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Building releases under 1.5 now. Scripts should define java15.home and should invoke the target build-13-check before doing the release build.

wisberg 19 years ago
1 changed files with 59 additions and 12 deletions
  1. 59

+ 59
- 12
build/release/build.xml View File

@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
test-build-examples # install/docs/examples
test-ajc-aspectj # ajc compiles aspectj
Normally this builds with Java 1.3 and tests with both
Java 1.3 and 1.4, so define both as properties. You
Normally this builds with Java 1.5 and tests with both
Java 1.3 and 1.4, so define all properties. You
can select any target (not prefixed "do-" or "init-").
The leaf targets will run with Java version set in
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
java11.home JAVA_HOME for latest JDK 1.1
java13.home JAVA_HOME for latest J2SE 1.3
java14.home JAVA_HOME for latest J2SE 1.4
java15.home JAVA_HOME for latest J2SE 1.5
-- flags to control
run.13.only only use Java 1.3
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
- define variable for standard properties
sp="-Djava13.home=d:/j13 -Djava14.home=d:/j14"
sp="-Djava13.home=d:/j13 -Djava14.home=d:/j14 -Djava15.home=d:/j15"
sp="$${sp} -Daspectj.modules.dir=../.."

- clean first
@@ -160,7 +161,10 @@
<property name="java14.command"
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
<property name="java15.command"

<mkdir dir="${}"/>
<path id="lib.classpath">
<pathelement location="${aspectj.lib.dir}/eclipse2.0/jdtDepends.jar" />
@@ -245,11 +249,25 @@

<target name="build" unless=""
description="build an AspectJ release and tests">
<antcall target="build-release"/>
<antcall target="build-tests"/>
<antcall target="build-release">
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="15"/>
<antcall target="build-tests">
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="15"/>

<target name="build-13-check" unless=""
description="build an AspectJ release and tests using 1.3">
<antcall target="build-release">
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="13"/>
<antcall target="build-tests">
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="13"/>

<target name="test" unless="skip.test"
<target name="test" unless="skip.test"
description="test AspectJ source and distribution">
<antcall target="test-sources"/>
<antcall target="test-install"/>
@@ -283,22 +301,25 @@

<target name="build-release" depends="init-variables,create-tree"
description="build an AspectJ release under Java 1.3"
description="build an AspectJ release under Java ${do.ant.vm} (param)"
<!-- release build destroys test build, but not vice-versa -->
<antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
<param name="" value="clean"/>
<param name="do.ant.props" value=""/>
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="${do.ant.vm}"/>
<antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
<param name="" value="aspectj"/>
<param name="do.ant.props" value=""/>
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="${do.ant.vm}"/>
<antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
<param name="" value="eclipse.plugins"/>
<param name="do.ant.props" value=""/>
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="${do.ant.vm}"/>

@@ -309,10 +330,12 @@
<antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
<param name="" value="clean-jars"/>
<param name="do.ant.props" value=""/>
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="${do.ant.vm}"/>
<antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
<param name="" value="build-testing-jars"/>
<param name="do.ant.props" value="-Dtrim.testing.default=false"/>
<param name="do.ant.vm" value="${do.ant.vm}"/>
@@ -324,6 +347,11 @@
<antcall target="do-14-target">
<param name="" value="do-test-install-sequence"/>
<!-- TODO: also under 1.5
<antcall target="do-14-target">
<param name="" value="do-test-install-sequence"/>
<antcall target="test-doc-links"/>
<echo message="TODO: Run test-examples-11 manually - AWT not exiting?"/>
<!-- antcall target="test-examples-11"/ -->
@@ -407,6 +435,11 @@
<antcall target="do-14-target">
<param name="" value="do-test-sources-sequence"/>
<!-- TODO also under 1.5
<antcall target="do-15-target">
<param name="" value="do-test-sources-sequence"/>

<target name="do-test-sources-sequence">
@@ -610,10 +643,11 @@

<target name="do-aspectj-build" depends="init-variables"
description="build targets in ../build.xml using Java 1.3">
description="build targets in ../build.xml using Java ${do.ant.vm}">
<fail unless="" message="caller sets"/>
<fail unless="do.ant.props" message="caller sets do.ant.props"/>
<antcall target="do-java13-setup"/>
<fail unless="do.ant.vm" message="caller sets do.ant.vm"/>
<antcall target="do-java${do.ant.vm}-setup"/>
<antcall target="do-run-ant">
<param name="ant.dir" location="${}"/>
<param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
@@ -697,13 +731,26 @@
<antcall target="${}"/>
<target name="do-java14-setup">
<target name="do-15-target" unless="run.14.only">
<antcall target="do-java15-setup"/>
<antcall target="${}"/>

<target name="do-java15-setup">
<antcall target="do-write-javahome-file">
<param name="" value="15"/>
<param name="" value="${java15.home}"/>

<target name="do-java14-setup">
<antcall target="do-write-javahome-file">
<param name="" value="14"/>
<param name="" value="${java14.home}"/>
<!-- legal do.ant.vm values are 13, 14, 15 per these target names -->
<target name="do-java13-setup">
<antcall target="do-write-javahome-file">
<param name="" value="13"/>
