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test case fix

avasseur 19 years ago

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tests/java5/ataspectj/ataspectj/misuse/ View File

@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ package ataspectj.misuse;

import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;

public class Test005 {
public abstract class Test005 {

public static class Test005B extends Test005 {

+ 1
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tests/java5/ataspectj/ataspectj/misuse/ View File

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package ataspectj.misuse;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;

public class Test006{
public abstract class Test006{
class Test006B extends Test006{
@Before("call(* org..*(..))")

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tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/ataspectj/misuse.xml View File

@@ -4,19 +4,16 @@


<comment>this one is ok - too simple - could be removed..</comment>
<ajc-test dir="java5/ataspectj"
pr="" title="@Aspect class extending @Aspect class">
<compile files="ataspectj/misuse/" options="-1.5 -Xdev:NoAtAspectJProcessing">

<comment>just a warning - might be skept if further optimized in Aj5Attributes..</comment>
<ajc-test dir="java5/ataspectj"
pr="" title="class with @Before extending @Aspect class">
<compile files="ataspectj/misuse/" options="-1.5 -Xdev:NoAtAspectJProcessing">
<!-- FIXME AV - optim in place. Check and remove useless test -->
<!--<message kind="warning" line="11" text="Found @AspectJ annotations in a non @Aspect type 'ataspectj.misuse.Test006B'"/>-->
<message kind="error" line="11" text="class 'Test006B' can not extend aspect"/>

@@ -24,7 +21,7 @@
<ajc-test dir="java5/ataspectj"
pr="" title="@Pointcut not returning void">
<compile files="ataspectj/misuse/" options="-1.5 -Xdev:NoAtAspectJProcessing">
<message kind="warning" line="9" text="Found @Pointcut on a method not returning void 'someCall()I'"/>
<message kind="warning" line="9" text="Found @Pointcut on a method not returning void"/>

@@ -39,7 +36,7 @@
<ajc-test dir="java5/ataspectj"
pr="" title="@Pointcut with garbage string">
<compile files="ataspectj/misuse/" options="-1.5 -Xdev:NoAtAspectJProcessing -Xlint:ignore">
<message kind="error" line="7" text="Cannot parse @Pointcut 'call%dddd"/>
<message kind="error" line="7" text="Invalid pointcut 'call%dddd"/>
<message kind="error" text="can't find referenced pointcut"/>
<message kind="error" text="can't find pointcut"/>
<message kind="error" text="@AfterThrowing: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both"/>
@@ -53,7 +50,7 @@
<ajc-test dir="java5/ataspectj"
pr="" title="@Pointcut with throws clause">
<compile files="ataspectj/misuse/" options="-1.5 -Xdev:NoAtAspectJProcessing">
<message kind="warning" line="7" text="Found @Pointcut on a method throwing exception 'someCall()V'"/>
<message kind="warning" line="7" text="Found @Pointcut on a method throwing exception"/>
