 by using the
`-javaagent:pathto/aspectjweaver.jar` option described above. For more
information, see xref:#aj[`aj`, the AspectJ load-time weaving launcher].
information, see xref:aj.adoc#aj[`aj`, the AspectJ load-time weaving launcher].

Custom class loader::
A public interface is provided to allow a user written class loader to
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ instantiate a weaver and weave classes after loading and before
defining them in the JVM. This enables load-time weaving to be
supported in environments where no weaving agent is available. It also
allows the user to explicitly restrict by class loader which classes
can be woven. For more information, see xref:#aj[`aj`, the AspectJ load-time weaving launcher] and the API
can be woven. For more information, see xref:aj.adoc#aj[`aj`, the AspectJ load-time weaving launcher] and the API
documentation and source for `WeavingURLClassLoader` and

+ 1
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docs/release/README-1.2.adoc Datei anzeigen

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Compared to AspectJ 1.1.1, the AspectJ 1.2 compiler...

* xref:#WEAVE_TIME[Is faster], with weaving completing in less than half
the time it used to take in many cases.
* Supports the xref:#LAZY_TJP[-XlazyTjp option] which produces code that
runs faster and uses less memory in some common cases.
* Has xref:#INCREMENTAL[much better support for incremental

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docs/sandbox/trails/j2ee.adoc Datei anzeigen

@@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ up ajc as the compiler, do the following before starting Tomcat:
common directory supported by the server.

. Alternatively, you can precompile JSP's using
xref:#j2ee-tomcat4-precompileJsp[this Ant script]. That involves
xref:../scripts/precompile-jsp.build.xml[this Ant script]. That involves
manually updating the `web.xml` file with the `Jasper`-generated servlet

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docs/sandbox/trails/myeclipseide.adoc Datei anzeigen

@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ web.xml. It would be great to get this working with AJDT.
* I adapted the Tomcat precompile script to use AspectJ's iajc. This
works fine, but like all Jasper2 solutions required the generated
servlet mappings be copied manually into the web.xml file. See
xref:#j2ee-tomcat4-precompileJsp[the Ant build script]
xref:../scripts/precompile-jsp.build.xml[the Ant build script].
