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YES! Bridge method code all in !! hurrah!! See pr108101

aclement 18 лет назад

+ 35
- 14
tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/GenericsTests.java Просмотреть файл

@@ -458,12 +458,12 @@ public class GenericsTests extends XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
"java.lang.Object Sub3.m() [BridgeMethod]"});
// Now the subclass ITD is done with binary weaving - the weaver should create the necessary bridge method
// public void testGenericITDsBridgeMethods3binary() {
// runTest("bridge methods - 3 - binary");
// checkMethodsExist("Sub3",new String[]{
// "java.lang.Integer Sub3.m()",
// "java.lang.Object Sub3.m() [BridgeMethod]"});
// }
public void testGenericITDsBridgeMethods3binary() {
runTest("bridge methods - 3 - binary");
checkMethodsExist("Sub3",new String[]{
"java.lang.Integer Sub3.m()",
"java.lang.Object Sub3.m() [BridgeMethod]"});
// Now the two types are disconnected until the aspect supplies a declare parents relationship -
// the bridge method should still be created in the subtype
public void testGenericITDSBridgeMethods4() {
@@ -473,14 +473,35 @@ public class GenericsTests extends XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
"java.lang.Object Sub4.m() [BridgeMethod]"});
// now the aspect doing the decp between the types is applied via binary weaving - weaver should create the bridge method
// public void testGenericITDSBridgeMethods4binary() {
// runTest("bridge methods - 4 - binary");
// checkMethodsExist("Sub4",new String[]{
// "java.lang.Integer Sub4.m()",
// "java.lang.Object Sub4.m() [BridgeMethod]"});
// }
public void testGenericITDSBridgeMethods4binary() {
runTest("bridge methods - 4 - binary");
checkMethodsExist("Sub4",new String[]{
"java.lang.Integer Sub4.m()",
"java.lang.Object Sub4.m() [BridgeMethod]"});
public void testBinaryBridgeMethodsOne() {
runTest("binary bridge methods - one");
checkMethodsExist("OneB",new String[]{
"java.lang.Number OneB.firstMethod() [BridgeMethod]",
"java.lang.Integer OneB.firstMethod()",
"void OneB.secondMethod(java.lang.Number) [BridgeMethod]",
"void OneB.secondMethod(java.lang.Integer)",
"void OneB.thirdMethod(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number) [BridgeMethod]",
"void OneB.thirdMethod(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer)",
"void OneB.fourthMethod(java.util.List)",
"java.lang.Number OneB.fifthMethod(java.lang.Number,java.util.List) [BridgeMethod]",
"java.lang.Integer OneB.fifthMethod(java.lang.Integer,java.util.List)"
public void testBinaryBridgeMethodsTwo() {
runTest("binary bridge methods - two");
checkMethodsExist("TwoB",new String[]{
"java.lang.Number TwoB.firstMethod(java.io.Serializable) [BridgeMethod]",
"java.lang.Integer TwoB.firstMethod(java.lang.String)"
// FIXME asc need a testcase for when a decp wires two classes together and causes the subtype to need bridge methods
public void testGenericITDsBridgeMethodsPR91381() {runTest("abstract intertype methods and covariant returns");}
public void testGenericITDsBridgeMethodsPR91381_2() {runTest("abstract intertype methods and covariant returns - error");}
@@ -836,7 +857,7 @@ public class GenericsTests extends XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
(isBridge(ms[i])?" [BridgeMethod]":"");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

+ 135
- 71
weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelClassWeaver.java Просмотреть файл

@@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {

private List[] perKindShadowMungers;
private boolean canMatchBodyShadows = false;
private boolean canMatchInitialization = false;
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
protected LazyMethodGen makeBridgeMethod(LazyClassGen gen, ResolvedMember member) {
protected static LazyMethodGen makeBridgeMethod(LazyClassGen gen, ResolvedMember member) {

