
big refactoring

aclement 16年前

+ 116
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asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/internal/CharOperation.java ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006 Contributors. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Helen Hawkins - initial version
package org.aspectj.asm.internal;

* Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
public class CharOperation {
* Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
public static final char[] subarray(char[] array, int start, int end) {
if (end == -1)
end = array.length;
if (start > end)
return null;
if (start < 0)
return null;
if (end > array.length)
return null;

char[] result = new char[end - start];
System.arraycopy(array, start, result, 0, end - start);
return result;
* Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
public static final int lastIndexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array) {
for (int i = array.length; --i >= 0;)
if (toBeFound == array[i])
return i;
return -1;
// /**
// * Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
// */
// public static final boolean contains(char character, char[] array) {
// for (int i = array.length; --i >= 0;)
// if (array[i] == character)
// return true;
// return false;
// }

* Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
public static final int indexOf(char toBeFound, char[] array) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
if (toBeFound == array[i])
return i;
return -1;
* Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
public static final char[] concat(char[] first, char[] second) {
if (first == null)
return second;
if (second == null)
return first;

int length1 = first.length;
int length2 = second.length;
char[] result = new char[length1 + length2];
System.arraycopy(first, 0, result, 0, length1);
System.arraycopy(second, 0, result, length1, length2);
return result;
* Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
public static final boolean equals(char[] first, char[] second) {
if (first == second)
return true;
if (first == null || second == null)
return false;
if (first.length != second.length)
return false;

for (int i = first.length; --i >= 0;)
if (first[i] != second[i])
return false;
return true;
* Taken from org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
public static final void replace(
char[] array,
char toBeReplaced,
char replacementChar) {
if (toBeReplaced != replacementChar) {
for (int i = 0, max = array.length; i < max; i++) {
if (array[i] == toBeReplaced)
array[i] = replacementChar;

+ 0
- 2
asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/internal/JDTLikeHandleProvider.java ファイルの表示

@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
import org.aspectj.asm.IElementHandleProvider;
import org.aspectj.asm.IProgramElement;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.util.CharOperation;
import org.aspectj.util.NameConvertor;

* Creates JDT-like handles, for example

+ 214
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asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/internal/NameConvertor.java ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006 Contributors. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Helen Hawkins - initial version
package org.aspectj.asm.internal;

public class NameConvertor {

private static final char BOOLEAN = 'Z';
private static final char BYTE = 'B';
private static final char CHAR = 'C';
private static final char DOUBLE = 'D';
private static final char FLOAT = 'F';
private static final char INT = 'I';
private static final char LONG = 'J';
private static final char SHORT = 'S';
private static final char ARRAY = '[';
private static final char RESOLVED = 'L';
private static final char UNRESOLVED = 'Q';
public static final char PARAMETERIZED = 'P';
private static final char[] BOOLEAN_NAME = new char[]{'b','o','o','l','e','a','n'};
private static final char[] BYTE_NAME = new char[]{'b','y','t','e'};
private static final char[] CHAR_NAME = new char[]{'c','h','a','r'};
private static final char[] DOUBLE_NAME = new char[]{'d','o','u','b','l','e'};
private static final char[] FLOAT_NAME = new char[]{'f','l','o','a','t'};
private static final char[] INT_NAME = new char[]{'i','n','t'};
private static final char[] LONG_NAME = new char[]{'l','o','n','g'};
private static final char[] SHORT_NAME = new char[]{'s','h','o','r','t'};

