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124460: moving xml parser and structure across to weaver from loadtime

aclement 15 years ago

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weaver/src/aspectj_1_5_0.dtd View File

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* Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors.
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* Contributors:
* Alexandre Vasseur initial implementation
AspectJ 5 DTD

To use this DTD, start your defintion file with
"-//AspectJ//DTD 1.5.0//EN"

You can also use the "aliasing DTD" that matchs always the latest release of AspectJ

To not use this DTD, start your definition file with
<?xml version="1.0"?>


[aspectj] defines the root element
<!ELEMENT aspectj (
[weaver] defines the weaver configuration
@options defines a command like line of option
When multiple aspectj DD are found, the options are simply toggled
TODO: Note: the scope of the options can be ClassLoader aware but should be assumed JVM wide
<!ELEMENT weaver (
(include | exclude | dump)*
<!ATTLIST weaver
[include] narrows the scope of the weaver
A class must be matched by ALL the include elements to be exposed to the weaver
@within defines a type pattern
(it is not a startWith)
<!ELEMENT include EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST include
[exclude] narrows the scope of the weaver
A class must be matched by NONE of the exclude elements to be exposed to the weaver
@within defines a type pattern
(it is not a startWith)
TODO should it be called @from: "<exclude from=..> instead of <exclude within=..>
TODO: AND must be written that way and not with the "&&" symbol. Thus NOT and OR exists as well.
<!ELEMENT exclude EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST exclude
[dump] control post-weaving dump to the "./_dump" folder (debugging purpose only)
@within defines a type pattern
(it is not a startWith)
<!ATTLIST dump
[aspects] defines a set of aspects
Note: include only include among Union{aspect, concrete-aspect} WITHIN THIS SOLE aop.xml
<!ELEMENT aspects (
(aspect | exclude | include | concrete-aspect)*
[aspect] defines an aspect to include
@name FQN of the aspect, nested class must use $
<!ATTLIST aspect
[exclude] defines a set of aspect to exclude
@within within pattern (even from other systems / parent classloader)
SAME AS FOR weaver/exclude
[concrete-aspect] defines a concrete aspect from an abstract one
@name FQN of the concrete aspect (use $ for nested class) [will be jit generated]
@extends FQN of the abstract aspect (use $ for nested class)
<!ELEMENT concrete-aspect (
<!ATTLIST concrete-aspect
precedence CDATA #IMPLIED
perclause CDATA #IMPLIED
[pointcut] defines a concrete pointcut within a concrete aspect from an abstract one
@name name of the abstract pointcut (method name, unique in aspect class hierarchy)
@expression pointcut expression
Note: for argument binding, the bounded arguments must be present and bounded:
<pointcut name="myAdvice(int i)" expression="... AND args(i)"/>
TODO: AND must be written that way and not with the "&&" symbol. Thus NOT and OR exists as well.
<!ELEMENT pointcut EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST pointcut
expression CDATA #REQUIRED

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weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/loadtime/definition/ View File

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* Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors.
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* Contributors:
* Alexandre Vasseur initial implementation
package org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.definition;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* A POJO that contains raw strings from the XML (sort of XMLBean for our simple LTW DTD)
* @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
public class Definition {

private final StringBuffer m_weaverOptions;

private final List m_dumpPatterns;

private boolean m_dumpBefore;

private boolean perClassloaderDumpDir;

private final List m_includePatterns;

private final List m_excludePatterns;

private final List m_aspectClassNames;

private final List m_aspectExcludePatterns;

private final List m_aspectIncludePatterns;

private final List m_concreteAspects;

public Definition() {
m_weaverOptions = new StringBuffer();
m_dumpBefore = false;
perClassloaderDumpDir = false;
m_dumpPatterns = new ArrayList(0);
m_includePatterns = new ArrayList(0);
m_excludePatterns = new ArrayList(0);
m_aspectClassNames = new ArrayList();
m_aspectExcludePatterns = new ArrayList(0);
m_aspectIncludePatterns = new ArrayList(0);
m_concreteAspects = new ArrayList(0);

public String getWeaverOptions() {
return m_weaverOptions.toString();

public List getDumpPatterns() {
return m_dumpPatterns;

public void setDumpBefore(boolean b) {
m_dumpBefore = b;

public boolean shouldDumpBefore() {
return m_dumpBefore;