// remove abstract modifier
int mods = member.getModifiers();
@@ -343,11 +344,10 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
// FIXME asc doesnt cope with parameter variations (see commented out code below)
* Create a single bridge method called 'theBridgeMethod' that bridges to 'whatToBridgeTo'
private void createBridgeMethod(BcelWorld world, ResolvedMember whatToBridgeTo, LazyClassGen clazz,ResolvedMember theBridgeMethod) {
private static void createBridgeMethod(BcelWorld world, ResolvedMember whatToBridgeTo, LazyClassGen clazz,ResolvedMember theBridgeMethod) {
InstructionList body;
InstructionFactory fact;
int pos = 0;
@@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
UnresolvedType[] newParams = whatToBridgeTo.getParameterTypes();
Type returnType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(theBridgeMethod.getReturnType());
Type[] paramTypes = BcelWorld.makeBcelTypes(theBridgeMethod.getParameterTypes());
Type[] newParamTypes=BcelWorld.makeBcelTypes(newParams);
body = bridgeMethod.getBody();
fact = clazz.getFactory();

@@ -367,10 +368,10 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
for (int i = 0, len = paramTypes.length; i < len; i++) {
Type paramType = paramTypes[i];
body.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(paramType, pos));
// if (!bridgingSetter.getParameterTypes()[i].getErasureSignature().equals(unMangledInterMethod.getParameterTypes()[i].getErasureSignature())) {
// System.err.println("Putting in cast from "+paramType+" to "+bridgingToParms[i]);
// body.append(fact.createCast(paramType,bridgingToParms[i]));
// }
if (!newParamTypes[i].equals(paramTypes[i])) {
if (debug) System.err.println("Cast "+newParamTypes[i]+" from "+paramTypes[i]);

@@ -413,8 +414,6 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {

// Assumption: at this point we've done all necessary type munging

// Weave special half type/half shadow mungers...
@@ -505,13 +504,60 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
// FIXME asc no doubt incomplete...
// **************************** start of bridge method creation code *****************
// debug flag for bridge method creation
private static boolean debug=false;
// FIXME asc tidy this lot up !!
// FIXME asc refactor into ResolvedType or even ResolvedMember?
* Check if a particular method is overriding another - refactored into this helper so it
* can be used from multiple places.
private static ResolvedMember isOverriding(ResolvedType typeToCheck,ResolvedMember methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden,String mname,String mrettype,int mmods,boolean inSamePackage,UnresolvedType[] methodParamsArray) {
// Check if we can be an override...
if (methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.isStatic()) return null; // we can't be overriding a static method
if (methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.isPrivate()) return null; // we can't be overriding a private method
if (!methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getName().equals(mname)) return null; // names dont match (this will also skip <init> and <clinit> too)
if (methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes().length!=methodParamsArray.length) return null; // check same number of parameters
if (!isVisibilityOverride(mmods,methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden,inSamePackage)) return null;
if (debug) System.err.println(" Seriously considering this might be getting overridden "+methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden);
// Look at erasures of parameters (List<String> erased is List)
boolean sameParams = true;
for (int p = 0;p<methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes().length;p++) {
if (!methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getParameterTypes()[p].getErasureSignature().equals(methodParamsArray[p].getErasureSignature())) sameParams = false;
// If the 'typeToCheck' represents a parameterized type then the method will be the parameterized form of the
// generic method in the generic type. So if the method was 'void m(List<T> lt, T t)' and the parameterized type here
// is I<String> then the method we are looking at will be 'void m(List<String> lt, String t)' which when erased
// is 'void m(List lt,String t)' - so if the parameters *do* match then there is a generic method we are
// overriding
if (sameParams) {
// check for covariance
if (typeToCheck.isParameterizedType()) {
return methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getBackingGenericMember();
} else if (!methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden.getReturnType().getErasureSignature().equals(mrettype)) {
return methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden; // covariance
return null;
* Looks at the visibility modifiers between two methods, and knows whether they are from classes in
* the same package, and decides whether one overrides the other.
* @return true if there is an overrides rather than a 'hides' relationship
boolean isVisibilityOverride(int methodMods, ResolvedMember inheritedMethod,boolean inSamePackage) {
static boolean isVisibilityOverride(int methodMods, ResolvedMember inheritedMethod,boolean inSamePackage) {
if (inheritedMethod.isStatic()) return false;
if (methodMods == inheritedMethod.getModifiers()) return true;