private static final char[] SQUARE_BRACKETS = new char[]{'[',']'};
private static final char[] GREATER_THAN = new char[]{'>'};
private static final char[] LESS_THAN = new char[]{'<'};
private static final char[] COMMA = new char[]{','};
private static final char[] BACKSLASH_LESSTHAN = new char[]{'\\','<'};
private static final char[] SEMICOLON = new char[]{';'};
* Creates a readable name from the given char array, for example,
* given 'I' returns 'int'. Moreover, given
* 'Ljava/lang/String;<Ljava/lang/String;>' returns
* 'java.lang.String<java.lang.String>'
public static char[] convertFromSignature(char[] c) {
int lt = CharOperation.indexOf('<',c);
int sc = CharOperation.indexOf(';',c);
int gt = CharOperation.indexOf('>',c);
int smallest = 0;
if (lt == -1 && sc == -1 && gt == -1) {
// we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String' or 'I'
return getFullyQualifiedTypeName(c);
} else if (lt != -1 && (sc == -1 || lt <= sc) && (gt == -1 || lt <= gt)) {
// we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String<I'
smallest = lt;
} else if (sc != -1 && (lt == -1 || sc <= lt) && (gt == -1 || sc <= gt)) {
// we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String;I'
smallest = sc;
} else {
// we have something like '>;'
smallest = gt;
char[] first = CharOperation.subarray(c,0,smallest);
char[] second = CharOperation.subarray(c,smallest+1,c.length);
if (smallest == 0 && first.length == 0 && c[0] == '>') {
// c = {'>',';'} therefore we just want to return '>' to
// close the generic signature
} else if (first.length == 1 && second.length == 0) {
return first;
} else if (second.length == 0 || (second.length == 1 && second[0] == ';')){
// we've reached the end of the array, therefore only care about
// the first part
return convertFromSignature(first);
} else if (smallest == lt) {
// if c = 'Ljava/lang/String;<I' then first = 'Ljava/Lang/String;' and
// second = 'I'. Want to end up with 'Ljava.lang.String<I' and so add
// the '<' back.
char[] inclLT = CharOperation.concat(convertFromSignature(first),LESS_THAN);
return CharOperation.concat(inclLT,convertFromSignature(second));
} else if (smallest == gt) {
char[] inclLT = CharOperation.concat(convertFromSignature(first),GREATER_THAN);
return CharOperation.concat(inclLT,convertFromSignature(second));
} else if (second.length != 2) {
// if c = 'Ljava/lang/Sting;LMyClass' then first = 'Ljava/lang/String'
// and second = 'LMyClass'. Want to end up with 'java.lang.String,MyClass
// so want to add a ','. However, only want to do this if we're in the
// middle of a '<...>'
char[] inclComma = CharOperation.concat(convertFromSignature(first),COMMA);
return CharOperation.concat(inclComma,convertFromSignature(second));
return CharOperation.concat(convertFromSignature(first),convertFromSignature(second));
* Given a char array, returns the type name for this. For example
* 'I' returns 'int', 'Ljava/lang/String' returns 'java.lang.String' and
* '[Ljava/lang/String' returns 'java.lang.String[]'
* NOTE: Doesn't go any deaper so given 'Ljava/lang/String;<Ljava/lang/String;>'
* it would return 'java.lang.String;<Ljava.lang.String;>', however, only called
* with something like 'Ljava/lang/String'
private static char[] getFullyQualifiedTypeName(char[] c) {
if (c.length == 0) {
return c;
if (c[0] == BOOLEAN) {
} else if (c[0] == BYTE) {
return BYTE_NAME;
} else if (c[0] == CHAR) {
return CHAR_NAME;
} else if (c[0] == DOUBLE) {
} else if (c[0] == FLOAT) {
return FLOAT_NAME;
} else if (c[0] == INT) {
return INT_NAME;
} else if (c[0] == LONG) {
return LONG_NAME;
} else if (c[0] == SHORT) {
return SHORT_NAME;
} else if (c[0] == ARRAY) {
return CharOperation.concat(
} else {
char[] type = CharOperation.subarray(c,1,c.length);
return type;
* Given 'Ppkg/MyGenericClass<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;>;'
* will return 'QMyGenericClass<QString;QInteger;>;'
public static char[] createShortName(char[] c) {
int lt = CharOperation.indexOf('<',c);
int sc = CharOperation.indexOf(';',c);
int gt = CharOperation.indexOf('>',c);
int smallest = 0;
if (lt == -1 && sc == -1 && gt == -1) {
// we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String' or 'I'
return getTypeName(c);
} else if (lt != -1 && (sc == -1 || lt <= sc) && (gt == -1 || lt <= gt)) {
// we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String<I'
smallest = lt;
} else if (sc != -1 && (lt == -1 || sc <= lt) && (gt == -1 || sc <= gt)) {
// we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String;I'
smallest = sc;
} else {
// we have something like '>;'
smallest = gt;
char[] first = CharOperation.subarray(c,0,smallest);
char[] second = CharOperation.subarray(c,smallest+1,c.length);
if (smallest == 0 && first.length == 0 && c[0] == '>') {
// c = {'>',';'} therefore we just want to return c to
// close the generic signature
return c;
} else if (first.length == 1 && second.length == 0) {
return first;
} else if (second.length == 0 || (second.length == 1 && second[0] == ';')){
// we've reached the end of the array, therefore only care about
// the first part
return createShortName(first);
} else if (smallest == lt) {
// if c = 'Ljava/lang/String;<I' then first = 'Ljava/Lang/String;' and
// second = 'I'. Want to end up with 'LString<I' and so add
// the '<' back.
char[] inclLT = CharOperation.concat(createShortName(first),BACKSLASH_LESSTHAN);
return CharOperation.concat(inclLT,createShortName(second));
} else if (smallest == gt) {
char[] inclLT = CharOperation.concat(createShortName(first),GREATER_THAN);
return CharOperation.concat(inclLT,createShortName(second));
} else {
// if c = 'Ljava/lang/Sting;LMyClass;' then first = 'Ljava/lang/String'
// and second = 'LMyClass;'. Want to end up with 'QString;QMyClass;
// so add the ';' back
char[] firstTypeParam = CharOperation.concat(createShortName(first),SEMICOLON);
return CharOperation.concat(firstTypeParam,createShortName(second));