public void setCreateDumpDirPerClassloader(boolean b) {
perClassloaderDumpDir = b;

public boolean createDumpDirPerClassloader() {
return perClassloaderDumpDir;

public List getIncludePatterns() {
return m_includePatterns;

public List getExcludePatterns() {
return m_excludePatterns;

public List getAspectClassNames() {
return m_aspectClassNames;

public List getAspectExcludePatterns() {
return m_aspectExcludePatterns;

public List getAspectIncludePatterns() {
return m_aspectIncludePatterns;

public List getConcreteAspects() {
return m_concreteAspects;

public static class ConcreteAspect {
public final String name;
public final String extend;
public final String precedence;
public final List pointcuts;
public final String perclause;

public ConcreteAspect(String name, String extend) {
this(name, extend, null, null);

public ConcreteAspect(String name, String extend, String precedence, String perclause) { = name;
// make sure extend set to null if ""
if (extend == null || extend.length() == 0) {
this.extend = null;
if (precedence == null || precedence.length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not allowed");
} else {
this.extend = extend;
this.precedence = precedence;
this.pointcuts = new ArrayList();
this.perclause = perclause;

public static class Pointcut {
public final String name;
public final String expression;

public Pointcut(String name, String expression) { = name;
this.expression = expression;

public void appendWeaverOptions(String option) {
m_weaverOptions.append(option.trim()).append(' ');


+ 272
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weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/loadtime/definition/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
* Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors.
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* Contributors:
* Alexandre Vasseur initial implementation
package org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.definition;


import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;

* FIXME AV - doc, concrete aspect
* @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
public class DocumentParser extends DefaultHandler {

* The current DTD public id. The matching dtd will be searched as a resource.
private final static String DTD_PUBLIC_ID = "-//AspectJ//DTD 1.5.0//EN";

* The DTD alias, for better user experience.
private final static String DTD_PUBLIC_ID_ALIAS = "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN";

* A handler to the DTD stream so that we are only using one file descriptor
private final static InputStream DTD_STREAM = DocumentParser.class.getResourceAsStream("/aspectj_1_5_0.dtd");

private final static String ASPECTJ_ELEMENT = "aspectj";
private final static String WEAVER_ELEMENT = "weaver";
private final static String DUMP_ELEMENT = "dump";
private final static String DUMP_BEFOREANDAFTER_ATTRIBUTE = "beforeandafter";
private final static String DUMP_PERCLASSLOADERDIR_ATTRIBUTE = "perclassloaderdumpdir";
private final static String INCLUDE_ELEMENT = "include";
private final static String EXCLUDE_ELEMENT = "exclude";
private final static String OPTIONS_ATTRIBUTE = "options";
private final static String ASPECTS_ELEMENT = "aspects";
private final static String ASPECT_ELEMENT = "aspect";
private final static String CONCRETE_ASPECT_ELEMENT = "concrete-aspect";
private final static String NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "name";
private final static String EXTEND_ATTRIBUTE = "extends";
private final static String PRECEDENCE_ATTRIBUTE = "precedence";
private final static String PERCLAUSE_ATTRIBUTE = "perclause";
private final static String POINTCUT_ELEMENT = "pointcut";
private final static String WITHIN_ATTRIBUTE = "within";
private final static String EXPRESSION_ATTRIBUTE = "expression";

private final Definition m_definition;

private boolean m_inAspectJ;
private boolean m_inWeaver;
private boolean m_inAspects;

private Definition.ConcreteAspect m_lastConcreteAspect;

private DocumentParser() {
m_definition = new Definition();

public static Definition parse(final URL url) throws Exception {
InputStream in = null;
try {
DocumentParser parser = new DocumentParser();

XMLReader xmlReader = getXMLReader();

try {
xmlReader.setFeature("", false);
} catch (SAXException e) {
// fine, the parser don't do validation
try {
xmlReader.setFeature("", false);
} catch (SAXException e) {
// fine, the parser don't do validation
try {
xmlReader.setFeature("", false);
} catch (SAXException e) {
// fine, the parser don't do validation

in = url.openStream();
xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(in));
return parser.m_definition;
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {


private static XMLReader getXMLReader() throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
XMLReader xmlReader = null;

/* Try this first for Java 5 */
try {
xmlReader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();