@@ -529,93 +575,101 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
* @return the method being overridden or null if none is found
public ResolvedMember checkForOverride(ResolvedType type,String methodname,String methodparams,String methodreturntype,int methodmodifiers,String methodpackage) {
// check this type, then check its supertypes
if (type==null) return null;
if (type instanceof MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) return null; // we just can't tell !
public static ResolvedMember checkForOverride(ResolvedType typeToCheck,String mname,String mparams,String mrettype,int mmods,String mpkg,UnresolvedType[] methodParamsArray) {

String packageName = type.getPackageName();
if (typeToCheck==null) return null;
if (typeToCheck instanceof MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) return null; // we just can't tell !
if (debug) System.err.println(" Checking for override of "+mname+" in "+typeToCheck);
String packageName = typeToCheck.getPackageName();
if (packageName==null) packageName="";
boolean inSamePackage = packageName.equals(methodpackage); // used when looking at visibility rules
boolean inSamePackage = packageName.equals(mpkg); // used when looking at visibility rules
for (Iterator iter = type.getMethods();iter.hasNext();) {
ResolvedMember aMethod = (ResolvedMember) iter.next();
if (aMethod.isStatic()) continue;
if (!aMethod.isPrivate() && aMethod.getName().equals(methodname) && aMethod.getParameterSignature().equals(methodparams)) {
// visibility checks
if (isVisibilityOverride(methodmodifiers,aMethod,inSamePackage)) {
// check the return types, if they are different we need a bridging method.
if (!aMethod.getReturnType().getErasureSignature().equals(methodreturntype) && !Modifier.isPrivate(aMethod.getModifiers())) {
return aMethod;
ResolvedMember [] methods = typeToCheck.getDeclaredMethods();
for (int ii=0;ii<methods.length;ii++) {
ResolvedMember methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden = methods[ii]; // the method we are going to check
ResolvedMember isOverriding = isOverriding(typeToCheck,methodThatMightBeGettingOverridden,mname,mrettype,mmods,inSamePackage,methodParamsArray);
if (isOverriding!=null) return isOverriding;
List l = typeToCheck.getInterTypeMungers();
for (Iterator iterator = l.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BcelTypeMunger element = (BcelTypeMunger) iterator.next();
if (element.getMunger() instanceof NewMethodTypeMunger) {
if (debug) System.err.println("Possible ITD candidate "+element);
ResolvedMember aMethod = element.getSignature();
ResolvedMember isOverriding = isOverriding(typeToCheck,aMethod,mname,mrettype,mmods,inSamePackage,methodParamsArray);
if (isOverriding!=null) return isOverriding;
if (type.equals(UnresolvedType.OBJECT)) return null;
ResolvedType superclass = type.getSuperclass();
ResolvedMember overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(superclass,methodname,methodparams,methodreturntype,methodmodifiers,methodpackage);
if (typeToCheck.equals(UnresolvedType.OBJECT)) return null;
ResolvedType superclass = typeToCheck.getSuperclass();
ResolvedMember overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(superclass,mname,mparams,mrettype,mmods,mpkg,methodParamsArray);
if (overriddenMethod!=null) return overriddenMethod;
ResolvedType[] interfaces = type.getDeclaredInterfaces();
ResolvedType[] interfaces = typeToCheck.getDeclaredInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
ResolvedType anInterface = interfaces[i];
overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(anInterface,methodname,methodparams,methodreturntype,methodmodifiers,methodpackage);
overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(anInterface,mname,mparams,mrettype,mmods,mpkg,methodParamsArray);
if (overriddenMethod!=null) return overriddenMethod;
return null;