* Given 'Qjava/lang/String;' returns 'QString;'
public static char[] getTypeName(char[] name) {
int i = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('/',name);
if (i != -1) {
if (name[0] == RESOLVED || name[0] == PARAMETERIZED) {
return CharOperation.concat(new char[]{UNRESOLVED},
} else {
return CharOperation.concat(new char[]{name[0]},
return name;

+ 0
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asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/internal/ProgramElement.java ファイルの表示

@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ import org.aspectj.asm.HierarchyWalker;
import org.aspectj.asm.IProgramElement;
import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.util.CharOperation;
import org.aspectj.util.NameConvertor;


+ 3
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asm/testsrc/org/aspectj/asm/AsmModuleTests.java ファイルの表示

@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ package org.aspectj.asm;

// default package

import org.aspectj.asm.NameConvertorTest;

import junit.framework.*;

public class AsmModuleTests extends TestCase {
@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ public class AsmModuleTests extends TestCase {
public static TestSuite suite() {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(AsmModuleTests.class.getName());
return suite;

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asm/testsrc/org/aspectj/asm/NameConvertorTest.java ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006 Contributors. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Helen Hawkins - initial version
package org.aspectj.asm;

import org.aspectj.asm.internal.CharOperation;
import org.aspectj.asm.internal.NameConvertor;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class NameConvertorTest extends TestCase {

public void testBoolean() {
public void testByte() {
public void testChar() {
public void testDouble() {
public void testFloat() {
public void testInt() {
public void testLong() {
public void testShort() {
public void testString() {

public void testType() {

public void testListPameterizedWithString() {
public void testClassParameterizedWithStringAndType() {
public void testStringArray() {
public void testTwoDimensionalStringArray() {
public void testIntArray() {

private void checkConversion(String signature, String expected) {
char[] c = NameConvertor.convertFromSignature(signature.toCharArray());
assertTrue("converting " + signature + ", expected " + expected + "," +
"but found " + String.valueOf(c),