/* .. and ignore "System property ... not set" and then try this instead */
catch (SAXException ex) {
xmlReader = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser().getXMLReader();
return xmlReader;

public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException {
if (publicId.equals(DTD_PUBLIC_ID) || publicId.equals(DTD_PUBLIC_ID_ALIAS)) {
InputStream in = DTD_STREAM;
if (in == null) {
System.err.println("AspectJ - WARN - could not read DTD " + publicId);
return null;
} else {
return new InputSource(in);
} else {
System.err.println("AspectJ - WARN - unknown DTD " + publicId + " - consider using " + DTD_PUBLIC_ID);
return null;

public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
if (ASPECT_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
String name = attributes.getValue(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
if (!isNull(name)) {
} else if (WEAVER_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
String options = attributes.getValue(OPTIONS_ATTRIBUTE);
if (!isNull(options)) {
m_inWeaver = true;
} else if (CONCRETE_ASPECT_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
String name = attributes.getValue(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
String extend = attributes.getValue(EXTEND_ATTRIBUTE);
String precedence = attributes.getValue(PRECEDENCE_ATTRIBUTE);
String perclause = attributes.getValue(PERCLAUSE_ATTRIBUTE);
if (!isNull(name)) {
m_lastConcreteAspect = new Definition.ConcreteAspect(name, extend, precedence, perclause);
// if (isNull(precedence) && !isNull(extend)) {// if no precedence, then extends must be there
// m_lastConcreteAspect = new Definition.ConcreteAspect(name, extend);
// } else if (!isNull(precedence)) {
// // wether a pure precedence def, or an extendsANDprecedence def.
// m_lastConcreteAspect = new Definition.ConcreteAspect(name, extend, precedence, perclause);
// }
} else if (POINTCUT_ELEMENT.equals(qName) && m_lastConcreteAspect != null) {
String name = attributes.getValue(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
String expression = attributes.getValue(EXPRESSION_ATTRIBUTE);
if (!isNull(name) && !isNull(expression)) {
m_lastConcreteAspect.pointcuts.add(new Definition.Pointcut(name, replaceXmlAnd(expression)));
} else if (ASPECTJ_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
if (m_inAspectJ) {
throw new SAXException("Found nested <aspectj> element");
m_inAspectJ = true;
} else if (ASPECTS_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
m_inAspects = true;
} else if (INCLUDE_ELEMENT.equals(qName) && m_inWeaver) {
String typePattern = getWithinAttribute(attributes);
if (!isNull(typePattern)) {
} else if (EXCLUDE_ELEMENT.equals(qName) && m_inWeaver) {
String typePattern = getWithinAttribute(attributes);
if (!isNull(typePattern)) {
} else if (DUMP_ELEMENT.equals(qName) && m_inWeaver) {
String typePattern = getWithinAttribute(attributes);
if (!isNull(typePattern)) {
String beforeAndAfter = attributes.getValue(DUMP_BEFOREANDAFTER_ATTRIBUTE);
if (isTrue(beforeAndAfter)) {
String perWeaverDumpDir = attributes.getValue(DUMP_PERCLASSLOADERDIR_ATTRIBUTE);
if (isTrue(perWeaverDumpDir)) {
} else if (EXCLUDE_ELEMENT.equals(qName) && m_inAspects) {
String typePattern = getWithinAttribute(attributes);
if (!isNull(typePattern)) {
} else if (INCLUDE_ELEMENT.equals(qName) && m_inAspects) {
String typePattern = getWithinAttribute(attributes);
if (!isNull(typePattern)) {
} else {
throw new SAXException("Unknown element while parsing <aspectj> element: " + qName);
super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);

private String getWithinAttribute(Attributes attributes) {
return replaceXmlAnd(attributes.getValue(WITHIN_ATTRIBUTE));

public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
if (CONCRETE_ASPECT_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
m_lastConcreteAspect = null;
} else if (ASPECTJ_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
m_inAspectJ = false;
} else if (WEAVER_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
m_inWeaver = false;
} else if (ASPECTS_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
m_inAspects = false;
super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);

// TODO AV - define what we want for XML parser error - for now stderr
public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {

public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {

public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {

private static String replaceXmlAnd(String expression) {
// TODO AV do we need to handle "..)AND" or "AND(.." ?
return LangUtil.replace(expression, " AND ", " && ");

private boolean isNull(String s) {
return (s == null || s.length() <= 0);

private boolean isTrue(String s) {
return (s != null && s.equals("true"));