* We need to determine if any methods in this type require bridge methods.
* We need to determine if any methods in this type require bridge methods - this method should only
* be called if necessary to do this calculation, i.e. we are on a 1.5 VM (where covariance/generics exist) and
* the type hierarchy for the specified class has changed (via decp/itd).
* (Important that this method is fast as possible since it can be looking at all methods in all types)
* currently 01-nov-05 it is *not* as fast as possible!!
* Optimizations possible:
* tag types touched with decp or itds then before doing any heavy work here scan up the types hierarchy to see if
* any of its supertypes are tagged.
* check if 1.5 flag on (currently not doing this to get some testing of it through the basic test suite)
* See pr108101
private void calculateAnyRequiredBridgeMethods() {
if (!world.isInJava5Mode()) return; // no need to...
boolean debug=false;
public static boolean calculateAnyRequiredBridgeMethods(BcelWorld world,LazyClassGen clazz) {
if (!world.isInJava5Mode()) return false; // just double check... the caller should have already verified this
boolean didSomething=false; // set if we build any bridge methods
List /*LazyMethodGen*/ localMethods = clazz.getMethodGens();
// So what methods do we have right now in this class?
List /*LazyMethodGen*/ methods = clazz.getMethodGens();

// Keep a set of all methods from this type - it'll help us to check if bridge methods
// have already been created
Set localMethodsSet = new HashSet(); // All the methods from this type
for (int i = 0; i < localMethods.size(); i++) {
LazyMethodGen aMethod = (LazyMethodGen)localMethods.get(i);
// have already been created, we don't want to do it twice!
Set methodsSet = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) {
LazyMethodGen aMethod = (LazyMethodGen)methods.get(i);
methodsSet.add(aMethod.getName()+aMethod.getSignature()); // e.g. "foo(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
// Now go through all the methods in this type
for (int i = 0; i < localMethods.size(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) {
// This is the local method that we *might* have to bridge to
LazyMethodGen localMethod = (LazyMethodGen)localMethods.get(i);
String localMethodName = localMethod.getName();
String localParameterSig = localMethod.getParameterSignature();
String localReturnTypeSig = localMethod.getReturnType().getSignature();
LazyMethodGen bridgeToCandidate = (LazyMethodGen)methods.get(i);
if (bridgeToCandidate.isBridgeMethod()) continue; // Doh!
String name = bridgeToCandidate.getName();
String psig = bridgeToCandidate.getParameterSignature();
String rsig = bridgeToCandidate.getReturnType().getSignature();
if (localMethod.isStatic()) continue; // ignore static methods
if (localMethodName.endsWith("init>")) continue; // Skip constructors and static initializers
if (bridgeToCandidate.isStatic()) continue; // ignore static methods
if (name.endsWith("init>")) continue; // Skip constructors and static initializers

if (debug) System.err.println("Do we need to bridge to "+localMethodName+""+localMethod.getSignature());
if (debug) System.err.println("Checking supertype "+clazz.getSuperClassname());
if (debug) System.err.println("Determining if we have to bridge to "+clazz.getName()+"."+name+""+bridgeToCandidate.getSignature());
// Check superclass
ResolvedType theSuperclass= world.resolve(clazz.getSuperClassname());
ResolvedMember overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(theSuperclass,localMethodName,localParameterSig,localReturnTypeSig,localMethod.getAccessFlags(),clazz.getPackageName());
// Let's take a look at the superclass
ResolvedType theSuperclass= clazz.getSuperClass();
if (debug) System.err.println("Checking supertype "+theSuperclass);
String pkgName = clazz.getPackageName();
UnresolvedType[] bm = BcelWorld.fromBcel(bridgeToCandidate.getArgumentTypes());
ResolvedMember overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(theSuperclass,name,psig,rsig,bridgeToCandidate.getAccessFlags(),pkgName,bm);
if (overriddenMethod!=null) {
boolean alreadyHaveABridgeMethod = localMethodsSet.contains(overriddenMethod.getName()+overriddenMethod.getSignature());
boolean alreadyHaveABridgeMethod = methodsSet.contains(overriddenMethod.getName()+overriddenMethod.getSignature());
if (!alreadyHaveABridgeMethod) {
createBridgeMethod(world, localMethod.getMemberView(), clazz, overriddenMethod);
if (debug) System.err.println("Bridging to "+overriddenMethod);
createBridgeMethod(world, bridgeToCandidate.getMemberView(), clazz, overriddenMethod);
didSomething = true;
continue; // look at the next method

@@ -624,19 +678,24 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
for (int j = 0; j < interfaces.length; j++) {
if (debug) System.err.println("Checking superinterface "+interfaces[j]);
ResolvedType interfaceType = world.resolve(interfaces[j]);
overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(interfaceType,localMethodName,localParameterSig,localReturnTypeSig,localMethod.getAccessFlags(),clazz.getPackageName());
overriddenMethod = checkForOverride(interfaceType,name,psig,rsig,bridgeToCandidate.getAccessFlags(),clazz.getPackageName(),bm);
if (overriddenMethod!=null) {
boolean alreadyHaveABridgeMethod = localMethodsSet.contains(overriddenMethod.getName()+overriddenMethod.getSignature());
boolean alreadyHaveABridgeMethod = methodsSet.contains(overriddenMethod.getName()+overriddenMethod.getSignature());
if (!alreadyHaveABridgeMethod) {
createBridgeMethod(world, localMethod.getMemberView(), clazz, overriddenMethod);
createBridgeMethod(world, bridgeToCandidate.getMemberView(), clazz, overriddenMethod);
if (debug) System.err.println("Bridging to "+overriddenMethod);
continue; // look at the next method

return didSomething;
// **************************** end of bridge method creation code *****************

* Weave any declare @method/@ctor statements into the members of the supplied class
@@ -2098,5 +2157,10 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
public static boolean getReweavableMode() {
return inReweavableMode;
public String toString() {
return "BcelClassWeaver instance for : "+clazz;


+ 23
- 8
weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelWeaver.java Просмотреть файл

@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ public class BcelWeaver implements IWeaver {
// check the annotation is suitable for the target
boolean problemReported = verifyTargetIsOK(decA, onType, annoX,reportProblems);
if (!problemReported) {
// TAG: WeavingMessage
@@ -1488,26 +1488,41 @@ public class BcelWeaver implements IWeaver {
return ret;

private LazyClassGen weave(UnwovenClassFile classFile, BcelObjectType classType, boolean dump) throws IOException {
if (classType.isSynthetic()) {
if (classType.isSynthetic()) { // Don't touch synthetic classes
if (dump) dumpUnchanged(classFile);
return null;
// JavaClass javaClass = classType.getJavaClass();
List shadowMungers = fastMatch(shadowMungerList, classType.getResolvedTypeX());
List typeMungers = classType.getResolvedTypeX().getInterTypeMungers();
List typeMungers = classType.getResolvedTypeX().getInterTypeMungers();

// Decide if we need to do actual weaving for this class
boolean mightNeedToWeave =
shadowMungers.size() > 0 ||
typeMungers.size() > 0 ||
classType.isAspect() ||
world.getDeclareAnnotationOnMethods().size()>0 ||

// May need bridge methods if on 1.5 and something in our hierarchy is affected by ITDs
boolean mightNeedBridgeMethods = world.isInJava5Mode() && classType.getResolvedTypeX().getInterTypeMungersIncludingSupers().size()>0;

LazyClassGen clazz = null;
if (shadowMungers.size() > 0 || typeMungers.size() > 0 || classType.isAspect() ||
world.getDeclareAnnotationOnMethods().size()>0 || world.getDeclareAnnotationOnFields().size()>0 ) {
if (mightNeedToWeave || mightNeedBridgeMethods) {
clazz = classType.getLazyClassGen();
//System.err.println("got lazy gen: " + clazz + ", " + clazz.getWeaverState());
try {
boolean isChanged = BcelClassWeaver.weave(world, clazz, shadowMungers, typeMungers, lateTypeMungerList);
boolean isChanged = false;
if (mightNeedToWeave)
isChanged = BcelClassWeaver.weave(world, clazz, shadowMungers, typeMungers, lateTypeMungerList);

if (mightNeedBridgeMethods)
isChanged = BcelClassWeaver.calculateAnyRequiredBridgeMethods(world,clazz) || isChanged;
if (isChanged) {
if (dump) dump(classFile, clazz);
return clazz;
